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INCREASED OUTPUT. [by TELEGRAPH.speciaI correspondent.^ Wellington, Friday. The gross value of all minerals produced during 1906 amounted to £3,871.811, being £249,025 in excess of 1905. The Mines Statement states that the colony has now the distinction of possessing, in the Waihi Gold Mining Company and the Westport Coal Company, the most productive gold mine and the third most productive colliery in Australasia. The quantity of gold entered for exportation through the Customs for the year 1906 was as follows:—Auckland, 295,4170z; Nelson, 29440z ; West Coast, 104,7450z ; Otago and Southland, 160,7390z; total, 565,8430z, valued at £2,270,904. In the Mines Department's annual report it is stated in regard to quartz mining that as developments proceed satisfactory promise of the future prosperity of the quartz mining industry is obtained.' At the Waihi mine the Martha and other reefs are maintaining their values with depth. At the Talisman mine, 1500 ft vertical has been proved on the vein, and the dividends declared are increasing in value. On the Thames field payable gold has been obtained in the May Queen mine at a depth of 720 ft. and at the Waiotahi mine development work at the lower levels is meeting with success. At Reefton a depth of 1700 ft has been attained, and dividends are still forthcoming at one mine, after 33 yeam' successful operations. In the State of Victoria, reef mining is now being carried out profitably at a depth of 4175 ft and from the evidence the above mines supply it may reasonably be .anticipated that the strong quartz veins of this country wilt prove as permanent as those now worked in Victoria. Operations at the State coal mines have been, extended, and depots are now established at Wellington, Christchurch, and Wanganui, for the sale of the coal to the public. The result of prospecting on the coal reserve in the vicinity of the Point Elizabeth colliery has disclosed valuable seams of coal of a highly bituminous nature. The profits of both State mines during the financial year amounted to £8460. WAIHI. RECORD RETURN FOR JULY. £64,320 FROM 26,999 TONS. TOTAL TO DATE, £5,846,967. j During the period ended July 13 the I Waihi Gold Mining Company crushed and treated 26,999 tons of ore for a yield of bullion valued at £64,320, . these figures not only being in excess of the return for the corresponding month of 1906, 'but constituting a record for the mine, beating the next highest yield, which was obtained in May last, when £64,196 was won from 28,382 tons of ore treated. The grand total to "•date reaches the sum of £5,846,967. : The following table contains the details to date. To July 31, 1890- .. ...... £13,628 July 31, 1890, to December 31, 1891 ... 36,458 In 1892, 18,297 tons... • 46,219 In 1893, 19,805 tons... ... „ ... 64.345 In 1894, 24,364 tons... ... 83,023 In 1895, 33,670 tons... ... ... ... 120,335 In 1896, 34,410 tons... «. „ f ... 135,156 In 1897, 40,764 t0n8... ... *. ... 144,041 In 1898, 77,929 ton*... ... .« ... 256,494 In 1899, 102,381 tons ... ... ... - 302,525 In 1900, 112,012 tons ... 317,902 In 1901, 159,325 tons ... - 461,205 In 1902, 179.485 tons ... ..." ... . 521,574 In 1903, 231,323 tons ... 658,393 In 1904, 259.978 tons 633,882 In 1905. 298,531 tons ... ... ... 728.521 In 1906, 328,866 tons ... ... ... 837,927 .'."'" 5,411,628 Period endingJanuary 27, 1907, 22.297 tons t„ 53,038 February 28, 1907, 27.453 tons ... 63,236 March. 1907, 27.072 tons ... ... 63.090 April, 1907, 27,655 tons ... ... 64,010 May 18. 3907. 28.382 tons ... ... 64,196 June 15, 1907, 27,205 tons ... ... 63,450 July 13, 1907, 26,999 tons ' ... ... 64,320 Total to date ... ... ... £5.846,967 Total dividends, etc., to June 1, 1907 ... ... .. £2,665,866 TALISMAN CONSOLIDATED. DEVELOPMENT WORKS AT LOW LEVELS. ORE VALUES INCREASING, ' [BY TELEGRAPH. —OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Waihi, Friday. Since my last report on: the low levels developments in the Talisman mine the drive at No. 13 level has been advanced a further distance south, and the ort body has shown marked improvement. ; The lode is apparently gaining in strength, there being a full face of quartz in the drive, with the hangingwall in hand, but no sign of the footwall. The values several feet back I from the present face increased from an I average of £9 to £11 10s per ton, whilst in the breast of the drift there is strong evidence of still higher values. As the drift is going towards the south, it is entering new country, and the total length now opened up on ore of high grade is 270 ft, whilst values have been met for 370 ft in all. The extension of values south at this level is adding steadily to the company's ore reserve. At No. 12 level an improvement has also been met with, the reef here being the full width of the drift, and making ore very similar in grade and character to that at the lowest level of tlie mine. The drive has now been as far advanced south as that at No. 13 level, and in point of richness the ore considerably exceeds that met with in the levels above. The second slope being worked over the No. 12 level is producing high-grade stone, and is an indication of the values of the sulphide ore coming to hand from the Nos. 12 and 13 levels. It may be mentioned that the stone is being bagged, and will be shipped to London for treatment. This course had been decided upon by the management because the mineral contents of the ore have copper mixed with them, and, as copper necessitates,the use of a greater strength of cyanide for its successful treatment, it was thought wise to ship the ore Home for treatment by smelting, thus saving expense. The drift being advanced upon the south trend of the lode at No. 11 level is now in ore the full width of the face, the average value being quite £5 per ton. This is the new make of ore referred to in my previous report, and it is important to find that all three drives, (Nos. 11, 12, and .13 levels) are apparently entering a new chute of ore. TAIRUA TRIUMPH. The manager of the Tairua Triumph mine telegraphed to the secretary yesterday as follows: —" Broke down reef yesterday at low level, and secured 51b picked stone. General dirt good." SUNBEAM. The manager reports that during the past week the battery worked 47 hours, and crushed 20 tons of ore, producing 20oz' of amalgam, and 25cwt of concentrates, valued at £19 10s 8d per. ton. The amalgam and concentrates on hand amount to 2830z and six tons llewt respectively. There are about 30 tons of. ore still in hand, but as the battery is now working two sh/fts a day, this should be completed by the lat- j ter end of next week. RAND MINES. During the month of May the Transvaal fields yielded a total of 524,477 fine ounces, valued at £2,227, the value per ton treated being 53.76 shillings. These figures show an increase on the return for the

corresponding month last year, when * the gold won amounted to 461.2020z, of th« value of £1,959,062.-For the' five months of the present year the grand total is ! 4,031,17305, and the value £11,176,514, ■- ■ KOMATA REEFS. 'the following is the mine manager's re. port on the development work earned out at the Kornata Reef? mine for the -four; weeks ending July 15: — Drive.north on No. 2 **•"■ t.,u! driven, 27ft: reef, 2ft wide; value. £1 17s 9,1 per - ton. The reef ik showing, signs of improvement, «h»r« be* ing «ome very good ore in the face of the drive Drive north on No. 1 reef from first rrwwt: lift driven: reef, 6ft wide: value. £2 8* 4d pet ton. The reef looks encouraging, but th?<re is only a short distance to go to connect with the drive- south from the second crosscut. Drivo north on .No. 1 reef, winze for pass; 10ft driven. This was put down to make a connection to the main ore past, which is no* completed from So. 4, level to No. S level. This i,» a „ important piece of work and will «*ve the labour of ;lve men. Drive north on No. 1 reef from second' crosscut: 10ft driven: reef. 2Jft wide; valtt-, 5* 4d per ton. The reef continues poor and 'the - ground extremely hard. Drive south on No 1 reef from «econd crosscut: 4ft driven: reef. 3ft wide; value. £1 Us M per ton This face ha* fallen tiff in value, but it. still contains patch** of good ore. Drive north on No. 2 reef. 3lft driven; reef, 3ft bin wide: value, £1 5* per ton. The reef is Irregular find broken. The winw from No. 3 level has holed through, showing wp are on the proper reef. Winze on No. 2 reef north : f sft driven: reef, 3ft wide; value, 14s par ton. The reef continues to be- of low grade'. Drive north on No. 1 root: 14ft driven; reef, lift wide: value of ore. £2 lis Id per ton. There, lias been considerable improvement in this drive At. present the five shows a falling- oil in the width of the reef. Winze on No. 1 reef north: 14ft driven: reef. 4ft wide; value of ore. £1 In per ton The winze is being carried down on the, baiiffingwaU and only a width of 4ft is being broken. Drive north on No. 2 reef: 10ft drivenreef, ISin wide; value of ore, £7 Is Id per ton!' A very rich pocket, of ore wa« met with, but ft only lasted for a few feet. The face is now very poor again. Winze on No. 1 reef (No. 1): 15ft driven; reef, 4ft wide; value, 18s 2d per ton. This work is now completed and the winze connected with the slopes. Winze on No. 1 reef (No. 2): 15ft driven; reef, 4ft wide; value, £1 0* 9d per ton. This winze has now holed through to No. 4 level. Wiuws on No. 2 reef north: 24ft driven: 'reef. lit wide: .value, B* 16s 9d per ton. This winze 'continues to camgood ore. Only a portion of the: reef is being broken in sinking. 'Hie following; is the report on the ptoping:~ No. 1 reef (second block): fcj fathom* sloped reef, 4ft wide; value, £2 per ton. Portions of the block of ground are of good value, but the average will be low grade. The .topes should yield a large tonnage. No. 2 reef (first block): 13 fathoms sloped; reef, sft wide; value. £2 6a per ton. There, are indications of » lot of ore in the block, at the north end. but the value is falling oft rapidly at the south end. No. 1 reef (second block): Eight fathoms and a-hnlf stoned; reef, 6ft wide; value, £1 15s per ton. This block is getting pretty well up to the floor of No. 2 level at the south end, but there is a very large quantity of low-grade ore in the north-end No. 1 reef (third block): Two and a-half fathoms a toped ; reef. 10ft wide: value, £1 10s per ton. This block yields a large tonnage: of low-grade ore. No. 2 reef (first block) Four fathoms stoned; reef. sft wide: value, £2 per ton. The reef is opening out again and there should still be « small quantity of good ore here. No. 2 reef (second block): 16J fathoms sloped; leet. lOlt wide: value, £2 5s per ton. The north end of the block is looking well. These slopes still continue to produce a large tonnage. No. 1 reef (second block): Four and a-half fathoms . driven; width of reef, Bft; value, £1 10a per tort. There is a lot of low-grade ore here, which in easily broken. No. 1 reef (smithy, second block): Two and a-half fathoms driven; reef. 4ft wide; value, £3 per ton The stones are now getting. up to the hopper level anil are falling off in value. ..' • -


[by telegraph.—press association.] "., DtJNKDiN, Fridny. ' The following dredging returns hav< been reported Mnsterlon, 1240z 3dwt; Muddy Creek, 71oz lOdwt • Enterprise, 630z 2dwt 6gr; Mystery Flat, 450z 12dwt; Electric No. 2, 440z 15dwt; Gold King, : 440z; Sandy Point, 420z lid;! Mat.-ui, V 40oz; Electric No. 1, 356z 2dwt; Lady Roxburgh, 270z lOdwt;' Charlton Creek, 20oz 4dwt; Hessey's, 18oz'ld\vt 6grj Central Charlton, 17oz 9dwt; Punt, ; 15o& I3dwt; Waikaia, 14oz • Lady Annie, 120z,f MINE MANAGERS* REPORTS. " V Tairua Triumph (July 20): Since the lost. r» port the crosscut has been extended a further distance of Bft. I have cut* tins hangingwall of No. 2 reef and driven through a distance of 4ft. the quartz being of a verv kindly nature and showing a 'fair- prospect when washed off in -thediali. Next week I will make, a start to drive for the winze, which is a .'distance of 25ft w«»t. The air at present, k very- light, and wlten -the winze is intersected it will give a good corinec-' lion to the top level./ i have started to drive on the No. 1 reef, moke down tho reef last .Thursday, and secure/!, 61b of picked stone and good dabs of gold through, (he general ore. Thin reef loolte very promising and should open up -A good block of ground.- tain stripping the. reef and shall break down next, week, when I ex- - pect to meet with good refills. ; * ■' " Kapowai (July 22): The low level has been ex. tended 14ft for the week, making the distance now driven S42ft. .The ventilation is now fairly good. In tho No. 2. level there is no change to report. The battery return for the week in 490z of amalgam. • . . Waihi Extended (July 20): The rise to connect with No. 1 winze has been continued during the. week, hut owing to the stone < being hard gress has been slow. /There remains, about 9ffc to connect. Two . men have been - engaged ex? •' lending the west crosscut, where a small band of stone has been , exposed; although apparently of no importance. / New Una (July 22) '• No change of special note has occurred during the week. Tho country rock at present contains small heads and silica veins, breaking more readily than formerly. It lias now all the appearance of making a permanent change for the better. , A total of 441 ft has been driven from the entrance. • New Waitekauri (July 20): At Horn level wo have No. 1 rise securely timbered up and have started driving. The lode, which looks ■ very well, is strongly mineralised and shows- nice seams of sulphides. Two shifts will lie started in the drive to push it along as speedily as possible to connect with .a.'pass 60ft- south of tho rise. Driving on Christie's has been stoppedfor the present. The tramway from the Horn level to. No.'2 hopper is about completed, so also are the line and bridges to No. 3 hopper. Magnet (July 23): An additional sft has been driven in the main crosscut for'the'post week;'' and extra lengths of oar pipes and rails have been placed in position. The rock in the face is showing further improvement, and should it continue as at present much better progress will be made. The distance driven is 219 ft. New Maratoto (July 20): Tn the early part of the week the men were, engaged in filling in.the. slopes, consequently only 26 tons of quartz have been sent to the battery. The value of the ore from; the stopes remains about the same. On, Sheehan'g reef we are driving north'and south. . In. the north end the reef is 4ft wide and shows good stone in the face. Driving south the. reef, which is sft 6in wide, is split into two 'portion* and both sections look well. The battery has been engaged in crushing operations for .'59 hours, treating 28 tons of . quartz, a sample from the litf. of the box being valued at. £1. lOu 2d. *>wW Kirikiri (July 20): The south drive int»rmedi- ? l ? off,c wil,ze ho». been further extended 4fttotal. 38ft. • The reef m loin thick. The country has- a kindly appearance, and when breaking down colours of gold were freely seen. The south stone has been carried' along Oft: total, 18ft. The reef .is 18in thick. When breaking down dabs and colours' of gold were freely wen.' The reef in the face is 15in tbek, although' I': .only reported lOin. as it would only average lOin■ ■'■ '. for the week. It is now gpMir :i r ■ over where the good dirt was obtained, and we should soon- : be able picket! stone again.. ~ The.north slope has been further extended 7ft; total, 17ft The reef is ISin thick. When breaking down colours of-gold were freely'seen. We are now - putting in the end plates at the battery and will ■■■ have them complete and ready lor crushing again by Thursday.

Ngatiawa, (July 24): Three shifts are employed driving the low level crosscut and they have ~ extended the drive a distance of 33ft for the -',' week through good country. Tim. total distant* :- is 75ft from the starting point. Very fair pro gress is being made with ail other outside work.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13501, 27 July 1907, Page 3

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MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13501, 27 July 1907, Page 3

MINING NEWS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13501, 27 July 1907, Page 3