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VICTORIA. A RETURN" OF £412.' [at TELEGRAPH.OWN vOf.RiarON'Tf^ Turnx*.i!*tnt<Uy/ A parous. of 24 V-s Is of general 070 »d 2&»b of picket itotto from tho atop® ou the ha©gingwai! leader above No- 2 lewl lias host* treated by the Victoria Gold ilia-ins Com. pany for a mum of 14&?* lldvt of Trotted; gold. valued at about £112. Tho stop?* ar*» sSill yielding or* of about tho same average v t vh'-\ wiiich «i otuy a-'out payable, owing to tb& smail «•» of <-'» leader, and tho consequent tune t&ke-ft m breaking out a crushing, TALISMAN CONSOLS DATED, Following is the official report on oper*. tions in the T»lii»»«w Consolidated mine foe the fortnight ending March 7_l»si:—- No. 10 level: —The'.vjliKW fr-r the perioH from the No. ""1 Bouansa block slope* »*«*- air" £1 Os 9,1 Those from the So. 2 Boftanx* block averaso £2 4* I*l ' No II Jey.?l; South drive (east. vein?-.-Advanced Wft, V'U»t 1153 ft, B«wf wider than drive. _ A«»y« shotago 3s lOd No, 14 vnvse—T his. w m started at 860 ft south. Progrw*. 15it. Reef wife? titan »into. Average of a*«.tys, 4* 3d. Stop' ing—The values from the slope* north and south of No. 10 rise {east v«iu) avcrasw £6154 Id. Tito &f«aya from No. ?. Bonanza block slopes (off No. 5 rise) «v» r. £i m 3 «d. The values from the leading stope north of No. 12 win» average £4 5-« hi. No. 12 Iwei? No. 8 winze—Sunk Bft. total 2^ft; width of reef, 12in; average of assays, 8«; connected. Sloping average of assay* from th« stops south of No. '* rise {ami vein)' is £2 lis.' The leading slope south «f No. 12 riso; has been advanced to .1 point 180 ft sooth <•! starting place™ Values for the period avwaga £2 13s 10d. Tin? assays from the No. I north block slopes average £4 4*. \ allies from the No. 2 Bonanza block. stojws average £16 19». No. 13 level: South drtvo —Ad*, vanced 24 11, total 422 ft: width of reef, 54in ;•< average of assays, £22 Is. Tho reef lias spliC and front 401 ft the drive has followed the footwall vein. Tho hangingwall vein at 4ulft is 3ft wide d bet ween it and the football branch thin is 2ft of country. ? . , JLater news is contained in the following ,'v copy of a cable which has teen forwarded. to the London office of the company i.«— *' No. <*■. 11 level south: Progress. 40ft; ' reef, ISm wide; assay value, 2m 2d. No. 14 winze, progress", 25 It: assay value, 3s. Stopped in' consequence of water being- very- • troublesome. No. 12 level sooth ic Progress, 22ft; " reef. 6in ; amy value. Is 4d. No. 13 level south: Progress, 22ft: reef wider than drive; * assay value. £6 10?. Stopped in consfcquencO of more water corning in." NEW DAHT. .- « [BY TJiI .EO It A . —Off CO EHKSVO.VOKN'T. ] " TK VMErf, SaUrrday.. Operations '» the New Dart mine aro cot), . ; fined to prospecting the Tweodside reef and No. 1 lodo lit the. No. 2 l(>vel of tho Old Dart shaft. Where work is being carried on tlies© lodes ar»> running paralled and clotd together. A leading «tope fans been carried along on No. 1 lode, ahotlfc SOt't, and ,j the lode stripped for that distance. A start was made yesterday to break this down. It . is intended to forward tiw quajU to the lottery for treatment as wen a< tho breaking % down is completed. Should it prove payable there is' a larpe-sized block available. , Tho lode is from 2itt to 6in thick, and tho. portion broken down so far looks favourable. ; A !itt> cold is seen through the mineral, with which the quart?, is heavily impregnated. , AI.BUUNIA, > [BY TELEGRAPH.OWN" conisKsiwouvr,] : Thamks, .Suturday. In the Alburnia mine the Sons of Freedom reef has not yet been picked tip on ths eaetern sTd? of the break. The mam drivn is now in licyond tbo break ftbout a.otfc, It is intended to conUnuo this drive lor m furtlier 2010 or 30ft into tho solid country, and then crosscut to pick up thr» reef in the > more settled country Iwyond the influence of the break. , ' > : THAMES. v . i9t ' [IIY TELEORAI'H.OWN CO RiIF.ST'OS DKN'T.}, ; TiIAMES, Saturday. Driving on tho Shamrock reef has been temporarily discontinued in the Thames .4 mine, owing to the poor - quality of .the quarts. Although about 140 ft /was <'riven ; on from the. croestmfc. nothing of a payable nature was met with. The main crosscut is being. continued .into the hangingwau country to intersect another reef, which it is estimated is about 100 ft ahead. It should be cut in about two months. 'J MAY QUEEN. \ -'7,1 [BY ItAl'tT.- —OWN Co*BE9Po>*i>'Ejrr4, ; Thamks, Saturday. •, In the May Queen Company's drive north from the Queen of Beauty »haft at No. 31 f level several small leaders were passed through during the week, varying from 31! l . to 6in in thickness, AH are composed o! favourabkv-kioking quartz, and carrying good mineral iadications. row thejr general favourable - ai»pearanco they., should sbe well worth prosi»ectitig. It is not, however, in- . tended to open out on them at present, »« • the manager is anxious to push on with the main drive to intersect No. 4 lode. In tho May Queen section the main portion- of the footv/iil! branch leader was cut in tho crosacut at No. 6 level during the week,, and this is now being risen upon to" connect with th; win/vo sunk from No. 5 level on the sauw leader. This should be completed during the. coming week, after which the leader will bo driven 011 both ways from the oro«icut, so ;-s to open up the block betwoeji/tho two -, levels for sloping. The slopes <m .the, cape leader abftvo No. 5 level arc still producing a steady supply of payable ore. THE RUSSELL FIND. :T [ Bt TEMJGBAPH. —OWN COBRS Ji'JNOKNT-i Russet, Saturday. \ large quantity of stone was sent from the Russell mine to Auckland yesterday for treatment. ' ■ GOLD MINERS' WAGES, ; [BY TKUXi IU FU. —OWN COJ»atKSTOKfffJ«T. J Thumbs, Saturday. A eoufewtnee has been arraiHEO'J to take place on Tuesday morning betwoen s delegates froci the mine owners and the - Thame* Miners. Union for the purpose of drawing up a freaii agreement between the parties as to wages and conditions of labour. The previous agreement, made in 1904, has expired.. ... *

DREDGING RETURNS. [BY TELIIGK AX'ft. —I'RESS ASSOCIATION.] DnSKJHK, Sunday. The following dredging return* are report* ed; —Golden Bed, 450r. 13<lwt; Waitaka Queen, 31oz gdwt; Sandy Point, 28 Sdwt; Punt, 250z 13dwt. , * »* GOLD FROM SKA SAND. There is a possibility of the gold-bearing resources of the We C'«»a»t being largely developed m the near future, 11 investigations instituted by a New Zealand syndicate; come up to anticipations. Mr. George A. OaHir, an American mining expert, has left Wellington f-r the West Coast to report on the possibilities of treating for gold the largj? black sea sand deposits then?. 'Hiere is work now being done in the vicinity of West port «i this connection, but not on an extensive scale. Mr. Carter's experiments will be of . a magnetic nature, and ha has brought special apparatus tor the purports. Futurw operations will depend upon his, report, ; if it is favourable Mr. Carter is confident tlat the development of this branch of gotil wining will prove a very good thing-for the Dominion, and, incidentally, fur the syndicate. About 100 ton* of sand will be treated experimentally each day, the preliminary investigation occupying about 10 days. Should it turn out satisfactorily, steps will be ts*kfcu to establish a plant for future operations. NOTES. x Ore in the north and south sections of the Golden Cross mine has yielded assays of from £1 to £6 12» per ton. •" The low level in the -Tairua Golden Hill# mine is in soft andejito country, with numer- *\ ous seams, and diutios intersecting each other at all angles. A contract ha i been let to drivo south on No, 1 reef. This is 7ft wide at the intersection of the crosscut;, and in. th» face now it occupies the full width ot the drive, with no walls showing. Assars taken across the face are good, and tie manager, states that indications are that it •" will imp row da the drive advances. In the new low level the country is firm, brown: sandstone. _ This level will be -.'earned oa by three shifts, so « to gcu to the No, X reef £,3 fleetly « «W8»ble«« ■ . ~ I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 3

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MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 3

MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13723, 13 April 1908, Page 3