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THIRD DAY'S RACING. I no A-T.C. will bring their aotowm me?* ings to * roto'limon to-day, and with a tafiitat list of a&ceptonce* in hvr.d, «nd cv-?.ry : prospect nt fine we*tber. matters bear * d«cidetlly prorntitiig appe*ra«c*» JV»r a most in ? rc*ting tlteriwurt's sport, Tm folkmisjg i* a !;-< of the foorr** engaged to th« varikttH CAMPBELI, HANDfrAP TROT. «*• ntfi<B m Eurefca scratch, VUcoa.ot >.. f«tr*frser i* L■' : ". : Rosier 6*., L*dy v*tvv 7*,. DbJj* C. "8* . S'iWw -'-•" ■■M., linen Let} lis,, Hippy 13*. '. '.; HIGH-CLAS3 IL\N'rHC.Vf* TROT, em mi>-- -'- ; •S{>t»riali*t »cratch. Austrev* 2*.. Priitr«tii Kti* 5*,.- ' - :i; Mjp!«.<.v«Hj. 4*.. Robes V, BcwebcMJ 12*.. u- ■'-?' ; " : - Hc»,:rt L:<, Bt-gey IS.*. Craljt*rtt»*ey lU, '.-■ 'FAREWELL "..■.DfCAI* 1 HOT. »m mi)*,,;, Aiuttey ectaJcb, Prince*? Km cratch. R?.**b«d : I*.. V.S. «<., Happy ll*.. Colen»*j las.. «.;'*v C -v!i.r« Pride lis., Put j.riwu 16«., nuek !{»**• la».. t>ajf« '': :: dawn !"/»., Mi** Veti 18*., la go 19.*, $*-*mi* ■ ■ "■: IS»., lien.% IS*., Bert 19?. -• - TRIAL TROT HANDICAP, arte mil* *nd » h*t! —John liarotd scratch. Ca*U«»T L l *.. t,tt»f* Dick 16*.. (.Irak?? IS*., M*t'x '$trti 18*., N«-s-ti»S----ton IS-., >"i. Patrick V?.*,, Minnie B. 13* . M*«r-*K»." ' -".,' no 19s. Vi-tcjine 13« . N-lswi (la!* B«*ii 20*,', - Elba .22*., Maud G. M*. INNOVATION HANDiCAP TROT, one mils- *»« ah*!!'.—Little Paul 4*., toogry S*.„ John it»t»t« bi., Cleveland** Pride $*~ kg\m It, 9*., PulteHwi 12a., D.iydawtj 13*., H*ro»d lliwa 14*.. Mlr, V... Los , Janitor 16»., S«*role It*. *W-t !?»., X*r - Gould 16*., Livelier *'}*~ i,;t!lf; Oh-* 225., OlSkB '■ £2*., Major Election i2..., liuha 2.- . Fibre i'..* PARK HANDICAP, six f»«l«iwy* »nd »-teIJ..Wathou 9.11, Ootoroutt 5.!3, Itwghfe 3.10. tjr--,i< ,', BARN HANDICAP. five uu!<>»g* -Wait-mi *■&. Uushie ' ". tmprimu* 8.12, Qu»Ui«tob 88, K«i* tie i-,. a, Vvni* &..', Ktenot? 6.7, AUCKLAND RACING CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. ACCEPTANCES FOB THE FIBST DAY'S EVENTS. . Th.v following is a list of the acooptaii<«e re ' eeived in connection with the A.B.C. Autui»« Meeting, which opens 011 Saturday next: — FINAL PAYMENTS. "* EASTER HANDICAP of 650 'sov*. One mite it. lb. , . - *t. Ik, S' Marftterite .... : 9 4 Veronica ... ... 7 jja ■'::.o Gold Crest ... y 0 boultltna ... ' ... I'll .Master Mjvi' ... 8 8 Otto* ... „. ? g LhUuido (ifidutling !.<*iiiitof ... J 9 lib nerwlty ..." 8 7 '(> A rob* ... 1 5' King IH.Iy ... k 6 Advocate ... 1 i ', Mftliuta 8 & Haiifataha ... 7 I Cranium a Z Certainty ... 6 l,> Cambrian ... „ 8 1 Golden Kftjfle ...- ; 0 L.' D»wa ... ... 8.0 Lady tlohusj, ... 6Li TRADESMAN'S- HANDICAP of 200sov*. Ui.-i----mile and a-quarter. ■■-■•■" - •■ - Ht lb «t lh Scotty 810 Lord Beaton ... 7 % Curl Rosa ... 8 9 Syren ... .- ? 1. s Delegate ... 8 6 Woodhey . '■ ._ 7 1 Sweet Alice ... 8 ft Sstarina ... ... 613 Montieo ... 8 1 • - - EDEN HANDICAP of 150sov». Seven fnrkm-j* -i at It) .. »t-,.1U 9 ' : S Celtic 8 4 M;inapouri ... 7"7 -JTui Cakchan ... 8 1 Wailitika ... 7 * *•:•:. Miss Winnie ... 712 Mahano ... ... 613 - Landloek ...... 7 3 Taitoko ... ..- 112 Loelibuhio ... V 8 ''■■]' '..■_■■' VICI'OIUA HANDICAP of ISOsovi. Five furlongs., ." st lb , . .m. lh Diamond Star... 8 8 Belle Clair filly 7 0 Santa Rosa ... 8 5 Ooromaade! ... h 13 .-.',;,; Rarata 8 0 Rimiock ... ... <» 10 Taleuiteber ... 7 12, Jena ... ... it 10 Waiiaangu ... 7 8 . | ._v TRAMWAY HANDICAP of Five » furlongs, st lb »t b> Mian Winnie ... 8 7 Marangal ... 7 3 Hluvk and Cold 8 3 Forctno«t . ... 7 < Tamiuiuipo ... 8 2 M'auchope ... J4, Loon.taha ... 8 1 L&dy Rohiaa ... 7 4 (.luiclwiic 8 0 Kirit.v ... ... J J Pinery ... .:. 8 0 Etedirkfe ... 7,f North Head ... 713 Haldatie 611 Noteorlai ... 710 Wulhoihoi ... 6U Lochbubie ... 7 '.) NELSON HANDICAP of 100sov«. Sewnfurlotlgß. '?«■*:.' , st. lb *t lb Freetnoant ... ') 0 Baltimore ... 6 ** Royal SauuH. .. 812 Mark Time ~.'B'x . Clochette ... 8 8 Oyronit ... .'. 711 Aristocrat ... 8 7 Lira ... ... .-Jig First Gun ... 8 7 Escauiulu , ... 7, ( Cadence... ... 8 6 Criapeaa . : (late ! ' l>ni 8 5 -Tera)-'-..,■:'-..f.#A7>v,J Auldearn ... 8 4 TuaKituaii'/wdw? . Waitahi ...;...-8 4 Eipsotn Lass ... -7.« .3 NOTES FROM ELLERSLIE. Veronica ha* been acquitting herself niceli ■ durinff the week, and included amongst the likely ones to earn distinction in the. autumn. . . •■■ Tho HotchViss folding Advocate contittu<« to go on the right way, and he has improved somewhat, in appeft'ran&j since he • scroti at the Takapuna meeting. Carl Rosa, who looks bright acid well, la- " been iJ.cquitt ; himself nicely in his! ,vroi:k, and all continuing well with the little win el Sea ton Delaval, a good race can Iks 'tut parted from him at the A.R.O. Autumn Meeting, Master Delaval is holding hi.3 condition . , nicely, and from the manner in which he has licen striding along there is reason to' expect'him to bo in a position to reprtduco his best form at the A..R.C Autumn Meeting. . . ■..- ' ]■ Ta.ims : iuj)o, tho three-year-old *on of Soult and Winnie, who was added to tinlist after winning two races in; the spring, has coma on splendidly since he resumed work, and ho may bo heard of again during the autumn. --_-_. Cambrian continues to please the «ot:r«i watchers at ElletslM), and as a result the s'ir of Cyrenian'-s chanee in the Easter Handiest]; .-. is being tote'nsively advertised. "-Thcnv't-ai. lie no question a* to Cambrian hayinj; fur Dished nicely since ho was last seen in public and there in some reason to vote him i a betlei liorsa now than at any previous juncture 0! ■' -p his career. ■. • '<l"*■ - J J Tho "fis'iro system," as applied* to' tho :■? breeding of raoehorses, ■, has taken • hold pretty well all over tho world, but mi Jri*|i farmer's interpretation of it, a,> supplied by a Dublin correspondent of the London :'.-' SjportsinaD, is deoidwJly -rich. It appesv % ! i|i,*ti ,i German gentleman was a4f'-Knott* j iiiiUybeg endeavouring too buy a foiv-yesr-j old -<,n of Red Prince' it. (who is now lc-">:V eated in Germany) for 200sov» that hi* owner whs wanting 500i»ors tor. /After a dc* of parleying the G#rman a«ked (ho fanner if *-he horse was bred to figure/, and re*»svs=d the following answer: —" ooars* be.!-'-. >er honor we breed to nothing else in Ireland, and tho higher the figures are the more wo like them. Kow look at tkg,t horse. I tell ye his father cost £5000, and before th* he filled Atogarvan Lodge with silver and gould cups, the like of which you never &aw, or ever will. The j»gUW)H> ' cos those cups I'll remember till tib 9 ■ day I. die. Then look at his dam—sh« made figure?. She was a second cousin to the ;: mighty Tkircaidino. and you know he.won- ' thousands and thousands in figures,, while ;V herself won 40 or 50 raws round the Phitnis ; : ; and Ale«th, that the Saxon papers or books wouldn't publish through sheer jealousy ii» case her fame sir old get known to the : world, and relegate Sceptre and 'Pretry Polly to back Rates. V T hat her owner wwld ■'• her for will never be known, for he Ibouglri! a gould mine with the money, and a*. it never went through a bank, bow cctilu we .... get to know? Then his half-brother—-*ee ,;-' the figures he built up! He killed Micky Kidd, of Clooshboy, and hi* wjddy , got -;> ;t £2000 from a Saxon insurance company ; somewhere on a hill where they grow corn .—I suppose ho meant Cornhill—in London, :i arid now she's married to as nic« a chap. as you wotdd find in the five counties— ; good a eportsroon as <->«er rode another man''* polo pony with his own spurs,'arid -. as fond of joviality, good mating, fcirttius, ...'' drinking, and all she neces»itii>- of an Irisft-' ■ (..«»';: life. Figure*! I tell ye the horse ;-: i« bred to figures right enough, and if hn : ' , 5 isn't niaao ftliow me the "wan that is He . lis worth a thousand in figures, arid I only .- ask you five hundred because I'd !:k*» to see him go' to Germany to be near -his ei3l«-j . father in his ould age-" ,- ' ' „-.. A Bill before the New York Legstilatuis proposes to make bettinjr illegal. , In aa iin- .:'■':■:'■■ terview on. the subject, Mr. James R. Keene. the millionaire horaeownar, .'. espressedl him- ■-, self as follows : —First of all, he, psTmrnai ty, would retire from A j\o turf, aitnoiigh h** never backed hia horses for a shilling. The Bill, if it became law, would destroy 60,000,000 to 80,000.000 dollars' worth of r£c-;:<" ing property, would throw 10,000 to I2,00t! persons out of employment, and deprive the city business people of 50,000,000 dollars, which by careful calculation he estimates i.» spent yearly in connection with racing, besides the money which i-, s-x-ut by the 700,000 vi'-i.or- who' eviine primarily oii account of the race*. -Mr. ' Ktejie also uakl he believed it would male racing degenerate t>> the point where it Would be nothing more nor leas than an .; unsportaananlike device on which to baja th* o:«;r;uk'Ui -yi poolrooiaisi

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13722, 11 April 1908, Page 9

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AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13722, 11 April 1908, Page 9

AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13722, 11 April 1908, Page 9