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i Helexsville, Tuesday I THE largest and most successful show that has ever taken place at Helensville was held to-day. The weather, although threatening in the morning, cleared up and proved ideal for the purpose The attendance was large, about 1300 being present. The entries exreeded those of last year by about 300. One of the attractions was the Scottish dancing and the Bagpipe Band. The exhibits were very much larger and the duality higher than last year, ami particularly noticable I was the splendid show in the cooking i classes, while the potatoes shown would be ! hard to excel in the colony. The entries for : exhibition only were satisfactory, inasmuch i as that the local tradesmen had attractive j displays of their goods. The .judges were : of the opinion that in the horse stock the ! young horses shown were ahead of the old | stock of previous years, but in the cattle | classes, although the slock on the whole j was verv good, there was no improvement ion previous years. Appended is the prizelist:— I llBt ~ HOUSES. ; Draught. 'Judge. Mr. A. McNichol. Wairqa ! .'-Entire, any age: W. and ~ ! Holmes. 1: K. Ferrall s Iron puke 2. ! Brood mare, any age: 15 Nichols Mis* '■ Blvth. 1; 0. Fordyee. 2; J. Archibald, 3. i Colt or lill.v. 3yrs: C, Fordyce, 1. Colt or I fillv 2vrs: R. Nicholl. 1; K. Ferrall, 2. Colt i or fill.v, l.vr: P. Monk. 1; 11. Flinn, 2: John ! Stewart, 3. Foal: R. Nicholl. 1; --. Klhs, i •>■ C 1-ordvce. 3. Foal by Captain Uright: I — Ellis, 1. Pair farm horses: C. I-ordyce, ; 1- .la-' McLeod. 2c Farm mare or gelding: ; ,)' Archibald, 1. Spring cart horse, mare or : gelding, up to 1 ton: C, Fordyce, 1; —. j^Bl'Stock. 2 ''.fudge. Mr. A. Harris. Fast ' Tamaki.)—Entire, any age: 11. F. Coles 1 Federation. 1- Brood mare, any age: R. NicholFs Bandolier. 1; J. Am bury. 2 Colt i or fillv. 3yrs: .1. Straka. 1. Colt -or filly. ! 2v,-e- 1!. Nicholl. 1: .las. Mcl.eod, I- 1. i Evans. 3. Colt or filly, l.vr: IC Nicnoll. 1: I R Ferrall. 2. Foal by Federation: J. Amj btirv. 1; II- Phillipps, ■', '■ Saddle Horses and Roadsters. (Judge, Mr. \. Harris, Fast Tamaki.)-Colt or ttlly. oyrs: I T Evans 1. Colt or tilly, 2yre: .las. Mci l.eod. 1; K. Ferrall. 2. Pony, not exceeding 14* hands: W. T. Dalton s Moueen, 1; W . 1. 1 Dalton's Cipsy. -2. Pony, not exceeding lo I bands: .las. McLeod. 1: .1. A. Wilson. 2, i Cob. not- exceeding 14. J. to carry Wat: .John ! McMillan. 1. Uent.'a hack, to carry lost: i F. Dye's Starlight. 1: John Straka 2. Gents | hack, to carry list: W. T. Dalton sMark- ! ham. 1; John Straka. 2: I'. Dyes Ben, 3. i Lady's back, to be ridden by lady: I. i Naughton (Miss Newman). 1: J. Straka (MiH i Hardyi. 2- V. Dve's Pauline (Miss Dye), .>. Barnes-, Horses, medium. (Judge. Mr. A. McNiehol, Wairoa South.)— Spring-cart horse. mare or gelding, up to lOevvt, to he shown I and driven in harness: J. Brown, 1: O. ! Ranum, 2: A. Kradly, 3. Colt or filly, oyrs: ! \. Bradlv. 1: Jas. Mcl.eod. 2: 11. Paul. 3. : Colt or lill\'. 2vrs: D. Lochead. 1: It. Ferrall, i 2- J. Bradlv. 3. Colt or lilly, lyr: A. Bradly, 1: K. Ferrall, 2. I Harness Horse-, light. (Judge. Mr. A. Harris. Fast Tamaki).—General purpose horse, to be ridden and driven in harness: F. Dye's Starlight, 1; B. Wrisht. 2; 11. E. Cole, 3. Buggy horse, mare rr geldiir;: B. right, 1: If. V.'. Cole 2; John McMillan. 3. Pony, in harness. 14.2 and under: If. McNaughton, 1: W. T. Dalton's Moueen, 2; W. T. Dalton's Gipsy. 3. RIDING AND DRIVING COMPETITION. Judges: Mr. A. Harris. East Tamaki; Mr. A. McNichol. Wairoa South. Ladv rider, over hurdles. 3ft high: Mrs. Russell. 1; Miss K. Wright, 2; Mrs. Millar, 3. Lady rider, astride: Miss Newman. 1; Miss Wright. 2; 'Miss Foster. 3. Gentleman rider, for those who have never won a prize, to ride over 3ft hurdle-: Dalton. 1; Baton. 2. Gentleman rider, open to ail, to ride over 311 hurdles: Dalton and P.,;.in Uiecli. 1: Dye. 2. Gentleman rider, bareback, to ride over Ott ! buries: W. S. Dalton. I: H. Newman, 2. | Boy rider (16 veara and under), to ride over 3D hurdles: A. Bowden. 1; 11. Dalton. 2. j High jump, for horses: MeMa-ter. 1: Simon, CATTLE. Judge. Mr. Rutherford. Remuera.

Shorthorn hull, any use: Chas. Straka, 1: 'I Happord. 2. yearling Shorthorn hull: \\ . Rimmer, 1; John Hand. 2. Channel Island bull, any age: McFarland, 1; Ft. 1-errall s Stars ami Strides. 2; K. l'errall's Lord Tap)), commended. Hull, any age: Chas., Straka. 1- A. Rradlv, 2. Ifolstein hull; It. MchiJl, 1; \. liradlv. 2. Dairy heifer, 3yrs: la. Russell. 1' R. Nicholl, 2: W. .lowitt. commended. Dairy heifer. 2yis: Irwin and Ligrset, 1; it. Ferrall, 2- W. Rimmer, commended. Dairy heifer, lyr: \V. Rimmer, 1; J. Melntyre, 2; A. Rradiy. commended. Two bullocks, most moiiev value: .1. Trounson, 1 and 2. Tnree dairy'heifers. 2yrs: Irwin anil Liggel, 1 : v% . Hart 2; It. Ferrall. commended. Fat cow or heifer- C. Newman. 1; J. A. Wilson. 2. Pen of three creamerv-fed calves, under 6 months, any set: J. Bradlv. 1: K. Bradly. 2. Fen pi three steers: .1. Trounson. 1: T. Evans, -. Cow for dairy purposes, to be milked on show ground, if reouired: W. Kllett. 1 and 2K. Ferrall. commended. Cow. to be .nidged liv milk test: It. Ferrall. 1: A. Brad 2. 'three dairy cow-, in milk: W. Kllett. 1; R. Nicholl. 2: 11. Aiekenhead. commended. SHEEP 'any bree'.i. Judge. Mr. F. Wills. Mangere. Ham. any age: Sinten Bros.. 1: ("'. New,nan. 1 Three ewe- who have raised their lambs lins season: Sinlen Bros.. 1: C. Newman. 2. Three ewe hoggets: T. Naughton. 1: .1. A. Wilson. 2. Three fat lambs, for export: Mm ten Bros., 1 and 2. Five fat wethers for lieezing purposes: J. A Wilson. 1; T. Naughtoii. 2." Five store wethers-. '!'. Naughton, 1; J. A. Wilson, 2. PIGS. Judge. Mr. F. Wills, Mangere. Boar, over six months: K. McLeod. 1; A. MeNuughton 2. Sow over 6 months: L. McLeod 1- It. Nicholl. 2. Boar under 6 months: A. Bradiy, 1; J. Hunter. 2. Sow under 6 months: A. Bradiy. 1 and 2. DAIRY PRODUCE. Judge, Mr. Sharp. WaikumeLe. Farmer's butter, not less than 21b. without suit: Mrs. It. Hoe, 1; Mrs. W. Russell, 2; 210 butter, with salt (not, separator!: Mr-. T. Geldard, 1; Mrs. Main. ... Side bacon, home-cured: It a. Vercoe 1; ... U. Vercac, Z. Ham, home cured: It. J. Vercoe, 1; J. <>. Vercoe. 2. Six hen eggs, single yolk, to be judged by weight: Mrs. W. .lowitt. 1; Mrs. 1.. McLean. 2. Dressed fowl for marketing purposes: .Mrs. Newman. 1. Dressed duck for marketing purposes: .Mrs. .Newman, 1; Miss l- Bennett. 2. FIELD AND GARDEN PRODUCE. Judge. Mr. Sharp, Waikumete. Potatoes, any kind, not less than 141b: L. McLean. 1; .1. Brown, 2. Collection vegetables- Jus. McLeod. 1.: J. Mclntyre. 2. Two cabbage?.- Jas. McLeod, 1. Miss Evans, 2. Twelve onions: .1. U. Vercoe. 1. Two marrows- Mr*. 1.. .1. McLean. 1. Six turnips: Mo r'arlurul. 1: Jas. McLeod, .2. Six carrots: Movie. 1- a. Melntvie. 2. Twenty-lour pods French beans Jas. lirmnan, 1; .1. <». Vercoe, '_. Twenty-four pods green peas: .... <>. Vercoe, 1. Six stalks rhubarb: Mrs. Melton. 1; diss Morgan. 2. TweiP. cucumbers: ,1. Kelso. ! and 2. Six parsnips'. Mr-. A. MrNatiKutoii, l; ilel'arUtnd. 2. Six tomatoes : .1. Archibald. 1. Culinary apples; a. Mclntyre. 1. lour varieties culinary apples: N. llminier, 1. Five dessert peaches: It. Hoe. 1- Culinary peaches: Mrs. Goodwin. 1. Sir dessert pears: iV. Rimuier, 2. Six culinary pears: W. Kimmer, 2. 'twelve dessert plums: Mrs. Goodwin, 1; W. Rimmer. 2 'twelve culinary plums; V." Rimmer, 1. 'twelve Japanese dessert plums: Tarrant, 1; Mrs. Mam, 2. •twelve Japanese culinary plums: L. McLean. -, ■ i; Hoe, 2. Six lemons: 11. K. Ole, 1. : Wish strawberries: Movie. 1 and 2. Col lee- : tion I mil : W. Kimmer, 2.

] I'RKSERVKS. I Judge, Mrs. W. Douglas. Auckland. ! Varieties bottled fruit Hour dottiest: Miss ! Morgan. 1; *rs. Russell. 2. Apple jelly: 1 Mis. .1. I). Vercoe. 1; Miss Donovan 2. quince ; jellv Mis? Foster,. 1: Miss Morgan, 2. I'lum i am": Mrs. L. .1. McLean. 1: Mrs. .Naughton, 2. St i a. v berry jam: Mrs. Voyle. 1: Miss DonoI van. 2. Reach jam: Mrs. Carter. 1; Mrs. 1.. J. McLean, 2. Coo-eberry jam: Mrs. J. O. I Vercoe. 1; Mrs. R. Fermi 1. IS. Marmalade: ! Mi-s Foster. 1; Mrs.. Movie. 2 Collection jam i -lour varieties): Mrs. Sheritl, 1; Mrs. Sitj U, "' l '* '-* MISCELLANEOUS. '. Judge, Mrs. \V. Douglas, Auckland. Honev : '.). Ilrown, 1; .1- Archibald, 2. 21b Houev. in oorali: J. Brown. 1. Homemade bread, not less than 41b, made by settiers wife or daughter, to be made from ; " Champion" Hour: Miss Calloway. 1: Mrs. I Parker. '2; Miss (i. Brown, very highly ('"ini mended. 'Three home-made plain scones: ! Mrs. 11. Cameron, 1; Mrs. W. .lowitt. 2; Mrs. ' liars, verv highly commended. 11l ret 1 line -weet, scones-. Miss F. Simcook. 1: Mr-.. I \V .lowitt, 2- Mrs. Ceiilard. very hignly comI mended Sponge cake: Miss Newman. I; I Mrs \V. .1. Bennett. 2. Swiss roll: Mrs. a. i vVehster 1; Mrs. Hollars, 2. Jam sandwich: I Mrs.' Carter. 1; Miss Foster. 2: Miss V F. i Heeroft highly commended. Madeira cake: Mr- Morris. 1: Miss A. Archibald, 2. Oriental cake- Mrs. W. Kllett. 1; Mrs. Sellars, 2. Seed I eake- Mrs. C. Rawson. 1: Mrs. Carlelon. 2. Pound cake: Mr-. Carter. 1: Miss N. Ross, o Puff pastrv: Mrs. W. KUett, 1; Mrs. Heo'colt ■-■ Short bread: Mrs. W. Kllett, 1; Miss Newman. 2: Mrs. Sellars. very highly commended. Bottle pickle onions: Miss Donovan, 1. Bottle chutney: Mrs. Foster. 1; Mrs Newman. 2. Varieties of pickle- (three. bottles): Mrs. Cash, 1. Tomato sauce: Miss J.' Fo-ter, 1; Mrs. 1. MeLeod. 2. Dinned old ! wool sock: Miss A. Walsh, i; Miss Newman. I " Fair band-knitted socks: Mrs. Cameron, ' sen verv highly commended. Fancv '■ eit-iiiou: Miss F. 1; Mrs. Newman, 2. I l'.uic\ tea cosy: .Mrs. Speer. 1; Mr-. New- : man. 2. Linen tray .-loth: Miss, V. Slice a k. i 1- Mrs." A. Sinter). 2. Exhibit patchwork: I Mis Little, 1; Miss A. Spinier, ve;-\ highly j commended. Fancy table centre: M:-- V. : Smith. 1; Mrs. ,T. L Stewart, 2: Miss V. I Namrhtou. very htgnlv commended; Mrs. ' Nicholson, hiahi.v commended. t'iain-m;id< i idoii-e tor twirls under 10 years: Miss C. M. j Archibald. 1: Misj ','. Becroi't. 2. Ironed white shirt: Mrs. .1. (J. Vercoe. 1; Mrs. Hun- ' ter 2. llem-stitched handkerchief, made by ! .'ir'l "under 16 years: Miss A. Siineoek. 1: ' Miss Bradly. commended. Dressed i doll, clothing to he made for removal; for .rjris under 19 ..ears: Miss R. Wilson. 1*- Miss C. Becroi't, 2; Miss M. Briidly. very ' highly com mended ; Miss O. Donovan, highly I commended. Baby pinafore, made by girls 1 under 16 years: Miss Janet tiintcu, 1; Miss

N. Ross. 2: Miss K. Main, highly commended. Map of North Island of New Zealand, drawn bv school child: Mia* .Summers. 1: A. B. Beeroft. ?,. Brushwork, for schoolchildren: Master P. Manning, 1; Master H. Ferrall. 2. Exhibit of \V>nl-carving (chipped): Miss H. Foster, 1. Three buttonholes: Miss V. Smith. 1: Miss (I. Brown. 2. Bouquet flowers: Miss G. Brown. 1: Miss Donovan. '.'.; Mrs. Cash. highly commended. Six tansies: Miss Newman.' 1 and '.'.. Collection of cut. flowers: Mrs. R. Ferrall. 1. Table decoration: Miss M. McLecd. 1: Miss V. Becroft. 2.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13399, 30 January 1907, Page 10

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THE HELENSVILLE SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13399, 30 January 1907, Page 10

THE HELENSVILLE SHOW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13399, 30 January 1907, Page 10