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A fairlt buny week is reported from the ! Stock Exchange. In standard stocks no sales in banks were effected. New Zealands are held at £9 14s, and Nationals at £5 7s 6d, and there are buyers of the latter at £5 63. New Zealand Insurances sold at 75* and 76* 6d, and sellers now ask 77s 6d, with buyers at 76« 6*l. South British are ■ in demand at 56s 6d, and Standards at 225, with no declared sellers. New Zealand and River Plates changed hands at 34s and 55s 4d, sellers closing at 54j, buyers at 335. In coals Hikurangis firmed, selling at from 7s to 8s 3d, and sellers are now asking 9-? 6;i, with buyers at li 9d. Northerns sold at 1&» 6d, and more are offered at 17;, with buyers at 16; 3d. Taupiris were done at 20s Zd and 2.0 i bd, late sellers 20s 3d, buyers 20*. Westports sold at £7 2s, with further inquiry ai, £7 Is. sellers holding for £7 2s 6d. There are sellers of Westporfc Stocktons at 10s 6d, and of Drurys at 4s 6d. Auckland Gas are quoted at £l 5 2s bd, and there are buyers at. £14 l?s bd. Birkenhead (ias are looked for at 2os 3d, no sellers quoting. New Plymouth* are' on offer at £8 10s. In shipping Unions sold at 33s 6d, and more are wanted at 355. sellers 365. Northerns (contributing) sold at Ss 2d, at which price inure are looked for without sellers. Northerns (paid up) are offered at 18s. In timbers Kauris (contributing) are in demand at ill 9d. sellers asking 12s. Auckland Tramways lord.) sold at 24s 3d, and more are offered at 24s 9d. whilst pref. issue have sellers at 24- 6d. D.S.C.'s sold at 4s 3d, and there are further buyers at 4s Id, with .sellers at. 4s ad. Grey and Menziea (pref.} sold at lis, and (ord.) at 8s lOd; N.Z. Portland Cement., at 53s 3d to 53s yd to 335; Wilson's Portland Cements at 48s bd. In mining lines Waihts fluctuated a little, but on the whole were fairly firm, sales being reported at from £9 9s 6d to £9 9- to £9 9s 6d to £9 8s to £9 8s 6d. sellers closing at £9 9s, buyers at £9 8s 3d. Talismans eai -d a shade, but show a tendency to firm again. Lines changed hands at from 54s to 50s 6d to 51s 3d to 51s to 51s 6d, late Beliefs offering more at ftls 6;1, with buyers at Sis. Waihi Grand Junctions sold freely at the outset, but demand eased off. and prices declined slightly. Sales were recorded at from 37s to 36s 6d to 36s 9d to 36s 6d to 37s 6d to 36s 9d to 37s to 35s 6(1. with late sellers at 35s 6d, buyers 35s 3d. Waihi Kxter.deda sold at from 4s to 4s Id to 3s lOd; Waihi Consolidated* at Is 6d and Is 3d: Mountain Kings at from Sid to 3d to 10d: May Queens at Is lOd; New Sylvias at from Is 7d to Is 8d to Is 5d to Is &d; Waiotahis at from 3s 4d to 2s 9d; Waitangis at Is lOd. There was a sale of Consolidated Goldfields at. 18s 6<l. Old Haurakis had free sale at fluctuating rates, prices realised ranging from 2s 9d to 2s 8d to 2s 10,1 to 2s 9d to 2s lOd to 2s 9d to 2s lid to 2s 6d to 2s ICd to 2s 9d to 2s lOd to 2* 7d to 2s 8d to 2s 7d to 2s lOd, sellers closing at 2s lOd. buyers at 2s 9d. Champions (contributing) sold at from 4s to os lid to 4s Id, and (paid up) at 5s 2d: Crowns at from 7s 7d to 7s Id to 7s 2d to 7s Id to 7s 2d; Ngatiawas at Is; Golden Belts at la 3d; KaL-angahakes at from Is 3d to Is 4d to Is 3d- Ready Bullions (contributing) at from ■M to lid to 10id to lid to 9d to lOd to B a d to 9id. and (Is paid) at 9^l; Komata Keels at Is 3d; Tairua Broken from m lOd to 3s 7d: Tairua Golden Hills (9d paid at from 2s 6d to 2s lid to 2s 9d and (6d paid) at from 2s 4d to 2s stl to os to 2s lOd to 2s lid to 2s 5d to 2s 7d to 2s 6d to 2s 9d: Tairua Triumphs (6d paid) at Is lid, and (contributing) at from is lOd to 2s to is Bd. There were also several sales in smallerpriced stocks. .. ' The Exchange will close after the last call to-day, reopening on Thursday morning next.


Tlwre was a large attendance at Mr. Ward Baker's auction mart yesterday, when six out of the seven properties offered toinicl Iniyers at, satisfactory price*. A villa in lachfleld-atreet, Newton, realised £440. and the property adjoining changed hands at £350. tot 10, on the corner of Kintrsland and Edeiidale Roads (Elms-1-igh rotate) brought £233 10s fed; lot 9, adjoining brought £85 16s: lot 8, in the same estate, revised £79 4?: and lot, 15, Edendale Road, was sold for £85 16?. MESSRS. G. W. BINNEYAND SONS' REPORT. On Tuesday we again submitted and cleared lai-ito catalogues of hides, skins tallow etc Hides: Market firm. Ox. extra stout 7d to "11 stout 6id to 6Jd, medium 5 9 d to 6d, htfit 43 1 to V'd f cows', beat lines 4gd to 4Jd good 4Ad to ifd-; stags', 2d to 2id; calfskins, 3id to SheTp''lri'iiß: Pelts and tambski'cs, best, ls-6d to Is 3d; others, Is to Is 4U each. Tallow: Best mixed, t0,26*.: good, 2<« to ,5» 3d; medium, 22s to 23s 6d; inferior, lE* to 11* per cwt. Rough fat, 13d per lb. Cowtails. Is 8d per dozen. Bones, £4 15s nor ton. WAIKATO STOCK SALES. ■ The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company report: M Ranirirhi la«t Wednesday we yarded 4r>o h4d of c-Tt'ic Tlicre was a fair attendance and the majority of the stock ctanged band» at prices equal to those riding in Waikato. your-year-old bullocks realised £6 lis: three and three, and ahalf year steers, £5 to £5 7s bd ; two and a-half veir steers. £3 10s to £4 9s; 18-month steere. £2 17s to £3 4s; yearling steers, 3T» to £2 Bs. calves, 22s to 26s 6d ; store cows. 39b to £2 17s 6d: cows, with calves, £2 10s to £2 16.: yearling and 18-month heifer*, 25s to 295; fat cows and heifers, £4 15s to £5 los; fresh cows. £3 4s to £3 13s; shorn lambs, 5s 9d; medium year-oS "t S 6haupo on the Bth hist, we held our third sheep fair and yarded 13,000 ewes, lambs and wethers Competition for lambs was keen ana prices advanced about 2s per head on previous sales. It must be remembered, however, that lamb prices were very low. lat sheep of all classes also showed a decided improvement. A few lines of good four, six, «id eight-tooto. ewes made from 14s 6d to 18s. but ewes in lamb generally were no better worth than at previous »ales and apparently were not required There was an inquiry for wethers, but, no good longv.-00l snecp were yarded, those brought forward, being cio*e wools or smali fnwnsd two-tooths in oacKwaiu condition. Prices ranged from lis 3d to lis wi; cull ewes, 4s to 8s; full-mouth ewes.' 10s od to 13s, 6U; fat lambs, lis fed to 14s 6d; forward iambs 9"- 6d to lis; cull lambs, as to 8? ou. Thirty rams sold from 1 guinea to 4 guineas. At "Hamilton on Thursday we yarded 600 hew of cattle and 380 sheep. There was a good attendance, out bidding was dull. '1 no. bee. penned wm a vei-v moderate lot. Well-fatted; cows and-heifers realised £6 C* to £6 lis; lighter sorts. £3 &s to £5: fresh empty heifers. £■. 14s to £2 16»: calves, 19s 6d to iiCht; younger sorts, 10s to 16s bd: store cows, 245; springing heifers, £4 108 to £5 15s; cows, £3 5s to £5 12s bci; heavv fat ewes, 18s to ISs; others, 12s to lbs 8d; brward lambs, lis 6d ; pigs, weaners 9si bd, aged medium draught geldings, £17 to £25; heavv draucht. £42 Ids. On* Saturday we he'd a clearing sale at Mangapiko on uccn'unt ol Mr. French. There was a ■good attendance and a satisfactory sale eventuated Forward-conditioned bullocks realised £6; two and two and a-half year steers, £3 19a; 18month steers. £2 7s 6d ; same ago heifers, in calf, 35i to £2 4s ' cows, wit! calves, £2 12s &d to £3; springing cow. £4 ss; draught mares, with foals at foot,'£3l to £39: aged hack, £14; dray and frame, £11; drill, £22; tools, furniture, etc., made the usual prices.

CAMBRIDGE STOCK SALE. Tim: New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, report:—On Friday, at" Cambridge, we yarded over 800 head of cattle and 600 lambs, store wethers, and fat sheep. A large attendance of buyers came from Tanranga, Pirtaruru, HUnitaia, Morrinsville, and Waikato districts, and we report a successful sale. The. beef pens contained dO odd fat cattle, mostly steers of prime quality. Brisk competition ruled' throughout arid all sold at satisfactory prices. The beef steers realised from £8 lis to £9 15s; lighter weights, £7 to £3 Is; fat cows and prime infers, £5 12s 6d to £6 los; aged heavv cows. £H ok to £4 17s 6d; light-weight heifers, £3 10s to £4 4?. Calves were yarded in extra large numbers and all sold at the hammer or afterwards. The best sorts (mixed sexes! made 20s to £1 6s 6d; good steer calves, £1 7s 6d; smaller sort- (mixed). 15s to 17s 6d ; yearling to 18-month steers, £2 7s to £3 3s, according to size and condition. Fresh-conditioned cows and heifer.) realised £2 10s. to £3 ?s bd; store cow*. £1 5s to £2; three and four-year-old bubs. £3 to £5; quiet heifers, in calf, £2 10s. The 34 dairy cows advertised were in poor condition and sold at from £2 l,''s to £=> 10s; choice heifers and voting cows at profit, £5 17s bd to £7; fat lambs, lis 6d ; vvoollr lambs. 6a to 9s lid ; cm! iambs, ss; 160 two-tooth wethers, 13s 9il; heavy fat. wether*, 20s; full-mouth ewes, 9s: wearier pigs, as to lis; slips, 19s, At our third Ohauuo sheep fair piactieally all the sheep, with the exception of a few pens, were sold at auction or immediately afterwards at satisfactory prices. IURNSIDE STOCK MARKET. [BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION ] Di:xedis\ Wednesday. At the Buruside stock market to-day 3047 sheep were penned, the heavy yarding being of poor quality. Prices declined about 2s per head for ewes and 1* for wethers.. Prime heavy aethers were about equal to lust week's rates. llest wethers realised from 19s to 21s (extra 22a to 23s bd); medium, 16s to 17s 6d; inferior. 14s to Iris, Nest ewes, 14» to 16s (extra to 17s 6d); medium, 12s to 12s 9d ; inferior, 9s to 10s 6d. i.anibs: 1257 of good quality were penned and prices were about the same a* U*t week. Best lambs realised 16s 3d to 17a 3d; medium to good, 14s to 15* 9d. Pigs: 130 were varded. which was a good entry. For baconers' which were in large supply. prices were a shade easier. Small pigs were also cheaper, but porkers were slightly tinner than last week. Suckers realised from 10s 6d to 13s od ; slips. 144 bd to IBS; stores. 19s to 255; porkers; 31s to 425: light baconers, 45s to 50s; heavy do., '—'* 6d to 635. About £00 far cattle were yarded, mostly of inferior quality. Prices for good cattle were tinner, medium and inferior being ca*ier. Best bullock* realised £9'los to £10 10s: medium, £8 : to £9; inferior, £5 10s to £6 15s. Best, cows and 1 heifers, £6 10s to £7 10s (extra £8 7s 6dl; meIdiuai, £5 to £5 las; inferior, £3 15a to £4.c*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13726, 16 April 1908, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13726, 16 April 1908, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13726, 16 April 1908, Page 3