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———————————————^——————— ————————— ———•■■ FOR BODY &ND DURABILITY.'^ HUBBUCK'S Warranted GENUINE WHITE LEAD , ESTABLISHED 176 G. ;^i#S ■■'•'-■ >;—--•■ -mi ; ..... , ~.,■■' Hubbuek's Genuine Red Lead, -Hubbuck's Genuine Vegetable Black. ' Hubbuek's Genuine Linseed Oil.. Hubbuek's Genuine Boiled Linseed Oil, Hubbuek's Genuine Pale Boiled Linseed Oil (dries hard, does not blister!, Hubbuck's Genuine Burning Colza (a speciality). Hubbuek's Patent Driers {special quality). Finest Dry Colours HUBBUCK'S PATENT WHITE ZINC, The most durable of Paints, doss not oxidize or rub otf. not affected by atmospheric , changes, non-poisonous. . THOMAS HUBBUCK & SON/■LIMITED, LONDON. .:.■-" ESTABLISHED ITCS. AUSTRALIAN OFFICE, 34, QUEEN ST., MELBOURNE, • ■• . ■. ',• . mi* iy-"'"""»» ■M.MMiwiiii.MM i M ■—naßaacßßaa ———-—i —nnnnimn llli"il|n_ ' ■ I * l & Perfect beverage, combining . J ' I Strength, Purity and Solubility.^—- ! J MEDICAL ANNUAL. ■'•■■••:« You cannot drink it without I idealizing that it is the finest j Cocoa you have ever tasted. **Worthy ol the great reputation • ; '[ For perfect purity, delicacy of which it lias built up ever since the flavour and nutritive value, it early years of the past century."— occupies the foremost place."— •-, Food end Cookery. Dr. BralthwilU't HeinsptU of Ktihtnf;. I BEST & GOES FARTHEST.. I _ ■ "te* • For Every Correct Answer. ]ij We as '* no * One Penny of your Money, [J'-lyj&gaT-■ ■•"'■'■■>«-- This Picture Puzzle represents a. chinaman. Bmß \ M About him is the face of one of his customers. >siP '■ >*®*fTlKpiPw Hind the lace, mark with a cross, arid return to us. To every one of our 1 I'iSS patrons who solve the puzzle correctly, we will give a beautiful Pair of ?,'; rmivt'w unvft v * old -Cased Cii IT Links, and send them carefully packed and postage nald. £2 m ,*' I """ '''".This is a business transaction to advertise our goods, and to ;■ A all who are awarded the Cuff Links we require to distribute for us, among your Km friends, 24 sample packages of our Perfume, the selling price of which wouldbe *jw I leach. In order to ensure us that you will fulfil this task and thai our goods may JSJJS. i : ' J not fall into the hands of unappreciative people, we require you to collect from (TZTv 1 j each person you leave a sample with, 3d., half the selling price of same. After' B distributing the 24 packages and collecting 3d. for each, you will return us the _ -a ej^ k I money; 6-,' thus proving you have fulfilled your agreement- We will then give iw£3*9L | ' you for this service, Free, and 111 addition to the "Cuff Links'' (which we pes' wOTSra I with the Perfume), a Solid Gold Shell Dress Ring, ora Gold Cased Bamboo Brace-Hw» j9 0 ■ let "these Rings and Bracelet;; are warranted by our manufacturing jeweller),ttKUdll and to all who'returu us this.puzzle correctly solved within three days from the I time thev see it first, we will .send along With the Ring or Bracelet, our Grand Watch and I l , \ Chain Ofter. To many this unparalleled offer may seem too good to be true. To all such we I say it is'certainly worth investigating, as we ask not one penny of your money. WeonlvaskD you to solve our Puzzle correctly aiid send us your Name and Address. ;We will send you I .-.'." I time see it first, we referred to, postage paid, along or Bracelet, Packages of Perfume. 3 Chain Ofter. To many this unparalleled offer may seem too good to be true. Toallsuchwe say it iscertaiuly worth investigating, as we ask not one penny of your money. Weoiilv ask you to solve our Puzzle correctly aiid send us your Name and Address. We will aeud you the beautiful Cuff Links referred to, postage paid, along with the 24 Packages of Perfume. '"'■ Distribute Perfume according to instructions, and we will give you the Kentilitnl Prizes, as 1 I described. COULD ANYTHING BIfMOUB FAIR? Avail yourself of this great offer before S lit is withdrawn. *"-'T> r, PERFUMERY CO.. 44.Commerce Buildings, Sydney, N.B.W. j

; Medical. Medical. m , •. '- ■- —- — '- — —■; i — ~" •" '' " '' ■ ' ' i" ' " * : ':'''V*:^ 1 1 The Evidence & Reason Why I J GUtfl CL llStTl ■ *S> lln ih i iri 1 f«Snw'' tions or liniments to your aching joints o? '' 5;; JIjIIJ M. SJiJilli xLjf & stiff muscles. It simply loosens Its hold ' I Without Trouble | V h y? le ' § ————-—' ...... . ..'■"•' — <£ —" Because to get rid of rheumatism yon % TSie ''EyidCRCC f \ ttlust correct the acid condition of the blood s from • J* on which it depends. Take Hood's Sarsa- ■ <<& 1 Pritchard St*. parilla which has wrought the mo3t won* j| Marrickvilfe, ...■'; \JCSrJ?%k J wos* derful, radical and permanent cures of this "',:;. © N.S.W. painful disease. ''■'.'■to 'July cjth, 1906. o «'I was suffering from rheumatism and § "I gave my little Triffie, % not able to use my limbs. After taking '- I who was- very delicate, and g Hood's Sarsaparilla a short time; I was • §> suffered severely from diarr- & able to walk some and am now as well as M hcea while teething, Scott's § usual. I can recommend Hood's as a sure '■:'*s Emulsion, and from the first ( }§ cure for rheumatism." Gkohge S. Adams, , & dose I noticed an improve- & : Terrace End, Palmerston, North. N. Z. ■1 . henfood, grad- 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla . & ually ceased, and she has & ' TJ-//_ are sold by chemists. Made bj $. cut five teeth without any ©■■-'■' ana/ J, t£fcSc.l.HoodCo..Lowell.Mass.u.s.A. .•; % trouble. My little one is Pit.. , ■ ; . ' & now well and rosy." & I THE REASON g # ; why she is rosy ' # # Strength—that is the, secret, &-'•''' Established 1879. &\ !■■ 1 wiS § Whooping Co«h, Croup, Bronchitis I is always made of the finest : g . CoO&h', Grip. Asthma, DjphthCfl&. § mai LlV per?ectly 1 CREBOLEHE IS A BOON .TO ASTHMATICS. \ V (and ' therefore far more W ''' : ! -Does it not seam more effective to breathe in a . © nourishing) by the original 9•. ,■..; remedy, to cure disease; of the: breathing organs J? o .. „=,.,. «f.„„,,,,r„„?.,-«, 7& ■ ■.-'■ than to take trie remedy into the stomach.' ':-; § Scott process,ofmanufacture. &~: • ; It cures because the air rendered strongly ant Jg ; Stomach and bowel troubles > % ' septic is carried over the diseased surface with : 'vv ;i«; © are Cleared away and, better g every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- . <§ ; still, the lime in Scott's & Sen" is invalaable t0 ,nolhe " Wlth SmaJl # brings the teeth out white, #.'■''■''; c Those of a consumptive —---1 tmmtm &. Straight and strong, and 'a- S tendency find immediate:; H^"""^'• Zggp *?»$ § pleasure and pride to look at. § W p^j^S^l & All this is Only. . JhJJcfc & „ Sold by Chemists |»,|!^OrSs% >" %'& ■ I true Of a Scott's '•";' #F&jT '> #.'.'"; Send postcard for booklet. iilSl^S^ ?:0 X and you will Mmf/tib S KEmTjioiwEi'nos*r.«&co.. Sre^%i//v^ Jnvp' tn mnl-f /C <5 Ltd.,* Shaw.aSd ACo.,Ltd. ft* "*^^JH£$ W « nave to matte ifLSMi ; " 7* Auckland. rf» j»-WI ..-jffll " y sure "the fish- t~T| *& Company, Saj^^^^M^Pj 5 man with the \ir II w ' ' ■ **■«""«'«!«■*" «* —■ X fish" is on the Vf IJL $> —. . .-..,.■ ■_ ~~~ ~~ — —— v & package. tZCgSSS* . & IUTEDICINES, ETC.. • BY POST. ; ' K TRAUIJ MARK § -"-*• g '•', -'*.■:■■... ' g We have a Special Mail Order .Depart- § &*ltf\ rSiriT"' I ment. Send -postal notes 'or stamps for « mH "ra ra '"8 : - : S ' : 'w'"' © anything you want, and wo will post it to 2$ ifl i« » 'I H lw I you k y return, securely packed, post free, . ' '18 "■■" l *^-"^ l r; ia. hi, . KJ? o i and at the same price you would get it over 2> wtw > & the counter. We have a large stock of PaIf ;;EM : ULSION: I I tent Medicines. Eubber Goods, Surgical f fijlWlL MJJU&SLWVQ f i pliances, etc.. etc.. and the purest drugs. I FROM ALL CHEMISTS : -.» : .';»'««;■ 5■ I on 'y are Uscd » dispensing Eecipes and ;■ 3 ■■■■ FROMiLLCHEMISTS&DSALERS S p,G?crintion<i «ont ton. g '..:', . -IK MEDICINES - © 1 Prescriptions sent to us. ■ '.}'.' : P> ; "USSELL, . - : ' •''."' ' "" '•'•''■'•""•■''' • "' ! ■' -*-^ 'Av BROKEN-DOWN .-SYSTEM.-. .! ' CUEMIST (by Exam.). This is a condition (or disease) to which, doctors { P.O. PHAIIiLVCY. UPPER SYMOXDS-ST., give many names, but which few of them really ,- ATTPTrr ivn m v understand. It is simply weakness—a break-down, . ■ . , AUUUiAftU, were, of the vital forces that sustain the system. 5?; ■ ■ ' —* No matter what may be its causes (for they are al- >-*■•' mostiumberless),itssymptorasareruuchthesame; , Sc3<o. the more prominent being sleeplessness, sense of w ' ,', „;. : . ~' " ~,,.» prostration or weariness, depression of spirits and W ; want of energy for all the ordinary affairs of life, g T\r\ «-i/-»+- Y\a. in<4ii/»or1 V«r Now, what alone is absolutely essential in all such ~j JJO nOC DC inuUCeQ Oy cases is increased vitality —vigour— ps ■ • . :■■'■{' vital strength & energy « interested parties to buy to throw oft these morbid feelings, and experience iJ proves that as night succeeds the day this may be any '"■' substitute for your more certainly secured by a course of the celc- .<- tLlly SUDjUtUtC lUr yUUI bratcd life-reviving tonic : v tahittttttA » ' THERAPIQN N0,3 8 favourite " TANA. than by anv other known combination. So surely i T . . ___ ~ K„»~i.i/v !'•-"] as it is taken in accordance with the printed g j InSlSt UDOn alWayS naVlflg directions accompanying it, will the shattered " the '£SHLa l* mp of L.FE 9I *» splendid brand of soap, lighted up afresh, » which is much superior in ! and a new existence imparted in place of what ~ - , ■ had so latelv seemed worn-out, " used up," and 2 niiili'vir fr» sntr ofllPT f^ratln I valueless. This wonderful medicament is purely rt quality -tO &ny OtllCl UrailU i vegetable and innocuous, is agreeable to the taste -.: ... .1 ? _i ' —suitable for all constitutions and conditions, in x 01 SOaD Oil tflC ID.SLTiS.QZ, ; either ses; and it is difficult to imagine a case of M ; " disease or derangement, whose main features are O I _ , ' '■ ' _—• ' those of debility, that will not be speedily and £1 j > : : " ~~ -.'i permanently benefited by this never-failing'recu- j* ~„ T " ttotv« -m perative essence; which is destined to cast into & CTUDY ■ ECONOMY! BY USl>t* oblivion everything that had preceded it for this m w __'„ m , riT v „, M ,, nV r f wide-spreadanduumerousclassofhumanailments. g*j /IUfcIAJSJ) TjUWiJMv < , !THERAPION&&&!3' toEl „ Ja l-,.-.«„ !. Chemists throughout the world. Pricein England, a { • I'Or iacc ana ' a a o l llualu = 3 ' 2.9 and 4/6.' Purchasers should see that the word q.j ' , . pr , , p]v pril'TiTQ v; vers ; * i ■ 'Therapion' appears on British Government 3 A EAROE TIN EQUALS 06 LOGS..Stamp (in white letters on a red grround) affixed O „..-! „,. ~.,,,..,.11111 tvn r^"» ;to every package bv order of His Majesty's Hon. v " I &OLD B\ t»AIM<HAM AM) CO.. j Commissioners, and without which it is a forgery. Auckland. - ;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)