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Medical. _____ Poor little fellow He coughs so hard he cannot sleep. That makes him weak and sickly all the next day. His brother thinks this coughing is terrible. So do we, for we know that just a few doses of filler's i»herrt( 9eetoral will stop the cough. For sixty years it has been the standard remedy with men, women, and children for colds, coughs, and all throat and lung diseases. It contains no narcotic or poison of any kind. Be sure that you get Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Accept no cheap and worthless substitute. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., tswell, Mats., U. S. A.' I*■ lilietwss I I win many cases makes life a§K burden. It is caused by the m Stomach, Liver Or Kidneys not m acting properly. An occasional W. dose of Beecham's Pills will M remove the evil by toning up m and regulating the digestive W. and eliminative system. m ] 3n%stfott 31 can be cured by taking 8} ,j, Beecham's Pills. They mingle ffi m with the contents of the 85 I stomach, and the nourishing HJ ™ properties of the food are then \Z M readily assimilated. JK m Snsownia I hi is generally caused by the over- }! ffl worked digest! ve organs trying J!' mto , digest food at night which '1 ' they should have assimilated Q' H during the day. BEECHAM'S SI k| PILLS prevent insomnia by $2' y soothing and assisting the 5! is digestive organs. i! i Constipation jji m causes more than half the sick- 9 m ness in the world, especially of Z m women, but it can be prevented A i Cured by taking a $ f3£*& AAJIA 631 AAA j» 9> ett ■■ ' m. t»H "mm MB ~mW Warn Wa Mm 0V A , i if BCCCUH 5 |; to Sold la hexes, price 101 J., ifn a 2/9. ok THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, . '■P' WKF M Vliis successful and highly popular remedy, used £o■■0 ■■ in the Continental Hospitals by,Kicord, KosUn, a' Jobert, Velpeau, and "others, combines all the q desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, }s and surpasses everything hitherto employed. i■< THERAPION No.if in a remarkably short time, often a.few days only, g without discomfort, inconvenience, or risk, effect! <$ a cure, superseding capsules, astringent fluids, tec, . THERAPION N0.28 for impurity of the blood, scurvy, pimples, spots, •_,' blotches, pains and swelling oi the joints, gout, H rheumatism, and all diseases for which it has been 3' too much a fashion to employ mercury, sarsapa- . rilla, &c, to the destruction of sufferers' teeth and pj ruin of health. This preparation purifies the whole g", system through the blood, and thoroughly elimi- *{§.. nates all poisonous matter from the body. ' -,'Q, THERAPION No 3 ; for nervous exhaustion, impaired vitality,^, sleep- H lessness, and all the distressing consequences of §>' dissipation, worry, , overwork, &c. It possesses § surprising power in restoring strength and vigour m to those suffering from the enervating influences p of residence in hot, unhealthy climates. ■ • Pj THE I he principal § Chemists and Merchants throughout the world. Price in,. England 2/9. In ordering, state which >■• number is required, and observe that the , word 'W *THB»A«OJt* appears on "British, Government q> Stamp (in white letters, on a red ground) affixed Jjto every package by order of His Majesty's Hon- O ' Commissioners.' and without which it is a foreerv. ' *" ■ Bad Blood Is responsible for most' of, the diseases, and ailments of the human system. It seriously affects* every organ * and function, - causes 'pimples, ; boils and other eruptions;, catarrh, dyspepsia, loss of .appetite, rheumatism, weak, tired, languid feelings and many other troubles. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purifies and enriches the blood as nothing else can and builds up the whole system. " I have great pleasure In saying a word in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Last year my face was covered with' pimples. After taking one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla the pimples disappeared." Ada Cook, Friend St., Karori, Wellington, N. Z. Hood's Sarsaparilla ESS 8 Br* Made by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, and frt 1139 Mass., U.S.A. Sol<t hv ehnmist-. KOHJSTS SECURED GOLD MEDAL. N.Z. EXHIBITION. MERIT REWARDED. PAIN BELIEVED. KOHN'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC RINGS secured Special Gold Medal for Merit at the New Zealand International Exhibition at Christchuroh. The only award given for AntiRheumatic Rings was secured fcy KOHN"& The most effective ring over invented. WHY SUFFER? ;, . See Testimonials from those who have been cured by the aid of tkis Ring. . *' , ' *, PROCURE KOHN'S ANTI-RHEUMATIO • s - RING ONLY.-:'.*,- ■ •*-■. ;»^ ]■} ' Price, 10s. Post Free.'•' ' r . ',( CORNS CURED j| [ COMPLETELY. || I I Money Refunded to any dissatisfied TVfS I ROBERT 1 MUIR,., ji

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13628, 23 December 1907, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13628, 23 December 1907, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13628, 23 December 1907, Page 3