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Amnsements- ■■»—■"" -■" "■' ;"■"' .-—■-■— — - ■ i in,,, OPERA HOUSE AND FULLER'S PALACE OF VARIETIES. Vaudeville , FULLER'S , Karieequ* Minstrel J Specialties. Encored Six Time* Nightly, i 1 TOM PEISCILLA ARMSTRONG AND TTEBNE In Duet*. Snappy American Songs, Savings, and J'urot'.iei. , "irELBOURNK \t EISTKR.SINGKRS PEARL LIVINGSTONE. Lively Serio, l Last THREE NIGHTS of Y7ALENTINE yoi>DKN. The Celebrated MRS. O'ROURKE," :. > Harry Linden, Sam Wilson, .Top Woodward Lorriane Tans ley. Rtiby Maxwell and Lag* Robert.*. Ida Berridge. May Wallace, Warwick Bioscope. 2*. Is. and 6d. Reserve* at VVlldman'a. 13 V ETON'S o 11 E MIAN 8 FORESTERS' HALL. NKWTON-WEDNES-DAY. March nth "* PUKEKOHE—THURSDAY, March 14th. ONEHTJNGA-FRIDAV, March 15th. "HAWKSHAW. THE DETECTIVE." I Dramatic Original of "Sherlock Holme*." r ova! * ALBERT HALL, .\ ALBERT-STREET. t fQEAND RATIONAL \|j£s> pOXCEBT. gT. PATRICKS J} AY pELEBRATIO* .' Under the Patronage and in the Present* of His Lordship the Rt. Ret. Dr. Lenin an Bishop of Auckland. pRIDAY J£VENING, JJAECH JJ--1907. T PART I. :.'^;VS 1 Overture. " Emerald Isle" Volti ORCHESTRA. 2 Chorus, " The Last Glimpse of Erin" ORPHAN CHILDREN. M °° n 3. Song. "The Exile" MR. J. P. LONERGAN. 4. "one. "Minstrel Boy" . .MoorMADAME CECILIA STAUNTON. 5. Sons:. " Mavourneen" Aylward MR. R. ROGERS. 6. Quartette. The Deal Little Shamrock" MESSRS. C. < LEGO, A. ASBURY. A. ' WOBDLEY, H. B. HARRIS 7. Chorus, " Don't Forget Ireland" . .. Collinr PUPILS OF ST. PATRICK'S CONVENT SCHOOL. PART If. 8. Fantasia, ' Humours of Blarney" H. Uncock* ORCHESTRA. 9. Chorus, "I Saw from the Reach".. Moore ORPHAN CHILDREN. 10. Song, "Irish Emigrant" . Lady Dufferin MR. O. PRITCHARD. 11. Sons,'. "Kathleen Mavourneen" . Crouch MADAME CECILIA STAUNTON 12. Quartette, " Oit In the Stilly Night" MESSRS. CLEGG. ASBURY, WOBDLEY™ AND HARRIS. (Specially arranged by Mr. J. 11. I'hitlpot.) 13. Chorus, " Hub Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded" ORPHAN CHILDREN 14. Chorus, " God Save Ireland" Sullivan Conductor Mr. P. F. Hiscocks Accompanist Mr. Harry Hiscocks Front Seats. 2s. Hack Seats. Is. Commence nt 8 n.w,. M. .1. BHEAHAN, .', Hon. Sec. Okoboibe noT ~~ Springs AN IDEAL HEALTH RESORT. i Between Auckland and Botnrun, Daily Trains. ; return fare 28s «ld. , Hot Mineral Hat lis Bracing Climate. Trout tlshinc Shooting etc, j EXCELLENT 9-HOI.E GOLF COURSE. Hotel now in hands of Mr. and Mrs. T Martla late of Grand Hotel. Auckland. , Every Home Comfort - \ OKOROIRE. , OKOROIRK.\ <; I ITS OK. ! ! Aquatics I T>EVONPORT YACHT CLUB. Entries for the General Handicap, Commodore's Cup, will be received in the Council Chambers, Devonnort. on WEDNESDAY, the 13th inst., between 7.30 and { i p.m. - ALEX. SUTHERLAND, Hon. Secretary. Athletics. Waihi iuberniaX Al'IJ/.t-Tlc club* \ Ti ANNUAL SPORTS. (Affiliated with N.Z.A. Union). EASTER . MONDAY, I'll IL 1. BEST CASH PRIZES IN THE DISTRICT • ON THE DAY. ; , Entries for till Handicap Running Event*, Chopping, and ?sYds Swim, with fees and full performance < for past two years (if no performance" last two years, then the hist three performances)! will ho received up to 9 p.m., SATURDAY. March 16. All entries must be in writing, and will not he accepted utiles? panted with fee.*. , C. H. IRVINE. Care Co-op. Store, Secretary, ' 'J. POL,AND. Assist. Sec; Minimi Notices. lyrKW ECLIPSE GOLd viiAi.vtr COMPANY, 1> LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in the above Company will he hold at No. 108, Victoria Arcade. Auckland, oil FRIDAY, March 22. 1007. at 12 o'clock (noon), when the subjoined Resolution will bo proposed. Should the Resolution bo passed by the required majority, it will be submitted for confirmation as a Special Resolution to a Second Extraordinary Meeting, which will be subsequently convened. RESOLUTION, That the New Eclipse Cold Mining Company. Limited, be wound up voluntarily, under the ' Provisions of "The Mining Companies Act, 1904." By Order of the Hoard of Directors. It. aiLFILLAX. JON., Auckland, March 12, 1907. Secretary. UUNBEAM' GOLD AND SILVER MINING yj COMPANY, LIMIT ED. Notice is hereby given that a Call (2nd) of Id per Share, on the Contributing Shares of the above company, has Tin's Day beenmade by the Directors, payable to the Secretary, at the Company's Office, Tyrone Buildings, Custom-street East, on WEDNESDAY, April 3, 1907. J. H. JACKSON. Auckland. March 12. 1907. Secretary. rrWE MOANATAIARI EXTENDED GOLD 1. MIMAO CuMPANY, LIMITED. A Call (the Fourth) of One Penny pc Share on tho Contributing share-, baa This Day been made by the Directors, payable to tile Secretary, at the Company'- Office, No. 205, Victoria Arcade, Queen-street, Auckland, on THURSDAY, the 4th day of April. 1907. J. \V. XICKOL. Auckland. March 12. 1907. Secretary. "rVTEW WAII l-.KAt l!I GOLD MINING COM1* HA NY. UMITED, All Shares in the above Cum puny on which the First, Call, due and ruble on January 28. 1907. has not been paid, will be sold hv Auction by Mr. 1!. <;. (air. at his Mart, Swan-eon-street, Auckland, on FRIDAY, March 22. 1907. at 13 a.m.. UNLESS THE SAID CALL BE PAID ON OH BEFORE THE PREVIOUS DAY AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY. U. fill.Hl.c/.N. .ItJN.. Auckland. March 12. 1907. Secretary. ElectoralT? L E C T O It A L _I_j TO THE VOTERS FOR NEWMARKET BOROUGH. I regret that circumstances bavins arisen over which I have no control. 1 am unable to carry out my previous intention of beins; nominated for the Cilice of Mayor of your Borough. Thanking you for past favours. I am. etc.. I H. KINDER. j VfEW 7EAL AN P ITEBALS cSt;ES'«i!*Tioxs ; &<i per week, delivered in town and suburbs, or 50« per Hustler in advance, posted to any part of lie colony. ADVERTISBMKKTfi under tiie followinc classes— Wasted. Jo LKT. FOB Sale. Lost and KolxD I'ERSOSAL, BOARD kVO RHaiDRXCB, arc ItMerted fit the rate o.' Vi words tor la, or three consecutive m.«itioni» for 2s 6d Birtbs, Maiuuacks, avo im*Tns. 2i 6d each insertion: Fl'.vkhai, Notices, Is extra. These announcem»m», wiiaa man be untied by the advertiser, are aUo in.-erted in the Hkra'o SuiiitAliY without extra charffe. Replies to advertisements will be received at the otllccs oi mi- jiKJiALD tree ot Charge, Instructions tun to Die insertion or withdrawal ol advfitisemeiit* in the HKI-.AL.D must be in writins:. The Proprietors do not hold themselves responsible for rion-inacrtiou oi sdvertlsements thruugS accident or fiom other eflu*e*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13435, 13 March 1907, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13435, 13 March 1907, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13435, 13 March 1907, Page 12