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TO COR I vESI'ONDENTS. rriiblnu No. 2329. —Solved by "M A.C., "U. 5.," " Kni-.-lit," " M.M.," " f.C.L.," ;niU ■' So-Ja. Sh-iiiKht." I'lcMcin N'). 2353.-— Solved by "K.G.1..," " Kiiitfln-," mid " U.S." ]'iob!i-iii So. 2331.—Solved by "Soil.! Straight," !*'>!.A.C.." "MM.." and "Knight." ; Problem V). 2332—501ve..! by " M.A.C.," i " Kuitflit," and Soda Straight." | SULC I lON OF I'BOBI.KM No. 2329. ! WlllTK. I'I.ACK. l q-ti 3 i SOLUTION' OF 0151, KM No. 2500. |1 y-Kl. K^l\^.. 2 11-V 5 lb- ell, etc. : 1 ...K-iit 3; 2 Kl-15 1 cii. ele. 1 ...K-ly 5; 2 l!-V 5 eh. ele. ' } .Kl-Kt 6. 2 Kl.vKt ell, c'.e. 1 ...any o'.hi-r: 2 12-LI 7, ele. I'KOIILFM No. 2533. | (An laid-ifnine Study, lly Max Kaßstkdt.) III.ACK, -i.

j 5 I White. 6. <!liAIK, 3pll\ p4P2, P-'p4. 31'4, 8, 2155. 8. White to play and win. ! —— ! Tfl I-; ( HA.MI'lf IN'SHII' OF TilK WOULD. | Below will lip ton ml Mi« third game, whiel I forcibly low s how. Marshall was elevrrlv caugli in bis own lr;i|i. Tin: notes arc In - the La-leu i Marshall agency. I QI'KBS'S (j AMBIT J IK' I. IN LI). | White. K. Marshall; Black. K. Busker. ' 1 I'-y 4- I'-Q 4 -a UxlJ-ltxI! | 2 I'-Qll 4— P-K 3 .-Jo y-li 3—y-y 3 I 3 lit 41! —Kt-KI! J 24 KIMS —It (K 2)-l! 2 1 4 II- Kl. 5- 11-K 2 26 I'-Kli 3— I'-Klf. 3 i 5 P-K 3- Kt-K (i) 26 K-l! 2— Kl-li 2(c) ! 6 15:; 11 -QxP. 2i y-K 5— Ki -11 3 ! 7 Ity 3- KtxKt- 28 0-11 5— I'xl" i 8 PxKt—Kl-y 2 20 Kl'.xP—Kl-K 5 (I) I 3 Kill 3—Castles 30 KtxP—KxKl .10 Castles—i{-y 31 Uxli i ll — K it 111 y-I! Kt-Il (I.) 32 y-Kt V (jrV— y.\l' eh '12 Kt-K 5—P-QB 4 33 K-Kl—y-K 6 eh 1.13 ylMvt -Q-B 2 3'4 K-l! —y-Kl och 1 14 4-1(1 3—l'-QKt 3 33 K-Kl— 7 i 1.) Bl'.xl'— Kl'xi* 36 yxP i'li l\-l! ! 16 y-R 4—l! Ki 2 37 K-l! —Kt -I! 6 17 Q-Q (c) 15-Q 3 3!' I'xKi—y.\Ri' ch IK y-Ki 4 — l!-K 30 K-K't-- y-K t oeh • IS) y-Ki 3 (iii- i! (Q 3)-k 540 k-h I; I! a 20 11 1! 6—l! (lv 3)-K 2 41 y-y 8 cb-K-l! 2 .1 P KB 4-11 I! 42 IM! - l!-l! a, ( h) And Marshall leagued. Notes. i (a) This move placet llia-l; on f.arlv coita ' 1 mis Willi White. | (l>) In the Queen's Pawn opening there i-, a jr.. i ill*.', 110 better place for the Knight than 01 | KB. where is protect » K R.P most effectively. . (c) This was tin- fourth of tour wasted move lof the White Queen. It was induced by Black' • immediately preceding move. ! (d) The beginning of a search tor an oppot Itiuiily 10 play KixKliP. j (c) Taking the offensive now that the Whit ! KI! is of the boil id. I (I) It 29 !!xP. then 30 yxl! eh. Kxy ; 31 15x1 je!i. K-15 2: 32 K-H 8 eh. Kxlt; 33 KtxP eh, K jKt 4; 34 Kt\y. with a clear Hook ahead, Cham j pion l.askor. however, did not play .'.9 lixP. In ! stead he conceived a beautiful counterplot. am I offered his opponent' I lie bait of the exchange. ! (g) Mr. Marshall saw trio late that, lie colli ! not play 32 y-Kt 4 without giving his opponen I the chance of making a terrible di-eoverri j check. This was, so to speak, the hook in fli | champion's bail. The White Queen is now 11 si I lesslv si landed on lie Queen's wing. i (hi Forcing a male. For it While jilm s 13 Q IK 8 to prevent- I! -1 { 4 eh. then 43 y-'li 5 eh j 44 K-Kt — I!-K 4 mate. AUCKLAND t'HKSS CLUH. I An "open night" was held at. the Aileklair Chess ( tub on Thursday evening to start th j new season. Advantage was taken of the oeeti ; sion to present to the president. (Mr. ('. Kittle ja handsome luminal', adores.-, hum the mem | hers of llie club, as a memento of his year o jollice, and also to show their appreciation of hi j jfenei'OMtv to the club in presenting it with si I handsome inlaid chess tables. Mr. A.; '(the .senior vice-president) made the pi es.-nl at ioi i in a few well-chosen words, and in doing so re letted to Mr. I,title's long connection with tin 'club and to the lively interest taken by bin jin chess mailers g/neialh. Mr. .1. M. Kenno: i also spoke, and diew the attention of the nielli j lieis to two furihei inlaid tallies which had beei I presented by the Mayor (Mr. A. M. Myers), win lis pill ion oi the club. A heart vole of thank | was passed to Mr. Myers for his generous gill which was carried by amniation. Mr. I.ill! suitably replied, ami thanked the members to I the ado!ess, which had been a complete siirpris to li I 111. i ' "sides' weie then chosen by Messrs. l/*lievi land and a Iriendlv match took place ! Willi lie' result i Mat Mr. I.ellevre's I'-am win jby 'iames to 5;.. as loliows:-- ; Leliovic. (irierson. \A. I.elievre ... ... 1 .1. ('. (irier.-ou ... 1 i !!ev. Miliar ... 0 Pope ' ( . 1 F. W. Smith K. Priestley ... !_, W . F. Il.irvty W. S. ( nopel ... ' Trega-kis ; Palmer 1 A. tbuking I Tuinanie. ■■ lloodwin | Spencer ... ... 0 Put i: 11 ... j A. C. I.eyland ... 1 rttinjr i Chamberlain 1 (.'(milliard ! I'OXSOXIJV cmi:ss club. j The annual meet in? of the citib was held a lllie Howling (irecii pavilion mi April 3. when : ! good inu.-ii-r put: in an appearance. The retitim ' president (.Mr. Fail-) was in the chair. The lion L-ecictaiy and lieiisiuer read the annual report i showing a membership of 20 players and i balance in hand ot £1 &s 9*l. Mr. .1. \\ ! Stewart was elected president tor file preseu i season, and Mr. Fairs ami Captain Under a, ! vice-presidents ; cominittee, Messrs. liallaiityne Clarke, Cousins, and S. White; and lion, secretin; Sand treasurer. 11. Sachs. Six new ineinbei i joined. It was -.villi much regret that tin ! resignation of Mej-rs. Fox and Barnaul was re leeivetl, the former leaving for lie Islands am. | the latter leaving the district. The outlook i decid'dly eiieoui agbig. Ii was decided to inltiati ;a ladder coinp"l it ton. also handicap tourney (I.; ■piece.-), the games to he divided into two sec ' i ions. Notices Ot on.i ies -lie to l "-' torwarded ti 11!,,' lion, .-"creta not lat-r .ban Wednesday iA p 111 17. A .-lb nit" • ling will be held as usiia lon WiiincMlay next, when visitois and trieml. «j|| be weleeund. The prizes won last- seiisot ; ill then be presented to the winners. N l-.W A I.A.N* I) I'H KSS ASSOCIATION ! The quarterly council meeting of llie New Zea i land Chess Association was. held at- the lion I secretary's olliec. b.imbton Quay. Wellington, oi ! Wedm -day. Mat-li 27, ilieie being present : 10. W ' Pel liorick " I Wellington and Palme'.-ton North) il i ihe chair, 11. I. .lames (Wellington). I!. ,1. I'.arnri | mill C- II- Osmond (Otago), .1. F. Pearson and .1 '! I-',. Perry (Weliinston W. M. Club). P. still t.Vuck ,I land F. K. Kelling (WanKanui. Hangitikei, ant , Maslerton), and the lion, secretary. C. W. Tail ; iter (<"anterbuiy and Timarui. An apology vaI received trout John Mason (l iniartt) who conk not attend. j F. K. Kelliii',' (ollicial reporter) formally placet ] oil record the results of the 20lh Chalilliionshi| i Congress of New Zealand, which »a» held a' ! Ciiri-tohiiivh during the last, lit istimis-New Ve.n holiday;, as pillows:— First prize and champion-hip. won by \\ . S j Viner. of Perth. W.A. (17;. win-. 11 losses): secont j prize. S. CnikalHhoi p, (Sydney, N'.S.W. (Id— third pi inc. ii Jiavie-. Wellington, (13A—5.1) I tniin'i pi'i/.r, F. Kumtnor. M.nn ill** (136) till priz.', divided by Me-si.«. I!. .1. Barnes, Wei ' liugtou. and John Mason, Mutt, each (12^ —6,.) i Nineteen games have been entered tor the hrii liiiuev prize, dona led by the president (Mr. 'Ins' lice bi'iinist'in). These have hcen numbered iron i A to S. and submitted to Mr. Frank Hullins. tin famous Birmingham player, who took tip ins re sideuce in lliiirauui (Taraniki) some four year.' ' I at,"'. His adjudication is not yet to hand, bill ■ | may doubtless be expected an early date. I The number of entries, viz., 20, is easily i- | icord tor a New Zealand Comrress. Anstralii * i and South America were represented for the first 'tune, the loimer sending her champion (W. S ■ i 4'uier). and lite champion of New South Wale ! (S. ( i nt liorp), while the Argentine contribute! i her .second best player in the person of Cliutdf ' ! I!. Saiii.-bmy (who has since decided to remain ii ' , New '/.• aland). ] The Council is greatlv indebted to the Canter (bury committee lot' which Mr. .1. Spiller was pie !'nt and Mr. W. S. Pascoe lion, secretary) fol i j (heir la bonis during the congre.-s and the pie i ceilii'/ four or five months, which resulted in tin 'funciion passing off .-uceesstitliv without a hitcl. Int ,mv kind. T1 pi expel ienced some disappoint -'nietits through the public of Chnstchiircb havinv 1 • been very freely canvass- d during the K\hib:'iei Ivor nevei't heless higher mc/ - than = ual were : ; jjiveii with the valued assistance of the shillini, > 11ml .-tailed by various other clubs in the colony . ; The room in which the Congress was held lacker i ventilation, and in this connection I have ben 1 !1..--iied to urge the ;ulvisabletifss of future Con ! Committees securing halls that are we! ■! ventilated, and. where possible, situated off s i main thoroughfare , , ! The and attentions received iron: i members of' the Chi istchuich chess fraternity land their kindness in organising a farewell soeia . 1 lor the prize di.-'.ribution (a second call on then 1 i "enerositv) should not. lie unrecorded. 'i " Touniev little 10, reipitriiig compel itot lion I it,. . line' club or cent-re to meet, in the earliest i'Viund-. w M not >o strict I v observed as usual I i The mijii'iiimrr «•! (bis rt:l" should not lie !«»«! i "'"(tMa'te vc-ar.- »' has becotnc a by no mean- mi- . loinmoi, pra'-tice ?.„• nominatrd players lo with ,1, ,w ii ,in a C"iigtes,s with. m. '.:v:ic, sufficient notice. In '.his wav a double bye was cau.-t'(i ■ ugh!- through I ■ late Congress, a telecram tiom I the " olTcnder" reaching the nianagi too late ; : to allow of the schedule of play being recast. ' |The rules governing entries and withdrawal ' could. 1 think, bo more rigidly adhered to ill Ijuture with advantage,

In conclusion I Soke it. Unit, Australian (or any j other " oversea") competition will be t iA |K>pnl«r in futui'o competitions as 111 tlir oie* jn*t< clufd. i | and that out* club* will spp to it, tliat the "oprnS i door" ip ma in mined, at. any late until such linn:! i an a New Zralander iri;ain> our championship. j • . | Lp** we cannot, it iipems lo nie, very well Jo, 1 1 j . • would a|i|M>ar desir.iltle llirrfoio t <• have the dU"{' J I and Jilaee "f the n«*xt •ettlrd not latei ji j than the meeting m .May iu»v{. The report s\a.i adopted, and a hearty voir of thanks ai-coid'-d to the C'ani' 1 1 »ill v Mam«y:pmiit j < * j Committee and their sreietjty Mr. on thp;. j motion of F. Kelliiej. seconded I»v It. .1 Itanies. I' | Mr. Haines juipKOted that the ( iinn*i*nury < luh» (he aski-d to sulmnt. the hx!aiie>--r]|i,-et of the remit;, Connie* 5 * if |io.?sihle liefoie flv f innuHl gpnoral inert- ' j inc. which is to lie lii'ld on Mtnidav. Mav 13. (Mi. j' )'l'.inner, the present lion. Meietiiiy. leave." lot j < I Kiicl.tnd 'en d iiv.h later, i.e. on Mn 5.2.) I (hi behalf of tie Ma-teilon < "1 it Mi. Kellinsjj irave notice '» jeovf an allejation in ihe lilleo j: ■ making the tinii'-lnnit ifi moves pet hour, instead' ;of 18 as at. prsenl. The iluh al.-o clp.irrs to; [have tie' next t'oir.-:e-< held at. l"a.-ier. 1902. in- ' , Mead of Chri'fn:a«. 1907. and if v. I.i deeitled to j . ! a*k the aUiliatpd elnlx to mstiuet their ileleKnies ■ ! liffecii in tune foi the annual niee'iinr. Tar ; Ma. ct "i < Inh ha« two players v.ho are anxious to compete, hie (like .Mr. Hotline, of T.itanaki); i they cannot do so at- Ch; nut.-. i .Mr. .lunus read a very inteie-iinir draft of in-, [ i notions, which h" nought with , j tav r e. lie i>> d lor the ciocianee of liitme Con-;' I prrcss Committee*. Th's" at e inueh more detail-. 1 led than the yrneial rules a 1 present atuiehinn to , I ( , oncrp>-«i a ni;oiac r 'iiient. .irion? iniprosi iripnts ; | aip lioni past exjiel ien -o. ot I'oni'.-te j' with a view to enable competitors to play ax ti-eej] ! as possible - ftoul disabilities of any kind, whether i Stie i? or -mall. so that, playing "under the nen't " ! favourable cireum«ianees | able, competitors,' 1 liny show the veiy best, thai they ate tapable of. ; win or lose, on their merits, etc : It was derided to i-iieiilate Mr. .lames' motions ; a.« soon as possible to the alliliated I'inbs, so that: they might "pronounce judgment" at tin- annual , ! mepting m May. Mr .lames would not allow the j, I meeting to thank him tor the tumble he took ini ; • prrp.oiiie this excetdiiiclv inteiesting draft of j new instruction?. A hearty vole of thank* to the chairman closed the. meeting. ' 1 A championship tournament is to be coin-j I nieneed at the Canterbury Chess l lull's room* ■ j shortly. Ii is proposed to make tho«e plaveis.' ! who fnrtpit an nicin'rinoul pay js. 'I'us will go' ! towards the prize fund. j Dullish ches.s edit «' knowledge or Antipodean [ ( j Seoifraphy is improving, but 's not quite perfect, 'ye i. Some time aim a paragraph m put- the i rounds staling that Mi'. \'iner had won the] I championship of New Zealand (a couple of | months 1k?/oip the tourney was pliiyed). and that j he victor was a native of I'er'.h, New Zealand | i Since then the atlas has been consulted, and iii j journal received by the last mail gives the result j lot the late tourney in this colony (correctly i enough this time), addon; :— The second place h| was taken by Mr. Spencer Craekenthorp, of ij' Sidney.' Mr.' Vincr hails from lVrih. and cer-i ■.'lain chess editors should note that Perth is ill) j ■ South' Australia, and not as they have stated! lin New Zealand." ! A elie-s club has been formed in Upborne, ; j and on the opening night Mr. .1. A. Coiineli gave i an exhibition' of simultaneous and blindfold play. j i There were a number of interested visitors, who j were so impressed with the pi occPiling.s that iseveial handed in their names lor membership. ! A challenge to play a 10-a-side match by tele-j 'graph was received from the Wairoa Chess Club, I This was accepted; and the contest will extend! over two Saturday evenings.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13455, 6 April 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

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CHESS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13455, 6 April 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)

CHESS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13455, 6 April 1907, Page 4 (Supplement)