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'AUCKLAND DEFEATS THAMES. . .FINE PLAY BY THE HOME TEAM. ' ; .1 ; The annual inter-union football match between tho Auckland and Thames representatives was played at Alexandra 'ark 011 Saturday t , afternoon in ideal, , weather, and rosulted in a victory for the home fifteen' by the substantial margin of 26 points to live. Tho ground was in fine order, which ' enabled a fast and comparatively open gamo to bo played, there being little or no wind. As a curtain-raiser to the bite match a combined team from tho Thames public schools, played the Auckland school representatives," and another victory was secured by the homo team by 13 points to three. l .The'local boys generally had the advantage all through. There were fully 4000 persons present. Tho teams in the big game ' lined out as follows: ■ Auckland: Fullback, Miller; three-quar-ters, - Wilson, Twinanie, and Murray ; fiveeighths, Mageo ' and R. Wynvard; half, .Kiernan; wing-forward, W. Tyler; forwards, Dunning, MacCormiek, Trevarihen, Maguiro (Grafton), Kinder, Hall, -McDonald. Thames: Fullback, A. Xe\vdir*k; threequarters, Choate, Kitehing, and Floyd; five-eighths,- Snowling; halfback, A.Houghton; wing-forwards,' 8. Baker and McCollum; forwards,. J. Smith, McKcown, Clarke, Dunlop, Dengate, 11. ward, and Aut.ridge. /

Tho visitors were successful with the loss of tho coin,, and chose the western etui, but there was no advantage. Hall started the play, and Nowdick found the line in his own quarter. The no and blacks rushed the oval to tho homo 25 from ho lino out. Hero th<? ball was sent across, the field, and given to Magee. who handed to Twinamo, but the latter passed low; .to Murray, who missed kit, i Kul a good. advantage had been gained. Choate. with a free kick, returned to past tho centre. Here Magee, Wynyard, and Twinamo, had tho hall between them, hut, the visiting forwards, stopped the sally in time. .Securing the oval the blue and blacks got on a good rush, but offside play nullified; tin* advantage. - Wvnyard failed to take a punt, and tho visitors following lip well had tho. homo team in difficulties, but. Murray came to the rescue, and relieved ■with, a kick. The visitors attacked for some time, bub did not got, sufficiently near to be very dangerous. " "Wynyard eventually made an' opening, and the home forwards carried play'to the visitors' 25. Hero Trevarthen secured, and-passed to Wynyard, who hand- ' ed' "to Magee, and then Twiname securing he eluded all opposition, and scored behind the 'posts. ;i Magee added the major .points : Auckland, 5; Thames, 0. . This was tho result of about a-quarter of an hour's play. Immediately afterwards Kiernan gathered in the oval in- the./visitors' 25 .and passed to Magee, and he to Twiname, who made a good dash, and then handed on to Murray,who raced in and:scored.,:., Ma goo made a .lino effort to convert'from the angle, the bail just->*going outside'the posts: -Auckland, 8; Thames 0. ' "" " : : Tho blue and whites, scon returned to the attack; but; a free kick ..enabled Thames to temporarily" relieve. From-a scrum near the centre the visiting vanguard secured, and • dribbled the oval for some distance, but Wilson stopped the dangerous rush. Offside play gave Thames a free kick in a good ..position; .McCollum. made a. fine attempt to convert, the ball just skimming the post. Kidman did not touch, but ran round, and hooted out at s the, centre. MeCoHum broke away, and invaded the home ground, but tho rearguard soon transferred, tho play; . Headed by Trevarthen and MacCormiclc, they dashed down the field, and took the '. ball frcyn XewcUrff, ~ when Tyler also came •to ; the front; but an* offside -pass- lost, an ! almost certain score.. The homo vanguard soon returned, and McDonald and Hall carried play to the- line, where . tho latter -. snapped- up,- ; ■ ami- bustling over, scored. Mageo. converted : Aucklana, 13 ; Thames, 0. . Another attack was soon * commenced by Iviernan, but Nowdick cleared to tho centre.. A fine home combined .forward rush took place, front which Iviernan snapped up, and handed ou to Wynyard, who sent, it. on-; to- Twinarne, but the latter*;) pass ','was intercepted by Hayward, who got in a good lino kick, arid saved'.his side. McCollum and McKeown got on a good passing rally, and headed a Thames attack, to the home 25, but Miller stopped the rush well. Close play followed in tho home 25. Mageo temporarily relieved, hut Autridge deprived him of.; the ball, and then gave the oval out to ' Snowling. A grand bit of passing was then seen. The five-eighths gave to Kitching, who "made a dodgy run,""and then transferred to Floyd, who, with a fine gallop, scored. McColhirh: added the' other points with, a lino kick: Auckland, 13: Thames 5. At the initiation'of the. attack Murray received a kick in tho head, and had to bo carried off the field. ■" Ho could not resume play, and Redwood took his place. "From" line out Hall made a great left foot kick, the oval going over the visitors' line,- and they forced. ■■ Wilson accepted,the kick out', 'and Hall punted down' the linp. "McCollum and McKcown came away with a fine run, and then Snowline took a hand. The ball was kicked, and Twinamo marked. Snowling fielded,. and gaining an advantage, transferred to.Kitching, who dodged cleverly, and gave to Floyd. The latter was tackled on the line, and the home forwards cleared as half-time sounded. Tho sun shone out for some time on resuming, with the visitors facing it. Aftei somo uninteresting play the home team was penalised three times. " From one' of these , McCollum made an attempt, to kick a penalty goal, but, the oval fell short. The home vanguard rushed play to near tho centre, where Snowling snapped up and blocked pro ' '"'gross.',''' Wilson returned;,, the kick ; to,' the ... centre...'The..'Thames' men .now got on « fine combined rush, but loose play enabled the homo team to secure the ball. Wynyard gathered the oval in, and dodging through passed to Dunning, who gave to Kinder on "the. line, and tho latter scored. Magoc .again converted: Auckland. 18: Thame*;, 5, A lot, of give and-take play ensued. Hay : ward: and Autridge headed a Thames rush to near the homo line, and the visitors made strenuous efforts .to get over, but. the defence was too solid. The play had beer fast -and open for some time, and at- this point was the most stirring of the match, bill the visitors' efforts came to nothing. McC'ol ,Jum,-secured in . his. .own . handed fto Snowling,! "and lie to "'Kftehing. and the latter passed to Floyd who missed the ball and also a fin* opportunity to score. The visitors per .sistcd in their attack, but faulty hand ling at. the critical -moment generally happened.. Eventually the. homo, forward: again got, together', and transferred the. bal to the centre. Mere Wilson cleverly marked and Redwood fielded the return. 'Hull am Trevarthen carried play to the centre again Hay ward headed another blue and blacl rush to near the homo line, where a scrim ensued. Kit-man was given the ball, am lie kicked well down the- field. Magee fol / lowed up well with Wynyard. and the latte was handed the oval. Then Twinarne seeur ed, but the latter just, went out as ho Inn cleared all opposition." Neutral play fol lowed. Then Tyler, with the other foi wards following up well, pounced on New dick, but tihe latter cleverly got his kick ii: A. little latei Wilson , secured after vvnitint for the bounce, ami made ground. Tiedwno was then given the oval, when Hall took hand and scored* Magee added the ma jo points with another fine kick: Auckland, 23 Thames, 5. ' - A e-ood deal of play ensued in midfieh the visitors making great efforts to recov< some of their odds. Dining some liar pbiv.,Baker, one. of the visiting wing-foi ward*, Trot one of his legs badly twisted, an , had to be carried off the field, but his plac ;„. was not filled. After several serums ha been held, as the result of a Thames ma --.;. running- -behind his line, the ball was kieke -to "Wilson, who gathered in nicelv. Twinani did not hold the pass. Immediately afte wards the home team was given a free tic for offside play by » visitor. ; Ma?ee too \ ,a kick, from beyond the 25 at an angle. at; the ball soared nicely between the upright ; mnkin? Auckland 26 points and Thames ,' The visiting hacks got in, a few passin > rallies, -but nothing came of them. 'Tli .'■final: score was' . .Auckland ... ... ... ... 2o ~,.'. 'Thames ......... ... 5 ~Mr. Kaiterns was referee.

NOTES ON THE GAME. Tlio homo team played a fine, dashing, combined game, some of .the reserves showing out well. In tho scrums they generally secured. the ball, but .in the open, loose play they were easily the better of Thames. The following up of the blue and whites was a pleasing feature of the play, and they gave their backs numerous opportunities, which were generally taken advantage of. Dunning and MacCOrmick did good work as hookers, and .also in the open. Hall atict Trevartheu, however, were generally foremost in the vanguard work. The former scored two out of the five -tries, while Trevurtlien made* ho opening for one of 1 the other tries. Kinder showed fine dash ill the loose work and following up, and aUo scored.. W. Tyler .played one of his best games, on the wing, and (lid fine work 011 several ' occasions. With such a pack, Kiernan was given a number of opportunities, and he did well, generally opening up tho' attacks of the backs. -Magee and Wyriyard played dashing football at five-eighths and were in every scoring rush. , Magee's kicking was one of the most, pleasing features, and in striking contrast to some of tho exhibitions seen in Auckland this season. Ho converted four of tho five tries, narrowly missing the filth, and also kicked a fino penalty goal, a meritorious performance. fwiname and Murray were the pick of the others. Both slfowed initiative and pace, while Murray was also very fino in defence. Wilson handled the ball badly ru several occasions, but. otherwise played well, and had a hand in one of the scores. Miller did what lie had to do well, showing much coolness and good kicking power. The Thames team have been seen to better advantage. On Saturday they did not have the d«»h or combination of _Jhc home men. though towards the end they livened up considerably. Hayward and Autridge wore tho shining lights of the. pack, more especially the former, and he should be in the Auckland representative team. Mncow also showed good form at times. McCollum. on ho wing, played a very fine game, hustling and working all the time, while he headed a number of rushes. He and Baker, however, were lucky in not. being penalised more for offside play during scrums. Snowling, five-eighths, and Floyd, on the wing, were the most prominent of the backs, especially the former. Floyd's try was the result of a general back attack,' concluding with Floyd's fine dash. ICitohinsr and Choafo played fairly, while Newdick again proved himself a. safe fullback. OTHER MATCHES. St. Patrick's defeated St. Benedict's by 22 points to nil. Tries were scored by 1,. Little (1), 0. Little (2), Armstrong (1„ Heigh (2), and two wore converted. »St. Peter's defeated Mount Eden by 17 points to eight. The match P. Hayman and Co. v. Briscoe and Co. was played at North Shore, and resulted in a -win for Hayman and C'o. by .15 points to five. For Havman's I',. Eyre (2), B. Hobson (1), 11. Wynvard (B scored, whilo V. Coleman kicked a goal. For Briscoe's Foot-e scored, and Dick converted. Hayman and Co. had much the bettor of the game, being in their opponents' 25 most of. the time. Mr. Moore gavo satisfaction with the whistle. WAIHI RUGBY UNION, [lit TELEGRAPH. —OWN' CORFtES I'O XI) EXT. ] ' ,■■■■'.' ' Waiiii, Saturday. . Tho cup competitions under the auspice? of the Waihi- Rugby Football Union ' were resumed this afternoon, the contests being between.the Waitete and Waihi Club teams. Tho senior match was robbed of some interest owing to certain of the members being absent through illness and other causes. Tlio.piay was very even right, through and ■was confined mainly to tho forwards. There was no score in the first half. In the second spoil W. Darby scored a try for Waitete from a passing ..rush, in which Gilbert, S. Darby, Morpeth, and the scorer handled the ball. * The shot at goal was unsuccessful. A second or two later the bell sounded for no side.' Sir. P. Garvey creed in good style. In the second grade match, Mataura I. v. Waitete, the first-mentioned side won by 14 points to 6. For the winners Gallic, Middlebrook, and Harding scored tries, one of j which was converted by Middlebrook. HardI ing also kicked a penalty goal. ' King and lleat h scored tries Tor Waitete. ••• •The third grade fixture, Waiteto-v. -Mataura, was won by Waitete by 9 points to nil. • t THE GAME AT P AERO A. ' [BY TELEGRAPH OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Paeroa, Saturday. The cup contests tho Paeroa Rugby Union were continued this afternoon. The senior match between East, and West resulted in a draw, after a fast and exciting game. No score was registered. Mr. A. S. Fielder was referee. The junior match between West and Suburbs also ended in a drawn game, each side scoring three points. For Suburbs Putu obtained a try, while for West G. Shaw kicked a penalty goal. Mr. C. Mettam was the referee. THE HAMILTON RESULTS. [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Hamilton", Saturday. The contests at. Hamilton were continued to-dav. The game Mokai v. Hamilton resulted in a. win for Hamilton by 17 points to 8. Mokai's score was registered in the first spell. Hamilton livened things up in the second spell, and ran up 17 points. The back play was splendid, Smith aiid Cootc being the medium, and they were well backed up by Hughes and Prince. In the lineout play Mokai were far superior to the homo team. Both fullbacks played up to representative form. MANAWATU DEFEAT WANOANUL [BY . TELEGRAPH. —-PRESS ASSOCIATION', Palmkf.ston" North. Saturday. The Wanganni representatives met Manawatu before a large crowd of spectators today. Before play had been going half a minute. Meuli (Wanganui) scored. lianawntu then warmed up and kept on the attack with vigour. After a splendid forward rush Win gate scored for Manawatu and Dowries converted, making Wanganui 3 and Manawatu 5. Play for the next 15 minutes was up and down the field, Wanganui beating Manawatu in tho loose. The Wanganui forwards brought the ball from a line-out In the goal line, and Jones scored a try, which was converted, making Wanganui 3 and Manawatu 5 just as half-time sounded. On resuming the ball was carried down to Wangantii's 25, and loose play gave MeNac an opening, by which he added three more points to Manawatti's score, making 8 all. Play then became choppy for a considerable time. Wanganui was on the defence when Down from a free kick added threo more . to Manawatu's total. ' No further score re suited, Manawatu being 11 points and Wan gniiiii 8. Both teams wore on a par as regards weight. Manawatu was far superioi in the line-out to Wanganui, whose back.on several occasions gave a- poor .exhibitioi j of passing in the first spell, but improved to . wards the end of . tho game. The Manawalt ; backs were also defective. 1 DUN* ED IN CONTESTS. [BY TELEGRAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.] 1 • • Dcxmtr.v, Saturday. The senior football matches to-day results . as follows: — University (25 points) be a ; Dunediu (5 points), Alhambra (3 points) boa I Xingari Richmond (nil), .'Pirates, (IS points beat Union (nil), Taieri Rovers (10 -points 1 Ik-at Kaikorai (3 points), Southern (6 points . drew with !l J ort Chalmers (6 points). > FOOTBALL IN THIS WAIRAKAPA. [BY , TELEGRAPH.— PRESS ASSOCIATION'.] r M ST in: ton', Saturday, j. . The Carterton, seniors defeated Mastertoi • Oil Saturday by nine points (three penult, goals) to five (converted try). This prat ticallv decides the senior championship i; Carterton's favour. } THE ASSOCIATION OA.ME. a * !■ The match Auckland v. Waikino, wliic . was set down for decision on Saturday, dii not. take place, owing to, the ..Wa.ikino clevei failing to put in an appearance. The mate] r will probably bo decided at a future date. .1 d ; • • GOLF. /! d n d The Fry trophy, second round, was plnvei o off on Saturday, the links being in very ba< •• order after the recent rainy weather. Con k scquently indifferent scores were returned k the best being 1 down on bogey. Those wh (] sent in cards were S. Union, Parker, an McCormick, all of whom tied with 1 down ,T. C. Burns had 2 down, C'olbeck 3 tiowr ■r Mair 5 down, and Dawson 10 down. Th e . captain's prise tourney was also eoncludei In tho first division Colbeck boat Mair by up, while Ruddock in the second divisio beat. Taylor by 8 up and 6 to play. Th championship starts next, Saturday. En trie close on Friday at 110011.'.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13502, 29 July 1907, Page 8

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FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13502, 29 July 1907, Page 8

FOOTBALL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13502, 29 July 1907, Page 8