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/.... -/ ' Medical. £ —. —— ——— w jsj £3 TIES TIMONIA LS. ' ...II linflhpffO ' v cTTTPi?i7T>irn <? YFARq SUFFERED 10 YEARS. "On-and off for two.years I suffered from severe pain, me to your platform when you were holding meetings v Hanaa x&MWa hum I^Bs' Ssfflii % SUFFERED ? YtARo. b U £ILRED 10 , I principally in my back, and shoulders. I tried various i by .Marked entrance. Being assisted on to the platform, v MMWM" $£^8' _____ treatments without obtaining anv relief. I consulted I was treated by you in public, and obtained great re- v Mr KHiott Herbal Specialist, 'Darby-street, and was lief in 15 minutes, and could move my nead slightly, the :% _ „ « EESS3®3 / V « March 4th, 1907. Dear Sir,—l have great pleasure m bearing testimony un d ( . r his care for two weeks. I obtained relief immedi- pain having ceased. £ IM ** m -j. . - g f SI B *** it Elliott Herbal Specialist to the wonderful, and, indeed, I might say magical, cure ately. and was free from pain after the second day. — " Now, after ten visits to your rooms, lam free from mjgr p fvgsrM %I? * r® dEfx $ R (ffy | ... Jh. Llliott, HtrDal specialist. , vo ur treatment effected in mv case. It is now about A. J- , Auckland." , pain or inconvenience, and can move my head treely. I £ » 11 g | 1 W $ g STB 31If 1 f JH" Sir,— had suffered from Rheumatism for the last ten years s i nce I was first attacked by rheumatism in A "Mr. Elliott, Darby-street.—-Three months ago I suf- will be pleased to give anyone full particulars of my X. M § \sJ§ II U W i » fhM WI WW g twenty years, and could hardly sit down, owing to stiff- MY ANKLE, the cause of which was, the doctors in- feral from ™ cLhfnot put ovS five' years I suffered from Lumbago and £ *** * liosa in hip joint. After trying all sorts of medicines, formed me, working in wet mines. I got no permanent 1 f oo t t 0 the ground, and had to give lip mv employ- Sciatica. I tried various remedies, including a long visit X _ m M / * without getting relief, I was advised to go to your plat- relief from any oft:lien:ledicines the vanous do o V gave * t Hearing good reports of your treatment I took a to Rotorua, and whilst there my pain increased. In v Ik M _ mM { ■ :> form, and give your treatment a trial. lam very pleased me; m fact, was hardly ever JS "ib to your rooms. On the third day I was able to walk desperation I visited your rooms for a consultation two v l f If RMk ■I siMsrflßSKwsi* - ®&-MX!BS*£}£a i Varicose ¥6108 : : You aro at liberty to publish this statement, am w|\ time in niacin.-- nivself under vour treatment I! I can now sleep soundly and enjoy my meals, which I without, support. on are at libei tv to make us* of this ... W si Tf«t. k "" v " *" A, " ;ki h "'" s iirid i " r ° *°° >e 34 I _ _ . . „ |* To anvone wishing 10 know about my case 1 will be eight miles some days since being treated, and could and head. I was-taken to> the hospital, wi[ I, 'i'"^ d 'o rigi „«,^, it „ v Clfin ij %. jL » lirr . ' : : : P leased t(> S ive remain, yours very thankful! v, been offered™You'are'lt'Hterty C.B. £ that position for jny years, giving me and remained in many others, can be seen on, application addresses, with g ill I 8 VVllVl Id •% * rt ' mjjn » 3" OJIS Very tl,a y j.l'jjo A7F statement. . 0.8. ■ My legs became so weak that I could only walk a few " ELLIOTT, $ "® » li 5, Bcrosford-street. ** ' " East-street, Auckland. yards at a time. Hearing of your work, a friend took Herbal Specialist, 10, Darby-street, Auckland. DARBY^SIT COWSUL FREE.

Merchandise. GOLD Medal mmMssmmmmßmasmmmsmmMmsmm /£Produced in a PROVINCE! It Looks like ft is as Good as f | j ) it is as Good as GOLD!! ; aeaßßßmsßiaß^sgsmamßaaß^ These Brands are aw——■———————— — in iiiimmwwMiaimMiMa—■—■rat i The BUTTER is the Best! is it on Your Table ? THE NEW ZEALAND DAIRY ASSOCIATION LIMITED, Weilesley Street, Auckland. ■ Presuming that you like your tea of PURE SVIiLK average* strength, 0110 pound of Zara jf] PREFERENCE Ceylon Tea will make seventy-five ordinary 'j"0 WATERED MILK. cups of delicious tea. Now there are —— . , , Lit ' In the words of Portia in Shalt?borne people who expect to get a pound ■ peare . „ The people demand it, of first-class tea for a mere trifle, some- an( j th l aw awards it." thing that figures out at less than a farthing : a cup. Why should you poison yourself WHiTE SUGAR ,to get a cup of tea at less than the fair IPI PREFERENCE value of an acceptable article? We ask TO BRCtR/ftl SUGAR. you the question : For a thoroughly good Jn the words any grocer the y- pure, delicious and invigorating cup of public insist upon it and so we Ceylon Tea cannot you afford more than stock no other. a farthing a cup ? If you can, then drink Zara Tea and let your family drink it. M KiP J«a 16 is only the natural complement of /=/_ afea Jfjirvi . jplfafr good milk, good bread, good butter, good M meat, etc-, etc. Aim to have your breakfast table all good, and remember that CEYLON TEA j tea is the governing commodity of it- |f\J PREFERENCE TO something which everyone likes, and ALL OTHER TEAS. j■which civilization has rendered ne- — cessary. A leading expert said :•' I can't In u th . words of , common sense, , \ , , f , that is the only natural coinunderstand why people will drink cheap, 1 r i emen of the rest, and the inferior tea. They won't use brown public are asked to take no other. uugar, and they prosecute people who sell : watered milk. The time is coming when OUR SOLE AGENTS: tea, milk and sugar will be considered -*-% qj ATTPTvT A VTI partners, and purity and goodness be in- ' 1 " ■ aisted upon with all." i SAMPLES FREE ON APPLICATION. w ""TV ate i ,f ■ [. '1 1 '' 1 iSfliiii J. .WISEMAN AND SONS, LIMITED, ifill I 175, QUEEN-STREET. I j II IjW THE " EEQOISITIS " AUCKLAND SPECIALTY. | ' , , LEATHER GOODS. ' fc. ''' ''' " L

Dress and Fashion. I | , , I 7T"I I I TTTT--- - ■ " | Ladies are cordially Invited to Inspect our || | Stock of pi S New Goods and Novelties | i The goods have just arrived from the Best English and Continental <& I Houses, and comprise the latest styles and designs of the World's U Kj Largest Makers. H | || j| MILLINERY —A very special importation of these goods has just come |1[ j $ to hand, including a choice selection of si I New London and Paris Models |f II Ready-to-Wears and Untrimmed 1| | A Special Novelty New Cloth Hat for Travelling, | |t Motoring, etc., in all leading colours, 11/G & 18/6 j| || COSTUMES This season these goods have opened up to our entire satis- Si | faction, being particularly well cut, and the styles very jfe | becoming. Both the Short Coat and g-Coat are ,in great B 5 demand, and we have been fortunate to secure a very large |3 i P assortment in both these lengths. i || I I FURS, FUR SETS, etc., in Stone, Martin, Lynx, Fox, Bear, | | ■ Grebe, Kolinski, Skunk, Fitch. Marmot, and Foxline, i * etc., etc., are showing in great, variety. Sf % I !ij DRESS MATERIALS — Tweeds, Cloths, Serges. Tartans, I 1 Robes, etc., etc., are all on view at our Dress ft Department. §j Tweeds, in the New Heather Mixture, from 2/6 per | • yard r| | Smart Check Tweeds, in light colourings, 3/6 and | 3/11 per yard . g Cheviots, in beautiful Pastel shades, 3/11 per yard J Sequin Robes. The latest and smartest for evening I wear. Novelties in exclusive Robe lengths §f A large variety of Dress Trimmings and Braids. | I || | BLOUSINGS, etc., etc —Our large and well-assorted stock of beautiful |5; I Paris Flannel now complete, 1/114 & | New Striped Wincey and Viyellas |i [I Astra Unshrinkable Flannel for Blouses and Under- | [3 wear jgi | Silk and Wool Unshrinkable Materials m I Ceylon and Union Shirtings in great variety, lljd | 1 to 2/3 i | The Dr. Flannel for men's wear, 27 and 36 inches a | wide If I Flannelettes for Blouses and Dressing Gowns, 7|d, $ I Bid, 9id, and 1/3 per yard. || 1 FANCY GOODS, VEILS, etc.—New Complexion Veils, 1/6, 1/11, I P 2/3, 2/11 per yard 1 I The prevailing Fashion Crepe de Chene Veils, in all the | | leading colourings, 2/11 and 3/11 each |j I Motor Veils, in all shades, 4/6 each J I Laces and Ribbons in great variety I | New Gloves from the standard makers, always reliablo | | and perfect fitting 11 I Fitted Devonshire Bags, 2/11, 3/11 to 9/11 each ij| | Fancy Embroidered Linen Collars, newest shapes, 9d fa I to 2/3 each |j I The New Sea shell Bow, in Tartan and Fancy Silks, I . | exceedingly smart, 1/- and 1/3 each ||i I Ladies' Hosiery a Speciality. j| f Milne & Choycc, | I Limited, I I QUEEN ANO WELLESLEY STREETS. 1 1$ ® BaamaMßEßßßaMß^amaaamaCTßßMmaaHaE^mamgffißaßam Jewellers. ' r j I J fine shipment of these in Buckskin U H and Antelope, all lined with best OUR PRICES are as I j rubber. They are in various sizes follows [' < and shapes. Some are plain, others Buctski „_ Plai „, 3/6 , 4/ ._ „ n<i 4/6 ► i have gold or silver shields, and on BTOkski „_ Silv . c ,. shjel j s> 4/6 5/ ► 4 some a fern leaf is worked in silver. 5/6 ► ■4 ' Buckskin—Silver Fern Leaf, 3/6, ► Buckskin— Fern^ Antelope—Silver Shields, 6/6, 7/6, < Antelope —Gold Shields, 13/6, 14/6, L. and 15/6 1 r; : i Stezoaii Dawson & So., I < * ►! J 146, 148, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. L N Li j ' ' £ii "*\y Tyf "yr '"iy — 1

Dress and FashionAMONG THE NEW GOODS IN OUR arc the following :— | Our celebrated "UNRIVALLED" VELVETEENS, in all shades, 1/11J and 2/6 yard. Better numbers, 2/11 and 3/6 yard. "Louis" Velveteens in all new shades. VELVET GOODS, in all shades, 1/4J yard. Cream and Coloured Velvets, 1/4s, l/lli, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 yard. Chiffon Velvets, all shades, 2/6 yard. Mirella Broehe Velvets and Tartan Velvets in choice assortment. Novelty Blouse Silks. A Dainty Selection now showing, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 yard. I I I Just Opened, New Season's Supply of BOX CLOTHS in Navy Browns, and. Greens, the best goods obtainable for Tailormades. NEW WINTER SHADE IN ALL-WOOL FRENCH AMAZONS, Immense range and exceptionally good value, 2/6, 2/9, 2/11, 3/6 to 8/6 yard ' Exclusive Novelty DRESS ROBES, one of a kind only. Splendid collection of High-grade Dresses. SERGES. Our well-known all-wool VICTORY" SERGES in Navy and Black. Immens< stock now opened up. 1/114, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 to 6/11 yard. Fox's English Serges, 44 to 56in, also ill "Rough and Readys," 3/8 uj to 7/11 yard. TWEEDS FOR DRESSES. All New Winter Patterns and Extra Values, Largest and Choicest Assortment in the City. 1/6*, l/lli, 2/6, 2/11, etc., yard. I All-wool French Flannels, Cashmere Flannels, Delaines and Blousings in all latest designs, l/ 6£, 1/9 i, 1/lli yard. All-wool Tartan for Dresses, 44 to 50in., 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6 4/11. Full range of these goods. WHOLESALE & FAMILY DRAPERS, Etc., AUCKLAND. Printing Works. When Buying Account Books — yon WANT THE BEST. f* ACCOUNT BOOKS^ jf ACCOUNT BOOKS 1 ARE THE BEST. 0 WE KEEP IN STOCK ALL USUAL SIZES V* LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, DAY BOOKS, a For Merchants, Storekeepers, Tradesmen, and for Private use. f| to We can make up any special size and pattern. Jg TNew Labour-saving Machinery enables us to —y"™' produce the Best at bedrock prices. I | mi——■■iiwiw in ———■■ ■■■■i ■m 11 g* WILSON & HORTON, Herald Works, AUCKLAND. ' mag— «i iiwww—WH—muam«— — ■ v* CHAS SMITH. THEY'RE Eye-Helps if Eight, 1 >* unn °. Wm»«»M -}jr JL Eye-Kurters and Head- > / arena \ PERAMBULATOR sy V* ache-llakers if Wrong.—lt is s|p|&s \ MAKER. by knowing the Optical Busij . SSSKib \ Wishes his Customers ret noBS thoroughly, and attend--1 SGHAB. SIViiTH. W ft ing to it properly, that we Ulinw. wmi i II« Wi Eye-Kurters and HeadPEBAMBULATOE sy V? ache-Makers if Wrong.—lt is \ MAKEE. knowing the Optical liusi\tVishe9 his Customers ness thoroughly, and attendliid the Public geuer- in f> ing to it properly, that we i ally to know that he /J hope to build and to keep a lias removed to Larger y reputation \ ' KMr. W t£f; SYDNEY JOKES. seven doors from Queen- Eyesight Specialist, 164, Karanzahape Ed.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13455, 6 April 1907, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13455, 6 April 1907, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13455, 6 April 1907, Page 8 (Supplement)