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Opticians. Medical. J . , j I a u 4- 4ri 4- - g Weak and Exhausted — Almost iteady I ADOUI mat to Surrender and Cease Fighting | ! mm \ -~-.- fy^ 4 ihe Baiiie of Life. j PHOTOGRAPH .;;:':;;.;?;;; & I '" the Tramcars. poorly and your y^fejl ; nerves are A_V weak; if you &ss*r )Msx& There's not enough room to say a lot., so we just remind you of are despondent J^^VW® m.7 * fi-Brt < in, l discouraged, vfimttml Our Name and Our Work, with stomach out \§mw of order, and have lifffs V J "Enough said." | indigestion, sick- W'^ffl I headache, weak (/ *' I . muscles, and you find your day's j i '-■ «., , , * -, , *• duties almost too much for you — j | «Gffio When you look at " neXt time then there is help for you in THINK- That stands for Skill in AWP^PS*^ SIGHT TESTING, for PERFEC- #** " ■■■ C»' TION in SPECTACLE FITTING, I OdSSK. $dl I lid . for CHOICEST STYLES of EYE= It will arouse the digestive glands j ~. * ~~*<.~ r c a. ,r- a ™ to more activity, will purify your j I GLASSES, for perfect FAR- blood> help ? . ou to rere3 hing I ' NEAR' and 'FRAME LESS' sleep, and give renewed force ' I tone and strength to your system I V VWMHP> WORK, for the in general. Ayer's Sarsaparilia has I / benefited many thousands of tired . *~± a«> i r* • and discouraged people and will Best Optical Service ««* >-* ™~ Ax now made, Ayer'a SarsajjgSjk Procurable." >""'"" "'"": "° :'""""■ &*MsksWs&' There arc many imitation Sarsapanllas V Be sure you_ge^ u AYER'S." J I Prtfirfii by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., U.S.A. SAMUEL BARRY, j—--, 4 R W BIGHT A - ND S ONSI THE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST, "**■ § Commerce-street Office. Telephone 143. I ■ 314 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. r , Wharf Office Telephone 603 1 v—«—. ' General Depot and Coal and firewood Yard, j a i I /•' '"'"'eat North Road. f| j ffair^rffiflmßWMiif l bbm iii iwiihiiii iij..iimji.lii.ui hi il i i iii iiiiii mi ii mi ii ii iiiiii in jjgggWgßMgllMMgWggj T rnr-f —|—^^^^.^' M^^^"""*"^l"^^'^^^rT^r n ' l El^[ir iln '

Medical. " NATURE'S PLEASANT LSMTIVE." 1 a y hi 1 Acts Gently. Acts Pleasantly, 1 Pi Acts Beneficially. I Acts Truly as a Laxative. 1 :sM<fl £5& 'S» gFFiPS (5GM35,. a m BA 1 Iff I Ml i PP 1 JKk I Overcomes Habitual Constipation, 1 speedily relieves 11 gLg -===- I Biliousness, Indigestion, 1 anc j a ii disorders arising from 1 Sluggishness of Liver, Bowels & Kidneys, 9 j| Sold by all Chemists throughout Australia in two sizes, 1/3 and 1/11. E ii.- ~ ■ — i, 1 —— ' i THY SAYING THIS QUICKLY.: "If you are not feeling as well as you were feeling when you felt better than you feel now/ , TRY Give Your Nearly § stone I System a Chance S3 54 James St., Ls:cr.:iA?.DT, N.S.W. -| to show what it can do. It will perform its lj jst Sept., 1006. ' : o>Tiae to a severe j| part efficiently if you give it "fair pky." •' cough my v.r'.c daughter Kitty (12 jfi When your stomach causes diiitreaa, b months) did not improve, although i B there . s a reason Hasty meals, unwise t, ; tried various preparations. SCOTT'S m ~ ~ , , _. \ Emulsion ar-eed well with her, the if diet, over-eating, or rich food are some of ! ' cough soon disappeared, and she now <| the causes that force the stomach to rebel. ; ; weighs nearly two stone. jjj Correct the derangement and give the [.• (Mrs.) K. Kurlb IS digestive organs assistance by taking It 4*-»^ J SEASON WHY I BEECHAM'S PILLS, and prevent fur- /? she was suili vt». ta „ . I FJ'rf n-u • . •" • • 0 tber suffering and anxiety. I /i=--'v * V'J ?B & /I !>"..'•>-,< P ovvt>r of scott'S, 6| Acute Indigestion, Heartburn, Sour , fp/> SI that is all. SCOTT'S 8 „ „.. *', „ , rk , ' . . IM* jT'"-T is made of the purest '5 Eructations, Flatulence, Discomfort %({ n andsirongesi; cod liver jg after meats, Heaviness, and all Stomach nil M 0)1 wlllch iM world j ? r%. ■. ~, , m* Ah produces, his pure 8 Disorders are remedied by W ?UL oil is mads so diges- jg I <*»Ti. ? .^ : -~* tible by the unique fcs T? © Aii-na jot tin SCOTT process that ig $&-<? y"& -<"* ST $-3! &H$ *"©"•' &** I ■»„*« ««h thc lencferest little i fIPf 1 ! Iff/I 111 b tb«Fiabu£n. 'vitU ease. jfi : N^ S-WE?' |l a medicine that for sixty years has been so ■■ __ _ . IS successful in giving health that they have !*' B'3' 171 W Q"§CI M ii now a greater safe than ever. The effiys? iv*. FT W uav 4* 11 now A greater safe than ever. The efiii... iv- jj a u fi| cac of these wonderful p i!ls has earned «all Chemisto & Dealers in Medicine jg the gratitude of thousands. They act SSSSSSKSSSSESSS promptly on the digestive organs, give natural assistance to carry on the several —— . functions, and supply health and strength €ss} ma a to the vital organs. ** Wb » $® V* IS* A'fi When your stomach is sick, weak, or »&OT«a> AST inactive, BEECHAM'S PILLS Illoocl Will Show job.ashlar© What 11 an Do. X :iit<i RESTORER is wnrnintPfl toOLKAU ,x^^^,^^. the HI.001.) from ALL IMPUIUTUiS, Prepared only by f, For "ttfa. C Scnn-y, r I&in, Am THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Eng. and Blood Diseases, Hlarkbiiatb. Pirn- Sold everywhere in boxes. \i\r~. an.i Sores of all kinds, it i" a p r ) cc lO'jd (36 pills). t/IJi ..So pills), ami iißver-failing: and permanent duo. it 2 9 (168 pills'. Cures Old Sores _ _.__ urea Sort's on the Neck "~ Cures Blackhead, or Pimples on (he ( 5 Cures U 'scnrvy < antiseptically cleanse the ? Cures Ulcer's . ) teeth, and polish, without \ Cures Mood and Skin nit-eases ) > l • ,1 1 i ewes Glandular Swellings S scratching the enamel-- ) :jo.,rsoio Blood iron, M ImP " re ( in sllort ' to pere the Work ( From whatever cause arising ( of vour tooth-brush, Use ) II i.-- a real specilio for Oout and Klieu- J ' 5 matie Pains > /s'*'% "fl ' jj 9 V 11, remove.- the cause, from tho Blood \ % <«?-. H —.— <«s < ««i«. *» I and Bones < «L _»5% 11/ <P f*l % ? As this Mixture is pleasant to the . ( ¥ '&✓_, fe V3> S taste, and warranted free from any- ? ) thing injurious to the most delicate ) T , i-.r»fl» Pnw/I'jr > constitution of either sex, tho Pro- ) "Oarooiic SOOtnrOWGw.r / prietors soMcit snffererH to give it a 1 «.,..,-,.. <-, t, trial to test its value. \ Sold by local Cntmisli and Motes. ■ ( Pr Calvert & Co.. Manchester, Eng. / THOUSANDS OK TKSTIMOM ACS I . V.. Wivwi « v,u„ a PARTS OF TIIM WOJKLD. '' " ' ' _____^ m< ___ ■. pLARKEd BLOOD MIXTURE. *""~ "" Sold In Pottles, 'is 9<l and lis each. Bv all 11 R. -pOBERT T> IT XJSK, . CHEMISTS ANT'- PATENT MEDICINE VEN- IVL **' •->-»• -" DOES throughout the World Sole Propria ~„,.,, ~-,-, oincrmi' tore, TUB LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUN- BARUISsTtR AND hOLK LIOL. TILS' DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. England . ..,.. T TRAP!', MARK, •'BLOOD MIXTURE." -<■■ SHOEIhATiIJ-SiKW.I, CAUTION. lor CLARKE'S BLOOD . ~..,, .... LO WK.ST CURBENT _I_TU_B, and do not be persuaded to take MO.NM 10 LbJ,D a * ! {j£ < - " l " j 1 an imitation.

[Medical. 1 FOR CENTURIES 1 OIL OF CAMPHOR I Has enjoyed a widespread reputation I" in CHINA and JAPAN as aa EXTERNAL REMEDIAL AGENT In RHEUMATISM. INFLAMMATION OP THE JOINTS, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, LUMBAGO, » Rubbing in alter getting wet. etcIT IS NOT CAMPHORATED OIL, 1 but LIQUID CAMPHOR in its natural j and most active form. j ! Sample Bottle, only 9ti. All Chemists and Storekeepers. I;" EDSON'S HAIR RENEWER RESTORES GREY OR FADED HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR, CLEANSES THE SCALP, PREVENTS DANDRUFF. INDUCES GROWTH, MAKES THE HAIR SOFT, PLIANT, AND GLOSSY. . . I s N OT A D YE. ■ : AND THEREFORE DOES NOT STAIN """( THE SKIN. 3 s 6 D P ER B 01 "^- POSTED TO ANY PART OF THE COLONY FOR 6JJ EXTRA. J. EDSON, C iiemist; 268, QUEEN-ST., AUCKLAND. Established 1359. EDSON'S CII MI CA L ESSENCE Will Cure LAMENESS IN HORSES. SPAVINS, CURBS, SPLINTS, RINGBONES, WIND GALLS, ? STRAINS OF THE SINEWS OR JOINTS, HARD SWELLINGS OF LONG STANDING, AND ALL OTHER DISEASES REQUIRING A SWEATING OH BLISTERING APPLICATION. i Its action is mild, but at the same time i permanent in.its effect. It does not injure I tho hair, and cannot blemish, however often i applied. I TN "DOTTLES, AT OS, OS 6 D AND I ' 5 S E ACH. 1 POSTED TO ANY' PORT OF THE COLONY FOR 3D EXTRA. | , ] Merchandise. | ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS I Merchandise. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS ARE, INVITED TO INSPECT THE SPLENDID DISPLAY OF j Tiled Hearths, Grates, j and Mantels I j and OUR SHOWROOM. IN OUR SHOWROOM. 1 I WE CAN OFFER THE LARGEST RANGE OF j SELECTION IN THE COLONY. i \ I ALL THE NEWEST DESIGNS. I | | JOHN BURNS AND CO., LTD., f ! I CUSTOM-STREET I ' ■ I i i f • NOTICE. CHARLES DAY A CO., LONDON. A JIB THE SOU-: KXIMftT BOTl'liIN*: AOKNTS FOR JOHN JAPjiBSON & SOWS WHISKEY, And » eich I*l*l ru««. I- f»ui)J tb« foll.wlnr N»tic» a ■<■» : fiif iu.tiir« :- •• In Mnlrrtlmt i'm-imt m 'Y f"l amu" -1 ' of <«niii««n«« ."" rr<j«.r.|,*lK-n*.!mi tn this our r*,-;-.;»l_Kii>.r* l.»wl. *»>( i« mil Ttartf .Vi-rnt ami Nxmt on C>rk«, ( »)>j'ilr.i ■n't also to ,ir- n.ur'i T\o YOU WANT A REALLY GOOD THING? v Then Order the -MONKS' TIPPLE" TEA. 11, leaves a flavour on tho palate like the lovely tints of autumn on the memory. Infuse it, in a hot, dry teapot, and for STRENGTH AND FLAVOUR YOG WILD NOT x'IND ITS EQUAL. ■ ( S 6 D PER LB. OF ALL GROCERS. OK FROM S. L. P. RIMMEII- - TEA AM- COFFEE IMPORTER, i WLLLESLEY-t.'" 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13701, 18 March 1908, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13701, 18 March 1908, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLV, Issue 13701, 18 March 1908, Page 3