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{ Medical. I

Suffered Terribly from Indigestion. - Cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. '" / w It'"It is with pleasure that I car. testify to the great benefit ! derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I suffered terribly from indigestion, and tried several medicines without avail. I was then per- | suaded to take ! Ayer's j Sarsaparilla and after using v. few bottles my indigestion wan cured, my appetite came back, and I was strong and hearty. This is some years since, and my old complaint has not returned, but I always keep a bottle in the house, and when I feel at all out 1 of sorts a few doses put me right again i in quick order."-- V.*. SINKI.VSO.v, Mt. Torrens, S. A. There are many imitation Sarsaparillas. Be sure you get "AYER'S." Prepared i>y Dr. J. C. Aver li Co.. Lowell, Mass., U. S. K. AYEE'S PILLS, th« bs»t family l»x»tivo. f% pi sfSr?l i' o i lj - FROM * | ADACNE j ■ LOSS OF SLEEP ■I INDIGESTION j !| TORPID LIVER I II BILIOUSNESS | [j will quickly remove the cause cl | |! these distressing complaints and , i restore healthy action to every j j organ. You will feel like a new j l| person after taking a few doses of | I j BEECH AM'S PILLS. They rid j !: the system of impurities, improve j 11 the digestion, banish headache and | j (iNe posftWe ftdfcf | !< in all cases of CONSTIPATION, I BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION ij and DISORDERED LIVER. j }' The excellent results obtained by | ; ; the use of BEECKAM'S PILLS J •i have proved them worthy of the J jj confidence they enjoy. They have j j ! helped thousands and recommend j jj themselves. i BEECH AM'S PILLS are specially jj suitable for Females of all ages. j |i Wort/) a Quintet a gox. \ '*%- Price /Ok/., V.l\ & 219. Iff

Clarke's Siaitir^ |IHE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER ' -L and RESTORER is warranted to CLEAR ' the BLOOD from ALL IMPURinE>. from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula. Set? ,-y. Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Blackheads. Pimples, an i Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent Cure. I; . Cures Old Sores Cures Sores on the Neck Cures Sore Less Cures Blackhead, or Pimples on the Face Cure-, Scurvy Cures Ulcers Cares Blond and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings L'lears the Blood from all Impure Matter From whatever cause arising It is a real specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains It, removes the cause from the Blood and Bones As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Pro- | prietors solicit, sufferers to give it a trial to test its, value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WONDERFUL CURES FROM ALL! PARTS OF THE WORLD. pLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. Sold in Bottles 2« 9d and lis each. Bv all CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VEN- I DORS throughout the World. Sole Propria'.on?, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COINTIES' DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. England I TRADE MARK. " BLOOD MIXTURE." CAUTION.-Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. | /- Don't Experiment on a < / Valuable Horse. < j f ! 1 lie- horse is a sensitive animal, which S. | I needs and deserves the best from you at all ) j x times. The best in cases of cuts, broken <^ I I knees, sore?, ringbone, hone spavin, brijj ) i y spavin, thoroughpin, sprain, splint, curb, <^ I capped hock, skin disease, barb wire ) I i> injuries, greasy heel, fistula, hoof disease, -/ I toil and semi-solid blemishes. ) ; Solomon Solution < ( The best Embrocatien on Earth s ( '1 lie leading racehorse trainers of New J > Zealand say so. Murray llobljs, Ric- J ( carton, and R. Gooscman, Hastings, the N N two noted New Zealand trainers, speak J ( of Solomon Solution in the most flatter- \ V 'V'i terms. ) \ Positively Unparalleled ) ( Nothing as Good as S ( SOLOMON SOLUTION ) / For the Horse, it, never fails. S. / Prices 3- and 6- per jar. N / Procurable from all Stores, Saddlers, v. I and Chemists, or post free from 1 ( Selomon Sointioa Proprietary, S ? Wellington. S. Auckland Representiativee: J. WISEMAN AND SONS, Saddlers. W. H. WOOLLAMS. Chemist, Queen-street. I'' " 1 i: |Mfc. | \ ..'i« "Inta each life some rain must fall " MANNING'S Will cure the most terrible cold in - 2*3: HOURS. .._ .. Price - - - is aad is 64. { All Chemists and Stores. -

i — ; ______ §-^ is a simple, safe, and reliable laxative, 1 i [SISSP Peasant to the taste, pleasant in action, 1 1 pleasant in results. | m Symptoms of constipation are not difficult to 1 1 BSllffl'il tell. With a dose or two of California Syrup | I fp2f^|pi ,, j of Figs they are as easy to dispel. Indigestion, 1 1 Biliousness, Sick Headache, depression and j I f%q t '*%s jj:!' ! loss of energy, sluggish action of the Liver, | I S__*!__.B fjjl Kidneys and" Bowels, are rapidly cured by 1 | O^y* I ,' jlljjj California Syrup of Figs ; and the prime cause 1 ffl \f L E)F' ||!jij —habitual constipation—is gradually overcome g i | *£*S£* M}\ by the invaluable tonic action of this ideal 4 m jjfeEsnraj/Sj household remedy. Of Chemists and Stores, m If llligiiyir '• in two sizes, 1/3 and i/n. M i| CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. 32 Snow Hilt, Lori-on, Etig. Jfl HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL JUJUBES, The Great Antiseptic Remedy for COUGHS COLDS!! INFLUENZA!!! : ?vv^^^s_____i___^i-^^ SOLD liY M.I. CHEMISTS. TINS, Is <<1. i The Practitioner .-..!>>-. -" Useful in tonsili'i!'. pharyngitis. and similar ailments." j The Australasian Medical (Inztile aays: - Of irreat service in affections of the throat and voice.'

PERIODIC PILLS. 2s 6d: Extra Strong. As 6d. Th« Moat Certain Medicine for all Irregularities. The Most Successful Remedy pre--1 pared solely for female ailments, Tall direcI 110119 with each Box Once used always kepi en hand for emergencies. POST FREE FOB AMOUNT IN STAMPS I from ; RUSSELL. Chemist, P.O. Pharmacy, ; Upper Syniondsstreet, Auckland, N.JS. Agent for THE " PERIODIC" PILL CO. Be sure you get " PERIODIC" Pills (Trade mark Registered). 1 There is no other medicine in any way equal to them for all irregularities. PERIODIC PILLS. ■■"■.. ———■ ' ; Musical. JOHN BRINSMEAD AND SONS' PIANOS j ARK THE BEST. j I W'UV BUY A.N INFERIOR PIANO, WHEN j ' ' YOU CAN BUY A /GENUINE JOHN tJRINSMEAD ON THE HIKE SYSTEM AT 25 s PER -UTONTH ? ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND FITTINGS IN STOCK. SOLE AGENTS: ! y-OFFMANN. X IMITED, QUEEN-STREET. '

pl|pSs FOOD a6aiffi pit is best for BABIES, m M INVALIDS and the g§ m AGED. fca Sri PS pi Bengers Food is quite gs $5 distinct any other gfi oH It possesses the re- EH gffl markable property of pqjj & rendering milk, with m. gg which it is mixed when jgrj | B'3 used, quite easy offp \ H digestion by Infants m j hM and Invalids. |gj i m Sold by all Chemists, Sc^feg | Photography. t Gr e o u R i. ! ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, ; CORNER OF QUEEN AND WELLESI.EY ! LETS. AUCKLAND, j HAS REMOVED TO THE CTRAND ARCADE, QUEEN-STlii.l . , All the Latest Fmisbings in ! UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHY. Telephone 1165. I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13399, 30 January 1907, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13399, 30 January 1907, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13399, 30 January 1907, Page 3