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Business on the Stock Exchange was quiet on Saturday. In standard stocks Hikuraniyi Coals changed bands at 7s 9d, further sellers asking 9s 6d, and buyers offering 7s 6d. A parcel of D.S.C.'s found a buyer at 4s 3d, late sellers 4s lQd, and buyers 4s Id. New* Zealand Portland Cements had sale at 33s 9d, more were offered at that figure, with buyers at 3d less. In mining stxk Waihis were disposed of at £9 9?, a decline of &d on the previous day's sales. At the last call sellers asked £9 9s 6d, buyers offering £9 8s 6d. Waihi Grand Junctions declined slightly, selling at 365. while buyers at the last call offered 35s IQd. Waiotahis eased slightly, one partei being disposed of at 3s 2d, closing with sellers at 3s 3d, and buyers at 3s Id. Old Haurakis were done at 2s 6d, more being required at that figure, (sellers asking 2s 7d. Crowns were sold at front 7s 7d to 7s sd; Ready Bullion (contributing) at lOd to 9d; Tairua Broken Bills at 3s lQd and 3s 9d; Tairua Golden Hills (9d paid) at 2s lid, and f&d paid) at 2s 7d; Mountain Kings (contributing) at 3jd; and Scandinavians at 6d.


BUSINESS DONE ON SATURDAY. Previous day's closing »a!e» Hikurangi Coal— 8d 0 7 0 D.S.C., Limited—4s 2d — New Zealand Portland Cement— M 1 15 9 Scandinavian —2nd tall, 6d •• • - Waiotahi—call, 3* 2d 0 3 3 Old Hauranki—l*t and 2nd calls, 2? 6d 0 2 8 Crown— call, 7* 7d. 7s &<., 7* 5d — Ready Bullion (con.)—2nd call, 10d, 9jd, 3d ... — Tairua Broken Hills2nd call, 3? lOd, ' 3s 9d — Tairua Golden Kills (9d paid)—2nd call, 2s lid — Tairua Golden Hills (6d paid}—lst and 2nd calls, 2s 7d 0 2 5 Waihi— and 2nd calls. £9 9s ... 99 6 Waihi Grand junction—2nd call, 36* 117 0 Mountain. King (con.) —2nd call, Bjd... 0 0b

CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. Dividends. t South British. Insurance ... 0 1 6 Now Queen Extended March 16 0 0 Oi Now May Queen, March lb 0 0 1 April 13 New Occidental, March 31 ... 0 0 0£ April 14 New Dart. March 23 ... " 0 1 April 23 Rising Sun, April 10 0 0 1 Mjj 6 BUTTER AND EGGS. The following are the quotations for butter and eggs for the week ending April 18, 1908, as quoted by the local Produce Committer: -Factory butter. Is 3d per lb; separator butter, 101b per lb: farmers butter (best), 101b per lb; eggs (fresh), Is 6d per dozen; eggs (pickled), Is per dozen. FROZEN PRODUCE IN LONDON. The following table shows the imports of frozen sheep and lambs to London f'om January 1 to February 14, 1907 and .903. The totals given ine' :de South America, which in 1907 sent 269,501 sheep and 14,105 lrml< and in 1903 259,933 sheep and 37,223 lambs: — New Zealand. Australia. Total. CarSheep. Lambs. Sheep. Lambs, cases. 1907 ... 161,845 72.061 145, 5%.956 1,007,6C3 1908 ... 135,178 43,331 120,0*3 411,340 1,007.043 26,667 28,730 25.097 16.384 50,560 Dec. Dec. Dec. ■ Inc. Dec. THE PRICE OF BUTTER. Says the British-Australasian: — ' The Briton learns with surprise that he has been enjoying cheap butter for many winters past; because of the enterprise of Australia and New Zealand, and that butter is dear this year because of a spring drought in those countries. The consumer never knew before that this was Australasian butter, because before it reached his table someone had labelled it best English, Danish, Brittany, or what not. The only evidence to the layman of the presence of Australian butter in this country lies in the little bundles of firewood, on winch brands, such as Traralgon, Glenwood, etc., may sometimes be traced. The connection between butter and the Imperial tie might be more firmly established if the Briton would only consider how Australasia is able to supply him with such cheap butter. The trade was built up by a form of preference—let freetraders shudder, if they please, but a home-given bonus is the exact equivalent to an oversea, preference. If the British Government, would only meet the Australasian authorities half way, and grant colonial preferences on butter and similar products, the supply would become yet cheaper and much more regular. For though preference will riot ensure an Australasian rainfall, it will tend to such an expansion of the favoured industries in the colonies that Great Britain could experience no butter famine such as that we are aw enduring."- j

LONDON FINANCIAL JOTTINGS. [FROM OCR Off?.' CORBKSTOSHKSr.] ; Losdox, March 6. Among the New Zealand mining share# this week, Waihis have remained firm, the quotation in the middle of the week being 9; during part of tb period Talisman and Progress shares have been somewhat dull. According to th« trade information departnient «{ the Society of Motor Manufacture. and Traders, the import duty on steam waggons in New Zealand, which was originally 79 per cent, for foreign-built machines and 20 per cent, for British-built machines, fasts now been altered to 20 per cent, for all makes. Though coal prices are now receding, coalowners have been reaping a rich harvest. At the meeting of North's Navigation Collieries this week the chairman emphasised the fact that a profit of £135.853 was made in 190? out of a sale of 1,062,846 tons, as against a profit in 1905 of £72.955 out of 1,233,672 tons. An interesting report, published yesterday, is that of Lever Brothers, the groat soap firm. Tho profit and loss balance is £405.331, "after crediting £50,000 cash received. in an action fot libel"—the only reference made to a now celebrated case. Of the profits. £32,246 goes to tho " prosperity sharing" account. After paying an ordinary dividend at the rate of S per cent, per annum, there is £4554 to be placed to reserve. A company of New Zealand interest was registered on February 25, with a. capital of £40,000. in £10 shares. It is called Keckitts (Oversea), arid its object is to acquire bn-'me-s or branch business of Reekitt and Sons, carried on in Australia, New Zealand. South Sea Islands, Tasmania. British Columbia, and Canada, and to carry on business of manufacturers of starch, mustard. blue, etc., and of dealers in those articles. A company registered on January 25 was Humphries* Patent Bracket and Scaffold Syndicate; it has a capital of £1050 in 1000 preference shares of £1 each, and 1000 ordinary snares of Is each. Tho objects are stated to be to adopt an agreement between Humphries' Patent Bracket arid Scaffold Company, of Wellington, New Zealand, G. E. Humphries. ,J. B. Copland, and tho company, to acquire any inventions relating to scaffolding or brackets, and to carry on the business of manufacturers of brackets, grapplers. eyes, and other articles appertaining to such inventions.

The main fact, disclosed by Meux's Brewery report is that a larger trade was don© "last year, but that the benel s which in the ordinary way would have been derived from this circumstance were so completely neutralised by higher cost of materials, etc., as to make tho trading profit even a little less than it was. the year before. Inasmuch as no part of the balance of profit of £13,478. shown by the profit and loss account, can be distributed among the shareholders, the board recommend that the whole sum be applied toward reducing the amount at. which certain properties stand in the books of the company. The profits shown in the accounts of the Bank of Australasia for the half-year to Oc. tober 14 bust, including £17,324, brought forward from the previous half-year, and some recoveries from old accounts, enables the directors to announce a dividend of 12 per cent, per annum and a bonus of 8s per shares, equal to 14 per cent, per annum on the capital of the bank, also to place £60,000 to reserve fund, raising it to £1,470,000, £18,000 in reduction of bank premises account, -and- £17,000 as a bonus to the staff of 10 per cent, on tlioir salaries, leaving £16,074 to bo carried forward to next account. The dividend and bonus will lxpayable, free of Income tax, on the 2.7 th inst. ~ NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LTD. The New Zealand Loan .and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited report as follows: — CLEARING SALE. On Thursday, April 9, we held a clearing sale of live and dead stock at Hautapu, on account of Mr. C. Holliday. There was a large attendance, and spirited bidding throughout. The dairy cows due to calve in the spring, realised from £4 5s to £5 10s; others at profit, £4 lJis to £7 ; a few aged cows, £2 5s to £2 12s 6d : 2-year-old heifers in calf, £4 12s „6d; calves, 19s; yearling heifers, £1 9s; bulk, £1 15s to £2 10s; trap mare, £10 10s; a/ted mare in foal. £12; hack, £8 10s; drill. £22; d.f. plough, £3 10s; 14 pigs, £1 7s to £1 10s. OIIAUPO SALE. On Tuesday, April 7, at Ohaupo, only a tmall number of cattle were yarded, but the bidding was brisk throughout, everything selling at the hammer or afterwards, excepting one pen of three cows. Calves realised from 17s to £1 Is; fresh conditioned cows and heifers, £2 17« 6d to £3 14*; fat cow*. £5 5e to £6; store cows, £1 10s to £1 17s 6d ; bulls, £2 to £3 12s 6d. LONDON. By Telegraph.—Press Association.— Lokoos, April 10. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURNS. The following are the Bank of England returns for the week:—Gold coin, £17,274,000; reserve, £28.217,000; proportion of reserve to liabilities, 51.28 per cent.; notes in circulation, £28,914,000; public deposits, £11,223,000; other deposit*, £43,742,000; Government securities, £13,757,010; other securities, £30,781,0 CX?. MONEY MARKET. Bank rate, 3 per cent. CONSOLS AND COLONIAL STOCK. Consols, £87 7s (id. New South Wales 4 per cents., £110. Victorian 4 per cents., £104 10»; 3j per crate., £100 10s; 3 per cents., £89 10s. 'Queensland 3 per, cents.. £83 10s. Other stocks- are unchanged. WHEAT AND FLOUR. The wheat market, is - depressed, continued heavy shipments and weak American quotations discouraging buyer«, and deterring them from operating. Oargoes are dull; 35s 3d is asked for Australian afloat, 36s 3d for March and April shipment, and 35s 9d for steamer parcels. Australian on spot is scarce at 38s to 38ii 6d; New Zealand longberried, 34s 6d ; Khortberried, 35s 6d. The flour market is dull and weaker. Australian is unsalable in Glasgow. BUTTER. . . . Colonial butter is quiet and unchanged. Danish is weaker, being quoted at 103s to 110*. New Zealand has been cleared, and 110s to 112s is asked for next arrival. METALS. ■ Copper: On spot, £58 10s; at three months, £59. Tin: On spot, £143 10s. Lead, £13 15». Spelter, £21 7s 6d. Iron, 52s sd. SUGAR. German, lis 7d ; first marks, 12?. WOOL.

The Bradford 1 wool market, is verv quiet, Forties are quoted at 9d ; K.-ty-.tLxes, lid; common sixties, 22d ; *uper, 23d.

Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Limited, have received the following cablegram from London:— Lamb and mutton continue in demand, with a firm market. Beef: f.ese demand; prices a shade firmer. We quote— Canterbury lamb, b'd; heavy, 4£d; mutton, 4ld. Light prime North Island lamb, sid; heavy, 4Jd; mutton, 3jd. Light New Zetland beef, fore* 3id, hinds 4d. ItabbitsikinF: Prices have advanced since telegraphing ion Id for faur to good quality and par to id lor summer and low qualities.

CLOSING QUOTATIONS. tellers. Buv«ii. £ a. d. £ s. d. BANKS— New Zealand 9 15 0 - National 6 7 & — INSURANCE— New Zealand 3 17 0 — South British ... ... 2 13 6 2 16 0 Standard ... — 12 0 FINANCIAL— N.Z. and River Plate ... 1 14 0 1 13 0 COAL— Hikurangi ... . ..0 9 6 0 7 6 Nort. Coal. 10s paid ..." — 0 16 4 'J'aupiri Mines, Ltd. ... 1 0 6 10 0 Westport — 7 2 0 West-pert Stockton 0 10 6 — GAS— Auckland ... ... ... — 14 16 0 Birkenhead artd Northcote — 15 0 SHIPPING— Union S.S. 1 15 6 — Northern, paid up ... 0 18 0 0 17 6 ' Northern, con. ... ... 0 8 6 0 8 2 Devonport Steam Ferry... 1 13 0 1 12 0 TIMBER— Kauri, eon. 0 12 2 0 12 0 MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways, prof 15 0 — Auckland Tramways, ord. 14 9 — D.S.C., Limited .. ... 0 4 10 0 4 1 Grey and Menziee, ord. .. 0 8 10 — H.M, Arcade Theatre Co., nref. ... -.. ... 1 0 6 0 19 9 1I*M. Arcade Theatre Co., old. ... ... "... 0 19 0 — N.Z. Portland Cement Ci. 1 13 9 1 13 6 New Zealand Paper Mil is 14 0 —■ Union Oil — 12 0 Wiseman and Son?, pref. 10 0 ■ — Wiseman and Sons, ord. 0 12 11 0 12 7 Wilson's Portland Cement Co., pref. ... ... 2 10 0 2 8 0 Wilson's Portland Cement Co., ord. - 2 8 0 2 6 0 DEBENTURES— Auckland Harbour Board, 4 per cent. 97 0 0 — Auckland Gas 5i per cent. 53 10 0 — MINING— , Halcyon 004 002 Kuranui 0 0 10 0 0 13 Kuranui-Caledonian ... 0 1 0 0 0 81 May Queen 0 1 11 0 1 10 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 7 — New Moanataiari 0 0 5 0 0 3 New Monowai 004 0 0 2i New Occidental ... 0..0. 3£ , 0 0 2£ New Una ... ... ... 0 0 3 — New Sylvia 0 17 0 16 Old Alburnia 0 0 10 0 0 7i Saxon ... 0 0 8 0 0 5 Scandinavian 0 0 6 0 0 5i Southern. Queen 0 0 1-} Thames ... ... ... 0 0 104 0 0 9 Victoria 0 11 0 0 9 Waiotahi 0 3 3 0 3 1 Waitangi 026 019 Watchman . 0 0 61 0 0 5i Motuit Keelian. con. ... — 0 0 3 Consolidated Goldflelds ... 0 19 0 0 18 6 Golden Pah ... ... 0 0 4 - 0,03 Hauraki Freehold 0 0 7 0 0 4 Kap»wai, con 0 0 6 — Old Hauraki Gold Mines 0 2 7 ' 0 St 6 Old Kapanga 0 0 3£ 0 0 2 South Kapanga 0 0 lj 0 0 1 Tangiaro ... 006 — Tokatea ... 0 0 4£ 0 0 2 Sunbeam Gold and Silver, Is 6d paid 0 0 4£ . — Ngatiawa ... 0 11 010 Auckland 0 0 4£ — Comstook, coil 0 0 10 0 0 6 Coronation ... ... 0 0 1J 00 1 Champion, paid up ... — 0 4 10 Champion, con 0 4 0 0 3 11 Crown 0 7 6 0 7 4 Durbar 0 0 4 — Golden Belt ... ... 0 2 0 0 1 9 Golden Crews ... ... 0 0 64 0 0 6 Kirikiri, con. 0 0 4 •— Karangahake 0 14 0 12 Komata Reefs > ... ... 0 1 3 0 12 New Waitekauri 0 0 7 .0 0 6 Ready Bullion, con. ... 0 0 9 0 0 8j i Rising Sun 0 0 6 — Silver Hill ... ... . ... 0 0 7!, — Taihoa 0 0 5 — Tairu.i Broken Hills ... 0 3 10 0 3 8 Tairua Consols ... 0 U 4 — Tairua Golden Hills, 9d paid ... • • ... 0 3 0 0 2.9 Tairua Golden Hills, 6d paid ... • • — 0 ? 8 Tairua Triumph, oon. ... 0 2 1 0 1 10 Talisman Consolidated ... 2 13 3 2 12 9 • Waihi 9 9 6 9 86 Waihi Beach ... ... 00 10 00/ Wailii Consolidated ... 0 1 6 0 1.) Waihi Extended ... ... 0 4 1 0 3 11 Waihi Grand Junction ... 1 16 6 1 15 10 Dominion 0 0 6 0 5 4£ Mountain King, con. ... 0 0 9 0 0 i. Lanigan's Antimony Mines 0 0 6 —

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 3