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' -siligU Water at Auckland—lo.s6 a.m.; 11.22 p.m. i „ „; Manulvau— a.m.; 1.21 in. Bun—Rises, . 7.5 a.m.; sets, 4.39 p.m. Moon—List quarter, Sunday, 4.56 p.m. ' - WEATHER REPORT. The following is Captain Edwin's weather rewort at 5 p.m. yesterday :—Cape Maria Van Dm- " . men: Wind, south-east, fresh, barometer, 29.97; ' " ' thermometer, S4; weather, cloudy; sea, moderate' Russell: Wind, south, fresh; barometer, ' 29.95; thermometer, 54; weather, flue; sen, moderate. , Manukau Heads: Wind, south-west, fresh; barometer, 30$; thermometer, 50; weather, fine: bar, lumpy. Auckland:. Wind, south-west, - ' ' light; barometer, 29.90; thermometer, 1 59; .wea- '< ther, fine. Tauranga: Wind, south-east; light; , . barometer,, 29.91; thermometer, 53; weather, fine, " sea, considerable.' East Capo: Wind, southeast., strong; barometer, 29.92; thermometer, 53; .' • weather, showery; sea, heavy. ; '■■ Port Ahuriri: ' Wind, south-south-west, breeze; barometer, 30.1j; thermometer, 48; weather, cloudy; sea, moder- ■ ■ ate. Wellington: Wind, south-south-east, fresh; ' ba«>meter, 30.22; thermometer, 51; weather, . . cloudy, Castlepoint: Wind, south-east, light; barometer, 50.18; thermometer, 45; ; weather, showery; sea, heavy. New , Plymouth: Wind, east, fresh; barometer, 30.17; thermometer, 48; weather, line; sea, moderate. Wanganui: md, Boath-east, light; barometer, 30.15; thermometer, 50; weather, fine: tea, moderate. Farewell Spit: Wind, cast, light; barometer, 30,18; thermome'ter, 49; weather, -fine; Sea, smooth. West-port:-' Wind, south, light; barometer, 30.25; thermometer, 47; weather, fine; sea, smooth. Cape Campbell v Wind, . south-east, strong; barometer, 30.24; ' "thermometer, 45; weather, cloudy sea, moderate. . Kaikoura: Wind, \outh-east, light; barometer, ' 30.28; thermometer, 4B; weather, showery; sea, slight swell. Port Chalmers: Wind,-calm; baro- ' meter, 30.28; thermometer, 51; weather, drizr.ling; sea, smooth. Nuggets: Wind, north- .«.' west, fresh; barometer, 30.28; thermometer, 44;. weather, fine; sea, smooth. : .Wind, calm; • barometer, 30.30; thermometer, 47; weather, fine. The following is the weather forecast to .3 p.m. to-day: Strong southerly winds at most places ■■••>>' northward of Napier, Taupo, and Raglan; moderate to strong easterly winds, changing towards ", . the north, elsewhere, and a' falling barometer - everywhere. PORT OF AUCKLAND. ' "'" ' ' :'.AJaRIYALS. 1 : ' CORNWALL, s.s., 5490, Howell, from west ■ toast of England portft- and Australia. Passengers : First ■ saloon—Misses Fullerton (3), 1. Sinclair, Dr. F. W. Fullerton. Steerage—Misses llopkiidson (3),E, Austin, Mesdames Hopkinson, Mitchell- .md three children, Sanderson, BradBhaw find child, Messrs; P. Hopkinson, D. Mit- ' - chelV F.; Julian, -G. Grant, Patrick i Tarrant, J. ' ' .1. Brad'jhaw, W. Hubbard, J, H. Templeton. R. '[Templeton, H. Heywood, T. Pitketliley, S. .WJI--letts, W. Thomas, E. Sanderson, J. Neill, C. Keiil. J. Logan.—Arthur H. Nathan, Ltd., agents. TARAWERA, 5.5.,'2003, G. H. Lacy, from Southern and East Coast ports. Passengers: Misses ', . Sinclair, Kirk, Boden, Crawford, Knight, Jones, " Blesdamcs Bond, Jackson, Grieve, Russell, Bell, ; .Tones, Messrs. Sutton, White, Richards, Spiers, ■ '-.■■:'■. Georgett, Lindsay, Bond, Taylor, Wall, Walton, Johnstone, Gray, Isaac, Howden, Richardson, • Campbell, Massey, Sleator, Grieve, Devinc, Macl.urcii, W'ooler, Bell, and 13 ~ steerage.—Union n".- ;: S.S. Co., agents. ~.-■' NGAPUHI, s.s., 640, \ E. Stephenson, from Wha- ;,! ■inKarei. Passengers: Mr. ard Mrs. E. H. Roney, Misses Hazard,, Russell, Archibald,- Smith, Mantier, Ross, Hansen, Mesdam is Kelly, Rouse, Feather, Pickmere, Revitt, F(aser, Finlay, Webb, t Elliott, Meiisrs. Irving, While, Casey, Bach, Hut- ' ' filings, Johnson, Wilson, Otto, ; Williams, Thomp- ? i - son, Alison, J. Baxter, Mcddings, Logan, Valen- . tine, Peglcr, Bust, Phelan, Buckland, Kealey, • Cooper, Kelly, Down*, Pen warden, Owen, Brown, ' ' ' Marris, 'Cuipan, Brown, Sub-Inspector Gordon, ■ . , Sergeant-Major: Cheater, and eight steerage,— Northern S.S. Co., agents.- - AUPOURI, e.s., 463, T Hnnltain, from the Great Barrier. Passengers: Misses Le Roy (2), McMurtrie, Messrs. Wake, Hunter, J. Smith, • . ! ! Flyiin.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. , ' n SQUALL, s.s., 378, John Benton, from Gis- .: borne.— S.S. Co., agents. '•■,.- - ■' KANIEKI, s.s., £03, T. Myers, from Whansralei. Passengers: Messrs. Costall, King, R. W. '' n Dyer.'A. R. Crane, Davis, Constable Johnson.— ..., Northern S.S. Co., .agents. • / ~'■"■' BADEN-POWELL, S.s.,' 136, H. Petersen!, from ' ■' iWhangarei.— Coal Co, agents. • FAIRBURN, .'auxiliary schooner, 84, Fletcher, • from Napier.—Master; agent.. . . ■, DEPARTURES. ENCOUNTER, ' H.M. twin-screw steel - .cruiser, • 6300 tons, Captain Feilder, for Wellington. ~ KANIERI, e.5.,'203, T. Myers, for Whangarei. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ,; V "v ■* ' tOIfXJOJf: ■•■■ ,< Star of 'Australia, as., via Australia, due about . ~ July 5. Tornoana, s-s., via Australia, at Melbourne June - ;'."..' -'-..'. 8, due about June 25. > 1 Tofcomaru,js.s., due about July 29. ■ Nerehaua, «fa., via Australia, sailed, due July 22. Kaikoura, s.s., due about June 25. Kaipara, s.s., to sail. .;'.-' - Livbbpool : Delphic, s.s., via" Australia, due about middle . -~.,.-. .of July,, . .. Fifeshire, s.s., via Australia, due about July 7, Norfolk, s.s,, via Australia, sailed. v Oswestry Orange, s.s., to sail June 27, New York: i^l'/\;\'ii : :i\ Vermont,;,b.s.,'; to sail. - ■'>.- .'■' '•■;.. Stephanotos, s.s., via Australia, sailed April 29, due early in-July, ; .: - ..- . V_ '■."'•-■ Jeanara, s.s.';' via Australia, sailed June 15. . Jeanara.,.B.B., via Australia, to sail June 10. Indradevi, s.s., sailed May 23, due July 27. '' ,- Clan Matheson, s.s., to sail July 27. - • *. ' '• Zazumbe, s.s., to sail August 12. ■ ■?■■*:■/::.. Saw Francisco :. . Yeddo, s.s., due about July 7. Sydtzt: :■ „ ■■■'.■.',;•• Mokoia,-s.s.', Sunday, Pollv, barque, sailed. ,'-' MEr.BOTJnsK : . Louis Craig, barque, sailed. Jessie Craig, .barque, sailed June 13. Txns : '.- -."..' ■' ; • Talune, s.s,, Tuesday. .. . ! • ; ISamoa: ■ »-..; , . ■-~'. , - Tofua, 83, July 15. . Tosga.:. >-; - . Tofua, s.s., July 15. MARStttLDEfJjJ' '.'■.■' ' Caracciola shlj., to sail - . . , , .jvßvroASTto:: ' ... Hipitolas, barque, sailed June 11. . / : \ • lima, barquentine, to sail. Inga, s.s.-, to sail. .'-,- '."'•''■: "'".■.-' ii;;i;«rV!*'lntlravelli, s.a., about-June; 20. k :>• ' FROJECTED DEPARTURES. k PROJECTED DEPARTURES. :; Losboa;:; * ' ", if ' Kaiainei. 3;, direct, June £3, - .'~ . Wakimui, s.i, direct, July 4. : ' '• ".'C.3T OF EjrOL3l>- PORTS : .. , 71..V- /." - Cornwall;- South, about to-morrow. '|;':;% I S.-I*'--jSas--Fiiascisco1*'--jSas--Fiiascisco : .'; ■,■.■-.-;■- -.. 'X':■:.- ■'--'■''"'Boveric,-'B.s.,"about-Juno 3t>»''' - -; . .' ..--■<■■-• "■•'■'-,-.■; .VAifcotrvEn; , Tndravelli, s.s., June 20. Hoxoltott: .'-'%■'---'.'•■? -"■'•'--'-'-. : ■■■'.:-'"'-.,.:.'''■. 0 ■ Indravelli, s., June 20. 'oi'e> •;SfßWri-'-.'.i> : :^' : ' ... '-■';-, ;■'''■■';;' ~ Moana, s.a., Monday, :'■'■>' - : --v'.' v ; Fiji; '-''-••' Atua, s.e., Tuesday. .■?"/,' Vosßa: " ' -'•"■ : -;f^:"S;':' !! 5.8., Tuesday.'-.''.:■■'■: '■:•'■■''■',"■'"■■■■ ' ;. ; - ,1 .•-■.,-'.- Apia : .:'.'• Boveric, s.s., about June 30. • '■;■■- . Samoa: , •' Atua,"a;».,.Tuesday.'-'..-;'.■■:■■'.': ■■■-- '.':, : -.:-- '.' ' ' ■-' KitlE: \.. .-Tsabel,' three-masted schooner, early. ; .. UNION AS. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. }•'' ft- „• ' 'East. Coast.'; Saturday: Tarawera sails for Southern ports at ~ 12 noon.; Squall -sails for Tolago Bay and GisjS:'.;'-.-": -.borne. '.'..-' '.'.,,, -.'*- -'- : ■'-:-' :-. ■''■: . >,• ;:;/':'',' ■ .. ■■■: West r COAST. , ■ : ■"■'': To-day: Takapuna arrives • from New Plymouth .Wellington, and sails for New Plymouth at 3 • ■'■■■p.m. (2.10 p.m. . train). ~:.-.,: NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. ■■ To-day: Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei'-at 8 p.m.; Aupouri leaves for Tauranga at 5 p.m.; Kanleri" arrives- from Whangarei; Chelmsford ■ leaves for Tairua and Mercury Bay at 7 p.m.; ,'■"- '-. i -Apanui arrives from Houhora, Waiharara, and' '■:. -. Awanui about p.m.; Paeroa arrives from the ' (North early, • . Saturday : Rarawa arrives at Onehunga. from . New Plymouth about 8 a.m.; Clansman arrives from Russell, Whangaroa, and Mangonui about 6 a.m.; Claymore arrives ft Onehunga from Hoki- • unga, late. Sunday: Aupouri a<vives from Tauranga about 8 a.m.; Chelmsford arrives from Mercury Bay pud Tairua; Kanieri 'eaves for Whangarei at 1.30 • "ji.m. '■''■ ;, ".-....■ ■' Monday:. Waitangi leaves for Raglan and Kawhia at 2 p.m. (train, 1.10 p.m.); Aupouri leaves for Tauranga' at 5 p.m.; Clansman leaves for Whangarei at 8 p.m.; Chelmsford leaves for v Kuaotunu, Mercury Boy, and Whanganrsta at 7 '• p.m.; Paeroa leaves for »Houhora, Waiharara, Mangonui, and Whangaroa, at 2 p.m..; Apanui leaves for Russell : at 5 p.m. - Tuesday: Clansman arrives from Whangarei about 9 p.m.; Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about B'a.m.; Ngapuhi leaves for the same port at 3 p.m. (train 2.10 p.m.); Ka- . ■ nieri' leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 2 .'..". " p.m.; Ngatiawa leaves for Ohiwa, Tauranga, and ' .''■ ".' Opotiki, at 8 a.m. - ; -' Wednesday: Aupouri arrives from Tauranga about 8 a.m.; Chelmsford leaves for. the Great Barrier at midnight; Kanieri arrives from Whangarei .Town Wharf Apanui arrives from . Ruseell about 8 a.m.; Aupouri leaves for Whangarei at 9.30 p.m :'; Waitangi arrives at Onehunga from Raglan and Kawhia early; Clansman leaves tor Russell, Whangaroa, anu ' Mangonui, at 5 ■ p.m.; Chelmsford arrives from Kuaotunu, Mercury Bay, and Whangamata. Thursday: Ngapuhi arrives nt Onehunga from . New Plymouth .about 8 a.m.,. and leaves for the . same port at 3 p.m. (train, 2.10 p.m.); -Aupouri arrives from Whangarei; Chelmsford arrives from ,-'■».' the Great Barrier about 6 p.m.; Claymore leaves Onehunga for Hokiunga at 2 p.m. (train, 1.10 ■'£. '" p.m.); Waitangi leaves Onehunga for Raglan, i'. Kawhia, and Waitaro, at 2 p.m. (train, 1.10 p.m.); Kanieri . leaves for Whangarei at 5 p.m. Thames service: Steamers leave for Thames and Paeroa daily. See advertisement daily _ papers,; VESSELS IN HARBOUR. :. Iris, H.M. cable steamer, in stream. -: ' Atua, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. - . Tarawera, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. .- ;;.' Southern Cross, mission. s.s.-, at Queen-street Wharf. Tsabc'l, three-masted schooner, at Queen-street - ,-. . Wharf. 1 I'endlo Hill, barquentine, at Railway Wharf. Handa Isle, barquentine, at Chelsea, j ■;■>..,: . i i_| . IMPORTS. . Per Cornwall, from west coast of England ports: 2300 tons general merchandise,.! Per Taraweiu, from the South; 780 sacks flour, 'Ml i- J,- pollard, 915 sacks ih<>if, 40 sacks grass W''/.•*•■'. ' .tiic'df 4SO sacke cats,' 92 bales .hay, 420 raises ■

BUgar, 146 lack* potatoes, 101 sacks malt, 138 «ack« onions, 100 boxes to»p; 71 case* matches, 416 bales straw, 400 cases dried fruit and sun- ; . dries.. . :;.; ",■' ' : . ■ '. .' The"' Union Company's ' steamer Navua berthed at the '- Queen-street : Wharf ■ yesterday afternoon to take in cargo for the Islands. Yesterday ' morning the Union Company's steamer Squall arrived from Oisbonie, and leaves for Tolago ; Bay i and ', Oisborne to-morrow - afternoon. " The Northern Company's steamer Aupouri arrived from the Great Barrier last evening, and leaves for Tauranga at 5 'p.m. to-day. '■;'•;■ The schooner , Oisborne ■ will commence taking in general cargo for Gisborne to-day. i Yesterday the barquentine flanda Isle went up to Chelsea to discharge her cargo of coal from Newcastle at the Sugar Works. The barquentine Fondle Hill berthed at the Railway Wharf ' yesterday to commence loading timber for Sydney. ■ .■:■ Yesterday the three-masted scow Korora sailed from ifokianga for Auckland, with a cargo of '.timber.": The ' auxiliary schooner Fairbum arrived from Napier at midnight on Wednesday, after a smart passage of 48 hours; ', "-.:■ Yesterday the barquentine' Helga sailed from Kaipara for Sydney, with a cargo of timber. The auxiliary schooner Kereru is . loading bricks ■ at Avondalo for the coast.; ; The Northern Company's steamer Chelmsford leaves at 7 o'clock this evening for Tairua and ; Mercury Bay.,.' . , j " ;*"•■! THE TALUNE. '; -| The . Union Company's steamer ; . Tnlune 5 left Suva for Auckland last night, and is due on Tuesday morning next. On discharge the steamer proceeds to Wellington. : THE NQAPUHI. The Northern' Company's steamer Ngapuhi arrived from Whangarei last night with passengers and general cargo, and leaves for the 6ame port again to-night, The Ngapuhi returns to Auckland to-morrow . afternoon, and leaves for' Onehunga at 7 p.m., to relieve .the Rarawa in the Onehunga-New Plymouth trade, the latter steamer coming to Auckland for general overhaul. THE WAITEMATA. \% The Union Company's new steamer WaiteI mata, under the command of Captain D. McLean, has arrived at Frflmantle, West Australia, from Glasgow , and London. The steamer has macs a very smart voyage, for she Was not expected to reach Fremantle until to-morrow. On discharge the steamer comes to New Zealand, making the Bluff the first port of call. ■ ■Mil '' Mil* MIIWII Illl'lllUllilHHll THE TARAWERA. The Union Company's steamer Tarawera, Cap,tain G. H. Lacy, arrived from Southern and East Coast ports nt 4; p.m. yesterday, and berthed at the Queen-street Wharf, ■ The steamer left Dunedin on Friday Inst, and called at the usual way ports, ; meeting with fine weather until leaving Napier, on Tuesday last, when dirty weather set* in, ; Gisborne was made at daylight on Wednesday, but owing to bad weather .tha steamer was detained until 4.15 p.m., when she left for Auckland, arriving as above. From Gisborne to Auckland the wind was south-east, with a high following sea. The Tarawera berths at the Hob-son-street Wharf this morning, and leaves for East Coast and . Southern ports at noon to-mor-row. '; '■ ' 'IKiE CORNWALL. The steamer Cornwall, of the Federal-Iloulder line, under' the command of Captain W. Howell, arrived from west coast of / England ports and I Australia at 10 a.m. yesterday, and berthed at [the Queen-street Wharf to discharge her cargo \of general merchandise. The steamer left Liverpool on April 11,' and called nt Capetown, Melbourne, and Sidney, en routes landing cargo at each port of call. The New .South Wales port was left on Jun® 12, and fine weather was experienced until making Hie.New Zealand coast on the 17th, ; when ; strong south-east winds and high sens set in, continuing until port was .made. On discharging, and. after taking in cargo : for the United ' Kingdom, the steamer leaves for Wellington and the South. ".' A NEW STEAM TURBINE. At \ the engineering works of Messrs. W. MeKinnon. and Co., Limited, Spring Gardens, ' Aberdeen, recently, a steam turbine, the invention of Mr. John Ogg, Aberdeen, was shown in operation. The turbine consists of a. metal wheel or discs mounted .on a hollow shaft perforated by holes passing from the centre to the outside of the wheel radially... The holes are tapered from the centre outwards, and form expanding nozzles for the steam or fluid, which is supplied through; .the 'hollow shaft. s ; The steam on issuing from the nozzle« strikes against blades fixed to the rim of the wheel nt a. suitable .. angle, causing ; them,: to revolve at a ■'• high velocity. ■ One or more wheels may be mounted oil the" same shaft, and the blades . of : one ;or more wheels may be. ' set for forward motion and others for reverse motion.; , : ; '■-.'"'-■:■ '■:■■■ '-.. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The following notice to mariners has been issued by the New Zealand Marino Department: -.—- '.' Otago Harbour—Signal light • for Victoria. Channel fit. is hereby notified that on and after v let July, 1908,: the red light indicating Victoria' Channel blocked, will be shown from the Piermaster's house in, front of the flagstaff, Port ■Chalmers, instead of on the flagstaff, as formerly." , ' * * / THE STAR OK AUSTRALIA. The Tyser liner Star of Australia, which left London on May 6, arrived* at" KBlbottrrie yester- ' day. x On discharge the steamer proceeds to Sydney, and then conies to Auckland, where she is .'due. about July 6. .-■■■,. ■~!■.. . .:--- ■ -\ ■ ■y. - .--,.. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. '""'"'; ■ RARAWA, s.s., 2072, W. F. Norbury, from' - Now- Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Hamilton, Mynoft, * Bayley, Robertson, :- Mesdames Collins,--.. Kobaon, Lacey, Hambljii, Rowe, Clyde, Small, Nathan, Robertson. Messrs. Staines, Bruce, Luxton, Rickett, Hendry, Sutton, Taylor, Mitchell, Lux ton, Nicoli. ' Rennie, Brocket!, ' Rowe, MichaelUs, potts." Robeon, Lacey, Hamblyn, Bro- ■ ■ berg, Birch, Moore, Hamlin, and -19 steerage.—. Northern S.S. Co., agents. - DEPARTURES. ; RARAWA, : si's.,- 1072, W. V. Norbury, for New Plymouth. , Passengers: -Misses Hawkins, Seymour, George, Vtiosavich, Walker, J,;<-!uon, Jfesdames, Farley, Shbrtis, Wilson, Messrs, . McOuthrie, Allen, O'Callaghnn, Winnicott, S. E. .Hodges, Taylor, Turner, ■■ C.. MoMnster, Jones, McKcuzie, Austin. W. MrWilliam, Furnell, J. J. Lane, Finchmnn, Ha!!, Farley, Robinson, and 21 steerage. ; • '- ':-. ' CLAYMORE, s.s., 198, E. Dorling, for Hokianga. ■: ■• v:; 1 :' >■':';'<;■■;■.■: V .. ' , RIMU, s.s., 339, T. Richards, for Opttnnke and Wansniiui. . < BY TELEGRAPH KAIPARA HEADS. ' June 18.— Arrived : Amelia Sims, schooner, from Lytteltuu. Sailed: Helga, barquentine, for Sydnev, ■•',--■-.-,■. ' •■.' ■ ' ■ ■'."-. RUSSELL. June Arm-ed: Clansman, s.s., from Auckland. Sailed: Clansman, s.s., for the North. .HOKIANGA HEADS. June Sailed: Korora, three-masted scow, for Auckland..-. - •''''-. HKRBKIXO. June 18.—The ketch Bell Flower, timber-laden for the South, was towed out to-day. OPOTIKI. >:< June Arrived at 8.50 a.m.: Ngatiawa, s.s.. from Auckland. . >. : .'. NEW PLYMOUTH. June ,18.Arrived: Rotoiti, s.s., from Onehunga. Sailed: Tata-puna, s.s., for Onchunga. J, - WELLINGTON. : June Sailed.: Moana, s.s., for-Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, and Sydney. Passengers for Auckland: Misses Hunter, Lambert, Ross (2), Stevenson, Johnston, Booth, Dc Latour, Lyons, - Mesdames . Mirams, . Turn bull, Rattray, Walton, Hasse, Jones, Kane, Berrr, Frankland, Mcßeath, Moodie, Fitzgerald, Anscombe, Claperton, Groves, Weston, Messrs. Mirams, ■Turnbull, Rattray, Walton, Gieson, Reebe, Kane, Jones. Mcßeath, Fitzgerald, Moodie, Cowan, Groves, Lambert, . UYTTELTON. June 18.—Arrived: Canopus, s.s., from Westport. Sailed: Enuerdsle, s.s., Hawea, s.s., for Wellington; Cygnet, s.s., for Kaikoura; Maheno, s.s., for Sj'dney, via Wellington; Maori, s.s., for Wellington. , . DUNEDIN. June 18.—Arrived: Koonya, s.s., from Westport; Waikare, s.s., from Auckland and way ports; Matatua, s.s., from Timaru. BLUFF. June 18.Sailed Opa-wa, s.s., for Lyttelton. NEWCASTLE. June 18.—Arrived: Otterburn, s.s., from Lyttelton. Sailed: Wairuno, s.s., for New Zealand. SYDNEY. June 18.—Arrived Pegasus, H.M.S., from Weilington. MELBOURNE. June 18.— Arrived: Star of Australia, s.s., from London. FREMANTLE. June Arrived: Waitemata, s.s., from London. SUVA. June Sailed: Talune, s.s., for Auckland. DAILY MEMORANDA. (As advertised In the Imbw Zealand Hshald.) SALES:' : Messrs. A. E. Macredle and Co.—Furs, etc., noon, ' . Mr. G. A, Beaton—Fireproof Safes, Furniture, . etc., 11 a.m.; Watches, etc., noon; Pictures, 2.30 p.m. Mr. Louis Lewis—Household Furniture, etc, Mount Roskill, noon. Mr. G. P. Jackson— Property, 11 a.m. Mr. J. Poultry, Produce. Fruit, etc., 10.50 a.m. City Market—Poultry, Produce, etc., 11 Messrs. J. Cahill rnd Co.—Produce, Poultry, Pigs, etc. 10.30 a.m. Messrs." Samuel Cochrane and Son—Household Furniture, etc., 11 a.m. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited—Horses, etc., Durham Yards. Messrs. Alfred Buckland and Sons—Hay, Straw, Horses, Vehicles, etc., Haymarket, 10.30 a.m. . Mr. B. Household Furniture, etc., 11 a.m.-.;:■''■:'.--''- -, : Messrs. Collins and Household Furniture, etc., 1 p.m. : • Mr. J. B. Tonar—Fruit, 11 a.m. Messrs. Richard Arthur and Co.—Poultry, etc., .11 a.m. ■;■' ■ '-■ '"." '■ " LECTURE: Leys Institute—-" The Evolution of. the Maori," by : Dr. Te Raiigi Hiroa, 8 p.m: EXHIBITIONS: ; Royal Albert Hall—Auckland and Suburban : Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary Association's ;'i:, Show. -■ ■■ , '..,.- \ , AMUSEMENTS: ' ' :'.-' :. ' ' " His Majesty's Theatre—" Fedora," 8 p.m. Upcr> House—World-wide PictuicSi 8 p.inj {

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13780, 19 June 1908, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13780, 19 June 1908, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13780, 19 June 1908, Page 4