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THE WAIHI MINE. A PROGRESS REPORT. The progress report on work done at the Waihi mine for the four weeks endingApril 18. which has. been forwarded to the London directors, states that at No. 9 level ill No. 5 shaft, south crosscut, a total distance of 103 ft is recorded, and at this point the hanging or north wall of the Royal lode was met. The lode has been penetrated 3ft. The value for lite first 2ft into the lode was gold 6dwt, silver loz sdwt 9gr per ton. No water of any consequence has been met with so far. this being, no doubt, due to the close nature of the lode. The work now in hand will he continued until the mine water is met with, and the flow can then bo regulated by means of the dam, which has been constructed on this level. At No. 8 level on, the Royal lode westward the level has been widened, exposing both walls for a, distance of 458 ft from the north section junction. To the eastward the only work in progress is a leading slope, which is beingtaken along, commencing from a point 180 ft west of Slug pass. At No. 5 south-east crosscut a total distance of 1451 ft is recorded. Further work is suspended until adequate ventilation is secured, and a blower is to be installed. In the meantime the dam has been closed, allowing the water to rise, and this will prove if the small veins met with on the south side of the dam are connected with the main lode system. On the Empire lode, the east end of the level has been resumed, and a total distance of 80ft is recorded from No. 4 shaft crosscut. The ore is of low evade. Westward, the level has been widened to 367 ft. exposing both walls from the 77ft point. At the 226, ft level the cast face has been advanced a total of 81 ft from the main crosscut. The lode varied from 18in to 6in in width. The value along the level from 13ft to 68ft is gold loz lldwt 4gr, and silver 4oz 3dwt 4gr per ton. The drive south on the east side of the Edward lode has been driven a total of 559 ft from the Welcome junction. A full face of sulphide ore is exposed, and no walls visible. Tho value, from 272 ft to.. 328 ft along the level is gold loz 3dwt 4gr, silver 13oz ldwt 9gr per ton. At 300 ft a crosscut is ill operation, and, measuring from the east wall, the values are: 0 to sft, gold 3oz ldwt 12gr, silver 920z Odwt ITgr: 5 to 10ft. gold 15dwt 15gr. silver soz ldwt 23gr: 10 to 15ft, gold lldwt 6gr, silver 4oz lldwt Ilex; and 15 to 20ft, gold 17dwt 12gr, silver 15oz sdwt 13gr per (on. The crosscut has. so far, penetrated the ore body for 35ft. The south drive on the west portion of the lode has been advanced to 305f1 from the Welcome junction. The value along the, level from 250 ft to 303 ft. is gold lOdwt 13gr. silver 15oz 7dwt 4gr.. At 300 ft a crosscut is being projected eastward, and, measuring from the west wall, the values were: 0 to 6ft, gold ldwt 22gr. silver ooz 19dwt lgr per ton; 6 to 12ft, country rock; 12 to 18ft, gold 3dwt 2gr. silver 7oz ldwt llgr: 18 to 23ft, country lock;. 23ft to 25ft, gold ldwt llgr, silver 6dwt 17gr. On the Martha lode the level has been widened for timbers from No. 2 shaft west crosscut to 214 ft. east of same. Brit son pass has been risen 20fr, and it is intended to project a crosscut at 70ft up, for the puruose of proving the value. In the Regina section a- contract for sfoping a large block has been let. A crosscut is being projected towards No. 1 filling pass, from the Martha lode, with the object of establishing a connection with this level, and ■:. distance, of 41ft has been attained. At No. 7 level, on the Royal lode, west, of Edward junction, a total distance of 287 ft is recorded. This lode i* 4ft wide at the face, and is worth from 170 ft to 271 ft along this level— lOdwts lSgr, silver loz 3dwt 2gr per ton. Viper pass has been sunk 10ft and risen 80ft from the level. Python pass has been sunk a total depth of 105 ft. The value from 70ft to 90ft down is gold 6dwt 15gr. silver 4oz 19dwt 13gr. At No. 2 reef the drive east on this lode has now reached a total of S2ff, lode 3j>ft. wide, and worth from 28ft to 86ft. gold 13dwt 22gr, silver loz 6dwt 13gr. At No. 6 level, on the Edward lodo, a total distance of 758 ft south is now attained from the Welcome lode. From 729 ft to 752 ft the lode reduced to 2ft in width, and is worth, for that distance, gold 3dwt lgr, silver 9dwt 12gr. The continuation of the Royal lode was met at 75W, and is 2ft wide, worth—gold Bdwt 15gr, silver loz ldwt 18gr. A distance of 9ft west on the Royal lode has been driven. The lode is 2ft wide, and is worth from 0 to 9ft, gold 14dwt 2gr, silver 19dwt Bgr. WAITANGI. The. manager of the Waitaugi miue reports that at the low level in the eastern section driving on the main reef has been in progress, the reef having been stripped and broken down for a length of 7ft, and an average width of 3ft. It shows an improvement on the last breaking down, the ore containing a larger percentage of zinc blende. The footwall country is of a milder nature, and better progress baa been made during the week. The face of this drive is now in 42ft from No. 2 crosscut. In the western section No. 1 crosscut has been advanced 3ft past the hangingwall of the main reef, and a start has been made to drive west, in order to see if the good values met with in the crosscut extend ill that direction. A sample of general ore taken from the footwall of the main reef for a width of 3ft at a point 39ft east of No. 2 crosscut at the low. level ha.- given an assay value ->f £3 12s 8d per ton. This is an improvement ou the previous sampling at 33ft,

SOUTHERN 'QUEEN. The manager of the Southern Queer, mine telegraphed to the secretary (Mr, H. •>■ l' ee J yesterday afternoon as follows:—"Banked 30oz 18dwt melted gold to tho value of £dA 19a bd." , ' MAORILAND. [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN COBRESI'OSnE.NT.j Waihi, Tuesday. It was reported hr-re- last night that the intermediate drive at the Maoriland mine (Waitekauri) had broken through into the old workings, and shares experienced a sharp fall in price to-day in consequence. _ tn regard to this the manager (Mr. W. Christie) telegraphed to the chairman of directors this afternoon as follows:— Hanging"all of reef to hand. Reef 3ft in width. Cut an old drive at, the back of intermediate level, but, reef has not been met with in the old drive, as it dips under the floor of these workings." GOLDEN' PAH. [BY TKLEOKAI'H. —OWN CORIIKSt'OXDE.VJ'.] Couomajcdkl, Tuesday. Work is proceeding satisfactorily in tho Golden Pali mine under the management of Mr. A. J. Prescott. The outlook is most, encouraging, and gold is being obtained at three, separate points. The winze being .sunk at the junction of the Tribute and Davies' leaders is now down about. 50ft, ana is a fine strong body of ore. Gold is seen occasionally, and it is intended to open out and stops the block under the spot where rich gold was obtained. The winze on the new leader is down about 20ft, and the lode is looking well. Another leader running parallel with the new leader has been discovered, and a drive is being put in to intersect it. The leader is carrying coarse gold, and has all the characteristics of a specimen producer. .WAIHI WARDEN'S COURT. [BY TELEGRAPH.OWN" CORRESPONDENT.] Waihi, Tuesday. At a sitting of the Waihi Warden's.Court to-day Mr. F. J. Burgess, S.M., dealt with the following mining applications:—S. A., Shaw, for Southern Cross special quartz claim of 20 acres, certificate of abandonment of Royal Standard special quartz claim in the name of John Newdick, withdrawn Henry Shaw, for six months' protection for Empire special quartz claim, granted. T. H. G. Lloyd, for six months' protection of the Waihi Reefs special quartz claim: After hearing the evidence the Warden recommended tho granting of tho application, but stated that lie expected the parties to do something practical in the way of raising capital. J. Newdick. for Royal Standard special quartz claim of 100 acres, adjourned; Thomas C. Grant, for Waihi Prince special quartz claim, certificate of abandonment of Waihi King special quartz claim held in the name of M. J. Connor, adjourned; John Newdick, to surrender absolutely the Royal Standard special quartz olaim, adjourned; E. T. Bain, for Waihi Seddon No. 2 special quartz claim of 100 acres, consented to by die Minister for Mines, granted; E. T. Bain, for Waihi Seddon No. 3 special quartz claim, consented to by the Minister for Mines, granted; E. T. Bain, for Waihi Seddon No. 4 special quartz claim, consented to by the Minister for Mines, granted; M. J. Bain, for Waihi Seddon No. 1 special quartz claim of 99 acres, consented to by the Minister for Mines, granted- M. J. Bain, for Waihi Seddon No. 5 special quartz claim of 88 acres, consented to by the- Minister for Mines, granted. NOTES. The intermediate drive from the rise on Woods' leader in the Tokatea mine is now in 15ft. The leader is very small, but is gold-bearing. Kelly's leader, as yet, shows no improvement. On the main reef in the Coronation mine the winze has been sunk a further distance of 3ft for the week, and the ground is not so hard as previously, while the quartz has improved in appearance, and there is also a little improvement in the dish prospects. In the Bonanza mine a further distance of 7ft has been driven in very firm sandstone country, intermixed with flinties and small stringers. Tho face is now getting damp, and before long a change for the better is expected, as the country is \ery favourable. Operations during the past fortnight; in the Tairua Consols mine have' been qonf-ncd to extending the low level, which is passing through country of a hard nature, and driving north on the reef formation, which shows a width of 4ft, it Vicing composed of soft, rubbly quartz. A favourable class of country is being penetrated by the eastern crosscut in the Tairua Triumph mine, snail! veins of quartz being frequently met with, while water is oozing from the face. The manager considers that all the conditions are indicative that the main ore body is not far ahead. The level at the Durbar mine has been advanced 13ft during the week, the reef now being almost the full width of the drive, and carrying values, gold being obtained by pounding and washing. A large volume of water is issuing from the face, and the prospects of the drive in general are improving. During I lie past week work in the Scan-. dinavian mine has been confined to driving to get. the hangingwall, which appears to becoming in tho face, but, it will take a few more shifts to prove whether it is the. proper wall. The reef is still running through a good class of country, and the quartz is well mineralised, while colours and dabs of gold can be seen in the stone. Tho drive on the new reef in the Silver Hill mine has been extended Sfi, and has broken through to tho drive from the rise. The reef is 18in wide, and a portion of if carries values. Driving smith from the west crosscut is now proceeding on this vein. The low level crosscut has been advanced 16ft for the week. The face is of firm white sandstone, and water is oozing from it. "The reef in the rise shows a decided improvement" reports the manager of the Halcyon mine, " and at the last down colours and strong dabs of gold w.»re seen, while a dab of gold remains showing in the back of the rise." The manager has forwarded a few samples of picked ttcne to the office of the secretary (Mr. 11. J. Lee), and gold #an be seen freely cli-:trib> ted through it. Tho low level in the Watchman mine is being advanced through a splendid class ot sandstone, with mineral scams running through it. The reef continues to be pinched, and to make bunches of quartz at intervals into a very hard wall. There is little change in the face of the Windfall reef at No. 1 level, and the manager intends to cut through it next week, in order to ascertain its size and value. in the New Waitekauri mine the drive on the Queen level is now in a distance ot Ssft from Baker's pass. Tho lode shows considerable improvement, both in size and quality, and in breaking down during the week nice colours of gold-were seen distributed through the ore. In No. 1 stope the lode shows a big improvement, being about 2fr. wide, and of good ore. The ore from No. 2 stope is still of a low grade. In the north drive in the Kirikiri mine the reef is 18in thick, but the breaking down has not yet taken place, although the loose quartz that is failing away shows colours of gold. The leading stope has now been carried along for a distance of 40ft, and the reef is from Ift to 2ft thick. When breaking down colours and dabs of gold were freely seen, and gold was left showing in several places. The battery started crushing last 'Ihursday, and the quartz is shaping very well. Going north for the main rise on the hangingwall lode in the Golden Cross mine the leading stope has now attained a total distance of 45ft from tho starting point. Improved prospects are being met with as the stope advances. A stope is also in progress going south from the rise, and tho quartz body in this development will measure 4ft in thickness, and it bears a very promising appearance. Judging by. the dish prospects which are coming to hand, the ore is of a payable, nature. There are 100 tons of ore ready for the mill. The drive in -the footwnll of the big reef in the Mount Zeehan mine has been advanced a further distance of 12ft, and the country being penetrated is a firm class of andesite, with mineral seams and quartz veins running through it.. The reef formation which is being followed occasionally, makes bunches) of quartz, in which some nice spots of copper pyrites and zinc blende and other favourable minerals can be seen. It is the manager's intention to continue this drive for another week and then wturt to rite, *

The manager of the Tairua Extended mine reports that the hanglngwall of < reef ha* been reached, and it is over sft in width, but a general sample taken right across gave an assay value of only 7s 3d per ton. The reef may improve as it advances, but it is unusually hard, and would cost at least £4-_ per foot to drive oil. an expenditure which the .manager considers would be inadvisable. He lias decided to do some work on the reei which was first cut in this level, and which gave one away of 12s W. .Mr. H. H. Adams advises driving on the lode just cut, and the manager has let a contract to drive along the footwall of reef.

'" Wo have extended the winze level sft past the junction mentioned in my last report, and I am now satisfied that ii is the same one which made, the gold in the top rise," reports the manager of the Tempi'Bar initio. "The reef is 3ft wide on the junction, and nice dabs of gold were seen in the quartz broken out. In the face of the drive the formation is about 2ft in width, composed of quartz stringers and mullock. As progress is being rendered slow on account of having to handle the dirt so much, I thought it advisable to make a connection on the junction, with the pothole sunk in the top drive, and proceeded to carry out t.his work on Thursday. This scheme, which I expect to complete by the middle of next week, will afford a cheaper system of connecting with tile low level. The pothole, which was down about 4ft, has been cleaned out and sunk a further 3ft. The reef is about 2ft in width, but no gold lias been seen so far. Wo have risen 4ft on the junction in the winze level, and the reef is about oft wide, showing colours of gold in the stone occasionally.''

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13778, 17 June 1908, Page 5

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MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13778, 17 June 1908, Page 5

MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13778, 17 June 1908, Page 5