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/ Shipping. ' . - .ATORTHERN STEAMSHIP COY.; iN LIMITED. TIME-TABLE. * proposed sailings. (Weather and other circumstances permitting.) . ; , L • Steamer. -,"-'■":::;- ; .- : Date of Sailing. >: FOR RUSSELL, WHANGAROA.VAND '/ MANGONUI. . CLANSMAN...Monday, :13th May, 6 p.m. tFOR HOUHORA. / AWANCI, AND .•:• -WAIHARABA.;:. -. : . , ■.- APANUI-.Tuesday. 14th May, 3 p.m. ;/ tFOR TE KAO, PABENGA, AND HOKIANGA. AUPOURI...Tuesday, 14th May, 7.30 a.m. - . FOR TAURANGA, . NGATIAWA.. .'Monday, 13th May, 5 p.m. *WA.lOTAHl...Wednesday, 15th May, 7 a.m. • •:,, :„ / *No Cargo for Tauranga. ;, . tFOB MAKETU AND- TE PUKE.-Every Mon- ' day and Friday. ..."/ ; IFOR MATATA...Every Friday. ' ",-'-. tFOR MERCURY' BAY. ■]. CHELMSFORD...Every Monday, at 7 p.m. • '>",.'-' ■ ' tFOR KUAOTUNU. CHELMSFORD...Every Monday at 7 p.m. ' ->'-..• FOR WHANG AM ATA. - - A;.. Thursday/16th May, 7 p.m. ■ tFOR WHAN AN AKI. TUTUKAKA. ■ '';'/. '■ /:; AVHANGABUBU, ETC. ' .• , PAEBOA...Monday, 27th'..'"May.: r 1 p.m. '■■>'"•; tFOR' GREAT BARRIER, TBYPHENA, POET , • / -■- -'. FH'ZROY, AND BLIND BAY. : - CHELMSFORD...Every Wedues., at midnight. FOB PARUA BAY. : . - '.'Wednesday and Friday. . " Passengers for .Whangarej. Heads/: Monday, „ Wednesday, Friday. Cargo Monday, only.' <'?::. tFOR jrANGAPAI^Monday; and-Wednesday. -/: -,/,../ i TO WHANG ABEL '- ■■ . " ; ■' .' NGAPUHi:.'.Monday. 13th May, 9.30 ; p.m. . NGAPUHI,..Wod.. - 15th May, 9.30 p.m. :,. < NGAPUHI...Friday, 17th May, 10.30 p.m. " ; - ; ' FROM WHANG ;■ ■ NGAPUHI...Sat., 11th May; tr., 9 a.m. . ■/ NGAPUHI...Tues., 14th May; tr.,-10.15 a.m. - NGAPUHI...Thurs., May; tr., 11 a.m. • . ; FOB WHANGAEEI (Town 1 Wharf). ; KANDSRI...Sunday 12th May, 8 a.m. KANIEBL..Tuesday. 14th May,-5 p.m. :/ . '01 /FOR OPOTIKI AND OKIWA. V : *WAlOTAHl...Wednesday, May, 7 a.m. ..'/.'.-■;',' .'. {"All Cargo previous '.day--."-. . , ■',:'• .', ' FOR WHAKATANE AND OlEWi.' HANGAPAPA...Tuesday, 14th May, 7 a.m. ■ '• ' -' FOR' PORT CHARLES. ' .'-'" CHELMSFOED...Monday, 13th May, 7 p.m. ; , :■ •■'-.'• -':, /tFOR WHANGAPOUA. • .. ! CHELMSFORD...Mouday," 20th May, 7 p.m. • FOR THAMES. : HIKUTAIA. AND RIVER DISTRICTS. "':■'-'" A-' -/ : /-/- ' LEAVES AUCKLAND. • ,'■ '/-'-' WAKATEEE...:..:..Saturday, 11th, 1 p.m. WAKATERK........Monday, 13th, 2.4f p.m. WAKA'iEßE.........Taesda3', 3.30 p.m. WAKATERE..;....;.V/ednesclay, 15th, 4 p.m. -//:.' -/'/Leaves:Thames/ • : --/-;-/-/-- WAKATEEE../....Z.Monday, 13th, 7 a.m. ' AVAKATERE .......Tuesday,; 14th, 7.30 a.m.' WAKATERE../.....Wednesday, 15th, 8 a.m. ..-: Round Trip Tickets, .comoining railway ... /.and: steamer fares to .and from ;'■': ' Thames, Te . Aroha, Eotorua, : and , Hangitiki, |a» issued at the Company's • ' Office. . tFOR PAEROA. r KOPU, TURUA, AND ' - ■/"•:;-: /TE'AROHA.''/ /;-v, (Landing Passengers tor. Thames at Kopu.) AVAIMARIE... Sunday. 12th, 11.30 p.m. PAEROA..., Monday, 13th, 11 p.m. AIM A81E....::;.. Tuesday, 14th,. midnight. " TANlWßA............Wednesday, 15th, miunight. FROM PAEROA, ETC., ETC. (Calling at-Kopu two and a-half hours later). TAN1WHA..'........ Saturday. 11th, 6 p.m. AVAIMARIE Monday. 13th, 7.15 p.m. "',' .PAEROA.:i.. ; .'.;../.-uTitesday, 14tli, 8 p.m. AVAIMARIE... .Wednesday, 15th,' a p.m. './//: /FOR dOEOMANDEL. > '■..■ // Leaves atjckxand. -'-- : - : -." EOTOMAHANA......Monday, 13th, 2 p.m. ', ' "BOTOMAHANA....Tuesday, 14th, 1.30 p.m. ."'■ rROTOMAHANA;.... i .Wediieaday;isth, 4 p.m. '-. .'■'."'•..:?- Leaves coitoiiANDEi/. -.-/•• ■ *KOTOMAHANA;:..Saturaay, Uth,/7-:a.m. i : KOTOMAHANA......Tttesday. 14th, 7 a.m. .'♦ROTOMA'HANA.:..Wednesday, 15th', 7.30 a.m. •Calls at VYaihelrei RutUe's' Island, and svR l- ; ■-,/*// '. . ; Pakatoa Island.. :'■..'>'■.r : . - ■;■ / FOE CABBAGE BAY'. FALCON • leaves from Coromandel// :: Ifitjmre-.tvt.Office for; date M sailing. '.• - " ? ' * '" S.S. AVEIvA. A;; tFOR AAVHITU. POLLOK, TE TOBA, : WAIPIPI. AND WAIUKU. '• LEAVES ONBHTOJCfA. .- -.-,- -LEAVES AVAIDKU. ht *«•-. <-"-, Satur., 11th, 9.30 a.m. ; Mon.. 13th, 6.00 am. Mon.i 13th, 11 a.m Tuos., 14th, 7 a.m. ' Tues., 14th, 11.30 a.m / Wed., loth. 7.15 a.m. 15th, ! X2.15 p.m. - Thurs., 16th, 7.45 a.m. Thurs., 16th,' 12.45 p.m Fri., 17th, 8.30 a.m. Fri., 17th, 1.33 p.m. i Satur.. 18th, 9 a.m. Satur.. 18th, 2 p.m. ' " ! Mon., 20th. 10.30 a.m. Mon., 20th, 3.30 p.m. ; Tttcß.,.2lst 11.30 a.m. Tues., 21st, 4.30 p.m Wed., 22nd, 12.30 p.m. Wed., 22nd. 5.30 p.m .Thurs.. 23rd. 1.30 p.m Fri., 24th, 6.45 a.m. l'Ti., 24tn, 2.30 p.m. Satur., 25th, 7.45 a.m. : FOR HEADS. ORUA BAY. AND HUIA. MUBITAI...Monday, 13th May, 9 a.m. FOR OPUNAKE AND WANG AN MUEITAI...Tues., 14th May, 1 p.m.-,Hr., 12.10. FOR RAGLAN, KAWIIIA, AND WAITARA.: KIA OEA'.-.Mon., 13th May, 1 p.m.; tr., 12.10. "' FOR NEW PLYMOUTH. / / ' ! RARAWA...Sun., 12th May, 3 p.m.; , tr., 2.30. ! RARAWA...Tues., 14th May, 3 p.m.; tr., 2.10. i N.B.— Cargo will be received after halfpast four p.m. or after noou on Saturdays, or within ONE HOUR of Advertised Time of any Steamer's Departure.. Cargo to ports marked t must be prepaid. Company's Offices QUAY-STREET. K _, HE SETTLERS' ""#*?*» /SkV .J-' STEAMSHIP CO., '•_g_^^_^___, : -v-' LIMITED. / FOR OREAVA.—lnformation at Office. FOR WAIWERA. MAHURANGI HEADS, AND AVAEKAVOETH. '".---" -'■/:,' S.S. KAPANUI. ".'.'... '.'' LEAVES AUCKLAND: LEAVES AVARKWOETH: Sat., 11th, 1 p.m. Mon., 13th, 7 a.m. Mon., 13th, 2 p.m. Tues., 14th, 7.30 a.m. Wed., 15th, 1 p.m., Thurs., 16th, 8 a.m. Thurs., 16th, 2 p.m. Fri., 17th, 9 a.m. ' Sat., 18th, 2 p.m. Mon., 20th, 10 a.m. S.S. KAWAU. •/ ■'•'• -•/ FOR KAWAU, MANGAAVAI, AND PAKIEI. LEAVES AUCKLAND: LEAVES MANGA Mon., 13th, 10 a.m. Tues., 14th, 7.30 a.m. Thurs., 16th, midnight Sat., 18th, 10.30 a.m. '■ ; Via Little , Omaha.' ■ FOR KAWAU, OMAHA, AND TAKATU. Leaves Auckland: leaves Omaha: Wed. 15th/ 11 a.m. Thurs., 16th (T.W.), 8.30 a.m. Thurs., 16th (Leigh), 10 a.m. :-'■''."-■./- "S.S. KOTITI. "/'. . ; FOR MATAK AN A AND MULLET POINT. LEAVES AUCKLAND: ' LEAVES MATAKANA: Mon., 13th, noon Tues., 14th, 7 a-ra. FOR PDHOI: FROM PUHOI: Wed., 15th, 2 p.m. Thurs., 16th, 8 a.m. I -'■-' ' v '; ''-■'- S.S. GAEL. FOR WAIPU AND MAUNGATUROTO. LEAVES AUCKLAND: ' LEAVES AVAIPO: — -. Mon.. 13th. 6.30 a.m. Tues., 14th. midnight Thurs.. 16th, 8 a.m. Sat., 18th. 2 a.m. - Mon., 20th, 10.30 a.m. .= S.S. OREWA. FOR BROWN'S BAY. ARKLE'S BAY, AND %S ' ::'-.. WADE. . LEAVES AUCKLAND: leaves WADE: .— Sat., 11th, 6 a.m. Sat.. 11th, 2 p.m. Mon., 13th. 7 a.m. Tues., 14th. 4 p.m. Wed., 15th. 8 a.m.' Thurs.. 16th, 5.30 p.m.Fri., 17th, 10 a.m. Sat., 18th, 730 a.m. Sat., 18th, 11.30 a.m. Weather and other circumstances permitting. No Cargo will be received after half-past four m. or within half an hour of advertised time of steamer's departure, or later than Noon on Saturdays.." .' ,-;, V Av TTAIPAEA STEAM*««W ■' -**- SHIP COMPANY, _ > LTD. (Weather and other circumstances permit- / ■ ting;..- '• • ■• ■ ■-■ . HELENSVILLE-WAIROA BRANCH. Steamers leave Helensviile or Mount Rex» Mondayss.s. 10 a.m. Mondays—s.s. Baroona, after arrival of last •.:-'-'-." train.-- '■■:'.■■ ■ Wednesdays—s.s. Baroona, after arrival of , last train. . '--•,.' , Thursdays—s.s. Awaroa, 10 a.m. ;• . • Saturdays—s.s. Baroona, 10 a.m. - Steamers leave Dargaville: _./ '/. Mondays—s.s. Baroona, 6 a.m. Tuesdays— Baroona, 5 p.m. Wednesdays—s.s. Awaroa, 6 a.m. Thursdays Baroona, 5- p.m. Saturdays—s.s. Awaroa, 6 a.m. OTAMATEA BRANCH. , ~ - The Steamer will leave Helensviile for Otamatea EVERY MONDAY', at 10 ; a.m., instead of Tuesday, and EVERY FRIDAY, tidal, instead of Thursday, returning from Otamatea EVERY TUESDAY and SATURDAY. . ~ PORT ALBERT BRANCH. '.<* The Steamer will leave Helensviile EVERY WEDNEBDAY. at 10 a.m.,'. returning from Port Albert EVERY THURSDAY, at 6.30 a.m. Otamatea and Port Albert Time-table,. apply to Messrs. L, D. Nathan and Co., Ltd., tland -street. '. ■ R. C. HAMMOND, - '' ... ' , •-■ , ;; " '- •■'.. Manager. ■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13485, 11 May 1907, Page 1