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High Water at •£>»*.»% Sun-Rises. 6.0 a.m.; seta. 5.54 p.m. Moon: .New, April 1, 4.32 p.m. 'V WEATHER REPORT. ;* Parttnin Edwin's weather rejiort at 5 P\ m iSetM «>•!*; thermometer, 59; east, iresh ;. baio » etcl ' ' New rivmouth : TT%M*»ffi**i "barometer, 29.62; therwind, soutn-ea wratber, drizzling; sea, smooth. RSSltofnt- Wind south-west, light; barome- . t V t 255 V thermometer. 57 , weather showery; In, moderate. Wellington:, south, tea. „ barometer, 29.79; thermometer, 65; wealher driS We«J«»4 Wind, south-west breeV-e l onSter, 29.71; thermometer, 63. weft. ilci tine : «sea, smooth. Kaikoura :Wmd, east-north-ii.i light, barometer, 29.8b: thermometer, 57 ; weather! gloomy ; sea, flight swell Bluff : Wind, Southeast, light; barometer, 29.75; thermometer, 57; weather, fine. PORT OF AUCKLAND. ARRIVALS. iTRSHIRE "-' , '"-> I{ Court, from the Southland Waitara.— Zealand Shipping Coinpuny, agents CLANSMAN, «.s., 591. E. McLeod, Bom Rus- ' sell Passengers: Mesdamcs A. V. Purehaa, Burton' W. U. Stewart, Greene, G. I'cnne.y, K. Kanik-' Harercave?, Miss Florauce, Nurse Hatta«»v.' Messrs. Burton, A. B. Greene, A. L. Meniit's, Fmlay, Foster, W. M. Stewart, Fell, 0* Penjtev' W A. Cutter, Speedy, Dr. A. C. I'urchas, the Rev. K. Karaka —Northern S.S. Co., agents. \Ui'ol"iU, s.s., 240, T. HftUltain, from Tau'ranga Passengers . Jlesdames Hughes, Taliua, Jlrp«r«. U. Lund. Jscobsen, Perie, Phillips, Tuma, Tahua, Timu, Abbott, Montgomery, Hughes, the Rev. Father Vandigh— S.S. Co., agent*. KANIERI, s.s., 203, T. Myers, from Whnngarei. Passengers: Mrs. H. Grillen and child, Messrs. ,W. Story, A. Merrin, W. Hannah, A. Robertsen, Master Northern S.S. Co., agents. BADEN-POWELL, e.e., 194, H. Petersen, from Kguhguru.— Coal Company, agents . HAZEL CRAIG, barque, 467, J. Jalms, from Gisborne. —T. Henderson, agent. SOUTHERN CROSS, barqucntine, 257, H. Mann, from Newcastle.— Limited, agents. VENULE HILL, barquenttne, 223, Robert Owen.«, troji Newcastle. —T. Henderson, agent. CORONATION, ketch, 96, George Page, from Bieborne C. O. Daere, agent. DEPARTURES. NGAPUHI, s.R., 640, E. Stephenson, for MHiaBgarei. CLANSMAN, s.s , 591. E. MoLeod, for Russell, .Whangaroft, and Mangonui. . WAIOTAHI, 5.8., 278, C. Hopkins, fur the Great Barrier. PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Losiio-v: Tokomaru, s.s., Monday. , Kia Ora, «.»., about April 20. J - Kawimea, s.s., in April. ■ "•" ' j Samoa : I ■ * Fore tic, s.s., about to-morrow. NaVua, s.s., March 31. j SyDSJsr: " •, /" ' " Manuka; s.s., Monday. -~ , j Norfolk Island : j - : Southern Cross, s.s., April 3. , Fiji : Navua, c.s., March 31. ■ Niue;; Ysabe!. schooner, Monday. Kakoton&a: ';'■■■'..■ i Jiajiapouri, e.s., April 14. - i TAHITI: •" I : . ManalJOiiri, 8.3., April 14. j Apxa: . ' Samoa, schooner, about to-day. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. " LosnoJf: -.. Wliakariia, s., due to-day. - Maori, s.s , direct, due about April 6. Niwarti, s.s., via Australia, due April 29. Star of Japan, 8.3., to sail on March 24. •Turakiua, s.s., due about May 2. v Mimiro, b.s., due. April 29i - Liverpool: '. -' Karauiea n.a.i to sail. .■■•.' V . Devon, s-s., due early in April. Morayshire, s.s., to sail. \ Nairnshire, s.s., to sail. ; > - Indragbiri, s.s., due April 24. ;-■■ . Whakatane, 6.5., due about May 16. Matatua. s.s.,due on May 25. 'Delphic, s.s., via Australia, due May 16. .Vancouver : Indraveii, s.s., to Bail. : San Francisco : Aeon, s.s., about April 11. - New York: .*■-. Aberlour,, s.s., due to-morrow. Strathavon, s.s., via Australia, sailed January , - \ 19. ; : ' ■, " - Mimiro, s.s., via. Australia, sailed, , Vermont, s., to sail, < African, Monarch, .3., sailed. " ■ Netherlie, e.s., to sail,C ?--""■/' : i'.. ■ Fiji: Navua,'b.s., to-day. - '■'■■'"• \' :' .';.;■' ffONGA.: * . » i ' •-"■•'". Navua, s.s., to-day. * .. .■ TV; "Aeon, 8.5., about April 11.-.--' ■ . Samoa: »:.■•,- 1 - Navua, s.s., to-day. ' ■ Jlpia: > .Aeon, B.s, about April 11,:, •' IXDNBT: ■' . Orange Branch, b.s., to-day. Foreric,,s.B., to-day. , • ■ .Mokoia, b.s., Sunday. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. I , East Coast. . - : :-' ''• (To-day Monowai arrives from Southern ' ports. Haupiri arrives from East. Coast Bays. " Navua arrives from Tonga and Samoa; Squall arrives from Tolago Bay and Gisborne. Saturday: Wanaka arrives from the Bluff, Oamam, and Timaru; Monowai sails for Southern ports at 12 noon; Squall sails for Tolago Bay and Gisborne, 2 p.m.; Haupiri sails for East * foast bays at 2, p.m. ■ •'■■ ■■'-'■■ West Coast. Fridav .-Takapuna arrives from New Plymouth, and sails for New Plymouth and Wellington at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. train). ' NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about 8 a.m. and leaves for the same port at 4 p.m. (train 3 p.m.); Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 9 p.m.; Ranieri leaves for Whangarei Town ; Wharf at 1 p.m. ; Waiot'ahi arrives from the Great Barrier about ...9 v.m ' :.'.:■ - Friday: Ngapuhi . leaves for Whangarei at 8 - p.m.; Aupouri leaves for Tauranga at 5 p.m.; Apanui arrives from Awanui, Waiharara, Hour■■'; » bora, Mangonui. and Whangaroa about 11.30 a.m.; Ka-nieri arrives from Whangarei about 6.30 p.m. Thames service: Steamers leave for Thames and Paeroa daily. See advertisement daily papers. _f - VESSELS IN HARBOUR. iris, H.M. cable steamer, in .stream. / Amokura, Govt, training ship, at Motuihi. '■i' Surrey, s.s., at Queen-street Wharf. Ayrshire, s.s., at Railway Wharf. \ Ysabel, schooner, at Quay-street Jetty. - Southern Cross, mission steamer, at Queen-street Wharf. Geni,' barque, at Quay-street Jetty. Samoa, three-masted schooner, at Queen-street :■: Wharf *-. ' Aldebaran, barque, at Railway Wharf., Alexander Craig, barque, at Hobson-street Wharf. Inga, s.s., at Railway Wharf. .Handa Isle, barquentine, at Chelsea. Empress, barque, in stream. Mary Isabel, barquentine, at Queen-street Wharf. Hazel Craig, barque, in stream. Pendle Hill, barquentine, in stream; Southern Cross, barquentine, in stream. IMPORTS. Per Southern Cross, from Newcastle: 240 tons coal,' 33 tons coke. Per Petidle Hill, from Newcastle: 274 tons coal, 1500 easeß benzine, 600 cases naphtha. The Northern Coal Company's steamer BadenPowell arrived from Ngunguru yesterday morn- I ing with a cargo of coal, and leaves for Whangarei to-night. Yesterday the barquentine Handa Isle was towed up to Chelsea to discharge her cargo of ' coal from Newcastle at the Sugar Work*. The barquentUie Mary Isabel has commenced discharging her cargo of hardwood timber from ■ Clarencetown (New South Wales). The Norwegian barque. Olivia is loading fcauri lumber at the Northern Wairoa for Hull (England), and will proceed ou her voyage*during the nest lew days. " ' THE MONOWAI. The Union Company'* steamer Monowai left Gisborne for Auckland at 11 a.m. yesterday and is expected to arrive about 9 a.m. to-day.' ' THE WHAKARUA. The Tyser liner Whakarua, from London and Australia, is due at Auckland to-day. Laving left Sydney on Saturday night last. THE AYRSHIRE. The steamer-Ayrshire, which Is loading frozen meat and general cargo for London under charter to the New Zealand Shipping Company, arrived from Haitara yesterday morning and berthed at the Railway Wharf. The steamer leaves about the end of this .week tor the South to complete tier loading. ■ THE HAZEL CRAIG. The barque Hazel Craig, Captain J. Johns, arrived from Gisborne yesterday morning alter a tair passage of three days. The barque comes to Auckland in ballast and will be floated into the Auckland Dock for general overhaul. THE SOUTHERN CROSS. The barquer.tino Southern Cross, Captain If Maun, arrived from Newcastle tit 10 p.m. on ruesday with a cargo of coal and coke. The "taster reports waiting from Newcastle on March iin« ,V a -.ol? rtl 't ast v -'' lKi ' wWch wa » carried until ... 19th, ,'V'? tun wind came away from toe, south-east, blowing *««h. The Three Kings were sighted on the aTafc, and variable winds and heavy r«i a prevailed until port was made. THE PLNDLE HILL. a .-Tivort l ' a1 'l" no Pendle. Hill. Captain R. Owens carlo of S V.* 0 "" 0 on Tuesday nighi, with „ cargo of coal, benxinc, and naphtha. Tha master 252h!«55 ,, \ mn - Newcastle on March 12 and experienced , fresh , winds ? m the cast-north-east -id east, with heavy rain, for the first five winch, ,'. i; ° « deat t 80ulli and, south-west ' «1M I n" ipK Mllri * 1 Va :« Wemen, which was - varilhlt Q - V ! n A on l '," nd ' '""**«« by light , Variable winds down the coast to arrival. ""?"■.'.■ THE MOKOIA. ' »e*^fn? l A i »^..! : f Tn , l>ai i y > steamer Mokoia left Byd., 2£i? c , Auckl . ye'Btcrday aflcrnoop *ud i 'i«;M.% i Stc.tjd^.^ mAft^m^ail^^^^

THE NAVUA. The Union Company's steamer Navua ie do at Auckland to-day from Sydney, Fiji, Samoa, an Tonga. THE TOKOMARU. . . The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company'* steam? Tokomaru is due at. Auckland from Gisborne l< night to complete her loading for London. Th steamer is timed to leave Oft her Home war voyage on Monday next. SHIP SALES. A number of steamers have changed ownei ship. Messrs. Kellock recently sold by . auctio nt the' Baltic the Qtteenwood, a steel sere l single-deck stenmer, owned by the llillwoo Steam Shipping Company. The vessel, whic was sold by order of the mortgagees, was buil in Holland, her engines being constructed o the '.fyiie. The pi-ice realised' was £9600. Other vessels otfeied by Messrs, Kelloc were the siugle-serew steamers City of Bomba and the lago. The reserve price in the case < the City oi Bombay was not reached, and th vessel was withdrawn. The Ia»o was sold fti £4000. The twin-serf Miner Anglesey lid also been sold by Messrs. Kellock, the' pile realised at auction being £2890. Messrs. 11. E. Moss' and Co. have sold t British owners the steamer Etona, owned b Messrs. Bucknall Nephews. London. The Etonil , which was built at Stockton in 1890, is of 249 tons gross, and has triple-expansion engines. The steamer Johanna, built at Greenock i; 1898, and owned by Mi-. ,T. He Poorter, of Rotter dam, has. been sold to foreign owners, througl Messrs. Wait and Dodds. Newcastle-ou-Tyne. Til Johanna is of about 1680 tons d.w., on abou 15|ft of water. She has been sold after inspec tion at Rotterdam. Messrs. Aceavite, BoSsallni, and Co., of 4, Cul lurii-street, R.C., have sold another Liverpoo sailing ship lo Italian clients—the M. E. Watson of 1670 tons net, now at. Dunkirk, for £4650, will special survey passed, and delivered out of di" dock, painted throughout. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. TAKAPUNA* s.s., 1036, W. Hutching*, troll Wellington and New Plymouth Passengers Misses Davidson, BaulWy, Duncan, Thompson Sankby, Woollams, Can-, Inglis, Johnson, Elling ham, Mesdames Murton, Emmet Allhusen, Tat tersall, Thwaites, Wernier, Johnson, Messrs Swan, Wallace, Bartholomew, Somerfield, Winni cott, Thomson, Way, Burrell, Bateson, Tanner J. P. Lavin, Allhusen, W A. Boucher, Percy Ronnie, Griger, Gilchrist, Maingav, Renit, Ra mage, Grant, Lovett, Graham, and 57 steerage.Union S.S. Co., agents. CLAYMORE, s.s., 198. E. Boiling, from Rag lan and Kawhia.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES, TAKAPUNA, b.s., 1036, W. HutellWfrs, for New Plymouth. Passengers : Misses Quilliam, Jones, ! McGregor, Dawson, Taylor, Crombie, Snowdon, Armstrong, Green, Butcliffe, Quilliam, Gray, Nurse Poote. Mesdaiities Armstrong, Gladding, Gower, Inglis, oi, Clair, Johnston, .Messrs. Atkinson, Tanner, tiiau..itig, G. 11. Pinson. P. J. ; McNally, Allen, Austin. J. Miller, Jeffries, inglis, Watte, G. Gore, Lawrence, 11. P. Fenwick, St. Clair, Walton, Wilson, and 18 steerage I ■ | __ ■ *- - BY TELEGRAPH. cape Maria VAN diemen. March 25.-The s.s. Wliakarua passed east at 2.40 p.m. to-day. KAIT'A.UA HEADS. March 25.—Arrived : Brisbane, s.s., from Lyttclton; Seagull, scow, from Hokianga. KIRIPAKA. March 25.—Arrived : Havoc, scow, from Auckland. Loading : Alert, scow, for Auckland. HOKIANGA HEADS. March Arrived yesterday ! Ohinemuri, s.s.. with the Sarah and Mary in tow, from Whangape. TAURANGA. March, 25—Arrived: Mahgapapa, s.s., ..from Auckland. EAST' CAPE. March 25.—The s.s. Haupiri passed north at 1.20 m. and the s.s. .Monowai passed north at 4.55 p.m. to-day. GISBORNE. , March 25.—Arrived at 4 p.m.: Victoria, s.s., from Auckland. Sailed.: Monowai, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers: Misses Houston and Nurse Mine, Mesdames Bertram and infant. Gray, Atkins, O.venham, Clark, the Rev. Bertram", Sergeant Williams, Messrs. Gray, Atkins, Clark, Redstone, Brenan, Page, Green. Miller, Deannan, Scott,' Williams, Beattie, Lindsay, „ s rome, Gross, Robin, Burgess. ' " NEW PLYMOUTH. March Arrived: Rnrawa, s.s., from One.hunga. Sailed: Rarawa,. s.s., for Onehunga. .. WELLINGTON. March 25.—Arrived: Maheno, s.s., from Sydney. LYTTELTON. March 25—Arrived: Wairuna, s.s., from Newcastle; Alexander, as., from Pelorus Sound; Wakatu, s.e., from Ksikoura•„ Taviuni, e.g., from Grejmouth. Sailed: Waikare, a.s., for Duuedin; Alexander, 5.8., for Pelorus Sound; Kini, s.s., for Westport and Greymouth; Rotomabana, s.s., for Wellington; Manuka, s.s., for Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, and Sydney. '■;'■ DUNEDIN. March Arrived: Koonya, s.s., from the West Coast; Maitai, s.s., from Svdney, via Wellington. Sailed: Maitai, s.s., 'for Melbourne; Ulimaroa, s.s.. for Sydney, via Wellington; Orari, s.s., for Lyttelton. ■ '■ SYDNEY. March 25.—Sailed at 2.30 p.m. Mokoia, s.s , for Auckland. NEWCASTLE. March 25.— Sailed: Kamona, s.s., for Dunedin; Northern Chief, barque, for Auckland. MELBOURNE. ' March 25.—Sailed: Moeraki, s.s., for Hobart and New Zealand. . LONDON. March 24.--Arrived : Star of Australia, s.s., Fifeshire, s.s., from New Zealand. Sailed: Paparoa, s.s., Whakatane b.s., for New Zealand.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13708, 26 March 1908, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13708, 26 March 1908, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13708, 26 March 1908, Page 4