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Article image

'" Houses and Land. ' Houses and Land." _! Hooses and Land. " .■ : .:. ';. - .•"., Publications. .'..:.:' ' ■" • " /.-" - j THOE NE S, SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, TTOmTAOT whttpp ,jp EAT E - £5 "• : fIOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGESX. HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, iiVlJr UK 1 AIM 1 IN 1 i.V-/Jli. HOX;SB. LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, ADcnO NEEE, _ JS^oSle^hStloNelrs :.. : .STOCK AND SHAEEBBOKEES. . queen**™ Auckland. IXVESTOES OP CAI'ITAL. ,- *~ ~ v STOCK EXCHANGE. . OD» TETISTEESTJJiBEE WILLS. Etc., , , „S„L r~T„ ATTORNEYS FOR RESIDENTS OB «»»«■«• cordis#SS%»n. SPECIAL NEW; ZEALAND EDITION. '' ««- ° _P_ , T .»».££ . „ - „ ™™™ EDCT bbuTZX?*****- 5 ff" ™ 2 V"" 1 A LMIS - ' U * NEW yORK COMMERCIAL'S INTER:.^!S^^ffiS?tS?SS»!™ 'ii- BAN-KEBS: BASK OP SEW SOUTH WALES. NATIONAL MEEKLY. an acre in orchard and vines; Comfort- jp-|QAA THE LOT— Detached Houses . ; > _ ■'■■- : '-' '■ ■' ■■ ''- ''■■.. ■■ able House of 6 rooms; good land; preuj &XJ\J\J and two Vacant Allotments, : , locality. £850. having extensive Irontage to ,5 streets; House* , ; -;■-,. —..;,„■ M , ■'"-_*. „«„« pn Mill6 nce of 9 rooms, nave 6 ami 7 rooms; iron roots, gas and TIT AIKATO OFFICE, , . CAPvLTON GORE BD.-Eesidence ot water, wasn-liouies, / etc., and always let. \V ALEXANDRA CHAMEEKS, ..•-.... fitted wim everj £°™~ "l lendid outlook must be sola. sola VICTORIA-STREET, HAMILTON. * The New York Connnerfial-the leading: paper in New York devoted to financial an! Iron? S „IT,7 winded *w«f ~ THOENES, 83. Queen-street. Telegraphic Andreas "Freehold" Hamilton. commercial -interests, and especially Jo the-publicity of foreign Bekii of investment trom every window. J. IUOK-XLa, u, yueen street. .telegraphic Address, *reetioiu. Hamilton. und oppcrtunitv _ ig { 0 nabltifi in its INTERNATIONAL VKKKLY, ahont the latter pur* GILLIES' AVENUE. Allot, . pHEAP"pKOPEBTY. wVuoim'U« aaa U iar' ge Si '° f 1907. a * VECIAh EDITION devoted almost entirely to *** Zeal o nd m*«« rt . e iron L. inv krm 150 acres all in .V 1 X ence in the practical of land, as weil This Edition will he particularly important, for it will contain the . .mpresstons ©» O § A V P ,^ Farm s 150 acres, law ~. , , „ r „, „„ „ *».»•»>»» sale it. He will, be pleased io New Zealand-its economic and industrial conditions-a« prepared by Mr 11. Tarleton first-class • English Si ass. com"* WW ■ -.nC7K-'nVo' NEARLY NEW HOUSES.'4 personally conduct buyers to view Farms for Willis, its Special Commissioner, who has spent several months in this colony in the number dairy cow .trice, .tin ptr SiJIJ room-.; scullery ana Dam to bale. ' interests of trade anitv and the development of closer relations with his country, lerms. '. eacn; let at 'in ou weeK; iron root; gas; and . . ■ - PONSONBY (Wanganui Avenue)— Cottages water; wasn-uouSe wan copper; - allotment, ——■—— —— — New Zealand .nterests will certainly profit by such publicity as the Commercial ; of 6 rooms each, ail conveniences; allot- 06 by lOult, to each. ;-_, ■-. 4o&j _ ■■■ _ OTTT>TT „n'., - >T „„„,. Special will -yive. It is unusual and unique. The wide home circulation iM.QXi) of this f ments, 40 b-r 113. Price, £600 each. ~ • J. THUKNES, 83, Queen-street. TJ« LE G A ~ SUBURBAN HOME. -well-known paper-together with the fact that 10.000 additional copies are regularly rwvn-Krarx-DTv v i Vor,. Vino Tinilrlins Sections. " ' ■ . „ „ WITH GREAT PROSPECTIVE VALUE. distributed all over tie world, and ; that a further 10.000 of the Special New Zealand TITAUKSELI. -ROAD, pARNELL. " ll " U * ' Edition will be distributed in this colony (making '', a total of 10.000 conies of this close tolUheltenham^eacfl ■••■'•■-.■•■ .lYi iX i ——■ Special New Zealand Number)-is sufficient proof of the advantage* to be,obtained • ,■■.,■,'... foot. Part of Dunning a subdivision. nA-FBEEJuULD = RESIDENCE, 9£» Orr FAMILY ' RESI- r ''■-'■, ■'; ~ A . ~ ~ .„, J' L, . PAENELL—JUDGE'S BAl—Residence of 7 S&I4tUU rooms, besides bathroom, pantry, BENCE of 11 rooms; exception- The resources Of the colony, and also its scenic attractions, will be lhorou«hiy fernrooms, with, all conveniences, ,wiui over and offices; fitted vyitn every modern convent- ally well finished; marble mantelpieces, etc.; tured, and it may be safely said that no such opportunity for tlie general publicity half-an-acre, garden and orchard, com- ence . Uow winaows and French casements 2 bathrooms; kitchen and scullery in addi- of New Zealand, having such a world-wide circulation, has ever before been offered. mands a fine view 0 the harbour. .Trice, on - 10 return ;. verandah i reg. ■ tiled grates, tion. The outbuild comprise: Stable. ... , ... « v., . u ,> ». ■■ * .. £750. : »;; ■■':■- > wiiTdrobes; bathroom is fitted with snower buggyshea. man's room, wash-house, etc. The Leading business honses, ellippine companies, hotels, etc.. should have an advejtise- ;. ST STEPHEN'S AVENUE—Residence of 9 ' and ' lavatory baain, - breakfast ana dining- lana is over 3$ acres rich volcanic soil, front- ment in this Special Edition. . . ■ . r'nnms ind i-aere Section Beautiful view rooms have large square windows opening ing three streets, and tastefully laid out in „ ~ „ , _ ... •.. „ ~,,„„. «,«-,. i n .1,. t'„u>j . rooms, anu S-acre oeciwii. *>=«.»* •■ oh to verandah- idSi>has ran*-e and can- garden, orchard and naddocks Handsome The New \ork Commercial is one of the oldest established papers in the united , of the harbour. £1050.. . hoards scullerv S SSSS avenue up to the ton'e Long main road states (112 th year), circulates amongst the most prominent Manufacturers. Bankers. InGILLIES' AVENUE, EPSOM, on Mount Eden a Xe 6 ' inK and _ I .* "«**; ■"* V . l^ l _S? irontem" 4 miles from town by 'hits close vestors, etc. This Special Edition means a wonderful, publicity in a thorousfl. Un- ■ sft^Fiwt-class'New House .7 rooms; stove, siuk and to station. 3 * rom town by ° M '-^ M biassed, and careful report of the Agricultural, Industrial. Commercial, and Financi*L all conveniencee .and .finished '■ « ~S ~ — \- " Mining. Shipping, and 'iWis* conditions of the colony, profnsely Illustrated. modern stye.-Stands in large section o | nicely; laid put; owner « leaving tne di, SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS. The enUre charge of the advertising in connection with this Special NEW ZEALAND MOUNT RoSILL MALN ROAD-Very Fine Si StrtST L^d and %f £%&£&?" AUCti °" EWTi '° N °' the A **" l °™ WBLKLIf has been placed with ;, . Villa of 3 rooms and every convenience; ;to ,5485 eers, vi, wueen street. . . . stable, coach-house, man's room; nearly 3 .;■ J. THORNES, 83, Queeu-st. ~~~ ~~~ "■• ' --.-.-, " ~" ■-.. ... "" : .■ I\,fE. T TLQTT'S A D VERTISING ■< A GENCY, acres of land, in orchard, garden, and pad- _. . UTAGNIVTr'T'TvrT. M J. X A r A . dock. £2000. ,\ AK „ „ ' 'fW T7STYNYAED '.Tf OAD, MOW * M■ - • ; - - '* nnrrvc rWAMHFRS WPIT IVfimv UNION-ST., CITY-Block of 4 New Cottages, AJ ,VV, it. M r DAIRY AND FATTENING FARM. ' ' ' * QUEER'S CHAMBEKS, WLLLIAUTU^. ■ nwTtSJiyjff'isTTia EPSOM-SDlendid high- .'■ '.... ' 'DDli.\. . ; ~ ■ .. Circular ■':-'- fuller .[::.■■■.■ ■ , a<Jvcrti»inß rates, .'.: ; may be obtained on • ' -TTTTfo. ; aw kttT3 EPSOM-Soiendid high- ", Ju . Circular conteininc fuller particulars, advcrtißing rates, ete, may be obtained on G ©ft frontage. £315. OggQ-COMPAcr, AND. WELL-BUILT •^26>ooQ^S£g'Sw^S K ' application at the oflice of this paper. v , ; • EPSOM, MOUNT EOSKILL ROAD—Very Su- water . wash-house,"copper and tubs 3 ;" work- I Level!? Land;?-nearly all drained or part- ' NOTE.-Advertisements should reach Mr. Hott'ii Office, Wellington, on or before perior Residence of 7 rooms, with all con- so p, range, etc. Allotment 33 by 118 it. ly drained swamp. The whole fenced in 100 SATO ED June 1, - ' ' * veniences, situated on an elevated position, A m splendid order and condition. Terms: subdivisions; 1600 acres grass, 44 acres : .'/:"-"- :■;■'.:■: ..■■ .:y ■■■:■■■■■■[,■■■:•■■■.■■■■■, r . . ■ and commanding, very fine view; 3 acres £125 cas . .. , vearss wr cent 5513 turnips, plenty 01 usetul plantations, balance • - - ; _____' , attached in garden, lawn, and paddock. j. THORNES, 83, o ueen-street SS*_fl& in £&i£"^SS% drained, £}==== , Manhin.rv ... ==? Price, £1500. ■ J. THOLAhS, 83, Queen street. Kauri House, 9 rooms and bath; 5 Cottages, " - ' Machinerv etc - ■■ KINGSLAND ROAD—Section' 47 by 200; high ——r each of 6 .rooms.;.. barn, implement shed, Seeds, Manures, etc. macainary. ■ etc, -. positionl £160. TTOBSON "DARK DD. granary, stable. 60 cow bails; creamery, with —— ■ ■ ———' ' ' -— ' —— CITY PROPERTY - Queen-street. Corner Xl iT It boiler. _ ' . , ° Scotia Place-74ft frontage. ~- £ SEW RESIDENCE 6 BV&VW k mLSJSQ THOMAS L, , „ r -~ -^ NAPIER-STREET, CITY-4 Houses and 2 *OOU large rooms, bath, gas and water,, O'ZU: COWS. . A 'VT? 1P ' O <Wl V, T? ' Shops, on large Section, fronting,* apier-st, tiled grates, tancy mantelpieces..iron root, 127 neifers, 54 calves, seven bulls/ 16 Jr JbiUol: MAI Jii A»- V lf " - EJ ■"'• 123 ft, and Hepburn-street. 128 ft. Cash range; wash-house and every modern con- norses, 200 sheep, and .200 first-class 'and ■ price, £1600. . ■■■ vemence; allot. Kit by Z«tt. ~ . pigß (forty of , them breeding sows). ' rr » TATTT - ' * MATAKANA-Farm, 730 acres, House. 6 ' ~ ' ;J. THORNES, 83, Queen-st. Complete lot of ft^XvSn°B KAIiNII, . , SSS"*^ frontage, with private wharf. -RESIDENCES. X^ THE ■• ' _._.:_ BiTip .... Price.. £275 °- _ pAKJNLLL, xv j£ a ,LNCLUUING ALL LIVE AND DEAD STOCK; : twat nraTOiqini rtnn mni> • • WB mYB TOR BALE r ".'■'•■- -■' "■■ ■ ' ' ; ""'- ■■"■•"" " : i ' v •■•■'.- •••' V £26,000. One of the best and most lavour- TDEAL -pERTILISER TfOR "pOP- .::::.,.•■,,- EWINGTON • AND ' gAKER, • OH E OF TWO FAMILY.RESIDENCES gg ggggj - F^ n nS ' T)EE S . T. AKOS. WBOIICTOa. ■*-* . : - .. ,- ' iUK iiuuu. to show Purchasers over this Splendid Farm- - / \A -*-' . JO. ij T,A\r> Xmi "fstattt AGENTS AUCKLAND. ATI NE ROOMS and conveniences; 150 ft front- at anytime. ... 10,174 '■ •- . :]■':'■ LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, AUCKLAND age . . den and outbuil din ENRICHES THE SOIL. ,18 BHP " „.„.,..,, Rtl _ rnv ... Established 1856. ■!•- QEYEN BOOMS and nearly one acre land, :;;■.;. SAMUEL /AILE AND SONS, INCREASES AND IMPROVES THE 10 ,„ 1 ' A^l£ " b3 bUIUION GAS . , " ;,..;' O: in garden and cultivation; splenuia Land and Estate Agents and Land Auc- HERBAGE. • v •- " PLANT AND ENGINE. ;,;•, , ' —- — , marine and harbour v.ew. / tioneers 87 Queen-street ' "■' '"' .'1 , . .» n „„;»„ ; - '" m -..V J. THOENES, 83, Queen-£t. tioneers. ti/.,ijuen,street. __ '•■■„„«,.„« «« 2. 4, 5. 7 B.H.P. UNION BTATIOaNART COMFORTABLE HOUSE in Grange Road, —— OPA«?IDR 'rnTTARP a\'D t Am, X\T Q T AUEIE AND 00.. -.ENGINES. ; Mt. Eden; also, Large Volcanic Allot- TEEVOIS 13OAD, T>ONSONBY. ■S, LA — COTTAGE AND LAND. -VV ■> O- Xl V. ment . £575 . .. J^* ¥WM, -JX JT ■ '',—-, ' 29. CUSTOM-STREET EAST. AUCKLAND. 5. 8 B.H.P*. UNION MARINE ENGINES. I JPAMILY RESIDENCE and Freehold. Devon;, QUPEEIOE NEW VERANDAH RESIDENCE, .:--'. v . ™__f_ ' ..... . = = ,„„. „„ _ „„„„„'«„, , X port, at £850. ■ ' ' ' .O 6 large rooms, besides pantry and scui- >,__„ , r „_ n npri tf Vvt' vtrrnKtnn insurance Cotnpauies. :; 6, 12. 24 B.H.P. THORNYCROFT MAEINft : , ; An, -tocau „„„ .w Trims we have lery ana oathroom; iron root; wash-house XQAA-3AC2EO. 13pp. LEVEL VOLCANIC mnmtmug wu* M w ENGINES. T EPSOM, near the ,1 rams, we .. sats. with-winner and tubs- uat. wc.: nail, oh <***J\J\J LAND, fronting 2 streets, and laid. " ... ■ ■•-... . Houses and Shops which we can Quote mtU conpe r -aid t u «- J A *;Xtfroomj Vileu out in vegetable garden? etc.; new House •: mirw 11, 356 13 «H All-mvimt at a low prke toeffect-clearance. :.;; ,-- gnKa S IniSSSilt oi of .4 rooms, scullery, and verandah j. Orion f-ttJli '.- ,- : ;-.,.;;:,.,.:,. ~.__.; ;. "' „ 3 ' * K B ' H ' P - AUTOMAELNB . or ACRES in orchard and paddocks, at nrst-ciass material under supervision of leau- range. Large shed, trapshed, towlhouses, nArTrnTT D"DTTTSH i^aiftt-s. —'_• Papakura, for Sale lor £650. JU g architect; well urained; aUotmeut, cm etc. Handy to trams; fronts the harbour, OVJIjXJIL DJXIIIOII '■' i- s "'» n wp'-mnssi'vY me vKnmra' ■..,.-. TTOUSE of 6 rooms and Freehold Allot- by libit, in garaen la,wn etc. ; bSB and commands fine viewa 9047 -,„.„. u a RTMIMMmiR A wpff 6 < 7 B 'H-I ' CSOSSL^ Y GAS ENGINES. H ment in the City. : for Sale for £215. . J. THORPES. 83, Queen-street. SAMUEL VaSjTanD SONS - * liiJli & AIAIUA & IiNbUJIAJNUJSi 10, 12 B.H.P. SIMMS', MARINE ENGINE. „„„■ , ,'■__ leasehold at low /.., ~ ~ ;,v r ~ SAiiULL.VAILfc APfDSOJS, POMPANY , . » uii *. . R S renSl in Parneuf con- , TTINGSLAND. 1,.. " Land and Estate Agents and Land UUMIAIM U B.H.P. CLIFTON MARINE ENGINES W r^S?^o E & 0. 70 CAfiH."S«nc. £280 at 5i per cent.- - „ *"»"""' *> to™*"" ' OF NEW ZEALAND. , NEW YANKEE TWIST DRILL GRINDERS. room kitchen; and boxroom; one room is 3VIU New House, 6 rooms, iron roof; QUBU: RBA ! N FA RM, ' » » BSIOffP ™™t 0 ,..™,„„ room, kitch Cheap. ffi «US. WITH BEAUTIFUL NATIVE BUSH. CAPITAL ... ..'. ... £1,900,000 BEI «HT STEEL SHAFTING. :;. "EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE-Corner oi section, -by io3ft. -'• toll _ rt „■' ■_' .'"" .. i**** ACCUMULATED FUNDS ... ,£514,000 BRASS FITTINGS. ALL DESCRIPTION XU Albert and Lake Eoads,. Devpnport, . / q. HORNE a n, ,p ' J? Q ACEE—Most Desirable Property •"•ww*uxi«. x.. .. . *^" |V ™ .■ ~■. -_- -. _.:. •■■ , ;, commanding view of the harbour. Cheap. ; .-. J. THORNES. Ba, Queen-street. &,\) 0 f 110 acres, nearly all fenced; 50 GLACIER ANTIFRICTION METAL £"-« r -"»"°» a - D ,.t„c ~ boabdikg. 3g?&,lfSSSty S£S'„S A *-.**?.»■»»»«««». cam.17S7"E have for Sale, in Brentwood Avenue, SHOOK) HOUfcb, 0 minutes from G.F.U.; of magnult . eut manuka firewood. * Never- pensation. Ordinary Accident. Public Bisk, KIRCHNTPWH wnrvn wnwimeo ■~. Wi near the trams and Mt. Eden Railway 20 rooms,', well lurnished; low rent; always failing stream. Free from noxious weeds. Plate uiass, Burglary, Fidelity Guarantee. ' IUHCHNERS WOOD-WORKING MA station, some very Choice vo.lcanio Build- lull.- 'uood reason tor disposal. New House. 4 rooms, Btable.buggyshed, etc. : v : , ..—_ . v CHINES. - - * ' ' ' ing Sections at 70s to, Bos per foot./ ■ - .- '- ,; ' J. THOENES, 83, Queen-street. School and post ottice, J mile; railway sta- THE SOUTH BRITISH COMPANY'S "UP- . ' • — piTY FREEHOLD INVESTMENT-Large *" ' - mrtalfld"^ 6 witthf Wiuf-^ThThLh 9 -™ TO-DATE", POLICY is the Most Liberal yet koia^tn^nt D Pr^ fr Sh ° P ° U - - M° UINT ET" ■>■ %fi&ii£&}%& of offered to the Public of New Zealand. INSPECTION IWOTmm * Freehold Allotroe ■ U o-yl '6-rooms and scullery; anything like the same character. Price, ■A. S. EUSSELL. Branch Manage, . • INSPECTION INVITED., .'. ' MONEYTO LEND ON MOETGAGE. ~,;. Jb4 10. wash-nouse, copper and tubs; gas only £9 per; acre;, terms jif .desired;- 10,168 «übim*.h. b •■■■ - ; „ ; .:-'' - .___ ' '■ .-'■■ ■-'■- -' ••■■' - " ■> and water. 'Allotment, Vott. by SioOft; fowl- .- ~, '.., — , „__ '■" -' ' " '''■"■—————— -— ; — ; ..--■ —-^ ~.-.>:»vV«' ,: ; ■,v •"'-"-. ---. ■< -v-,--■■;, house and, run; iron roof; range; verandah , s • SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS, '"' -AT A AT * ' '. .".'.' m.v; : T7IEATER : AND QON. back and front; 5 minutes .from bus. 5508 Land - and Estate Agents and Land Auc- , JN A XIUJN AJj - TTr ... t) VA AT -ANTI -/-iA — .W. . X $ ~ „; , ~J. THOENES,- 83. Queen-street. ■ tioneers, 87. Queen-st. company '„ ; TVT „ ™ ' A. RYAN DGO I t » " '-.■: — — — ———— —— TNSUEANCE /COMPANY OF AJ 7 " :".-'■"'■■;•"' "..- •**,*%* »\ . HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS. ~ , "DROWN-ST., "DONSONBY. ' »at,«a tw . X O . l^%Li% , T/m . «tt--v«-»-it-p ■". **. " * A GREAT . BARGAIN. TIIRE AND ARINB. . ■ LTD. QUEEN-STREET. qq A -SPLENDID HOUSE, s.rooms, iron ■* L ;-'■.";• ON EASY TERMS. , .X ltl ■ , , -- o&OVt> roof, Orion range, ; enamel sink; — ■■■■ ■ . „ , „.„,,. ' QUAY-STRRF/r ATTrro-T *x-t> - ' -~ ~~~ : ■ : - wash-house, with copper; allot., 4Uft by won, '■ ■■ n( , PFn AnpF WH¥ m,m .«,;„■. Accumulated Funds .. ... ... £299,160. , ... ; WUA.x SiitßET, AUCKLAND. »^-t : ii'„Vv«A '"- on best sine of street, fenced; let at 12 ?, 6a 19 s 555 rISSK o?1 rooms ? stabll 5 ALL ™fits RETAINED IN THE COLONY. ■ . ; ■ ' Established. 1879. ..,;,,;,- week., Bargain - . :■.;. bbub.. Jg,,, oS outbuiid' 101. Queen-Bt. Norman T. Williams. Manager. ■ J. THORNES, 80, Queen-st. j ngß . Insurances, £800. . This Property is =—:. ',- '—— '— ! . . ' i ■" " ~-;-.; . — :" at present leased: at £50 per annum, about "VTEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, -\v..^.. ,■■;•■.. ■■;:,,-. ••.■.,,,..;,,.,..-...... . .. — , „ n ..m, mn ,™„ „„ m "OICHMOND. 4J years to run. but this can be terminated JLI LIMITED. ~ -«*%«»■ U *> *«*..-. __ "' ' MONEY TO LEND ON'FIEBT MORTGAGE. {j, u . XX it desired with the exception of a few acres ACCIDENT BRANCH ROBE? & COS <! T A M '■' OIIA-CHOICE LEVEL CORNER BUILD- used lor a tramway, etc. Situated close, to Tmißactg jiuployers" indemnity. Fidelity ** vv * w <9lCft~f ; , — -, ■■■ Pff ■ . -ENGINES.- - . ™ E ,BALB. j. THORNES. 83, «„c,».., SSI"TifSX« h SP " \^ NCE BUILDINGS "">l«™M A^^TA™mvALLi SrS P S » f - -~, ;^ ITi :.; :; ; . ■ smA vSIIsD sO - s — ■ KEW BBimNG ' POHTABLE AND STATIONARY.- ' Vr-i's I? eiouß^-Hras?- e? cbwa^ r dairy i?Qnn-' l,ffo KKV EEICK HOU3ES ' each Land and Estate Agents and Land Auction- ■ :H- A\ K \?.?"' FOR SAW ™«- FLOURMILLfI manv iffwi ~rih | p<f pViee itio »yUU containing 6 large rooms and eers, 87. Queen-street. District Manager. *"* oa»viua l ,a J s, BRICK- , anu BUloi eS' ; xrice ?; , xw... : , ..•, ....... bathroom, with hot 'and cold.-wuter'service;":' :-— '- ■ —-— -. ,-- ■ '-"v.. : ",",',, , ; ... MAKING, ELECTRIC LIGHT -MAOHIN. BIRKENHEAD, on the Main Road—Several gas and water; range, reg. grates; wash- -\rr w a N«at? v t t\ t a'rn •» tr» m ■»*.,„;-„! ' • • ' ■'". -r.«-.r :.„w' ... . Very Fine Building Lots, ato i acre; ex- nouses, with copper and tubs; the outside :IV?ai\(jakm DISTRICT. Musical. - :..'■■ :■ EEY, AND ALL INDUSTRIAL tensive view from eacn. Prices, £45 to walls are all plastered, and they are well "-.*■ : , " —— ; —— —— — —. ' 'mtmtiimi, -'-"'■' - ■ £100.each. built 'in every respect; ..asphalted yard and < PICTURESQUE AND PROFITABLE , _ PURPOSES. OEUA BAY-118-Acre Farm, and -House of paths; well drained; patent w.c. Let at 21Js " PROPERTY. (TOTID MEDAL ' J- THOENES. 83. Queen-street. «-c O -SEASIDB FARM OF 49 ACRES- ;. , AND SPECIAL AWARD '10 _ MORE THAN 20000 OP trollt age. price, very low, . ~- —-,'. &<< lOU 9 - acres grass, i-acre .good or- 17 \XT "XT HRPI AT) - J«UKb 1 HAN 20,000 OF MOUNT EDEN-First-class House, containing 0 A Kfi--GLENMORE- ; New House, 5 rooms; chard. -30 acres .hush, balance heavy tea-tree. O \JXl.l?i Dl\±.X\ UiUJJflw. EOBEY AND CO.'S ENGINES OF LARRIB ' 8 rooms"and all' modem com-eSieAces"' Jb4:DU .bath; gas " and water; .Wash- Two Houses, one of 7 rooms and outhouses .'. ; A \rT\.'. : ' QAWC'Vv: «„„<> " o wuiflui OF U2B* arae allotment hav u" a u-ontaie of copper and tubs-; every convenience. (let at 6s per; week), ana one oi 5 rooms and AN U OUiNo SIZES ARE NOW AT WORK. to fa Windmm laid Weehold Allotment. 401t by 91n; garaen etc. outhpuses, telegraph office on property, % FOE THEIR CELEBRATED out> -22: 030 - ; " >■^horne*. B3, <*»»*££ . PIANOS ~ SYAIONDS-ST.-6-roomed , House, conveni- ,; situation; ; very mild climate. ~ ; 10,132 JOHN BURNS *■ CO., LTD., ences. Allotment. DO by 20Uft. Price. tiAT~BWOT -\€V DO SKILL AT THE JWIHN UUItJNS & CO., LTD., :^^ , ; Y< :: . J? v Aa^ SO - N dl '' M K SAMUEL YAILE AND SONS. ' QHEISTCHUECH -pXIUBITION. - CUSTOM-STEEET " ' ' WELLESLEY-ST. W.-Four Cottages, of 5 Jpl£A-£E\V HOUSE, ,6 rooms; wash- . Land and Estate Agents and Land l Auc- Vj CUSTOM-STREET rooms each (always well let;. Allotment, S&4tOU house, copper and tubs; range, ■ tioneers 87 Oueen-street ' "" - m T r,„, AOPWra "57 by 110 ft. Price., £1050. city, water, etc. Allot.. 132tf frontage by tioneera. BY, wueen street. ttttUY BUY AN INFEEIOE PIANO, WHEN '■' ■: ''.■"": AGENTS. , r ■-•.'■• -..--.,■..■ KEMUEItA-10-roomed House with modern 200lt - ..,-. Terms arranged.•. - 5498 nHEAP Hnnw TV neap part m? VV YOU CAN BV)[ A = - jAA;':,; J " TH °= 83 ' QUeen - ■■■ 0™ ToI E PART ° P QENUaNE JOHN gBINSMEAD Bnsi.C.S^oMcea %&**, irorn trams *"* m ' . gAEANGAHAPE OAD.; v OWNER LEFT THE COLONY. V " . "T7 '"" ' : ' ; '■""■ -' " ' ■ ' n^s.gW™™ r-™*tr n , Ifl PRICE SduoED TO £6000 TO EFFECT : 25 S / ® M° >T ' A AND T BTTT?T mD " OEAKaI ROAD. EEMUEEA (near top)-10- IMMEDIATE SALE. O£ C A-COMFORTABLE HOUSE OF ."7 PIANOS BY SMITH AND JEFFEEEY. CARL xx * ■ *"*""*/: X* X»UXVX> roomed House aim :new; stables, etc.. SHOP PROPERTY. .- ........ *?PPU BOOMS (verandah 2 sides), scnl- gcKE HOSENER. and Various Other Makers. : PLUMBERS' SUPPLY AND METAL ' ' 4 ' Alice, auou. T>LOCK' OF "FOUE SHOPS with dwellinrs ler y- pantry, and oathroom (hot and cold ,4 aji Kinds of Musical Instruments, Strings, '- ,„,„„„.v„™T - I ***- PONSONBY-9-roomed House, with conveni- 'attached situated m r bu«eßt°K?S; fireplaces, range; gas and water. , Outbuild- and Fittings in Stock. MERCHANTS. -.:..;- ;= ; Allotment, ,ll 4 ft by 1001, Price. £"S u oa d Freehold AUot hlvina s comprise wash-house, fuel house, coach- JOH N There is Onlv One PIANO- _..... Landed a I*rga and Va ri * £m a ' 10 " m ' li y bv 100 ft fand right of bouse, stable, iowlhouse and run, etc.; i-acre JO HN BRINSMEAD AND SONS, PIANO- Have Just Landeu a Large and Varied QUEEN-STREET. ONEHUNGA-Allotment, 66 Property in thil thoroughfare fa seldom*& ' 'SKSff' : Stock of PORCELAIN ENAM. BATHS, SINKS. Wby 198tt. Price, 40s. per toot. .. , the market, and should be securedl- at Si ose to -station,-, and. handy to the-teanu.'- ™ u7vv t TMi'ppn WASH BASING URINALS. ETa FRANKLIN ROAD' (top end), Ponsonby-6- ollte ' J THORNES, 83 Queen-street Owing to the owner's neparture for England TTOWMANN. TIMirED. . roomed House,, with all conveniences.' Al- .. '*" 1 ''** "° u the price of this property has been reduced 213 OPFEV-STREET , A Large Assortment of ENGINEEfifi' A v's»^ lotment, * m 6i " by 120 "' Price. 700 ' ■ - p LOSE TO JUNCTION, pPSOM. ; %%£"*» to the abovement.oned low hgure :, ■-«"■ SfBEBi. ..., .. - PLUMBERS' REQUISITES 0O Hand Vr US ' PAPATOITOI, "Kolmar Estate."— Vol- ■„Vi w „......*'.,. ~T TT . T>l -fe* T 7 "'■ ' _____ —— ■ — : ..'■'';": — ~". to Order. - , cauic Land in lots of 3 Acres arid upwards. 0.1 OR—SUPEEIQE VILLA BEfaIDENCE, 4- . : , r - f«nal ; " • ■> : ' ____ •■;■':.-■ ,-.■:;■ ■ Plans and prices upon application. ; extra large rooms and scullery. SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS. .' __ _- _ _______ J__-___ " ::'.". _.__ : «./"-,_-__ "■:":* PP o nM rn ,^ nafi ' na(i ■ A i m ,, R New verandah bow window, iron roof; wasn- Land md Estite ■ Airents and Land Auc- —— ■ " ______ CALL OH WHITE FOB PRICES. . . IS *?H*» coronation _oaa— # Almost r»ew house and coalshed, copper and, tubs; gas -ana ana -state Agents ana lhiici auc- , ____»_ : Modern House Qf 7 rooms vdiningroom,-28 an water; yard is tarred and shelled. Al- tioneers. 87. Queen-street. . : ' . cntmHUmim ~™, by 18)instable and traphouse; section, libit lotment, 50ft by 136 ft, fenced. L.T. Title. — ~——— ~—~ —; —" ' CUSIOM-#TR2,ET WEST. by. 230 ft Grounds beautilully laid - out. r „ , ' 5 496 QPLENDID CITE. nA , T miT Telephones 43L 15133. Price. £130 °- Magnificent view. J. THOENES. 83. Queen-street. b . - . --O ■ v . O . . COAL. COAL. COAL. r. „. '.. ,' ..:...." ... ; ..' 1 - ■ -■» PAPATOITOI—The best Farm in this district, ; '>,- . , — - .- ——— ...:,,■..' ■ ' ' ' t(iwi»i(Wn« '• ' ««. :'. :: ' : " -»--»»..'' containing 60 acres first-class land, having OEUMMEE "DOAD. . v MAGNIFICENT VIEWS'- OF LAND AND SEA. \ ALTERATION OF PREMISES,large frontage to Great South Road and . l_> iX -auauiwi uhhb ur _____ -»• two other main roads. The buildings con- : r»r7r?/-v_x_AELY NEW HOUSE 6 Tartre ■~—.„ ..... sist of broomed House. 3 Cottages, black- & UK) rooms, besides bathroom and RICH VOLCANIC SOIL. FREE FROM STONE. ,:.:-. . ' - — ' COKE. COKE- COKE. W. r ABxaBOBt M » C°ably subdivided without expense of road- sanded; allotment 52ft 'by 116 ft in lawn. HANDY TO ELECTRIC TEAMS. \JKJ±\.±J. V/V>r_L_AJ. V/VO-iJ. * -«- - V/ ing, etc, garden, etc. Term's arranged. ' 5492 — . — MONUMENTAL MASONS. MURDOCH ROAD and Disraeli-street, Grey ' " ■ J. THORNES, 83, Queen-street. AREA OI ACRES. „ ~,„,.„ .„«„-.„- Lynn-Two First-class Well-built Houses of ; : " - • ,_ *" 0_ f\ WING TO THE CONTINUED SHORTAGE VICTORIA-STREE ! P WEST, 7 and 6 ; rooms each and all modern . /"\FF T7IRANKLIN T> OAD. — " OP T4.UPIBI COAL. WE - STRONGLY _.'. . ; c conveniences. Lar K e-allotments, tastefully . », U --''-'X- -^-->';' : XV ™ ' * „ rZT^lpwl mo Beg v to notify that owing to the great in. • laid out - Timber is heart of kauri. 0 A PA-COMPACT AND NEARLY NEW 1236 FT BOAD FRONTAGE. ADVISE CONSUMERS TO CONSERVE THEIR ' , "* K lo we Price, £1300; or would sell separately if S&_DU- VERANDAH* HOUSE. 6 rooms, "pRICE, ONLY Oi f»;AA . COAL BY USING COKE WITH IT. " crease ot their business, it is necessary ~ t-JvSirccit ..".■;■' ■ --.-'-.-_ iron I*ool* cis £Liid wi\t_p rriTi_r6 Ivilli wjisii* JL ■■ ■ cAs^JLVJ'V/Vy* '■' - * •"• - ~ _ '-~ ■■ ; - •>■ -r - *'***__■ - - * ■■ ■" ; PAPAKURA-Gentleman's Residence; House house, copper, asphalted'yard and paths; in o ne of the finest Residence Sites left round OBTAINABLE FROM ANY COAL DEALER make EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS to the!?of 9 rooms, with .conveniences;. 45 acres of perfect order; cheap. 5490. Auckland; or could be SUBDIVIDED to in AUCKLAND, AND FROM ; Premises and Machinery g d « pK-SSo! 6 * ■«»'.-««M-ndin-.oaua. J. THOENES. 83, Queen-street. Advantage. - remises and Machinery. RUSSELL-STREET, REMUERA - 7-roomed TTOTirF' STRFFT A ROHHTTT, Further particulars from 9569 J T PT? A TiQ- T IVTi " . ' • ' _TkS*X_?l_?'SS_ ; S&'vi H OMESTKEIIT ' EOHmL \ SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS. J.V t/KMVI, 1/IL»., D~ta.AlUßttaaUl~u.mU~ . jP--, _f?W!_, -_-" ,£3TS-i_?sr_rSW:%~ 1 '"" 1 ___SSS! -f_j_-- ° PPOSITE BiSK ° F SZ - "Kd E KEDUmOKS TBOH THE WEU . PENC ARROW AVENUE, MOUNT EDEN-rOne house and run, all in good condition; well i . _ —— /^UEEN-STREET > 7 .of the finest allotments in this district; drained; allotment. 73ft frontage by 102 ft. ' ttwfttt GRAZING FARM. id *' 'KNOWN LOW PRICES. 80 by 140 ft. Price, £4 per foot. 5487. IJM-UJ' ■ Ull^"u .*__». -» _ ;.: ~-, , v..,.., I= , o-«i™»j -a ' ... '"■•', J THORNES. 83, Queen-street. ~ , - ' ' • -—___—______—' ■■ •••-.■'• " ■ i :.- fc .^ bL .^™ q 2 ed Hou ?, e wlth co ? Te n.- «, yue 11 FRONTING THE SEA. ■■■■■.■■.- . . __4„ TV „_-~ ... ' ■.. f» c ,f : °" , 22 * acre ? /. oI .S» nic - NODICAL', AUCTION SALES. 0 ,, . s rEE — Acres good B rass pAAT ', mAT TTEMINGWAY. ROBERTSON. *» &"?' t * d ™ f*^ l J o ad f a .P ted , f or subdividing. PERIODICAL -„ "J£4 10 R ACRE-200 Acres good grass fOAT __ PHAT i=l PALETHOEPE. sj£^&^ l 7_& , ** , 2SJ large road front- £4 10 land. partly t'UAL. UUAij. PALETHOBPE. a^ Price, £4000. or would sell house and • J. r~ HOR NE & t35 •i i m ~»« »mq« hninm-o tin.irM ' _____ ■ PUBLIC ACCOUNTAOTS AND AUDITORS.' " 7 acres land. J. TH ° & Kf ll*e of f r«SS • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS ARCADIA ESTATE. EPSOM-Several splendid LAND AUCTIONEER. wit iron "roof: also. Cottage. 3 rooms; milk- - _.-_, AHummirQ IiraTnVT ,, OT volcanic Building Sites, 85 by 132 ft each. „, . _-— ing sued, yard. etc.. in good order. Warm, "*• a V"- -BADE AHSIGNEES iJSU COMPANY -- Price, from: £2 per foot; one minute from . . : sheltered", position, commanding pretty - oFfiKPmAWrF<J trams. TN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WM. views. Steamer lands passengers 011 the TAIIfIIDI AAA I o_wn_i__*--. ATHERTON ESTATE, EPSOM - Splendid X CURRIE (DECEASED). beach. Handy to Auckland. Easy terms. IMUrlllß uLSAL Endcan's Buildings. Qneen-streat. , Building Sites. Ito i-acre. Price. £2 per ■^~" gtuJ r- u;t ' UiM ' 10 ' 148 ■■•*»■ ■■■■ Wn__i __ _. . foot . Five minutes from trams. ; ™". «■ .V n .- „ff_-_,if n . — ~ it rw Ti ; TUSK. V CLAUDE ED, -nncm, „ j „, , House, The following Properties are offered for aAUfnP'T. VAILE AND SONS Also. IVI E - ROBERT B> I uaru CLAUDE BD., EPSOM-Modern Brick House, Sale:- s™'„rS 2 miles T „ m ,, J,, r,h,«' Aranta 87 Oueen-strMt . " N EWCASTLE QOAL, ' '" J - BAEBISTER AND - 0, ** containing 6 large rooms, and all conveni- FOREST F4RSI WAIUKU. estate Agems. oi. w"""""" ATEWCA.STLE Z^IOAL ences. Over i-acre rich volcanic Land, actrv* Tn'«H• nhnnr ? mile* JN*™°-- *T (J BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, tastefully laid out T in flower and vegetable 167 fmn villi : 'W J^„? road COUNTRY HOME AND FARM. . x * V „- .„.._. AKlvomPFvgarden, etc.. etc. Price. £1250. ■-.., subdivided tato £ B unmber-of paddocks'- V -____ ITIRIPAKA 23 SHORTLAND-STREET. REMUERA-Good Building Site (1 minute's „™ en tv of timber and water a ? seveilroomeu T'l f-KA-UP-TO-PATE DWELLING of 10 ; - K U " . nem __,__«_, walk from trams) - 99ft oy 200£t - Price, "£4 _bXOOU. good rooms and bathroom, all - MONEY TO LEND AT LOWEST CURRENT 5s per foot. _T___f" clmmunication S either on one floor; verandah; all conveni- .-\TOETHEEN .. - BATES. . . DKUItY-New House of 6 rooms, and conve- [coach and mil or steamer Price £9 ences, including hot and cold water; stable. . 'aM Kj _____ a — ; ww e r l; close to rail- 5s per acre. , ./ : anf iHU , A. B. MF*™ *"* S°^i ELLBHHJMn. of the best Also - exceptJO tS «„,__. wm, .-„ ' DECEIVING. FORWARDING. AND PARCEL this = — J^^ n iSSl.™.tab_f RLOQK KNOWN AS " PEOSPECT PLACE 'ttfSS "station Tiul WINSTRNF TO ' DELIVERY AGENCY. ° I tc l M.,go ul^ x ■f^ ea rich volcanic land -° corner of Hobson and Wellesley Streets, 30 or 40 from Auckland. A delightful spot If 111© B UIII-) _. lUs Commerce-street Office. Telephone 143. ni * l a ' id ,out An lawns, flower garden! r • ?M$S»«» thereon - : for a retired man._ ' 150 . CARRIERS. Etc.. Wharf Office. Telephone 606. ' HENRY- CUEEIE. SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS. . QUEEN-STEEET. CUSTOM-STREET. ' an d""coTa«d Firewood Y«d. ' lot 182 ft to Va°«Xll Road and 186 ft to Executor. Land and Estate Agents and Land SYMONDS-STREET. AND General Depot and Coal and Firewood Yard.. , Albert Rd. all newly done up. Price, £800. €ISBORNE. * Auctioneers, 87, Queen-st. I MOUNT EDEN. K\ Great Nona Road. ;"-.-/". '■' - : x. ; : .•■ ; • ' ■■■- ; ' -.> ■;.. ■* .. ' : .- :.:--;;', :V:: : ' :1 ::;;;::'-v: : :s*;;:'*;;:;;@ -V^.-'i.v'-V' 1 ..-' •':!

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13498, 27 May 1907, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13498, 27 May 1907, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13498, 27 May 1907, Page 9