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High' Water at Auckland—6.l .a.m. :J. 22 p.m., ~, r „r. Manukau— a.m. 8.21 p.m. Sun—Rises, 6.18 a.m.; sets, 5.24 p.m. . Moon— Friday, 4.25 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. Th». following is Captain Edwin's weather report at 5 p.m. ■ yesterdayManukau Heads: Wind, south-west, light; barometer, 30.26; thermometer, 64; weather, cloudy; bar, smooth. New Plymouth: Wind,' south-west, breeze; barometer, ■- ■■: 30.28; thermometer, 65; weather, tine; sea, smooth. Castlcpoint: Wind, north-west, breeze; >■"- barometer, 30.15; thermomeeter, . 67; weather, cloudy ; sea, moderate. Wellington: Wind, northwest, fresh; barometer, 30.17; thermometer, tit; weather, cloudv. Westport: Wind, north-west, fresh; - barometer, 30.17; thermometer,. 62; weather, cloudy sea, moderate swell. Kaikoura: Wind, south-south-west, light; barometer, 30.15; thermometer, 60; weather, fine; sea, smooth. Bluff: Wind, solth-west, light; barometer, 30.20; .'■ thermometer, 55;' weather, fine. The weather -' forecast up to 5 p.m. on the 15th inst. is: Moderate southerly winds northward of Napier and New Plymouth; strong winds also from the southward in all other parts of the country. PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. AMOKURA, New Zealand Government training chip. Captain Hooper, from the North. ; AEON, 5.5..'4221, Downie, from San Francisco, :.: . .Apia, and Tonga —3. C. Spedding, agent. KANIERI, s.s., 203, T. Myers, from Whangarei. y r -'- Passengers: Mesdames Dee, G. Usher, Mesur*. Cooke, Oawkwell, Mooney, J. D. McKenzie, Deni" * nis, Moyles, Honeyman, C. A. Anderson, Dowries, : Gordon, Walsh dramatic: Company (9), Matter : Dennis.— S.S. Co., agents. NORTHERN CHIEF, barque, 263, R. Spruit, from Newcastle.— T. Henderson, agent. , -" > , ' .. Arßiti 15. : NGAFUHI, b.s., 640, C. W. dimming, from *?:'•'"' Whangarei. Passengers: Misses Staple, Coulton, Fell, Russell, Mcllveen, May, Hall, Staple, Cumming, Turnbull, Mesdames Wyatt, Blacklock, Rug- . gel. Penny, Pellet, Ruddle, May, Mitchell, dimming, Baxter, Reed, Messrs. Johns, Leatherbar- ■ row, Carter, Dunn, Pfister, Lewis, Smith, Ran- ; laer, Russell, Mclturs, Piaisted, Hargreaves, Livingstone, Blackie, Russell, Williams, Guthrie, Wallis, Mackie, Pearson, Souter, Bart, Marnier, M.P., Tomlisort. Rishworth, McPhereon, Beckett, :V Mitchell, Chissell Cowperthvaitc. Crokcr, Thompr son. Bray, Ciuston, Ramsey, Allen, lloldway, Sharp, Newcombe, Valentine, Cowperthwaite, Moore, Dr. Baxter, Sergeant-Major Cardall, the Rev. Keid, and 22 steerage.— S.S. Co., \_"r. ... agents. DEPARTURES. :'! .. NGATIAWA, U.S., 463, P. A. Stein, for Tauranga gild Opotiki. KANIERI, s.s., £03, T. Myers, for Whangarei. '" UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. East coast. ': 'To-day: Talune sails for Fiji at 4 p.m.; ManaVouri leaves for the Eastern Pacific at 10 a.m. r Thursday: Maitai arrives from Dunedm, etc.; Raksnoa sails for Westport at 4 p.m. Friday: Squall arrives from Gisborne and To- -.-.- lago Bay. ,'-'• . Saturday: Maitai sails for Southern ports at 'noon; Squall sails for Tolago Bay and Gisborne ;&?.':•'■■;>• at 2 p.m. ',-'-"■ v -j! : West Coast. ' >; . " To-day: Rotoiti arrives from Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth, and sails again for tie same ports .-- 3 p.m. (train 2.10 p.m.). -•: : Friday :• Takapuna arrives from New Plymouth and Wellington, and sails for New Plymouth at 2 p.m. (train 1.10 p.m.). HUDDART-PARKER .CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Saturday: Wimmera arrives from the South. Sunday: Victoria arrives from Sydney. MondaV: Wimmera Bails for Sydney at 5.30 p.m. Tuesday: .Victoria sails for Southern parts et 2 p.m. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. ■ To-day: Aupouri arrives from Tauranga - about 8 a.m. vv'aiotahi arrives from Tairua, Mercury Bay, Port Charles, and Kuaotunu about 5 p.m.; Aupouri leaves for the Great. Barrier- at midnight; Kanieri arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf; Waitangi arrives at Onehunga from Raglan, Kawhia, and Waitara late; Ngapuhi leaves "' for Whangarei at 9.30 p.m. Thursday: Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth * about 8 a.m. and leaves for the same port at 3 p.m. (train 2.10 p.m.); Waiotahi - leaves for Tauranga at 5 p.m.; Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 4 p.m.; Claymore leaves for Hokianga at ?. p.m. (train 1.10 p.m.); Aupouri arrives from the Great Barrier about 6 p.m. and leaves for Whangarei at 8 p.m.; no steamer for - Whangarei Town Wharf. "* Fridav: Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei at 9.30 p.m.; Apanui arrives from Awanui, Waiharara, Houhora, Mangonui, and Whangaroa about 11.30 a.m. ; Hanieri arrives from Whangarei; Aupouri arrives from Whangarei about 3 p.m.; Paeroa arrives from the North .about 6 a.m.; no steamer from Whangarei Town Wharf.' """ Thames service: Steamers leave for Thames and B?WMM,: daily. Set* advertisement daily papers. IMPORTS. Per Northern Chief, from Newcastle: 385 tons coal. • Per Aeon: From San Francisco— packages paint,. 46 barrels lubricating oil, 175 packages and 515 boxes raisins, 56 kegs white lead, 475 cases apples, 50 cases pears, 792 cases prunes, 55 cases canned vegetables, 12 cases beans, 10 cases ■ shrimps, 9 cases canned foods, 785 cases dried : fruit, 15 packages codfish. 16 packages incubators, ' -80 eases canned fruit, 487 packages metal polish, 40 boxes peaches, 40 boxes apricots. From Pnget Sound— pieces lumber. From Tonga—67o '. - cases, 68 kits, ; and 759 bunches bananas, 209 . cases and 134 kits oranges,' 10 sacks cocoanuts, 2264 cases and 46 kits fruit. . - The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer Maori will leave for Wellington and the South about Tuesday next. ■> ' At- 13 '.o'clock this morning the Union Com- '■•'.'■•. pany's - steamer Manapouri leaves for . the Cook and Society Islands. The Union Company's steamer Talune leaves for Fiji this afternoon. ■ Yesterday the Northern Company's steamer Nga- "•. ttaws. left for Taura-aga and Opotiki. - The Northern Company's steamer Aupouri leaves for the Great Barrier at 12 o'clock to-nijrht. Teste."day the Northern Company's steamer Kaiiieri left for Whangarei Town "Wharf. The Northern v Company's steamer Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei at 9.30 to-night. To-morrow afternoon the Union Company's ' steamer' Rakanoa leaves for Westport. K.M.S. Pegasus arrived fit Wellington from Melbourne yesterday.;:'.■■'; Hokia.nga cargo for the s.s. Claymore will be q ; •received to-day at the railway up to A p.m. No ."•; "cargo will be received to-morrow. ■■• . .. The Northern Company's steamer Ngapuhi was . considerably delayed in the Whangarei River yesterday owing to a prevailing heavy fog; consei v quently-, instead of arriving here early yesterday afternoon, she did not reach Auckland until about 1 o'clock this morning. She had a large ■ number of passengers on board. THE STRATHAVON. '•"■- The steamer Strathavon, from New York, Melbourne, and Sydney, is expected at Auckland to- : morrow, and on discharge leaves fOr Wellington and the South. .. . '" THE RAK.UA. '■"•'.'■'; -'--■■-. The New Zealand Shippia? Company's steamer ■ ■. ■'■"'"■Rabsia is to load at Auckland for London from about April 21 to the 23rd, ! when she leaves for the ■ South 'to ■ complete ' her loading. The vessel ;: •"' ' i - is timed to leave the Dominion finally on April 30. - THE UNION STEAM 3HIP COMPANY. The Union Steam Ship Company's fleet, ac- ' cording to the latest returns, consists of 65 ■: steamers of a total grrtss. register of 155,271 tons. The largest vessel is the .Marama (6437 tons) and the smallest the Squall (369 tons). \ THE AMOKURA. " '; Th*! Now Zealand Government training ship Aniofcura arrived from the North yesterday and berthed at Calliope Dock Wharf. The ship re- , mains in port for about a week, when she leaves 'lor East Coast porta and Wellington. : -V THE AEON. The Weir steapier Aeon arrived from San Francisco and Island ports early yesterday morn- -.- ing after a generally fine weather passage. The steamer brought a. considerabljß. quantity of • cargo for New Zealand ports, and has also a large quantity for Sydney, to which port she - proceeds to-morrow. THE NORTHERN CHIEF. The barque Northern Chief, Captain R. Spruit, .which has been in the gulf since Saturday last, made port yesterday. The master reports: The Northern Chief sailed from Newcastle on March : £5 and carried light winds from between northwest, and south-west, with calms at times, ■ until passing the North Cape on April 6. On the 7th, when off the Cavillis, she experienced . ,i strong south-south-east gale, with a high, sea, . which moderated the next day, when light ifouth-tiouth-east winds, calms, and south-east swell - ' continued until Tiritiri was made ati 3 p.m. on ::'\ , Sunday. '; She anchored outside Rangitoto Beacon at 2 a.m.. on Monday and made port as above. The baique will be towed up to Chelsea to-day to discharge her cargo of coal at the Sugar Works. .■ ' " ' ' : THE GOTHIC. ' ■■ It is announced in the last number to hand v - of the Syren that the Red Star line has hoisted f the Belgian flag over' their twin-screw 8000-ton steamer Gothland, which has been refitted at - Messrs. Harland and Wolff's, Belfast, for the emigrant trade. She will carry 1800 third-class ~ '■':..'■ passengers. This steamer is 'die Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's liner Gothic, which was 5 withdrawn last year from the New Zealand ser- . .-. vice and subsequently disposed of to the abovementioned line. BRITISH SHIPBUILDING. Messrs. T. W. Tamplin and Co., of London, in '.. their latest steamship circular, make gome interesting comments on shipbuildings in 1907. - Prices fell about 8 per cent., and during the first six months builders obtained little • compen- ' , sation in the relative prices of materials or ', wages, but since then there has been a reduc- . lion in the price of steel, copper, etc., shipplates to-day being about £1 per ton cheaper than in - January, 1907. ( An ordinary cargo .. steamer 6500 to ..76-00 tons deadweight could to- " " day bo contracted for at about £5 10s per ton deadweight. Second-hand steamers were difficult to sell at anything like fair prices, and the number of sales during 1907 shows a great falling ' off agaiimt the two or three preceding years. The reduction in the prices realised for recond--..■■■■',haiiJ steamers between the beginning and the -'. end of tiie year was about 10 per cent. The .market f(,r sailing ships improved somewhat, the bulk of the sales being, rw usual, to Norwegian*. It if understood, however, that the banks in , Norway re not disposed to advance money for the : purchase of , ships to the same extent as previously, consequently a considerable reduction in the number of sales to this country may be expected. The, outlook is far irom encouraeinff. , . ' ' ' f I i

as several nearly new steel ships are being offered for. sale at prices that must mean *, substantial locs to their owners. -Better times-will undoubtedly come to the shipping trade, but the end of the bad-times'is not yet in sight. Tie -remedy for improving the present condition of the trade is to a jrreat extent in the hands of the shipowners themselves, and it is to be hoped that they will not be tempted into ordering more steamers by what may appear a low offer, as no steamer is cheap unless «he can, . during the first two years of her existence earn considerably more than the depreciation and interest on the money she cost. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. RAR.AWA, 0.5., 1072, Stephenson, from New Plymouth. Passengers : Misses Whitton, Nixon, McCalluin, Phillips,. Whitton, Martin, Clemens, Whitton. Heldt, Cunningham. Headlines Brown, Turnbuil, Sullivan, Seager, Whitton, Hyland, Collisi, Churches, Messrs. Thompson, Nancarrow, Tinsey, Holcombe, Smith, Peat. Kemsey, Wade, Gray, Brown, Gordon, McFadden, If. Eva, Stewart, Rhodes, Hardie, Appleyard, Johnson, Ruddock, Corufoot, Stewart, Class, Anderson, Matthews, Henderson, Whitton, Gilchrist, J. If. Prosser, Brown, Turnbu'l, Hyland, Boucher. White, Mrrtill, Sullivan, Hands, Maisworth, and 33 steerage. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. WAITANOI, s.s., 171, Stephenson, from Raglan, ami Kawhia.—Northern S.S. Co, agents. DEPARTURES. RARAWA, s.s, 1072. Stephenson, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Misses McLean, Humphries, Dunlop, Sorley, Price, Jones, McLean, Dustin, Mc Masters, Pearce, Inglis, W. Kent, Kent, Humphries, Mesdames Alexander, Johnson. Russell, 0. Speck, Routley, C'owpcr, Drummond, Tattersall, McMaatcrs, Taylor, Messrs. Freeman, J. Oliphant, Hornn, Gordon, C. Hunt, Brown, Cummings, F. Black. A. Iteid, R. Taylor, E. E. Bamford, Taylor, W. B. Moore, C. Speck, M. H. Hamj)»on, F. Dunlop, R. P. Hunt, G. Brown, W. Hamilton, A. W. l'oad, L. Hamilton, J. Murphy, J. Marson. T. H. King, Gribbin, Fronde, Prime, Wallace, J. W. Smith. F. McGuiie, F. Decbie, Russell, Austin, and 26 steerage. BY TELEGRAPH CAPE MARIA VAN DIEMEN". April 14.—The s.s. Mofcoiix, from Auckland to Sydney, passed west at 10.30 a.m. to-day. KAH'AKA HEADS. April 14.—Arrived : Rio Loge, auxiliary brigantine, from Onehunga. KIRIPAKA. April 14.—Sailed': Southern Isle, scow, Kahu, scow, for Auckland. RUSSELL. April Arrived : Clansman, 5.»., from Auckland. Sailed: Clansman, s., for the North. WHANGAItOA. April 14.—Arrived: Apanui, ss, from Auckland. HOKIANGA. April 14.—Arrived : Ohinemuri, ?.».. from Herekino. Sailed : Hawk, three-masted scow, for Onehunga; Ohinemuri, s.s., Bell Flower, ketch, for Whungape. TAURANGA. April 14.—Arrived: Aupouri. 3.5., Jfungannpa, s.s., from Auckland. • Sailed: Mangapapa, s.s., for Auckland. GISBORNE. April 14.—Arrived: Manuka, s.s.. from Auckland. Sailed: Squall. s.g., for Auckland. NEW PLYMOUTH: April 14.— Arrived : Takapuna, s.s., from One- - hunga. Sailed: Rotoiti, S.s., for Onehunga. , ; WELLINGTON. April 14.—Arrived : Pegasus, «H.M.S., from Melbourne. Sailed: Koromiko, s.s., for Auckland; Maital, s.s.,' for Napier, Gisboroe, and Auckland. LYTTEL.TON. April 14.—Sailed: Maori, s.s., for Wellington, with 168 passengers. DUNEDIN. April 14—Sailed: Wimmera, s.s.. for Sydney, via the North. Passengers for Auckland: Misses Campbell (3), Field, Mesdanies Hamilton, Wooside, Campbell, Cerruthy and child, Moffatt and two children. Messrs. Campbell, Cerruthy, and 16 steerage. . SYDNEY. April 14.—Arrived at 11- a.m.: Waikare, s.s, from Wellington. . . CLARENCE RIVER. April r 14.—Sailed: Alesa, barquentine, for Wanganui. MELBOURNE, April 14.—Arrived: Brisbane, as., from Kaipara. Sailed: Wairimoo, s.s., for Hobart and New Zealand.' THE PAPAROA. Wellington, April 14.—The s.s. Paparoa left Capetown'yesterday for Hobart and Wellington. THE KUMARA. Wellington-, April 14.— steamer Kumars, which left Auckland on February 25, arrived at London last Saturday. £ t THE CANADIAN MAIL. .Suva, April Arrived: Moana, R.M.S., from Vancouver and Honolulu. Sailed: Moana, R.M.S., for Brisbane and Sydney.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13725, 15 April 1908, Page 6

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13725, 15 April 1908, Page 6

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13725, 15 April 1908, Page 6