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Irjjfv, ;jj eW Zealand Herald OSico, I ! • New Zealand Thursday evening. 1 Thursday evening. \ VKBT satisfactory business lias boon don. E : ' the sharomarkct during the. week. Ban] 1 ' ' ' °' I KeV Zealand* sold at, £10 13s 6d, am I - irttw wanted at £10 13s, with sellers ai I' ' £10 15s National Banks sold at £5 12s 6d, '■ "' there being further sellers at. £5 13s sd ; and I- Livers at £5 lis 3d. Union of Australia ' anted at £62. In insurances South I ' Rritisl. sold nt £5 8 * a " d £5 9s * and ' "ore arc wanted at £5 Bs. 6d, sellers ; i.' it £5 9s 01 '- New Zealands . arc ' 'offered «* £* to. There- are buyers ol I Standards at 21s 9cl. sellers at 22s ocl. 1. »»l* Hiluirangis are wanted at 16s 6<l thorns are offered at 16s. with buyer* \ 15s oil Taupiris sold at. Ms 3d, ant there are further sellers at. 20s 6d ant buyers at, 20s. Drurya sold .at. 5s 6d Westports sold at, £7 las, there being fur ■ W -buyers at £7 13s and sellers : J£ 7 17* 6d. In-gas stocks Auck- *-''".' "' !_„„, sold at £14 16s, with further buyers al Si 14s and tellers £1* 18s. Auckland Trams Lei ) sold »'' 23s 6d ' and more are wantec ' w . 23s fid, sellers at. 23s 9d. Ordinary sold from 24s 7d to 24s lOd, and more are wanted at 24S 9 d > sellers asking 24s lOd. New Zcahind Portland Cements sold at 30s to iSs'bd' There are further sellers at 32s 6d, - S buyers at 9d. Wilson's Cement(pref.) -re" wanted at 30s 6d, and ordinary at 28s -tj Sellers of preference ask 335. p-gfj/B sold at 6s 3d. In mining there been largo business done in Waihis, . ' •th sales from £8 16s to £8 15s 6d to £8 %L,Dd to £8 18s, closing with sellers at '£8 183 6d and buyers £8 18s. Waihi ■ Extended, sold from 5s lid to 5s Bd. Talis--'mans'have sold freely from 34s 6d to 37s to 369 3d to 36s 9d, and closed with sellers „j. 36s 9d,. buyers at 36s 6d. Crowns sold at 5, 3d to 6s 6d. Komata Reefs sold from Is 4d to Is 3d. Tairua Broken Hills' sold ; from 4?. 3d to 4* Id to 4s 2d. New Waitekauris sold at 10_d to lid to 9id. Waio- • ' tain's havo been much weaker in sales from . 21s to 18s 9d (cum div.), and from 17a 6d to 16s 6d (ox div.), , closing with sellers .at 16s 9d and ' buyers 16s 3d, ' " . Waitangia- sold at,.' 2s Bd. and 2s 9d. Thames sold from 7d to 6d. New Saxons ; sold at 7_d. Bunker's Hills sold at 9d. South Kapangas sold at 3d. Old Haurakis '- ', sold at 9d. Ngatiawas sold at Is Id to lid. The. general distributing'business has not "during the. past day or two been charac- "■ . terised by any special activity, and merchants seem to. think that there is room for slight improvement lin the volume of orders coming to hand. It is as well to bear in mind, however, that during April, May, and the early part of June briskness in the • distributing trade was exceptionally mark- - ed, and the comparative quietness which therefore is evident at the moment is probably only, being felt a little later than usual. Money does, not seem to bo too plentiful, and we should like to see evidence, ' all round of a determination on the part, of the. general merchants to reduce the length, of credit for goods supplied. Inward arrivals comprise tho Largo Law from New York, via ports, with a,cargo of ', 1500 tons; Talune from Dtinedin with miscellaneous cargo. Tho s.s. Kildalo is in dock, and sails, after' replenishing' her bunkers. ■"■•'■■''■■ Victoria has continued her voyage to-the South, taking a good cargO and large number of passengers. Rippingham Grange isnow due from West of England ports via. , Australia- . New Sultanas: We have been notified of an advance on opening prices, and indicaK;. tions point to the market remaining . firm. . The crop will not be more than medium. Currants: Stocks held in Greece of old • fruit are ir. very light compass, which may '-. be looked upon as a factor in making the ' price for tho new fruit little firmer than last year. , ' " Seeded Raisins: Spot holdings not heavy; *price firm. ?.- Sicily Almonds: Price for new season's lias moved up, owing to the poor prospects of the crop. American Dried Fruits: It looks as though, apricots will not receive any support tho coming season, owing to tho pro- : y '- h^bitivo" , p^ioe'•■qtK)te<^y^ l and' 'o4fftti^^i6rs. will therefore probably turn their attention to peaches and apples, both of which varieties, however, do not give 'promise of being very ' plentiful, Canned Fruits: Good business has been done in Australian goods in anticipation of ~ 'high figures ruling, for the new pack of • American..' ■ • * • Pineapples: Firmer; spot stocks are not heavy, aud there is fairly good demand. ■ New Season's Figs: -Quotations have been - ■ named for the now fruit, and we understand same are higher than last season. ■ Cornflour: In good supply and moving : freely;.. notification of an advance in price ...: , would not come as a. surprise. ,■<■■■ Desiccated Cocoanut: Domand .remains : normal; further drop in" price is'not improbable in the near future. ." ' - ; Coffee Beans: Easier tendency, prevails, and we understand that arrivals of. South y Americans, been fairly heavy. Hog Casings: Prices remain firm and demand good.- - ■•-;■ '..*..• - ','■' Kapok': America and Australia have, apparently bought fairly heavily, and although ■ : -4 ; quotations current are on -a. high basis there does not seem to,.be any reason . for sup'j~ posing, that easier tendency is probable. ;|:, .. Sardines: Recent arrivals have been in- » ; _, voiced at enhanced rates; demand for this favourite article, of consumption is well . maintained. ''; ,;'■• '' ' Salmon: Demand good and local holdings are not heavy. It will be the end of Oc- :_ . tober before new pack reaches the local .market. . Canary Seed: Prices havo been named on the new crop, same being comparatively .-," " ' low. . ■'..'■ '■■ Seed Tapioca (Sago): Cable advices to .. hand to-day quote slightly lower price. j' ' Pearl and flake tapioca are also quoted ft trine easier. ■',"■■ Maoe: Prices advanced. '.■'''.-. '- White Pepper: No alteration in price. V Black Pepper: 1-16 higher. Woojpacks arc quoted a little lower; market quiet. .' '■> '. Cottonseed Oil: Price remains high. > Castor Oil: There is little doing; no 'doubt buyers are .holding off till fresh ar- ■' ■ rivals; prices., however, continue firm. Linseed Oil: Nothing new to report. ~-: Local sales are said to have been considerable during the past few . weeks. :. -Ceylon Tea: Buying continues general. '.' and is conducted with confidence, resulting in some advance on parcels of approved : quality The latest reports from Colombo : v, report a firm to advancing market, espe- .. ft\"-'•;', cially in view of the near approach of the best, quality mouths. . Some improvement is noticeable in high growths, more par'l- . ticularly marked in some of last- sale's teas. Metals: Tin, which declined somewhat a vcek ago, has taken another, upward turn. Other ■ metals remain about, the same. Potatoes: It. now appears that the Vic- ; ■ toria only brought, about 3000 sacks from Sydney, over 1300 having Ik-o-ii shut out by her, which leaves this market .rather bare, .'-':,■■' and as the demand keeps improving stocks -.- , will be pretty nearly exhausted by the time . next Monday's .steamer arrives with further supplies from Australia. Up-to-Dates are ." j . eagerly sought after. Latest -reports from '-..■'■■-"''- the- South show that, higher rates are likely ■V": to rule. Onions- A'small shipment came up from Christchurch this week, the quality of which was very good. Supplies also arrived. by the Victoria from Melbourne, conso- !-■>' qiiently there are enough he-re now to keep the;market going until further shipments : , tome forward tho early part of next week. Oats: The Southern market is still very .:,:';:..,strong this week, and some . of the local r ' merchants have placed fair-sized lines held in the South by them at a profit. The local Stock is fairly good, and the demand is not ■'_ r quite so keen at the present time, but this* is only temporary. Algerian feed oats are r.o w firmer, and price has advanced a penny per bushel in Melbourne. \ ' Chaff: There is more demand, but it is . almost impossible to obtain any prime lots of local production. The Southern product! that is being brought here is of Al quality, I but the price is fully 20 per cent, higher j ■ '"an what is being obtained for the local. , I Australian fodder is slightly easier, bur the demand has not fallen off". This is ac-1 ' tuated for bv tin- heavy stocks that arrived] ,::, ~. ' ! '"e by the Selwyn Craig. I Bran is moving off very well, and supplies "e plentiful. , -Pollard: Demand is good, and offerings I are not to,, heavy. ' i •Milling Wheat: During the early part of ' lie week in the South" the market van ' S?■:•'-".■■• ■? nf i, excited and ~,-ices advanced con- - ' ' r^, a ' ; ■' tll<>re l3t ' ; "y a jump of fully 3d : :,:. .■ l l "Whel,'but since then there was ui ap- :

parent weakness, which, 'however, did not last, very long, as some very oxtensivo transactions have taken place at prices equal, to about 4s 7d f.o.b. Timaru. Fowl Wheat: In sympathy with milling wheat prices have firmed up, and quotations in the South are above a parity of our . own local market. Tho demand here is improving slightly. '* Straw : A fair amount of business is being '« done in this, but there is ample coming forit ward to meet all inquiries. |, Cocksfoot: There is still a strong demand ( in the South both for export and local consumption, and a further advanco in price a has taken place, with every probability of b higher rates being de ride.'.. d Clovers: Advices, from tho South notify . g that business has not been extensive, and the demand is limited. Maize: There have been no arrivals from " tho coast sinco our last, report, but' there is n plenty here to satisfy all demands. A fairi. sized shipment, of Island maize is expected rs from Sydney next Monday, but as this is c j usually not favoured on account of the likelihood of weevil, it may not. cau__| r.ny ala toration in the market price of tho coastal. '• Fungus: Very.flittle is coming forward, r- but shippers do not see their wav clear to s i advance tho price, which they aver is sufti- _ eiontly high already. it L * i , ax: , This is " ot coming to hand too ll | freely; there ha? been very little alteration » jin the London market, and business there dis rather stagnant just at present. There 1 are. more buyers in the local market, but { no improvement in tho value lias taken ' place. ' Tow is not reaching here in any quantity, - and tho demand being steady prices have. , remained .unchanged. I j| KAURI GUM. _ The arrivals for tho four days of u lv reached 111 tons. There has been no groat change m the market, since our last report, |j but, it looks as. if some of the buyers have 3 nearly completed their orders, as they have t not been so eager to operate on some grades j that were formerly moving ->fT very freely ._ ■ I ale select is still in request, but the of- ' lenngs havo been extremely light ? . Rescrapcd, although only in small' supply s is not moving off so readily; but we think j tins is only temporary. Superior ordinary .1 lw„ WHh , a „ on demand,, but any lots tl ove arc \"°| wc! J S°? «P"a» being passed ovci. l Mo « , II ordinary is hanging fire - Washed nuts still find buyers at late rates " .especially any that are quite free from dust' „ Chalk and swampy sorts arc more difficult d to qui unless a reduction in price is-made Black gum is hanging fire/arid' i 8 starting « to aeeumulate; this is more apparent in I. parcels that am mixed with sugar, but _cod |. hard nuts and black sugar ai read ffl s without any alteration in price !. , I here is very little business doing in ; bush excepting .in rescrapcd and nute * » Chips and dust remain much about * ] - . same, tho inquiry being C ,f' , " C,p y ,0 S . coarse ordinary dust, black &eeds - and . coarse black dust. a eecis, and I AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE i The closing price* or Thursday were a* fi . ow the transactions reeorded \e Jg -^outh J British Insurance *«■; q„. v ■ .1 *" ooutil ' tributlng), 7s "l d - T "" ber (C °"' «ry),.2te 10d; Waihi, £8 18s 6d, £8 18s- Talis ' man Consolidate, 36s 9d, 36 9d, 36 S 6d ;' WatoWh. 16. 9d 16. Bd. 16a 9d, 16s 9d; Crown, _. :i '. 22 1 , 9 d; NeW M6now«l,'.6d; Banked , ( Hill, 9d; Old Hai.raki.-9d; Golden-Belt (paid). lOd ; New Waitekauri, 9id. Sellers. Buyer*. ' BANKS- £ 8 - d - £ S - d " Now Zealand ... ...10 15 0 10 13 0 ■ '>. atl0 "al ..•- ~- — 513 6 .'ill 6 -Union of Australia ... — 62 0 0 , INSURANCE— " " ' New Zealand 4 8 0 4 6 0 i t>oufch British ... ...-596 586 , Standard ... ... ...126 119 , FINANCIAL— .. - . N.Z. and River Plate ... 19 3 18 3 ' 1 COAL— ( ..• Hiktirahpi ... ... ... __ 016 6 i N'ort. Coal, Ltd.. 10s paid 0 16 0 015 6 Taupiri Mines, Ltd. ...106 10 0 ' I we«tport ... ~, ... 7 17-6 .7 13 0 , Drury ...... ...0 5.9 — ! iiAS— . : ' (Auckland ... ... ' ... 14 13 0 1414 0 ' Ohinemun L. and P. -■".. 019 0 — i SHIPPING— Northern, paid up ... 017 0 — ; TIMBER— " 1 I Kauri/contributing " ... 0 8.0 0 7 9 J Leyluiid-O'Brien, Ltd. ... 2'5 6 2 4-6, Mountain Riniu, Ltd. ... — 1 2 0 J 1 WOOLLEN- • { Sfosgiel ... h _ 2 11 0 i MISCELLANEOUS.. f % ~;■.-.' ■■ ' .-v.. ~; -">-.] Auckland Tramways C 0... 1 A 1"?!' - n.- '- ■'■■'■ 13 9 ' i; 36 ' Auckland Tramwavs. ord. 1 410 . 14 9 \ D.S.C., Limited - •0 6 6 06 2, Hill and l'lununer, Ltd... 10 0 — ' H.M. Arcade Theatre Co., t pref 116 _ H.M. Arcade Theatre Co.. ; ord. ... ... ... 10 6, — < ' Milne and Choree, pref... 15 0 Milne and CiioVce, ord... 13 6 _ '.. > New Zealand Drug, £2 ... — 2 10 0 ) N.Z. Portland Cement Co. 1 12 6 1 11 9 New .Zealand-. Paper Mills 14 6 — ' - Tonson Gailick, Ltd. ...106' — < Wiseman and Sons, : pref... 110 — Wilson's Portland Cement '' £ Co., pref. ... • ... 1 15 0 110 6 Wilson's Portland Cement Co., new issue, pref. — ' 010 6 ' Wilson's Portland Cement Co., ord. ■•' — 18 6MINING— , . c Bonanza, paid ... <.. 0 0 7 — f Bonanza, eon.. ... ... 00 3 — Halcyon, con 0 0 2 _ Kurantii ... 0 0 7 0 0 4i c Kuranui-Caledonian ... 0 1 0 0 0 10 ( May Queen 0 10 0 0 91 1 May Queen Extended .... OOK — ( ; New. Dart....... 0 0 7 — l New Moanataiari 0 0 8 t New Monowiii 0 0 8 0 0 5.', t New Saxon 0 0 S 0 0 7; New Sylvia 004 003 Old Albumin ... ... 0 14 0 1 0 r Thames 0 0 8 0 0 6i 1 Victoria ... ... ... 0 0 8 — * Waiotahi 016 9 016 3 . Waitangi , ... 0 2 9 0 2 8 l . Watchman — 0 0 2' \ Mount Zeehan, con. ... 011 J Bunker's Hill 0 0.10 0 0 8£ [ Hauraki Freehold ... 0 0 4 0 0 2 Old Hauraki ... ... 0 0 9, , 0 08} n Old Kapanga 0 0 .'i 0 0 3 i South Kapanga 0 0 4 0 0 2. Champion, paid up ... 02 2 __ '' .Champion, contributing... 0 11 — •'< Crown ... ; 0 6 7 0 6 5 c Golden Belt, paid .. 0 Q,IOJ 0 0 9£ ,1 j Kirikiri, contributing' ... 00' 7 — V Komata Reefs ... ...014 0 1 3 l New Waitekauri 0 0104 0 0 9J t ] Pride of Waihi ... 0 08* -- t Kising Sun 0 0 8 0 0 7 Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 4 3 0 4 2 F Talisman Consolidated ... 116 9 1 16 6 I, Waihi 8 18 6 8 18 0 (, Waihi Beach - 0 0 7 — Waihi Consolidated ... 0 1 6 0 14 s Waihi Extended 0 5 10 0 5 8 * Waihi Grand Junction ... 22 0 2 0 0 t_ Njratiawa. 0 10 0 0 9 Muharahara Copper, Mines — 0 5 0 11. L. Noakks, Secretary; G. A. Buttle', Chairman. 3.15 p.m., July 4, 1907. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. ", Dividends. ,"-.'■■ ' (' Waiotahi ... ... 0 13 Now . Calls. 11 Waihi Consolidated, June 18... 0 0 1 Now ti Waihi Beach, June 4 0 0 1 Now i. New Jloanaraiari, Juno 25 ... 0 0 0£ July 10 New Monowai, June 23 ... 0 0 1 July 15 a Waihi Extended, June 18 ... 00 '2 July 16 w Golden Belt. July 1 0 0 1 July 17 a Magnet. July 2 0 0 1 July 23 ~ Kapowai, July 3 ...... 0 0 1 July 24 " - - 1 ~ f( .MESSRS. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS' w REPORT. 0 Horses: At the Haymarket on Friday last ac- si live waggon and express aorta Bold at'from £32 to £42; a pair of loan geldings realised £83 and a pair of bay mures £70; lighter torts. £25 to £28 103; aged draughts, £14 10s to £28 15a; light harness horses and hacks, £8 10s to £19: i gig ponies and weeds, £1 10a upwards; t'ourtlaiid waggon, £21 ; light trap, £12 10s. or On Saturday we held a clearance sale at Mr. ? .1. (.'oniric's, Pukekohe East. There was a large attendance. The ewes realised from 16s to 18? w 6d ; lamlw. 10s 6d to 10s 9cl ; cows, £4 5s to £7 si 10s; heifers, £2 to £2 10s; horses, £10 to £25; hay, £3 10s ton; implements and sundries, satisfactory prices. We'had a large yarding of both cattle and sheep at Clevedon on Saturday. Cattle sold at ruling prices. Sheep were required and freely competed for. Dairv cows made from £4 las to e £6 10s; heifers in calf, £2 12s 6d to £4 12s 6d ; y empty cows and heifers. £1 16s to £2 15s; fat ■- cows, to £5 2s: 18-month to two-venr-old steers, d £2 12s to £3 Is; strong calves, 19s to £1 ss; others, 10' to 14s. The advertised ewes in lamb brought from 18s 9d to £1 la 6d ; aged ewes. 10s 6d to 13s; fat wethers. 17s 6d to £1; hog- c gets, ]3s 6d; Lincoln rains, £1 15s; bay mare, tl £14 15s; black mare, £10. tl At Remuera on Thursday dairy cows sold from g £3 10s to £8 10s: dry, £2 to £3. Fat and young u calves were in demand at. from 2s to £2 13s; 90 j; fold. There was a full muster of fat cattle, all 41 light weights. Prices were firm at 223 per 1001b p for ox beef, cow 15s to 20s. Steers ranged in |i price from £6 to £10 12s 6d: cows, £3 10s to s : £8; 350 sold. Sheep came forward, in average f< numbers and sold at. late values, best wethers selling to 27s 3d, lighter weights to 21s. heavy ewes to 225, others to 18s; hoggets, 8s 6cl to 17s 9d, according to quality. Ewes in.lamb-sold up to 20s 3d; 1760 sold. Pigs,. penned in usual numbers, sold freely throughout, porkere selling a to 355. baconcrs to £3 7s: no small yarded; 60 (,; sold. Poultry, Is Id to Is Bd. ■ Hides, Skins, Tallow, etc.: Hides—Ox, 5d to . 6Jd ; cow, 4UI to sid : kip, 5d to 5J,d: calf, 6d to " 6^d; horse," 10s to 13s 6d: bones, 4s 6d to 4s Gd , tallow, 26fl bd to 27s 3d; horns, 4j to £1 3s rj 6d; horsehair. Is Id to Is 7d; damaged hides, 3d .to sd.' Skins—Best butchers', 5* to 6s 2d; « medium, 3* 9d to 4« lid; small and damaged, I 1 14 Id to & 7d. 0.


At Tuesday's sale wo submitted and cleared largo catalogues of hides, sheepikins, tallow, etc. Hides: Ox, extra stout, bid to 7£d; stout, 6d to bid; medium, sgd to 5Jd; light, sid to s^d; Cow, best lines. 5Jd to . s|d; good, nd to s|d: stags', 3itl to 3Jd ; calfskin?, 6d to 6id ; wet and scored hides, 4d to 4=d per lb. Sheepskins: Market firm. Large, up to 6a 6d; medium, 5s 3d to 5s 6d; small, 4s to 4s 6d each. Tallow : Market remains the same. Best mixed,., to 27a 6d; good, 24s 6d to 265; inferior, 20» to 22s 6d per cwt. Rough fat, ljd per lb. Cow tails. Is 8d per dozen.- . Bones, £4 15s per ton. _________ _________ WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. ( [BY TELEGRAPH.—OWN COnBKSrON-DKXT.] WKLIiINGTOX, .Thursday. The Wellington Stock Exchange quotations for to-day are »s follows:— Leyland-O'Brien Timber Co. sales £2 4s 6d ;■ Taranaki Petroleum (£1 paid), buyers 12s 3d, sellers 14*; Ward and. Co., Limited, 'pollers £5 10s; Whifcombe and Tombs, Limited, sellers £4 7s 6d ; Talisman Consolidated, buyers £1 16s 3d, sellers £1 16s 6d, sales £1 16* 3d* £1' 16s 6d; Waihi, buyers £3 17s, sellers £8 IBs 6d. FROZEN MEAT MARKET. [BY TELEGRAPH PBES3 ASSOCIATION.] Napier, Thursday. The Colonial Consignment . and Distributing Company, of London, cabled the following report:— iii the frozen meat market today's quotation for Canterbury mutton was 4Jd and for Napier, Wellington, and North Island 3|d. Lamb: First quality, 5Jd; second quality, sd. Beef: Hindquarters, 3ld; forcgtiarters, 3Jjd. MELBOURNE HIDE MARKET. By Telegraph Association.—Copyright. : (Received July 4, 10.7 p.m.) Melbourne, July 4. Hides: Good-conditioned lots are steady, and others are one-eighth of a penny to a farthing lower. . LONDON. By Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyright. LOKOOK, July 3. . Copper: Supplies. 22.573 tons; deliveries. 21,904 tons; stocks, 12,298 tons; afloat. 3950 tons. Wool: The. wool sales at Antwerp opened with fair animation, prices being In buyers' favour. Merinos were 5 centimes to 10 centimes below the closing prices of the April sales. Fine crossbieds were unchanged, and lambs and coarse crossbreds were neglected. One thousand seven hundred and sixty-two bales A La Plata were offered and 6?3 sold. Wheat: Three cargoes if Australian sold at 34a 4id, 355, and 36s 7id respectively. Tallow : At the tallow sales 858 casks were offered and 369 sold. Prices showed an occasional decline of 3d.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 5 July 1907, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 5 July 1907, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 5 July 1907, Page 3