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■--■•■■ " -'■■■ ■"-".' .'. ■-■• " ■•-■■'■.■■'■■ '■' ■.-■■■■ ■■• '.-'.. Medical. .-■ ; '. -■ -. .:■ ~ ■■■-'■.- '■■-•'"■•.'•. ■■■■'■ '■. .. ' ■■■ . ". Tla.© Famous IRLexxiedlgr for COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, & CONSUMPTION, Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in the World. . Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Its healing power is marvellous. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty ol Breathing. Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where " Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house i should be without it, as, taken at the beginning a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. Es©'Ss?2a»a?<B Of Xmi'ti'&i'&i.OJa.S -J The great success of HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, has induced a number of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine "Bronchitis Cure," with the object of deceiving the simple-minded, and so getting; a. sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, - and to request you in your own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S and to see that you get it. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by th« Proprietor, W. Q. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally. NOTlCE.—Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. la does NOT contain any poison within the meaning :of the Act. It is equally •* , : beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person. .* ' I "'J ■.'"'* ■*'•■"■"';"•;;, * ',"• ■°""\; , , i ' "' .■■•.:■ ..-.■.'.'■■- :....■ ■ ' . ■ '. . . - ■ ■ • ~ ' '. •■•'•■ ■ * •■ The GRANDEST LIVER PILL in tlie WORLDI ' -\j\ "Take a Cockle's Pill" is tlie Doctor's advice throughout the English-speaking world,whenever a furred I I y tongue or a sallow complexion indicates the need of a safe, reliable means of cleansing the liver and bowels. J For Bile, Liver, Acidity and all kindred complaints, these famous pills act readily, surely and safely, I . f ' ■ Of all. Chemists, at prices from 1/ij to 22/-

! ■~..'; .Death is hastened by ignorance. Nature has endowed us with the- sens© of paia •-..'.. solely in order that, by seeking relief, wo may avoid playing into the hands of death. .••-. "When we feel pain we are out of health. Pain long endured is ft strain upon; the system which nature cannot -withstand. Many of us, however, go on suffering certain kinds of pain just as if Science could not come to the help of her sister Xaturft There is, for .instance,, no necessity for anyone to suffer from• ' . Rheumatism Indigestion Gravel Gout Anemia Stone Neuralgia Blood Disorders > Bladder 'Iroubles Backache . Biliousness General Debility Sciatica Jaundice Sick Headache The pains caused by this long list of disorders are but Nature's means of letting 1 B» know that the Kidneys or, Liver are for some reason unable to perform their work "j efficiently, for all of these disorders are produced by the retention in the system of ; urinary and biliary poisons, which would bo thrown off naturally if the kidneys and • ' liver were doing their duty. Few people rathe healthy action of the kidneys tpa the li 'alis£>.bow important in the scheme of life isver, therefore 'the following description of ' the functions of those vital organs will bo of the deepest interest to many.- •/'•- ;<, . The Kidneys filter and extract from the blood about three pints of urine every.,,.;,,' day. In this quantity of urine are dissolved about an ounce of urea, ten to twelve grains "_ in weight of uric acid, together with other animal and mineral matter varying l from a _." ■>: third of an ounce to nearly an ounce. When the kidneys are in health all this solid matter is in solution and is invisible. Directly the kidneys, through either weakness or ; , disease/become unfit, to do their duty properly, a proportion of the solid matter remains r in the blood, becomes actively poisonous, and causes us -to suffer from urio disorders, - ' such as Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache, Set- ..... atica, Gravel, Stone, Bladder Troubles, .and Brlght's Disease. A simple test to make as to the condition of the kidneys is to place- some urine, passed ~; the first thing in the morning in. a covered glass, and let it stand until next morning. ;. ' If it is then cloudy, or there-is a brick-dust like sediment,: or if particles float about m , { "' it, or it is of an unnatural colour, the kidneys are not healthy and no time must' be lost'- ;;i in adopting remedial measure, or Brighfc's Disease, Diabetes, or' some less serious but more painful illness will result. - '■''."'.:'■ j: . '''-~..,. '~. ■ ' :•:; ■ ~j: , , * IV;" , The Liver. — In the liver various substances are actually made from the blood.*- ~.».,»■ Two or three pounds of bile are thus made from the blood every day. The liver take* j sugar from the blood, convert." it into another form, and stores it up so as to lie able to ." "'' again supply it to the blood gradually, as the latter requires ; enrichment. * The liver" *■■'■■; changes uric acid, which is insoluble, into urea, which is completely soluble,; and th« liver also deals with blood corpuscles which have lived their life and are useful no longer., ;';'': When the liver ■is ■. inactive '< or :' diseased we suffer from Indigestion, Biliousness,! s Anaemia, Sick Headache, and Blood Disorders. "■'■ The health of the liver and of the kidneys is so closely connected that it 19 almost -,' ". impossible for.the kidneys to;be affected and the liver to remain healthy, or vice versa:y^JV: It is nearly thirty years since scientific research directed specially to diseases of .tbff.?'■'■.'f. Kidneys and LiVer was rewarded: by the discovery of the medicine now known through- • out the world at, ', ! / Warner's Safe Cure It was realised at the outset of, the investigation that it -was necessary to find a burativ# t I agent which would act equally upon the kidneys and upon the liver, these organs being iso immediately associated in the work of dealing with the body's waste material, and after' - many disappointments the medicine which possessed the. required action ;in the fullest .;, degree was afc; length discovered. v l /Warner's Safe Cure cures ail h diseases — of °the Kidneys and Liver, and, by restoring their activity* these vital organs are jl enabled to rid the body, through the natural .channels, of the urinary and biliary poisons, ' 1 the presence of which in the system" are the cause of Rheumatism, : Gout, Neuralgia, ■ [ Lumbago, Backache. Sciatica, Blood Disorders, Anaemia, Indigestion, Biliousness, J Jaundice, Sick Headache,: Gravel, Stone, Bladder Troubles and General Debility, ! Warner's Safe Ciiro cure* all these disorders simply by removing the cause of the disorde* ■'~„■ ! This is the reason why cures effected by Warner's Safe Cure are permanent cure*.' ,- ~-.;■■ !'. ''' , ..-..-' •■■■ :'•■.',■ ,-..-'■•.'/. .'.. iV "'■ ■-.-'4-,- ■'■'■■. '.■! ■:•■■.'■:.■■.'.■'■■ ';/'.'■ .'.,}'■ '■. v ■..';■■-. .'-v \o 'cit'sit')} ,^KM: i■ • . .r• ; i '■"''" ;.'";■;: '}/ .' .;' - ,'..-•-'. '* ;, ■■:•._'-■■."■'.• r„\)X'j. ' ■:■■: I • ■• • -; •■;;;; j FOR THE-VOICE! THROAT! LUNGS! I _ SUITED FOP. OLD AND YOUNG. - . * I MJjggaBMBMWnBBBM!MHHBBCBB» II .Hudson's "Enmenthol Jujubes" are the Great Antiseptic for the Care of _Coagh«, ' Golds, Sore Throats. Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Affections of the Throat and lmnji»,. ~ — __j x__ *i._ ti »\- ~t n„„ m .«„ts„,, « n iH nnlv in Tins, all fThemiirts: mice, la 6d.

. - " ;' ; —. '. ■ ;..■ : - -■' -' -' / •■• ■' ■■■- RELIErV*V - /POWELL'S^ ' fßalsam^Aniseedi l ' ("COUGHS I \Fop J COLDS i \ *| ASTHMA / ; \vbrowghitss/ Serfs for Children, \°* ANISES' 5 * / Of all Cfeiaisti * Store: * -^$&tJ raa Set PtaeU'a iviiii. above J S r '"-■■•■-• : ..P"'^few'-''.- rra '*e'- 3fo ''*--- EEr5 KOHN'S pATEOT OHEUIIATIO SECTORED GOLD MEDAL. N.Z. EXHIBITION. . ;..t:'- i; MERIT, REWARDED. ; ; ; PAIN RELIEVED.' • KOHN'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC RINGS secured Special Cold Medal for Merit at the.New Zea> land - International Exhibition at Christchurch. v.The only award given for Antii Rheumatic Rings was secured by KOHN'S. The most effective ring ever invented. ■/■ ■'■■/ ■• "WHY SUFFER? !.;' ; ' j See Testimonials from those who have oeer cured by the aid of this Ring. PROCURE KOHN'S ANTI-RHEUMATIO 1 ■. " '.' ;:,"' ■ ■-': RING ONLY. ' •■'■' Price, 10s. Post Free. 1 '■*■ '■'■'■^^'■'■'-^'■^'■^'■'■'■'■^ ; : MUIR'S .; Worm *Ss.^ < - - ■. i ': ' SPECIFIC . . : : "Never Fails." * ' ' ' \\ ROBT. MUIR, Chemist. KEWTON. j ~ Life Insurance v j_GOVERNMENT ■ 5 DEPARTIVIENT FACT No.'4. A LIBERAL SYSTEM OF NONFORFEITURE protects every Assurance Policy issued by the Department. SrasTANTiAL surrender values and loan values are allowed after two years, and if the premium is not paid within the thirty days of grace an account is opened. crediting the policyholder with the surrender value and increases thereon, and . debiting him with the premiums as they fall due and interest thereon. As long aa the amount to credit exceeds the amount owing the policy is in full force, and in the event of death or maturity the sum assured. and bonuses, less the arrears with interest, are paid. • * Merchandise. 5— A .C/Aampion Baby! ■■1 The Gold Medal at the N.Z., •Exhibition for "The Finest and Healthiest Baby" (over six and under | twelve months) was won by ! Eileen Pemeroy. 3 , Her father writes :—" Cur baby was § , given HIGHLANDER Condensed j Mflk since she was two weeks old. She i is firm, healthy, and wonderfully goodj tempered. She is now eleven months ! old, and we still continue giving her i Highlander Milk." i I If you want vYO UK baby to "be "Firm, Healthy, H and Wonderfully Gocd-tcm-1 - .*.'■HiftHUNDfiß " Condensed MiiK I The best of all soaps for the laundry, the bath, and every other purpose is "TANIWHA," "distinguished everywhere for its wonderful cleansing and lathering properties. It is the purest and most effectivethe ideal home soap.

■ EDSON'S : .- kb—Baaaatgaa—aamaacnmßß—i»3B—i Restores Grey op Faded Hair to its natural colour. Cleanses the Scalp, prevents ... < ' Dandruff. ■ Induces growth, makes the hair soft, pliant and . -glossy.;. . • - IS MOT A DYE and therefore does not stain the skin. " 3/6 PER BOTTLE, Posted to any part of the Colony ..■■ for" 6d extra. <d. EDSO'N, Chemist, 263, Queen St., AUCKLAND. > Established 1859. . EDSOfiS'S <.. CHEMICAL W am jf&fy ftp 3o SBi B> /Vtti W* L" {g****_ ]?*S(fc a»tS Ri? tai H EjL £■ K___*_ . UH *Hs_fy **Ba3** b&SBD a \ai Matysr kCCU i- . ■■"■'■■■'[ ________________„ '• , . ' WILL CUKE a /Lameness in Horses, Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Ringbones, - Wind Galls, Strains of the' Sinews or Joints, Hard Swellings of long standing, and all ;. other diseases requiring a sweating 0? blistering appli- ; , cation. Its action is mild, but at the same time permanent'in its effect. It does not injure the hair arid cannot > ' blemish, however often applied , ."■"■' * '■ > In Bottles at 2/-, 3/6 & 5/- each. ' .' Posted to any port of the Colony .'■'.' - :■' '' for 3d extra. "• : • • !„,.,„„ |„„'| l.l||lL-_l'.'__-. - ' II > ■ ........ -. ■ , .-. > I far Cougfes, Colds & Influenza."j; m - Is the concentrated ji 1 result of years of study! I by a Practical Chemist. )M » It is eminently adapted for M a young children and old age. ..... m m All Chemists and Stores. '■••''if m " Price - Is and Is 6d. :_U - . Sewing Machines. '■--WORLD-FAMOUS ' . '- WHITE - AND QUEEP3. - W, '' ''■ ■ |Si : - ;- - . ~^/ '. , • .'s PRICE'LIST:" • . BEADLES. WITH IMPROVE- J?r 1£ f MENTS. from ... ... -i-w V. HANI), WITH IMPEOYE- _T*9 1A f" MENTS, from ... — «■'*-'„ lAj *- ; The ' Guarantee: MADE BY THE WHIT] SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, which a MAKERS has given the GENERAL PUBLII satisfaction for the past THIRTI-TW( : The Advantage: PARTS AND NEEDLES o\ 1 tamable in all parts of the WOULD. i INSPECTION INVITED AT THE WELL KNOWN AND RELIABLE SEWING MACHINE EXPERTS. X?rr a "THOMPSON AND PO.. * "23*. aOEE-X-SIREET. • Guns. Ammunition, etc. ; SHOOTING. SEASON - QUNS. QUNS. Q.UNS. , ! . * SMOKELESS . I' - CARTRIDGES, 3 B\LLISTITE, AMBERITE, DIAMOND. 113 PEEIAL SCHULTZE. FAVOURITE. • D. EVITT, t pUNMAKER AND TMPORTEE. » 9Q£ QUEEN-STREET. A UCKLANI PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. J ; TELEPHONE ..No. 1230.

iold only in Tins, an unemisis;;price, is oa. ; ,, BB———■»■■■ II ■■■■»■ * —ll———i^——— •'. : Coal. . _ / '•:■'■■ "■ ' " ■* _ f I The Winter is \ Almost Here! And what about Coal ? Are you going to continue wasting money on low-grade coals, getting little beat for cooking or baking and using twice as much fuel with an immense loss in ash? "COALBROOKDALE" gives a strong live heat, burns free from clinker and sulphur, and cooks to perfection ! "COALBROOKbALE" gives most heat for least cost! "COALBROOKDALE" if mixed with lignite will give a splendid warm, easy burning Sitting-room fire for the long winter nights. ; Please Note:—All "Coalbrookdale" Coal is ".Westport," but all "WestI port" is not "Coalbrookdale." 53uy S>ireet from t6e&epot, I Westpcrt Coal Co., j; . LIMITED. All Kinds of Coal, also Firewood and Coke supplied at the Lowest Possible Prices. Full Weights j Guaranteed. -*»> * rpHEY'RE Eye-Helps if Blent. > ''-wW'-'-'''i' : \P * Eye-Hurters and Head-•: Wl \« ache-Makers . if » "Wrong.—lt if ' bv knowing,the Optical Busi{Bl -*-* 0 *£*' Is ness thoroughly, and attend- ' Ol ®*3** si I v ing- to it properly, that we - " jgAJ^§?y /A hope to build sand; to keep a . - reputation X / ..';', ~- .'* -:\3*2«!!!i >-v; SYDNEY JONES. "'* ' '\££ / Eyesight Specialist, 164, Karaiigahape: Kd, C ;

- , and for tlie Prevention of Consumption. St ' '•' Business Cards. . fttumuvakfi of many impmJuojxl d&utAU iM <^|vr^i-^H? c {«2>ing pi^^v^^B^^-^^ ... nxtn. JlnjjTiwuQviwt. c>V pvJhailvi emblem, uKK)ia>/robcx-^ s }'AUs2fS> ]$)) into tfitl>toijga. C^^^-^ri Rough Sketch submitted. . , i ... , Tr>&*-S': ■:/in PEACOCK. Opnthalmio Optician. '214 l L." QUEEN-STREET (near Victoria-street). I The Sight Tested by most improved methods and Spectacles accurately fitted. -Artificial Eves of all colours in Stock. Nautical and Surveyors' Instruments in Stock "and Repaired. ;: :■:'•'■ ':/'" -■:■>"-'■ - v ;' ■'. -';.- n >-55>v CHAS. SMITH. n A W\ PERAMBULATOR h f |W{ S MAKER, U ' §*&&% " \ Wishes His ■ Customers ' K Und the Public general -(ally to know, that he [ 0 /i&saZSit --/has removed to Larger 0 i *iH^^^^/.Premises in . WAKEi FIELD-STREET. only b " *@|p^g§|^?i i /' seven doors from Queen'street ' , Lr- ——■ ; ——. —.,.:-,;., ",•/■- ! DYERS UP-TO-DATE; 1 FOR SUPERIOR DYEING AND I CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING, i 23. <Sc J&. BROWN, 1 SHORTLANO STREET. | ESTAB. ISGB. -■ ' 'PHONE 1534. | .WORKS: GRAFTON TERRACE. ' , K 1 1 T. J. Mcl'VOfi, § I ttJNEBAIi DIRECTOR AND -■ | EMBAL¥£R. | KAEANGAHAPB ROAD (next K«rwtOß 1 |j 1 Pert Ofies). Tolophoao. 689. I 1 A. ' -"£»•. ; TTSTEIGHT AND .' ■ QONS, RECEIVING. FORWARDING. AND PARCEL DELIVERY AGENCY. Commerce-street Office. Telephone 143. D Wharf Office. Telephone 608. ~ General Depot and Coal and Firewood Yard, /' i •ftreat North Road.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 7 (Supplement)