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Furnishing Goods. I . -■-■•,-' i I A COOD^^^ I Gives Rest and Comfort to the whole body, i I • but— • I I A ■ 1 I Gives Rest and Comfort to the whole body, j i but— ; 1 waW® IK Iff ' I 1 Is an Abomination to the Flesh. 1 I | I -Some time since we purchased the patent rights 1 1 for the North Island of New Zealand of the I Finest Weaving Machine -known, if 1 : i f So great has been the success, 1 | that orders for our special I I Wire Webs I i ■ I | Came' from all parts of the Dominion and we E | were unable to keep pace with the demand. 1 We therefore decided | i to Import and Erect 1 I: to Import and A Second Machine i A Second Machine - r ' 1 1 Which would then enable us to turn out | ■ ' 1 | The two machines are now in full work, and 1 I we can Book Orders at the following rates:— 1 ! I PIONEER Quality— SINGLE BED, 11/3; DOUBLE BED, 13/-. 9 Double wires. A strong and serviceable mattress. * ft - 1 | I CHAMPION Quality— BED, 15/6; DOUBLE BED, 19/6: 1 Four wires and two wires alternately. Mounted on moulded 1 frame, with cable edge. > A magnificent mattress—the same as 5 supplied to the New Zealand Government. I COAT OF MAIL ' Quality— SlNGLE BED, 21/-; DOUBLE BED, | 25/6. Four wires throughout, with cable edge. Mounted on s! superior raised ends and moulded frames. Absolutely the •'■ strongest mattress made. 7 l V ' ■ ': I Lower priced mattresses can be obtained, but when they are com- 1 pared with this special kind of weaving, the Verdict of the Trade, as | well as the public, is that ' 1 i JFov QUALITY / 1 Out* SPECIAL WEBS • -I ' Ave UNAPPROACHABLE. | is- INSPECT FOR YOURSELF OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE. I 1 • V - ' ''/ ' 1 1 fa

Leather Goods. Ales. J. WISEMAN & SONS, Ltd l^^g^^wT^^^agg] \>OUTDOOR GAMES Manufacturers and Importers : VH!?!fi^^»^|j^F|\ INDOOR GAMES °* lW ToiSf BE ■■ 1 flockeyX.Boxing^fe|_ r SADDLERY, everywhert^l^ i inihi harness, • — -»J I U uau JSSSm* M UUI So M cc SOLE AGENTS AND BOTTLERS FOR THE AUCKLAND DISTRICT ?RuJKs,Etc. HIPKINS & COUTTS, Wine and Spirit Merchants, 175 QUEEH" ST., . .A.XTGX£X«'.A.XSr:D. : .■ ■ custom street east. I

t■' • . ; , i——— imiiii«Min» mi mi mi in m mini ii iiii n — ——■ —-——————■- ■ ---..—■ ■~-...„..i...u......,r — ^,,„.i,.,.,.,,,...,.,„.1 1 in- r |rt[l- l rl, | M iMiayiiiiiiMMiiißifWwnreaiffi»g«Bi«^ Medical. T3fo.© Famous ]R<e]oaL©clsr for Couerhs, Bronchitis, Pneumonia^ GP 7r " "" " " ~" JH, BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA PNEUMONIA and PLEURISY BRONCHITIS and PLEURISY. mmrnpr Cured toy Rimr cured by & ©cvere Case Cured by Two Bottlee of mmrnp's RRnNruinii minr y a Severe Case Cured by Two Bottlee of HEARNE s BRONCHITiS, CURE HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE *Jearne's Bronchitis Cure After other Treatment naa Failed. After other Treatment had Failed. After Other Treatment had Failed. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.— From a strict sense —■ Mr. Hearnc, Chemist, Geelong. of duty I feel that I should publish the following state- x Prudence M'Kee of Carr-street South Geclon" in Dear sir - —Some months ago, in Sydney, I suffered ment. so that others may know what to do when the vicw of the mportanc ' c of a person making it quite dear from a severe attack of influenza, and was confined to awful fact is evident that a life is in danger of being what treatment was successful in curing a serious and my room for about a week, at the end of which time. .--In September. 1906, my little girl, aged at that complicated case when the medicine, directions and treat- feeling somewhat better, I got up and tried to transact n?tnh« y «« Z??n£ a . M " sles v?" d '" thc following raent of a , „ qualified doctor had failed state a3 my business as usual. But I got up too soon, for the October was attacked by Bronchitis, Pneumonia and follows-— •'-• very next day I had a relapse, and suffered tortures from • £«nt St S»lsfi^ 'l 5 . LunS t S- i- Sh ! SS a l? ? y f My son, Henry M'Kee, then aged 8 years, had beer. what the doctor told me was pleurisy and bronchitis, legally qualified doctor of high standing, but his treat- attrnded by a i/ ga „ y qu ii ified d £ ctor , who pronounced The pain from the former in my chest and shoulders ffin«J W O?S£3K5 U . 1 h 'SiZPnVfr Pr ,°o g nr SS , ° f him »° be suffering 7 from Pneumonia, Pleurisy and was frightful, and for four long weeks I was confined to K„ iff? 11l in y rt,™ r A- °^ ob «- ,906 - he ,?«, d stoppage of the pasting of Urine. Under the doctor's wy bed under the care of a well-known Sydney doctor. ?" h ( " I'!* W l\itK~ th l th n -:, Wa V h ry , i! ttla treatment the child gradually got worse, and the doctor "d all the time his medicine gave me but temporary nitrated bv Court Pain2,dl Fevef *.nd w« S Pronounced the case hopeless. He told me that th« ™Hef. , The landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland), where I «£♦,« ,7„°„ S A* S,;c «'» " i aS Iym? child could not live. At this stage I obtained from * resided, told me of a medicine— Hearne's Bronchitis waded by a%riend to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis cSre" Mr " W ,' °" Hearne - Chemist, of G « Ion S- a bottle ol Cure-from Victoria, which hr.d cured her of a bad atwth It, fl,«ili a ?w rnVnirinf (J? fh pi ««rf rwlf' «™« s Bronchitis Cure, and gave it to the child, ac tack of bronchitis and pains in the chest, and begged Son of the &s as directed in the Catel«SS? 8 5 cortHn S to the directions which accompany each bottle of me to try it. I did so. and, in thanks and gratitude Medicine which accomoa-iies each bottle of the Iron of Jt The child improved after the second dose of » you, tell you that, after the second bottle, my cough rh?3« rl 1 «~rt!J^3sr?«r« ?«,!*£ Hearne's Bronchitis Cure.> He continued to improve had ceased;_ but what is more astonishing, the pains from was an improvement from the first dose of HearneV each dav from each dose of Hearne's Medicine alone P and pleurisy entirely left me. and in about a week I was able each Hose of the medicine In a «j»»!-- she ,«,->c nVrfertlu monia and the Pleurisy, and the Urine was passing satis* „._ „ J- BRAHAM. fre*from' Cordon " Cough? Vin'SS SSStoSf ° Ut A b ? d at e en ? ot 'h a ,^ ek Me,l>oUrnc unch " ° ffi «> Melbourne. Fever, and was well, except that she was still weak. In coin P l «eiv recovered, and he is now m perfect health. , _ a fortnight she was quite recovered, and is now in ' .-=,,«♦ . c ir? T ru r lono -««...-- « splendid health, and stronger than ever. Any person. warr-strect, South Geelong, Feb. 6, 1903. ASTHMA— A 17 YEARS CASE. asking for information about this grand medicine car- - 1 " '« • ; be supplied by me, or by any of my neighbours who have previous Treatment "railed, witnessed its wonderful effects. It absolutely snatched CONSUMPTION. — my child from an early grave.Yours gratefully. Cured fay Three Bottles, ■ D. GARDINER. Voo 111 *o i«ive mis Bed. P«Jice Station, Oeelong East, Feb. 5, 1908. wa Mr. Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park. Charleville, -. < Complcfo " r «- Queensland, wrote:—"After suffering from asthma for — seventeen years, and having been under a great many eSRONCHITIS. Mr. W. G. Hearne. different treatments without benefit, I was induced to try / Dear Sir,— l am writing to tell you about the wonder- Hearne's Medicine for Asthma. After taking three A Sufferer 73 Years of Age. fill cure your medicine has effected in my case. About bottles of this medicine I quite got rid of the asthma, three years ago' I began to cough. At first the court a » d since then, which was the beginning of 1883—fifteen Thoroughly Cured by Two Bottles of was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became y?. ars 3 SO—l have not had the slightest return of it. Icarne's Bronchitis Cure. very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain in my 7" e medicine quite cured me. and I have much pleasure ■_- ... *. m. .. ~ m -best, and great quantities of phlegm. On several oc- in recommending it." Immediate Relief-Effect wonuerful, casions there was blood in the expectorated matter. I FeDruary, 1903, he states:—"l am keeping; ~ „ _. _ ■ • . had been treated by a doctor who pronounced my case to ver well. Never have the slightest return of the asthma." .-?».i:Sw?!' r ,~S Ws very in w!th Influenza be consumption, and various other treatments had been aria S«-»l }: . a fr,ea i,. of mine persuaded m to try tried, but without benefit. It was at this stage that I - rtearne's Medicine cured me of Asthma, from which | Si,v. „«?* ,fj ,£ e " .I- , dose , av , e me imme- heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for a I had been suffering for twenty-five years, during which j ,l*Z«,JhU.' . a t. a S the SeCOnd botUe lan course of the medicine. When it arrived. I was too ill time I had used almost every patent medicine on the t »«is?s'»f Tam,, s ettect , on me T has been most to leave my bed, but I commenced taking it at once, and market— including asthma inhalations— getting a [ m.v. .... «f »t,: . . year u of a ?.', - X . trust you will gradually improved. lam glad to say that the two cure. It was 8 years a?o that the cure was effected ;' El nf £■«=„!♦„ a ., e , m ent v uohshin it for the bene- lots of medicine you sent have effected a complete cure. by Hearne's Medicine, and I now feel stronger than I ! n(. ot humanity generally Yours most respectfully, for which accept my very best thanks.—Yours gratefully. have felt for years— fact. I feel splendid." THOMAS R. TREZISE, ' * yoc J. LAIR. C. WISEMAN. Keedy Creek, Victoria. Westminster Bridge-road, S.E., London. Meredith, Victoria. JieWare 02 Imitations! The great success ot HEARWE'S Bronchitis Cure ha?L induced a number of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine " Bronchitis Cure," with the object of deceiving the unsuspecting, and so getting a. sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently iit has become necessary to draw your attention to this Fact, and to request you in your own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see that you get it. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 46, Sold by all Chemnsts and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally. NOTlCE!— Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. 1a does NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever. It is equally beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person. j -N.Z. BRANCH OFFICE :.-NO. 11, FIRST FLOOR, HUME'S BUILDINGS, .WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON. [

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13781, 20 June 1908, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13781, 20 June 1908, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13781, 20 June 1908, Page 8 (Supplement)