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V ; *. • '" '■' ' Medical. ( ■ Brfffilf fflm'" 1 """""" 1W ""» HWIM " ■*-■■*"»■ .<BB3iiJmiyLiwuyHff -■^"■»«»"— ■'■""""—— ''■ "', i 111 »»n I lIHIIIIIMII 11 111 11 111 n I 111 1111 111 I ; | A MOTHER'S CARES. I J; What a lot of backache there is among the mothers. i, And little wonder. A mother's work, and care, and worry are enough to break 1 o down a much stronger constitution than is given to most women— or men either, for 1 »i the matter of that.: .''""'• ■-•- ' 1 0 I The kidneys are invariably the first to feel the strain. And they let their needs be n known, too, very promptly. Backache is the cry for help. The cry of the sick kidneys, a There's that awful dull ache away down low in the back. Then come sharp pains ] lt - higher up, pains «in the limbs, headaches, a weary,. never-rested feeling; a desire to J stay in bed in the morning— all from the kidneys. t r .... T\f\ A JVPC I i UUAIi v ! §31 BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS a M J&fe. will cure it. They're made especially for kidneys—made to 1 n l" v' : give just the health and strength that sick kidneys need. | e i SsSßwfiffh\ They'll cure the backache, the lame back, the aches and n Jl l •>y ins of ever kind that come from kidney "* | i- 1 ssrf disorders. They have done it hundreds of ,f I <uMinfm\\wW \\ times here in Auckland. Auckland people 1 a **' ''\\ l/ffill In lll II UHlLliaiw. )oC will tell you so—are telling you so every week, g i ' - li\ through these advertisements. . ... ; s isy I M * w1 / kv, H&YB IS 0/16 IflStCtflCß' ,' |•> ! I^^""^^^--' \3ML^ m T>* I Mrs - Cummins, Lady's Nurse, Russell-street, Archhili, ' [ l' : 1/ '■ _r r _JS. 1I; ■ X "^wMfe 1 l I : Auckland, says:—" About two and a-half years ago I; |J ! f JJ ' ■■■WsmA'\ H obtained a supply of Doan's Backache Kidney Pills at ■ !"1»"K ' : WmsTwk 1"' 1'" Pascoe's Pharmacy, in Queen-street, and \ised them for a e Vlt ' : I I s ° re 0l wnafc tlie doctor described as acid in the e \sßl ; Csmslir - '"'' sift I kidneys. The complaint first came when I was a girl, r &H 811 l m.' I and was the result of a hurt, and I always suffered more . '. fl" ' ' flll\^*** ,^^S^^^@ls 4+TT 1 or less with it right up to the time I procured this mediz 111 til V "V. 4t ' " X 1 cine. Sometimes when out walking the pain would come , S Ljgpff \ * s; * e,J ' » on so that I could scarcely get along. The sonsation s I .JSItxI V I.SWmM^*"' 4' • was a in tne °f my back, and was very hard /_s£fcnTrf Vv Ik ✓ to put up with. I was also run down, and suffered with ihl N > ■" >/ wM\\\WiW\wi —y obtained and giddiness. The pills cured me, and I've ] l" 41 ■ •$• 1 I ' Pascoe's Pharmacy, in Queen-street, and used them for a I V, I I SOrG ac K' °, v wllafc the doctor described as acid in the »Bl " I kidneys. The complaint first came when I was a girl, Jlvl M&L I and was tlie result of a hurt, and I always suffered more fV I °r less , wifch . ifc r 'B hfc U P to the time I procured this metliII 1 1/ \ \s. I -J "fil \ cine. Sometimes when out walking: the pain would come I h*&f \ § TiJ on so badly that I could scarcely get along. The sensation J -3riX V "Ul was a burning in the small of my back, and was very hard LSOT«S \v U' ✓ to put up witn - - 1 was also run down, and suffered with MflCQltDj V""/'/ ra|J headache and giddiness. The pills cured me, and I've J? BE ill lIIIIihW been quite well ever since. I>ve used the pills twice ; the 1 .*' ni if 111 it it it Mir " second time when I felt slight indications of my old 1 ''if I illlllli llnin malady after I had been working too hard. I know V , ; 1 'I Illlllli lull numbers who speak very highly of Doan'fl Backache Kid- [ *; « * .\ - <! ! ii.'U>'*vl' ; v.jluyi| 111 . Doan's Baekaehe Kidney Pills are for sale by all Chemists ' * ' ' 1 | 'li :y - and Storekeepers at- 3/- per box (six boxes 16/6), or will • i ••■ " 9 11 be sent by post on reeeipt of price by Foster-McClellan Co., ■J - ; '" ,-... , ? I • 76, Pitt-street, Sydney, N.S.W. ,

v % EVIDENCE y*A VLJ 20 Warialda J(J^^JSm£. m St., Kogarah, J^J/JT^ IQ July 6, i 9 , -..M " J Cgg "A severe attack of measles jm ■m. left my little Cecil with a Vfj Jv| nasty cough. From the kJS ty first dose of Scott's Emulsion fcU - \(j I noticed an improvement F(j M in his condition, and now, K« ftH after a ' course of it he is MA m quite a different child. His m p>/j cold haseutirelydisappeared,. KW.gW he is stronger and better in JisMW'*' every way than he has ever {Q IVI been, an has gained con- W?j SVa siderably in weight.", S«K .: Mi (Mrs.) E.HUCKSTEPP CO W' - 1 ffl TIE REASON"WHY IS i CO He Is Stronger CO V(3 C The intense nourishing •UJ power of Scott's, A whiph^i>>? , fesa simply forces diseasei; and ' ass tp weakness out of the system, (TJ ft\ and puts health, and vigour M '• fM in their place, is due to two rsJj .ty things: (1) the pure, fine \Q FYj quality Norwegian oil always r/l :BKS. used in Scott's; ' (2) the Scott sM \]J process of; manufacturing 10 'TO "_ /^ Jt ' which ; makes (9» Mi _»Ksrl-r' Perfectly &W SsU >feTOi digestible by the 10 83 /IWm weakest sys. : f« fk* Zff-Trfw tem^— the knporto 111/ tance of lis SB ml II <is obvious! Poor fvl RjS Vi I 1 oils and indigesti- Cga Jsy /fflpfis>»''' ,: ble emulsions are Jtv= M TRADE MARK USeIeSS. " - ' " Rfl vO Make sure of Scott's by seeing "the . 1,0 lifj' fishman with fish" ' on the package. Jvl H'EHULSIOIVQ l&S ,' s . FROM ALL CHEMISTS AND \0 r?1 H DEALERS IN MEDICINES FY| S2SJSSEEEEB3BBB Established 1879. , Whooping Cough, Group, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria. CRSSOLENE IS A BOON TO ASTHMATICS. • Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease- of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach ?.'.-■ . It cures because the. air rendered strongly antiseptic -is carried "over the diseased surface with : every breath', giving prolonged and constant treatment; It' is invaluable .to mothers with small children. ,"./-,*.'. '•[■■' , .J .■<■ -. . '"■.' Those of a consumptive _- a _ gaanß] __, tendency find immediate |JMW ,I, ™" ,, 7™™™ V^p* • relief from coughs or in- R» fjrJMf fcLzJfSSSI flamed conditions of the Br vjj "\jJS^^^^& Send post card for booklet. Jmlf^^^i^t^W^J^' Trade supplied by i^^^^ii^^yw' EEMrrnnnric Piiosseh * Co., |wST • \&//K}jm- ■ Ltd., kSn arlahj> A Co-, Ltd. | fcn . "**Sr~_]££Sp \^K Vapo-Crecolene Company, V§r^M£~^^?±^BSj!u. J^-~r rrr> KOHN'S DATEKT \NTIDHEUMATIO SECURED GOLD MEDAL. N.Z. EXHIBITION. l . MERIT REWARDED. - , ( ... PAIN RELIEVED. ' ' KOHN'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC RINGS secured Special Gold Medal, for Merit at the New Zealand ' International Exhibition at Christ: church. The only award given for AntiRheumatic .Rings was secured by KOHN'S. The'most effective'ring ever invented. , ■:'■■?>■ > '• . WHY SOFFER?- : See Testimonials from those who have been cured by the aid of. this Ring. v PROCURE KOHN'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC . ; RING ONLY. ■ . :•■ 'Price, 10s. Post Free. ' . t ' Dental- - ■ ' ' DENTAL NOTICE. AT ■ M; n' H AND CONS, T\ENTISTS. " ' HOBSON-STREET '•'•- '.Opposite St. Matthew's Church), SUPPLY A GOOD SET OF TEETH FOR <;- -■ £2 • 2S. - " ' ' , BEST SETS. WITH PORCELAIN. BEAUTIFUL PINK GUMS. NEVER CHANGE COLOUK. AND, MOST IMPORTANT OP ALL. A PERFECT FIT IN EVERY CASE IS GUARANTEED. ~ •.'•-..- •' : jj_ -i NO - CHARGE' FOR EXTRACTIONS "WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARE REQUIRED. OPEN FROM 6 TO 9 EVENING FOR PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS.

Oyer's Sarsapariila is a wonderful! medicine. We give below the testimony of a grateful husband: :V -'ia^S^k- ; - "Mywife hag; all her life long been ; . , ißw^^^^§H>'^v'-;-'' / subject to rush of blood to the head . and fainting-fits. In later years these were more frequent, and her skin be- \££ zM came very sallow. She had scarcely -" w-J"'" any appetite, and it was not safe Ito : _£-. - •^ e ?'T e her at home by herself for fear \. of a fainting-fit.. I may state we had V%V\ V :v 'T"C ' V medical advice both in England and \J \jwV - ■ '-- -I jterS nere * n New Zealand, but it did no good; so, some months back, I sug- , *{% gested that she take Ayer's SarsapaS*s 4 ■■'■•"' V ra ' She protested against it, be- : , | f - t lieving it to ]. be quackery, but I pur- "; •< ls\ chased a bottle just to give it a trial, '^^"^^^^W'^^l^^' and ie result was marvelous. Mrs. ' : ;'^^^^^£^ ==?5S % S^ ~'' I Moul has taken five bottles r and now ' ; ;; :§t =rKs===r *" hjz / she ism .new creature. "" ''; "■,-■• ; ; \"I forward you her photo by this mail^and you can make what use : s you« think, proper of this.statement.; Yours gratefully.'^—John IV ■<■■ Moul, Ty-Coed, Swanson, Auckland. V: : "P.S. I omitted stating that the photo was taken since using the , .' > Sarsapariila." ; ;; '■ - - ; '.. jj , '' • ■; ■ _-. \ ' , _,-... ;,..' i... Be sure you get the right*kmd of Sarsapirilla--f "AYER'S."* Don't let anybody induce you to try some other kind. You will regret it' " if you do. . ~, :■.••■ If, you are not in vigorous health, if your nerves are not so ; 1 strong as you wish,]are feeling run down and depressed, buy, AYER ? Safrsapar-jlla '■;■[ today and begin-the certain cure. i . Prepared by DR. J.O. AYER & CO., LoweU, Mass., U. S. A* Is *JH An ß iers Emulsion quickly. overcomes an ordinary ; . cold. , It immediately 1 I |: II JO. relieves the dry, hacking cough and allays.the ; irritation and soreness of I j IS It thro . an chest. At the same time it keeps the digestive organs in a healthy I m "l condition and acts as "a tonic to the entire system, enabling the patient to 1 M I throw off the cold and to resist further attacks. It<is, equally good for 1 MgM the 'cough of chronic. bronchitis with profuse expectoration, the dry, harsh' I ■ M m tliroat cough, the irritating laryngeal cough v of influenza, and for whooping I Idl cougtl and crou coughs of children. Of Chemists, 1/3, 2/9 and 4/6. 1 '■:' || gjf ~' jo receipt of 4d. for postage. Mention this paper. I JVNGIER CHEMICAL. GO., Let., 7 Barraok St., SYDNEY, N.S.W. i A: CKLA KB HYDRO PA I & E ST A B LI S M E NT. TTHYBEE DAS S. -■.•;,: ,■_ SITZ. HOT AIR, VAPOUR, AND ELECTRIC BATHS, MASSAGE^/ETC. Physician: .For Terms, apply to ,„ f THE MATRON. , ,DR. ; STOPFORD. "-<"' ' Telephone 1017. [■'■'■"'. ' " . , Cocoa. * v.-y.■■'--- ■. ,-.-■' - ■'■<:..I- ■■'-:. .:;-. - i^^--^^^^"' :^"^''; ' Points of Superiority :— ' | 'ji ~,l '*';■'- • PURITY . l I qKHsdqrPS economy ' 1 B&lllJlr^SßSgSp 5 : . I J»«! L DUT fI. H Goes twice as far as others, therefore | !. COCOA costs less, and there's uo better 1 j^fEfti)AM-HOUA NO COCOA made. : ,| '^"^^^fe^ll >fi P LS^Ctili^cr^ ljg% * Is ob(»io»Wc from el! Grocer* and Storekeeper!. £ QFCAKt cr.o^b^^g^Baßiß3Bl2aSSSffi^^B^E#: ;; - Butter-scotch. .'" ~. | ," , : Educational - "1 ■ ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATES & LAND, LOCO', MARINE, Oil-. j <OC IJ»%I ... instructors Practical Cetlllicated Eneineer. J Rich and deliClOUSflavour: •■■& .-- Write for Particulars '• -•: No Failure*. I England's leading * j AMERICAN ■■ ' ' I BUTTER-SCOTCH 4 J SCHOOL o CORRESPONDEMGE >";• •;_ ' .' ,"/'". \ ; ' . iVi f,l 10. PRINCES-STRET.T. attckt.anh

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13497, 25 May 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13497, 25 May 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13497, 25 May 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)