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COS'CLCDISO PAT'S E-ACIN'O. Thk thick rain which comaaenced to I*o atk«?, one o'clock on Saturday did nofr prevent * -good assemblage from mastering at Alexandra Park tor she concluding day of this Auckland Trotting Chili's Autumn Meeting. The attendatiea was augmented a» the day advanced, and it ** estimated as being considerably ahead of that at. either of the two preceding days of the meeting. The officer* (prominent anion gat whom »a» Mr. C. F. Mirk, the secretary) again worked hard to ensure success, and their eSioris evoked encomiums from all quarters. Mr." F. W. Edward*, the club's bandiespper, was nsriin Tes|wn»ibi« for f»wa! fine adjustment*, particularly in the Cainpljeii Handicap and ilil.'h-«ase Trot, in each of which the issue tr«i stubboraly contested and the mult in doubt right up to the winningpost. The winner of the Hizh-class Trot (Special* ist) holds the cour»e record tor a mile, put up st a meeting of the Otahuitu Trotting Club last year, and hi* tiroo on Saturdiiy was only onefifth of a second behind li s own record. The starter (Mr.- C. O'Connor) was again successful, exerciaing firmness with riders and fulfilling his duties with great tact. At the start of the Innovation Trot Mr. O'Connor called Job a Harold out of the race for leaving the poet before time.

The stewards had to deal with a couple of protests during the day. On the completion of the Innovation Handicap Trot, Che owner of the second horse lodged a protest against the stake going to the winner (Nat Geu.'d) on the ground of the form shown being Inconsistent with that exhibited on the previous day of the meeting. After hearing evidence on botb sides, in which it was shown that the horse wait a notorious rogue, and that his owner had tried him in blinkers for the first time that day, and the evidence of the truck stewards that several times during the race the horse had tried to run ort, the stewards decided not to 'interfere with the judge'* placing!. Then the owner of V S., who ran second in the concluding event (the Final Handicap Trot) lodged an objection against lago being awarded the race, the grouncis again being in-and-out trotting. Tilt; stewards took a considerable time in arriving at their finding, and darkness had long set in when their decision was given in favour of lasfo. It was shown that the horse was only just, beaten for third place in a race over * similar distance on the previous, Saturday, and the time being oniy slightly better and the going more to Intro's liking-," the stewards could have come to no other finding than that arrived at. Twelve bookmakers did 6 thriving business on the seven event# brought up for decision, whilst the investments on the totalizators amounted to £2890, as against £3634 on the concluding day last year, showing a decrease of £644. The sum handled for the three days over which the meeting extended was £7732 10s, a decrease of £1951 10s from 1907, when, however, no bookmakers were present. As the fees from the metallicians were £275 the financial result to the club is more satisfactory. Hie "Hollowing are the details of Saturday's racing:--TRIAL TROT HANDICAP of 25*ovs : second horse to receive oauvs from the stake. One mile and a-hajf. Mr. T. Kemp's eh g Nelson (late Kevvi), aged, by Kentucky Wilkes, liOs. (I'ertin) ... 1 Mr. G. Robinson's b g Castaway, aged, 12s. (Scott) 2 Mr, H. 11. Lee's rn m Elba, £Es. (Baker) ... 3 Also started: John Harold, (-cratch (Mabee); Littlo Dick, 16s. (Lecky); Orakei, 18*. alfae); Mark Scott, 18s. (Crottv); Norrington. 18-*. (TOWf 1 - jun.): St. Patrick, lis. (Singleton); Vietorinc, 19s. (Hamilton); Maud (}., i4s. (Tutiibull). Nelson took charge after a couple of furlongs had been traversed, followed by Elba and Orakei, and then came Maud G. and Castaway. At the turn into the straight the first time Nelson wa* still in command, whilst Castaway had trotted into third place. Tliq leader had a six lengths' advantage of Elba at the stand, a like distance separating the last-named from Castaway. Haif-a-mile from home Nelson had: drawn still further away, And was 10 lengths to the good ol Castaway, who had supplanted Elba in the run to the back. The winner was never troubled, ami won at the finish by a dozen lengths, the second horse being an equal distance to the good o!l Elba. Tune, 4in. 9 3-ss. Mark Scott was favourite, CAMPBELL HANDICAP of 60sovs; second horse to receive lOsovs from the stake. Two miles. Mr. S. Tanner's b g Stranger, aged, by Harold , Childe, 4s. (Crotty) 1 Mrs. Moore's b g Happy, aged, 12 (Moore)... I! Mr. A. Watts' b h Lc Rosier, aged, 6s, (Scott) 3 Alsq started: Eureka, scratch (Orange); Viscount, 3s. (W. Greenwood); Lady Love, 7*. (Millen); Duke 0., &». (Herbert); Kohine, 9». (J. T. Paul); Huon Leal, lis. (Lowe). When the field ran into the dip Happy was leading Huon Leal by a. length, and then came Kohine. Entering the straight the first-named was still in command, but when the stand was readied Le Rosier, the favourite, had run into third place. The sen of Imperious still,, held pride of place along the back and over the top stretch, but breaking ho lost his position, and when a mile and a-lmlf had been left behind Lei. Rosier was ia front, closely attended by Happy, Huon Leal, Stranger (who was trotting in great style), and Duke 0. following in that order. The favourite was still bowling along in front as tho field came across the top on the last circuit, and was first to turn for home, and a victory for him seemed probable. Stranger ' 'as, however, rapidly overhauling him, and Happy coming again excitement ran high 'a* to what would win. Opposite the stand the issue was still in doubt. The three contestants fought out a great battle to the post, and, sticking to their task gamely, Stranger and Happy cut down Le Rosier, the first-named winning, amidst great excitement, by a length, Happy being about a length and a-half in advance of lie Rosier. Crotty and his horse were loudly cheered on returning to the enclosure, and the race will live long in the memories of trotting' eiOJausiasts. PARK HANDICAP of 35*ovs; second pony to receive ova from the stake. For ponies 14 bands 3in and under. Six furlongs and a-half. Mr. J. Murphy's ch h Octoroon, 4yrs, by • Menscbikoff— Slave, Bst 131b (Watkin*)... 1 Mr. H. R. McKenzie's b g Hughle, 3vra, tot 101b (Whittaker) 2 Mr. J. Knott's b m C'yrona, syr», Sat Bib (Jl. E. Brown) ... 3 All three jumped away in line, aiad they raced past the stand and around the bottom turn locked: together At the five-furlong post, however, Octoroon had shaken himself clear, and entered on the run along the back with a length's advantage of Hughie, Cyrona racing on the litter's quarters. Octoroon held his position across the top and into this straight, and despite vigorous challenges from the other pair all the way up the home run won by a length from Hughie, who finished half-a-length in advance of Cyrona. Time, lm. 27a. The winner was favourite. INNOVATION HANDICAP TROT of AOnovs; second horse to receive Ssovs from the stake. ' One mile and a-half. Mi'. li. Armitage's b g Nat Gould, aged, by Jay Gould— 13s. (Orange) 1 Mr. W. Perrin's, jun., b in Seacole, aged, 159. (Perrin) ... »... 2 Mr. C. E. Goodman's cb' g Major Election, syrs, 22*. (J. T. Paul) m 3

Also started: Little Paul, 4?. (Grotty)J Bogey, ss. (Hawkins); John Harold, 6s. (Mittue); Cleveland's Pride, 9a. (Herbert); Agnes 15., 9s. (Moore); Pnkerimu, 12s. (Seott); Day dawn, los. (May); Harold Iluon, 14s. (Lowe); Miss Vela, 16s. (Hamilton); Janitor, 16*. (Wallace); Bert, 17s. (Canham); Cavalier, 19s. 4 (Baker)} Orakei, 225. (llae); Fibre, 22?. (Lecky). When a-ijuartfir of a mile had been covered Orakei was showing the way to Major hlwrtion and Nat Gould, but as the top stretch wit* «>»•- ing traversed the latter went to the front, and. followed by Seacole, he had a five lertgth*' advantage when a circuit had been completed, Major Election being third and the rest of (he field strung out, with Cavalier a long way lark last. No alterations in positions took place over tho last round, the winner passing the post six lengths in advance of Seacole. il.'iio;r Election was 50yds further away ii» tiiird place. Time, 3m, i9s.

HIGH-CLASS TROT HANDICAP of eOsov* ; second horse to receive lOsova from the stake.

: One mile. Mr. "F. H. Kidder's bp h Specialist, 6yrß, by Specification Bonnie Veen, scratch (Hamilton) 1 Mr. J. (i. Lecky'a b g Maplewood, syre, 4s. (Orange) ... .... 2 Mr. A. Wat bh Le Hosier, aged, 12d. (Scott) 3

Also started: Außtrey, 3s. (Herbert); Princes# Kna, 3*. (Shepherd;; lioselnid, 123. (Greenwood); Craigaruakey, 14s. (11. Jones). ! Rosebud came" into the straight Jujit in adi vanoo of Tjo Rosier, and at the stand this pair were still in the leading positions, Rosebud having a five leugtha' advantage. Half-way along the back the pair wera level, but La Rosier breaking: slightly Rosebud waa again in command. She wad first to turn lor home, while additional Interest was imparted to the struggle by the appearance on the scene of Specialist and Miplewood. Rosebud trotting unkindly Maplewood, Specialist, ami I,ft Rosier settled down to a dingdonjj fiuwf'a. Maple wood had a half-length's advantage when the stand was reached, but creeping up bit by bit the scratch horse gradually wore him down and just, gut up in time to win bj a head, after one of the best finishes seen at Alexandra Park for a long time. Us Rosier fell away in the last bit and finished four lengths behind the second iioree. Time, 2ui. 21 4-5 BARN" HANDICAP of Stews; serorid pony to receive osovs from tha stake. For ponies 14 hands 3iu aud under, five furlongs. Mr. S. Williams* oh m Imprimu*. 4yr», by I'hcebna Apollo—St» Amy, Bit 121b (It. K. ISrown) ... ... 1 Mr. If. R. MVKewie's b S Hughie, 3yrs, Set 121b (Julian) 2 Mr. J. Murphy's b i Quadroon, 3yrs, cist Sib (Watkius) ... .-. ... 3 Also started: Lady Ferris, bit Jib (Veil); Eienore, 6st 71b (Whittater). Impritnua caused some delay at tha post, but when the tapes were released-a good start was effected. linprimus shot away with tho lead, followed by Hughie and Lady Ferris, and, holding her own throughout, the daughter of PhwUtia Apollo won by two lengths from Hughie, Quadroon finishing third three length* away, Time, iui. fcs, Quadroon was favourite. FAREWELL HANDICAP of 40sovs; second horse to receive ssovs Isom the stake. Cue mile. Mr. O. Baker's bp g Isgo, 6yra, by Grand Moor JuniorDuches* Elmo, Ills. (J. Baker) 1 Mr. T. M. Wade's btk g V.S., aged, Bs. (Wade) 2 Mr. 0. Herbert's b g Colenso, aged, 15s. (Herbert) ... ». 3 Also started: Austrey, scratch (McNeill); Rosebud, Bs. (Greenwood); Happy, lis. (Moore); Cleveland's Pride, 14s. (Lowe); iicua, 19s. (Crotty). lago showed tha way past tha stand four lengths to the good of Miss Vola, after whom, at »n interval a! si* lengths, eajfie Seacale, 'lite leader continued to show the way jtlotig; the back and into the dip, where V.S. ran Hp second, lago was first to turn for home, sviui- holding his advantage to the finish won by a length a'.d a-half, three lengths separating the second and third horses, Time, 2m. 445. DUck Rose w»a favourite, :

.. AUCKLAND KACim CLUB AUTUMN* MEETING. ELLERBLII! TRAINISB SOTft S*ta«d.»« tnomTni; broke Bntt, #wl the ***• in go»d order tst training ipiiMlMti Wltsn* : liot otk'fwiMt »ta;nii th* work *s» d@*H> ran *h« lltiss. Lord S>3t.c«i! And Land-lock *#tb ®r*4 «* npp*»?7 sftf{ it»e t-.< > feif* **» ttvm ftn'lonjn In .'lin <4« , Lord fee on finishing it* front. C«w lliTtat! tan the I**l Mitre of four furteftjr* It .'9 i-'-a. Jufjfno tiS-A iUW*t>" fin Otcr ft*e furAsngt in im 6*. Lesfettor Unit Cart Bom ntrr ***»« fur-Jon** in it#. 31 1-s*. L*4y M apttoi#4 lour {dfiorr# sr. '*» 24*. !Uni.r.* nod InMittn ian one# twisti the- sand is 2ra. 5 >J*. Lid; Rollins appeared to J:# going easier «h*a AsWfsm tit tap end of sis i'jriosx* ia I®. 20 4-s*. Sttertty ' Iwjf, WsictaM ovfff spvtr. farioop* it» Im. 3*». Tolette ran » like iJUUnce at good, Un<*-<|B*rf«r |;»iee, U*uparab* tsaiiiy beat Pohuta over m+tm furlong* io li». 33(>. o*g*bf /printed thf*e tmtongs in 33 1-5*,, urn! Cstdenos took 65- 2-s*. for the butt sour ot live furlong*. SW«r tw!a**! bad an M»r victory oxer Fin* Gsm owf six tar. ; '«ost« hi lm. 19». on the wand. Eparsn L*»* Vat- Advocate o»«i a, like distance on (to Untf :ln lift. 19 4- 1 . Gotadrift mi a furlong further ■»t good three-quarter p«*. iuijwtl finished in front of 1/.- Boa i una Maa»|K»u:ti o*er »i* furit.nsf» in lm. 19 J.fes, Peri lUfht took Ist. 3ft*. !• i' i«wn furiofljfii. Caelum mi Silk* na, » . c!:.*cnit of the stand In Zin. 7 5-s*. Royal Sou It. assisted by Mule I over (lis last "four, ran fr"« furlong* in J hi. 6 5-S-i or the usi Dainty bfa.'i Wjihoihoi over five furlong* ia lm. I*. p» Use sarsit, F.ngra bad Ut» b««« of Armagh frver a like t!istac<'; in* lm. 9*. ltopAOOtcb pr»«'»•«! t«< good for Kre«>r!«-k over h»U-*-mU» in Si. Celtic, Rim lock, Mark Tune. Uospnt, I*4* Rcgei. )!a»ter Sosilt. Dclfml*) Vprcmie* and (inifin*ijp. wet'! oc.f at!d did light (a«kt. After lireakf»»t Sw«H Alien ran »l* furlong# in lm. 23 2-is.. i>od Aristocrat tnmwd wvea furlong* in Ins, 401, Moa% did » eircuii i» iim. ? J4». T«ra. ran »ix fariouaa in lm. & 4-6* . and Tt; Arob* an:! <sotdcn j'sgle *er« •<>g"'h < r at the end <jf a It (» Journey on t6» sand in lm, 13». Santa K»m and Waifflatigu fioi«bc4 «m term* over |r« .urlonga in Int. 4 5-s*. Fvno Wit i'hi'n «o{>h*r ovur * mite and «- : quarter, th? hut oun<i («.Ue.f &>«. l-adyi'mnrf* (on the sand} rat. five (urli.ftg» in Vm. 4 4,5«. Lady Minnt« boat, OatTMtte over ba!t-»-miSa in - W 3-ss. T.ocbbui)!« bad slightly (be beat of Tamainiipo at the end, of *».* fttrto&M la lm. 19*.~the b«»t galloji of' the morning. hi»h tan aw** from Matakokiri over a mile »nd *-b*!S on tlx* .i.tnd In 2m. &5«, Lu«;in beat bpMm «w #** furlongs in lm. (*. SUrina, Lady IVsUy. Dstpt Bank, Karat*, awl Flint iDlutd also did u*efni work. Ontali and Lady iiune negotiated »w»o hurdlM . in good style, U rnti havuip m<wt- to say at tb* , finish. Cinque, Engli«h, t;.ilra|mo, and C»rly!« , Jini»be4 in tbu above order over *ix flißht*, Cinqu« and Cuirtgno api>pari(tjr to roost *dv*nt;h;p. Swflesmsn «n<i Gipsy Queen wcr# lngtii\*t over seven aigti s and g-iva *, latUitotory. .da*, • plav. 1. Qsiin'ivart trrivecf by th.i n*n«t at- One- v bunga on Saturday, yiuy with him Mr. R i , J. Watt's hone*, Moriarty, King: Billy, «nd ?■ Aborigiue. J. C.ewge brought >n> by th«i »*irni ateaiuer Varitutu end Wathnka Tli« jumper Woe. raki and the. after Handicap candidjit'j M»ht;i:i also oamo up by the liwd»i. The Hon •}. I . Onuond'* horses, Da*it, Hianionil Sr.sir, Woodhey, and North Head. ««n brought up to Auckland yesterday by the * a. Mokoi.l. ■ . - ,'■,.>!"• [MY TB&ECIUITB OVK 'COKtIBaPOSDKytTj,; r ff' ; -« Vi' E U<? j{ GIC-V, Saturday. , r " J. if. Prosser left for Auckland this momifif ' witii the I'otittia learn, connUtinjf of Margusrt(e ' (told twrt. Taitoko. l>i»bo!o, «nd * win ear-old lifter to Monsieur Resucairw (by Stepolak— B«lte l biir,'. W. ty&itg and H. Hatch go North to tide home* iu their engagc-uienu. THE lIAWKESBCRY HANDICAP By Tclei'r»ph.--I'res» Ass «nation.—CopyHghu ' Stdnkt, April 12, ' - The following was the result of tho Hank««. bury Handicap: Togo. 1; Outbreak, 2; Welcome, - Trist, 3. Ten Lowes started. Togo won by at* lengths. 'Time, ,-tn. . 16«. Yesterday afternoon the trotting horses Austrpy and Craigarusk were flipped lor New iv- * : mouth by the JUntwa. '"•jSfjfc l ""

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 7

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 7

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 7