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': i -_j; ; "■'-■■• '-''-' -'-'•■ >': ■. Medical. - • i - _^. : . Medical. I '' 1 i ~ - - ■ > -' .'. ■ •' '• J SPEEDY CURE TREATMENT #: ; FOR EVERY HUMOUR. Bathe the effected parts with hot water and CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the skin and scalp of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and " apply CUTICURA OINTMENT freely to aiiay itching, irritation, find inflammation, and soothe and heal, and lastly take CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS, to cool and cleanse the a blood. This pure, sweet, and wholesome treatment affords instant . relief, permits rest and sleep, and points to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure of the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly skin/ scalp, and blood humours, eczemas, rashes, and irritations, from Infancy to age, with Boss of hair, when all else fails. / MILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAP ■?i& Assisted by Cutictjra Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautify,C ing the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the i* stopping of falling hair, softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, -,-.'. .and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafing and for all the pur- :"''. poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuttcura . ■ SOAP ■in * the form; of baths for annoying irritations, 1 inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, in -the form of washes -.;•*- for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. ; CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS, CHOCOLATE COATED, j .: Axe a new, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid Ccticusa Resolvent, as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Put up In screw- Vcap pocket vials containing 60 doses. Cuticubjl Pn.lß are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, '::-■■' and digestive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most successful and economical : blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives, yet compounded. : '" '" Ctmctnu Hxuronstia ibid thronchoat the wcrid. : AtutnHan Depot; R, Towks ft Co., Sydney. British ■■■;.: i I .*: Depot! 27-S3, Charterhous* Eq.. London, branch JJepsi: 6 ffcn dels Fair, P»rii. - Poitse Dma uo Cum. - Cost., Bole rrops., V. 8. A. , . _ f . ;.■-.' HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL JUJUBES, The Great Antiseptic Remedy for j ' COUGHS COLDS 1! INFLUENZA 111 ■' SOLD BY ALL -CHEMISTS. TINS, Is id. The Practitioner says:~" Useful in tonailitis. pharyngitis, i>.nd , similar ailments " "'.".' 8 The; Australasian Medical Gazette says:—'* Of great service in affsctions of the throat I .-../..and voice.". ~.,,-„. ~, •.•.-.;,. ■ : j

Clarke's Blood ■•.- M lie tare I-..V- iV;" r -- ; r *•>«, ■••»' ".;ti:'vi:.'' -.-v-. : ,•.■.•.■■»••'■.".■".■ ,-•-.•/.: :;«■:-„ ■.:*■-■•',■;.■ XHB WORLD-FAMED BLOOD I'URIFIER : f JL) and RESTORER is warranted to CLEAR .„,~ the BLOOD. ;lrom,fALL IMPURITIES, ; ',' . from whatever cause - arising.. . For Scrofula, Scurvy. Eczema, Skin " ■ and' Blood Diseases, Blackheads, Pirnpies, ana Sores of»all'kinds, it' is a , ,-.->.-n6ver-failing and. permanent Cure. It , • ~Cure3.Old Sores;- > ■;...>-.-, . . . V ' Cures Sores on the Neck .! .- ~ , ;c,i Cures Sore Legs r Cures Blackhead, or, Pimples on the • - ■ Face " * B. : ;:/: V'- i'r : Cares ■ Scurvy .--.,. Cures Ulcers ... Cures. Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings -.-. . ' £J*ars the Blood from all Impure '. . '•• ■ -''-Matter ' --•■•■-■ From whatever "cause arising }*'■■■ ''"■ . ~;-It is a reali specific for Gout and Ebonmatio Pains . .- , It removes the cause, from the Blood ' ■'■'■■:'• and Bones . ~.:; ■ ■ * . As this Mixture pleasant to. the »- -taste.- and warranted free from any- - " thing' injurious: "-the -most delicate constitution of i either sex, the ;«Pro- . prietors solicit sufferers to give •it a _■' trial to teat its value. ... THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS '■-~. OF-WONDERFUL CURES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. - /CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. - Sold in Bottles. 2s 9d and lis each. By all CHEMISTS AND i PATENT v MEDICINE , VENDORS throughout the World. ' Sole Propria- ' tort, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COON-'-■U3Sa K DRUG " COMPANY; Lincoln, England. TRADE ■>, MASK, "BLOOD MIXTURE." a CAUTION.—Ask :; for .>< CLARKE'S ?. BLOOE MIXTURE, and do hot .ho persuaded to tak< , an imitation. -,_ „ ' , " J ' "'"•' ' ■' ; - : -' - • '"'■ ■ -'-' : '"[J^________'' EDSON'S W Hair Bemeweb Restores Grey op Faded Hair to its natural colour. Cleanses the Scalp, prevents Dandruff. Induces growth, makes the hair soft, pliant and ■"'"'■ • - - glossy. ■"' ■:;': is not A dye and therefore does not stain ; :'. '• the skin. ._/3/6 PER BOTTLE. ..i -.- Posted to any part of the Colony a . for fid extra. ■. ■■ -. .4, EDSON, Chemist, : 268, Queen St, AUCKLAND. ' -Established 1859; . . .1 I —————i - A -.., [ EDSON'S CHEMICAL \ •\ESSENCE •■ ' .:? ~ - r^r- —r —- .-; : ,. •:, WILL CCEK •._...,.■.,;"■;•,-•;■.. lameness in, Horses. Spavins, - -Curbs,.: Splints, Ringbones, IH Wind Galls, Strains of the t Sinews or Joints, Hard Swells • ings of long standing, and all ; other diseases requiring a .■"■■■•'■ sweating or blistering appli- • - - cation. ' £:. Ite action is mild, but) at the same time permanent in its effect. It does not injure the hair and cannot.., •. 'blemish/ however ' often ; applied :' ; Is Bottles at 2/-, 3/6 ft 5/- each. .Posted to any port of the Colony • '. ■■ for 3d extra. , '' /.'■j - . |&,,..,Y , ~ ..... ;..[..'. ~. .= J ' ;;/„ , .Boots and Shoes. ,.;,■'.. „ ; NEVR SEASON'S GOODS .TWTOW QPENING TJP. jgEST-JjrALDE.. - " . .■'■;■ J OWEBT pEIOES.. —— , j .-:.,, S. STONE AND CO., I>OOT AND gHOE JMPORTEES, COKKEE 0 QUEEN AND DARBY STREETS, .■ - - And .' "-,, .":•■: v'..:. : MARINE SQUARE, IffIVOKTOBT.

1 The Evidence & Season Why § | . TEE | e.:;| ... \ EVIDENCE I ; & From tß,' ! Brongfaun* Street, Wool- (1) & ' loomooloo Bay, Sydney, N.S.W., & is© :. July 25th, 1906.— "My little Francis, 3 : > <&; : ; i § :;,aged four, had not.been well for .'..'..' &■' ■'V :\'«, some time and did not improve. ©i V; S; ; His appetite was very poor, and he.-. & ,' W V grew: pale and thin. < One day I ; «i = '', l r. £1 read about Scott's Emulsion and ' ft r W :> gave it a trial, with most gratifying © ' a ; & i results. Scott's EmuUion made - : & ■■■.%< 1 .•• <& r a new boy of him altogether; he.. w>,i,-.. i " - ?r & 't is full of life, and'' is always ready ' *..;'':.■ "• w , for..hi6 meals and enjoys them." •• , - © -' fc " $ .■ (Mrs.) M. HURLEY. #* v '• ; I— 1 J I The Reason WHY I l § Me Is lull ol Life § * ffi ' C.Scott's Emulsion gave § - g strength to the system, ; JJ - ■ • |l ; which thus soon began to do & ; i @ its own work again. The* '.§- ' 9 : g little chap got the nourish- .".'■ $ '.;" § men tof his ordinary food as « L, S well as thebig extra nourish- J* 35 ment iii his Scott's. There $ & ; could only be 'one; result & §) the one recorded by Mrs. §■~.'■ 5 Hurley. But remember, it ; ffi « was Scott's . did this— not 'ft w some other emttl* $ 2J sion "just as /xj£& $ & good" (which, by /¥%£s£ ft W .'the way, ;is i m- i ff : fjC*m p? ■'■g possible). There- /irynfr. <S ■i is, r fore, make '• sure «|t~7JP' JP- „ " the fishman with (If/] g $ the fish "is on the )U II . $ & package v before Vj IV - ft ■M = © ■^yba'buy.'^-'V'-^-^rftaS , <&.:.•' 2S TRADE MARE $J •' •"' '" 5& ■■•■'-'"'.lr':'-': '— '-•.■•'" '•''■■ '. :V ' -■'•■'■ ■ °- — , ... *i ,' ' 1 SCOTT'S 1 :i || EMULSION § " & From all Chemists and a, ,; > !:■,:";«. Dealers In Medicines ;'%''; § , ! '- :"V g I iV ' ; ' '■--. —"'' ' '" ."'. ' ; "' — - i m v : : i f "'"■ ' ''' ' . '1' ,' '•', ;■ 1 .•' ' I •• ■ ! '•'.. •,-' .-. : . '-.'": '■';■'' - ■■-'■. '-. ■-- -' : : ~" '_■:■■ ■ ; 1 4 >: - - Established 1879. ■ v\ i \ Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis \j Cough, Grip, Asrhma, Diphtheria. I CREBOLENE ISA BOON TO ASTHMATICS. 'Does it not seem more. effective to breathe in a ; remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs ■ '■ than to take the remedy into the stomach '! . ■■ *> ; It_ cures because the air rendered strongly anti- 1 septic is carried over'. the diseased surface with 5 I \ every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- I ment. ,It is invaluable to mothers with small *' children. ''"*.»'• .'. Those of a. consumptive 1, gn^ninaaMaanaeßSi :f tendency find immediate mgr, T* '^ulp' "jare s relief from coughs or' in- ' si'/'tjf -»/^^JJ^HB flamed conditions. of the W 1 V.lff'^mii^^^affi ' Send post card for booklet, ffl)I *! Trade mppUcd by I KemMjiorne Grosser * Co., lysK •o^Z/SfflT •'-''■' l Ltd.,&SuAiti.AKL><tsCo.,Ltd. %f\'-:-' K s^\}lSg^<----ijiA: y ' Vap<>-Crerolene Company, Hfi 1 — jrf|n«f •' ~ -'■'-;■ "■;: ,'" Timber. ' . •J rpHE. TT-ATJEI fFIMBEE po., T TD., ' j CUSTOM-STREET WEST, Has in Stock at all times, ample supplies of I ' THOROUGHLY SEASONED KAURL '. : Timber, Floorirte, Lining, % Mouldings. v Fruit ':■, ' .Cases, Skirting, Architraves, Doors,■".' Sashes, - Boxes. TURNERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ' Every Description of JOINERY made from Seasoned, Timber. . The Company has unrivalled facilities for l prompt execution of Orders, whether for < ; uIAL requirements or ordinary trade lines. Telephone. 512. _ ; Send for Catalogue and Price List.. Posted -* free on application to « ■ i THE KAURI TIMBER CO.. LTD. : " • ; „.. ■_,■ ■ . ' '.'.... —•' |n •- ; ;^'- : . Photography. " '■'' a , —: : :— ; ;, ,-, ,- : .—__ ■- - .. .y • ( j Q. .' E.. ■:." E ' GO • R■., Y, a ■• Vl- - ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER. ll ' CORNER OF QUEEN AND WELLESLEY ' STREETS, AUCKLAND. „ ' HAS REMOVED TO THE* 1 '■). QTKAND ARCADE, QUEEN-STREET. All the Latest Finishings in .7 ' UP-TO-DATE 'PHOTOGRAPHY. Telephone 1165. V

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13482, 8 May 1907, Page 4