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v..,;'; ;■:■ . ■;.■ , ' ; ■'.:.'■ .>:-... '- ■":..-'';.:: : "' : : ~. ■;«.:'• ■■'■■ ■■ ■ •»':■■■:■; .■:■■>■ :-: v ..■■■■■ ~-'• ■■'■>■■■:.■■,■■■■. -Medical* ■■■■'-.■' ,^^^;^;-'/,:-:'5^..;: ; l ;.;. i -K'. -\ : :' ••■-. ■■■■■■'•".:.; ~: :• ■ ~, '..„„. :: -: -. ' r '' r '.- :"' J "' '■':''■'''•'"';' : ■ '"■;'■ ': The grand NEW TREATSVIENT for 1 ■ r:^iLflrlilM^ilßnl^^ S, '^| 3 robustness of the Swiss shepherds and their wonderful freedom from throat and chest disease, have || I "'"' I ' often .been taken as : evidence of : the peculiarly healthy influence of the resinous air of the pine forests ||| 1 .'• . ■. amongst which they dwell. Although a similar influence has been noticed in different parts of Europe and S 7 ' Mmj^ America, and although the value of the pine air to Consumptives and others of weak chest has long been M ?;: iSiy i fiP recognised, it is only recently that the medicinal value of the pine has been fully realised. There has long |J lliilllllliiiiliP been misuse of the name in connection with a variety of so-called " pine" lozenges (used to relieve huskiness, m - ut not ie s^]ntest rea ' value where a Cold or an attack of Bronchitis is concerned); but the discovery of I | Wmm llKlllfilMMl^te^ lß an actual means for transferring the rich pine essences to a tablet of convenient size without sacrificing any of 1 (\ H"' )J\ '-£vc; T ! 'f the-rare medicinal qualities, is a triumph which has been left to. modern science. m '< . A small, pleasant-tasting tablet or pastille has been invented containing a wonderful concentration of these S '^w^W'' Ci ' :, * : 4 r^ P^ ne extracts, which, as the tablet dissolves on the tongue, are set free on their errand of health. In combination with pa X^^^k^ 1 ' 1 v "'% the valuable pine extracts are certain other substances of known power in lung and chest complaints ; and a formula that has "m ; ;j met the severest test is the result. These PEPS, as the pastilles are called, enjoy the distinction of being the most unique,and M , / . also the most powerful and natural remedy for colds, chill, influenza, sore throat, bronchitis, and all lung and throat troubles. || . .i They relieve the hacking cough of consumption and prevent lung-weakness after pleurisy or pneumonia. Children with croup, M ' cold or whoopingcough derive the utmost benefit from Peps,which have thefurther advantage of being free from harmful drugs. .{« I . To have PEPS hajidy is equal to having a Pine Forest in your own home ; for the aim of this medicine is to confer 8 i I in a less costly, more speedy, and more convenient form, the same benefits that come to the wealthy-invalid from months of treatment A ' * i in the rich pine-woods of America and Switzerland. —— ' - - m M| When a little Pep (divested of the silver paper in which it is sealed and pre- IS K served), is placed on the tongue, a grateful, cooling sensation is felt throughout the i||| WE OFFER YOU &9 |.'.|4 mouth. The genuine pine essences which have been held captive in the pastille are jllpii a TmnsTni"-' «i nTAT M'r 1 _ released and permitted to bathe the tissues of the throat and lungs as the breath is l|i|| ' |t|jijk \■ ' A FREE TRIAL m H taken in. The pine fumes impregnate every inch of membrane from the mouth and |||| . ||ilif§ 1 "' —"* ; " M 1 nostrils to the furthest part of the respiratory organs. . ' & ' iKtf I OF 1 1 , A germicide and antiseptic of the highest valuers thus brought into direct contact . miW **£ H ~':■■.'■'..:•■ I -.' with, the diseased surfaces of throat and lungs, and the pleasant sensation aroused \^^ B * B^.[ ' l!^^^ Jt^ m I without is evidence of the grand work of healing begun within. Wjm «massfsrSk jilmk &8\ J& m ' .....-.',• ;I;; ' ;;'■:' PEPS destroy the germs of disease that have thrived in the mucus secretion of WM 'em will 'M m .the air-passages. Peps promote sound health by repairing the membranes that have been I||l W J§r llli WmL >k m Iy, torn by the wheezing and barking of bronchitis or by the hacking cough of consumption. mm .j sm Jw . Mm Wms llllllik % M 1 I ' Peps are the best, the most-unique remedy for colds, coughs and all lung and throat |||| 1 §jm \ fefl Warn MII I 1' troubles, because a box at hand means a " Pine Forest in every Home." .mm 111? $ "\ i m I PEPS HEAL THE LUNGS. I PEPS CONTAIN NO OPIUM, W fcr I v || One thing is achieved by PEPSwhich no "Cough T One important distinguishing feature about PEPS ,j| . _ n Mixture,"" Bronchitis-Cure," or "Cold-Lozenge," that is swal- Jis that they contain NO opiates, chloral, or any injurious " ■' ■ _*. p lowed direct into the stomach, can do. That is PEPS bring a t narcotic drugs whatever. Cough Mixtures and Bronchitis-cures, containing opium have often laid the Cut th'«« Out m Wi « :; powerful medicinal agent into direct contact with the actual ,_■, foundation for some deadly drug habit. Impurities such as occur in medicated lozenges, and all vkwS&i&Sr IXI-S V**'* m : $8& ' fe tissues of the. lungs and fine air-passages, when these (and not t irritative substances such as ammonia compounds, tartar emetic, cubebs, present in "cold-breaking'' ai*A4i»«».»»«iii»»»AA*» t .............. ' _4_i_. S^ .' the stomach) are the seat of disease.' ♦ tablets are entirely absent from Peps. The most delicate lady and the youngest child will find nothing V 3 Wi m ■-'■'■■ PEPS are a pleasant and powerful, yet perfectly natural .X in Peps repulsive either to palate or stomach. Indeed, their action of the digestive system is very bene- 3 ' " "~^ i Q g li ■■'. -■■ ."'.:'• '■'■■■' HJ'"- medicine. The rich healing pine essences which arise as each J ficiai, recovery from dyspepsia. indigestion and flatulence often being assisted. Peps arc "a doctor",,/ 3 Send this Coupon and id Stamp to the £ , v if '■/""' ' ~', M Pep is "dissolved bathe the membranes of the nose, mouth, *in themselves, arid no-mother will fail to administer them to herself or her children upon the first sign J Peps Pastille Co., 39 Pitt St., Sydney ► §1 '■.-.' throat and lungs heal all sore places and restore health and Tof barking, wheeling, sneezing;, tightness about the chest, chill, or nasty cough. 3 for Free Test'-Sample. ■ All letters must C Iw \ i gitrength to the whole respiratory tract. 2 PRICE: 1/6 per tin; of all Chemist* and Stres. or post free for same prfoe direct fro« 5 '.. bear full postage. \ ~Wl'' IfflB ■■"• - Peps are an ideal Lung-Tonic and Lung Healer. ■'■■"■■■ + ' « «• . -* - ■'■'-' I i: » n^nn ,-«^. n »«. ™„^^,„—«,' . "-Jl. _ ■•■ . ""* ? „ . fc . fcfiSJ . m, . ■■■■■■, ■:-. - ,- . A the Now Zealand Areata. KEBSETHORMffI, PROSSBR & CO, Dunedln. r .' 3 r^ : Jt ' ; .„„„„;.„„. : ..„ - £ '>mM-'

'V-,,;-'- ..-."■;" '.''"--' " '-".' ■-.' ';■ ■ '. " •_ "_______ - , Dress and Fashion. y :• '■ , - Nothing enhances the effect of a Smart Costume more than a perfect fitting Corset ~: ' Are models '■'fo'ifjalll figures. ' Insist on having a Weingarten Mode!. ~ p.,'" ' ...,»,• ■ ■*'■:' .'■ ■'''■■■'':'.-. : *' ! ,<i.". : ■'■'■.■ :■ ■\--.': : ''-'''--. ,i .j'.7"- ; •■.■■■. :'.'■-: : ;v'. : ': i ' ; -'-' 1 . ,;, ' i -■;■■ "■ ;'.'.. ;,■.'.:;':>■ -.•;.' : ;. :;i¥Vj,L\ : !AV/VrV'= ft'--' ■-■■■' ■'■':' 'v.: ■■"■'■■'■' ; ' ■■■-■■■'■■'■ ■' -'■ '■•.•:■'■■ . - •.■ ,, "; > -'~ ::V ,:>:-V'. ■'■'■"■'•■' '■■■,--■ "■:■-•- ■ ■■■':-■' -v,v. j, ■.-..:' ; ,',.•'' r ;" .■"■■«' •;»,'•■■ ■ ;■:.':' .'•',. '■,:;;:■', ■,-.;».,'.; '■^\ l 7;\^;//::7.v/^./•'•V4v ;^; u^ ,i,^;,';;»^.:,,;,7 l^:^l '.ViO;. .:■;.,-;,v.; ,: ;:;-.■•: i.vr,'. ;.;■..;.i-.,..,-J*--■--:?.-:•»' ■.■'■> ' ■'- '; '.:"'■';/ .»":"•::.',- .-. •,,■,, -..;.-;:,.■. ~ . '• . -t. ; —— —— .■:';.■■, '..■• >■■ V---V- - ■ ~~' 'is-li* ■•■'■' '■ '*"*■ "■'?■' JT~i W* S s"* ; *" iT"i : "l :''?*- .'i'i'.if'': •?*. : V 'H'""'; : J "■" w *W<f?'V*>!.V\ /".=" ':"';': ;7 ■'J^t•''■^ r ■ ,^,, •■;■ ' ;". .•■•'" '*': : ' .- . * -STOCKED AT ALL THE LEADING DRAPERY EMPORIUMS THROUGHOUT THE COLONY.- — — | Ban—B—a«—anm i I ■■ ■■■—mil inn tajMjr:jg&'j!Mji*-js»=jragßa.attflMg»MaiE»gß3r^^

: ■•''-, ;- ' .. • ; Medical; ' . ' ; ~~ ~~ZZZZZZZ Butter. :: y \ - ■;".•■;',,;;, ■,;. V, ■ : .,.:-,-, ; ;.;:';'', ']•;'■ :■-'■■• -.Y •■.■'. : / ; sPPjpS, .' ■;'Y v i' Sill f " I do not hesitate tossy it is the best made pill in the kingdom.'—Dr, G. F. Collier, in the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London. mtsmammss^mss^mim^hmmmmmgmm^si FAMED AS A FAMILY MEDICINE FOR A CENTURY. , Invaluable to every Mother of a family. -$& "' Tlae'''JPamous Remedy £02* /i&^^ilSm^yS ; COUGHS," BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, & CONSUMPTION, /pffll|j f)p\ ,^p/AJ;'j) .'[ I - \ Has the Largest Sale of any.' Chest Medicine in. the World. ' \* \ I ill \t\ ' l I*l HP L. iU™bGcirinS VI Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Its healing power is marvellous. SuSerers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty ol \xr \%3 1?-1 '1 fIS&PI _-g» '^^m^ximimsmKmimffi^k^SXSsitiOßl'^m , Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest/experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it VI «\V J ill i I sfS?J " *-" ii£l l "'' f "^^'^^^ ' ",■■' -J effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and,giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become A^'ffNv^ ■■*»*» \/VW/ ; . j chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption - has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house \A -jr>T***~*~*^ -^m^»> -/ >m . .m. u m ti-m •'"■'' rt'' —-' ■' ■' ■■'■fel should be without it, as, taken at the beginning a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. * • tfLv-Jr fcO PA \ff I 1&$ {* p ' ' | IS»@-ST _3b_?© O_T XKO.itial;iol!3L3 I The great success Of HEARKE'S BRONCHITiS CURE, has induced a. number - h ** T ,-r "" -■ ' of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine "Bronchitis Cure," with the object of deceiving the simple-minded, and so getting a sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that .. ■ — nbc !'_•_ <- f I HEAR HE'S BRONCHITIS CURE has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, '' LOOKS HKe v and to request you in your own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S and to see that you get it. .■ ' "■'. NEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/8. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the 1 "SB 8 I 1 if' I I f^ ' "* Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Gcelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when;not. obtainable locally. rasas tHSSSsr ■■'■'■, J? , , ■■■ \ ; ' NOTlCE.— Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. la does NOT contain any 'poison within the meaning of the Act. It is equally / C \, ' beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person. / , " ■--." ."::.'"■-''' / «~i «' -Jy 13 \ , ■' ,-, ) , lPWW i llll ! i ________w____________BßW_w___iß_iM»«_ii mmmi.inlll iuaiu.immmmmm*eLmmmMimiMmiim m ■jgggggggSßggggßg'j'Sgg 'i ' '"I - feililiW 'A I " * 'ill* -' '1 '"(' \ „ Watches. '1 ■•■•-• .Merchandise."'' - ; _ |t js as G()od as • 1 c2s ** &\' ' -'j* fit " . — II IS SS UOOu ctS V K [ . X Vf •■'•' j| m | THIS .LEVER WATCH : t/AiMIT - WW. &»__** »>:;-.. s^«^>^ ' has been specially constructed for rough \ " ' 18_% ' v : • ■ ■ ' . wear ' and we can recommend it as a " For Top-dressing Grass.' dpik : ~....,..,,.'.,,-; . .. - ... ; t "'' ;■"''.; ' I ''« ''■' " Reliable' Timekeeper. It is correctly [ '.' O\\ W AUSTRALIAN ;' __=r: ==: ' ... " J designed, well made,- well finished, and - •<_&.. «|\ ALGERIAN . '' f: ":..'.';■■,.-... - ; i v^\^» JeWelled - The cases are ° h * hl y- ► re " cleaned ■ - Wi A polled Nickel and are very tight- ; TtieSß Bfatl'dS aF6 J 111 fitting, thus excluding dust and damp ; a% : . ■ • \_m Udls SW VOm ie movemen ts- %twll (Kindly write for Samples). w .'»... Hi jT\ tPjIIB " * Three-Star Sydney. Bonedust, Superphosphate, Etc. sS ijlf I||'§L ft mM li® 1 Ck ■ ' j ttt°*. n *»,*„+ : Custom -Street. Auckland, y ■■ If CI I! L'JLf- 1 HfluS il/U-U' ! " . In Hunting Cases - • £1/2/6 ■_ "• . . ' . ;. . :-v"~~ ? " - : " ""' ■ * "»■«"•«—— ——>-»■■»""«»-.'.-yK«wx.i a ___x____i_s__—————————_—_-- ■ 11 _—»*■ '' s'■■.•:5 '■■.•: ;-:v7?^^|i^^^- ! '- ■. -:"'v :: :' ". ,' -'y ;' • ' - :^'-;: . r >^'&S '■■■■ ■ * '■■:■■ ■ ■, ■" l ■ '■..■■■■■ .■■.'.. . ~.- .■,■:,■ :...',. Sj ■■;,:■.■... ~,:.■ : '■'■'■■■ ■*.■■■•■'■ ■■ "■ ■*•--' ' ■■■- =~■■; '■ .*" ■■■..'/...' ■/ tfS ■;•..,■■.■.■. ■.'■'■:. J .'■■■" ' ■■■'".( .■.■■■'... *;■.■■■:...■ ■ , '_ »»—» .■ i"m»' -i«^~>— i i "'"'■' i'nii*»hmuii»»i''iwi«w'-'*^«*»'—* 'i ■iiii.»»ii,.»iiii mwiw „, ; ft -'^■: > '.■■■•'■''■•j-'^.l. 1 ' a""ti?-_ „ -"u-'^r_—'' ; "''' « '■■:■'- : soffiaißi " ;V ""'" v: ' : SB" - Bw > m -__jm_Pr_i traam mam*.'*'- " " ■'■<■■"• -it 13 "■' {™<«i ■'■ ■___' ' ' ML' 1 " A ■'-' | JrW TUBUIArSRATORS ' S ?"? f' ■'■ i - embraces a wide selection of the most valuable makes at prices from ■1 I Wms Have | «3 1* Oil YOUF -_3uo-©_T i :;.; 10/6 to £40. Our policy of constantly _ striving to give the best | | - Waist-low Supply Cans ' 1 '. ' .. . - possible value enables us, after, a watch-selling career of 35 years, to * 1 ''•>'■ *w*_p-«Pi - ' QimnloUniotinfliocc Bnwlo 1 *• , " offer,; not only the : best watches, but the lowest prices consistent with , S3 ' Enclosed Self-Oiling'Gears m ' -- ' . r'ifi - best quality. Write for our Free Catalogue. All orders delivered free > 1 \ . m ~; r>i to- ' • •>•" i *_„*. ?.,„„;„„ I '" "■ ; ' ■■■'" ~ • ,-'l is , J L ° ' •"•' t , Be . l-,raw_a4*V : hey are the Cleanest Skimming, Lightest Running, _j ■>.?£, ~„ and sate by post., . , H I .Most Durable and Easiest Handled Separators made. | • * ' . '■./_ '" ' • ' k 1 We shall be pleased to take it apart and show you. p „„.___ _.™._.. ____.'. .&6 ~k m „ own/r -a <» fiffS» ? iflAfcl ' .= STEWART DAWSON & G©„ 3 J «___«— — ,_, 1 THE ■HEW- ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION , ■j ' 146 _ __«• auecn Street, ««. • i 8R05.,-Agents, 1 ■,■-■--• ™" ,; 146 «& 148, Queen Street, Auckland. \ l 15*. ice. .quk« sr«f e r. | - ... . . U,V ' MtU| Vi . _....,.»..,.,',- t ,»,..- T -■- .^ T t ,*,v,^ y yy ■> »,„ vT { .v- Wellesley Street Auckland. I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 2