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Wanted. Wanted. ANTED—A Good General; high -wages; "|^¥7"ANTED —A Porter.—Apply at once Vio- "» > i small family.Apply " G.M.," HERALD ,VI toria Hotel. Office. ——- — —~~ ANTED—Waitress.—Silver Grid Dining- \\ T ANTED—Good Flax Baler, steam press. • >>, rooms, Durham-st. East. »t . one shilling per bom-.—Apply Suthe's • — _ Mill. Waharoa, Rotorna line. Tf^ANTED—Second Hand Baker.—Apply B. i» > c. Lannan, Baker, Henderson. WANTED to Sell—Ladies' Freewheel Bi»V cycle, almost new. good repair, £8 10b. I \J-Reliable Message Hoy.— —Apply. " M.8.." HERALD Office. 'ill H. 1/eadbeater, Cutler. Waketield-st. "IT7"ANTED, at once—A Smart. Steady Man. "Of ANTED~Oftic« Hoy for Merchant's Office. >» as Day Porter. None but a steady \\ . Apply in own handwriting, Post Box, man need apply.—.Metropolitan Hotel. No. 50. \\ r ANTED to Buy—Rubber Tyres and l IT"ANTED— Milliner to alßo take * i Rubber of any description: best prices •» ' Sales.—Apply 346, Karansrahape Road, given.—R. Takle and Sons. Freeman's Bay. Newton. A\T ANTED—Experienced J rollers; also. "VI r ANTED— A Boy for Farm Work, 14s per >»j Girls and Women for all departments. >t , week.—Apply Paterson and Robertson, - New Zealand Lauudrv Co., Ltd., Quay-st. ( baileery-st. T\?"ANTED—II and to Build and Repair Bush \irANTED— Plain Cook for small > ' Trucks, and general work; occasional »> boardinghouse. 255. — Address " Randshooing; wages, B*.—Mountain i'iuiu Co., Ma- wick." Rotorua. liialtn. __ t j vm.u, rrr - ; ; ~W ANTKI) Shop Boy; pood waZM. \\ A NTH)—MO Persons to leave their \ V —Apply, H. L. l'cvssenniskie. Merchant ' » Measnre for a First-class Suit; choic- Tailor, Shortland-st. est patterns, best make.—Little Tailor Shop, — — _____ \ ictoria-st. "OfANTKD, for W'aihi—Hairdresser, to re- ■ — '■ 1T • lieve for one month.—Apply. " G..'* WANTED to Purchase— Medium HERALD Agency. W'aihi. * V Draught Horse, sound and strong. —Ap- ■ — — . ply 11. and P. Buckley, opp. Page's Store, \\T ANTED—A Strong Girl a* kitchenmaid. Kingsland. '* ' —Apply any morning or evening, Mrs. I Alfred Nathan, Princes-st. - \\TANTED —Scoop Driver, £2 63; Cook, £2 ——— ■ ' '.-1 | I » ss; Milkers and others. Navvies, etc.— "IX7"ANTED—A Youth for the Packing Dp.' ! Ileighlon and Co., Land and Labour Agents, »» 1 partment. — Apply, Tanlield. Potter, 43, Queen-Mt. and Co., Qu«en and ljonio Sts. "VAT ANTED—Ploughman, used to single- "1,17 ANTED— Girl, for dusting.— * i furrow plough; wages, 50s week and »» • Wholesale Department, Tanfield, Potfound.—Apply sharp. ,Tas. Gleadow, Pare- tor, and Co., Queen and Lome Sts. kura, Te Kuiti. _ : — — — — \,\ T ANTE!-, by Man—.lob on farm; some 7" ANTED—Good Bedroom, with gas; hot ' * knowledge of milking; small wages to V! i bath, and use of piano. Dower Sy- commence.—'" J.J.," HERALD Office. monds-st.. with breakfast only.—" Permanent ~ ___________ 25." HKRALD Office. JAN TED—Girls to learn Cigarette Trade • »V and Cigarette Makers; constant emTXT"ANTED to Rent or Lease—Modem House, ploymerit.—Ludzki and Co.. 7, Sliortland-st. i * about 5 rooms, in good locality, near — ; —— — — town or tramline.Particulars to Rev. ,1. M. T/S/ANTED Parents to Know— Situations Prase HERALD Office. '' . obtained by Pupils last year.— G. —— Jarrett, Shorthand Writer and Typist, Swan'l A 7" —Generals, town q.nd suburbs, son-street. >li good wages; Cook-General; House- ——: — _ — ■■ * keeper; 2 Housemaids waiting.—Nicholls' Re- ANTED—Good House, about 8 room*; gistrv, 162. top Kvmonds-street. '»1 Parnell or neighbourhood —State par- ■ tu-ttlars and price. No. 8, National Chambers, ANTED, by Experienced Housekeeper— Swanson-street. * * Position as Companionable House- v-n,i-i t " "* • keeper or Lady Help, in the coHiitry.—Ad- \\; ANTED to Buy—Strong Timber Waggon dress, " Domestic." HERALD Office. ' , , ' or hauling logs.—Apply, stating price and where to be seen, to L. Newton. Coal MerWTANTED—PupiIs for Piano, Organ, Violin, chant. Ponsonby. Hi Mandolin, and Banjo; gentleman, -.-_ r . ~ i —— thoroughly accomplished; only 10s fid quar- VV AIN I hJ>- Handyman. rough carpenter, ter.—Address, "Harmony," H»KRAIjI) Office. t» 1 garden, milk; wife to do housework, etc. State ages, experience, and wnxres.— WTANTED—W. Cook. 355. and Laundress. " ' 5 -" HEKALD Office. >>! 20s, same tourist hotel, good perqui- TTr . v -n-i> .A, : Z —~; T~~ —— sites; W. Cook, 255. and General, 15s, for \V i En- 0 Fl 1 ? 8 iiJU ' Gent. ■ same hotel. Te Aroha; Generals, King Coun- , 11 and Misfit, Clothing: and House-' try, 15s; W. Cook, Coromandel, 255; Cooks, WrV « ll, , 8: , 8t price given.-Mra. in town. 15s. —McLeod's Registry. Phone 884. nwa 3 1 10* » akeneld-st. «««___ ~\~\TANTED—For Ngaruawahi'a. Competent AV A^T,'LV' ' a",', ,01 SiTia.ll Property, >V • Lady Help, 12s 6d to £40 per year, ac- ,\, ' , (:I " se to Auckland Otahuhu, Papatoicording to duties; Nursery-Governess, for s!!'. Preferred. .I, articulars to John T. two children. £30 per year, same place; Wait- Drought, Mercantile (chambers. ress, 15s, experienced, work light; Generals, -, , T , v . r1 .,, » 7, 7 ' „ , Gisborne, town, and suburbs; Housemaids. \\ AN ! ED—A Competent Salesman, for 1/. Helps, all good places. Waiting-House- ,' ' wholesale saddlery warehouse; must keepers. Hotel Porters, Barmen, Handy Men. 0 thorough Knowledge of saddlers ironWaitresses.— Mrs. Ctunmings, King's Cliani- ™ on gery.—Applications received to February bers. 63, Queen-street. 4th, by J. h. Butler, Limited, Wellington. WANTED to Buy-Ladies' and Gentlemen's W. A^T ED for Wholesale Fancy Goods New and I.eft-otV Clothing; highest .. AV arehouse A Smart Well Educated price given. Letters attended to.—Mrs. Lau* (,u pg Man. with some experience of fancy ranee, 193, Hob c on-street goods. Apply by letter only; no personal ap- ♦ — plication entertained.—Ci. H. Baker and Co., rpO INVESTORS AND OTHERS, ('""""crce-st. WANTED—£42S, OR OFFER, WANTED W. Cooks, S oOs; HouseWAN iLD—£<l2s, OR OFFER, \\, maids; Waitresses, 15s; Generals Girl For snug 6-roomed HOUSE, comer Clarence to assist, Lady Help, Young Lady Companion, and Pompallier Streets, Ponsonby. Kitchen Girl; Man Cook, 255; Pantry Men! Section, 60 by 87. nicely laid out. Pantry Boys. Useful Hotel Lad, Experienced This is one of the cheapest properties in gardener; Gardener, milk one cow; Boys, for tho market. farms; Man, larm. Furnished Rooms.—Mrs. ' lair. 28, Wellesley-st. (late Mrs. Clark's). W. S. RUSSELL, 7, SWANSON-ST. WT A NTED—Milkers, for Taranaki. two for T -rr * NT rn .> n v XT n w w '» »;■ aa " le place, 275. Helensville, Te Awa«v\/.' ANTED KNOWN— mutu, Mangere, Tamaki, Mt. Roskill, and T '' THAT THE DURHAM REGISTRY Woodhill. all 20s; Two Ploughmen, 235; TTt« been Onened hv Youths, milk five cows, useful; lintel man, Opened Dj j sg . Pantry Boy. 10s; Married Couple, wife MAUGHAN AND CO-, general, no children, linsband ffarden, groom, IST FIiOOR. DURHAM BUILDINGS. useful, £75; Flax Cutter, i 6S i at stump; r*n -n r\n ii i rviuucT »miAriw ™ Navvies, Is hour; arm Hand, drive waggon, CORNER OF DURHAM-.,T. AND QUEEN-ST. 20s; Flax Scutchers, 8s day; Paddocker, 6s Servants and Assistants of all Classes 6d; Shakers, 7s; Boy oi Youth, for flaxmill, required. day; Married Couple, wife general, hnsi band ploughman, driver, 525, free house and TA/] ANTED KNOWN. , }^ 1 0 ! | ~^ L 6 ° UB Registry, Exchange Lane. tVVi • Telephone 1604. u ' CTifUNROK "|7MANUEL, ANTED—Piano Pupils, 218; for advanced • I*± Hi 'VVi exams.. 30s.—Miss Lacey, L.V.C.M. (IjonDENTAL SURGEON, don), Islington Villa, Ponsonby Road. 77, QUEEN-STREET, r — Right over Smeeton'f, WF ANTED to —Left-off Clothing, JewelThis is the only place in the City where » ' lery. Hoots, and Household Effects.— Teeth are Extracted Mrs. Noonau. 179. llobson-st. letters ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN. promptly attended to AND FREE WHEN SETS ARE ORDERED. — Highly recommended by all the leading WJ' ANTED to Buy—Beer Bottles; chamDoctors of Auckland. »I! pagne, quarts. Is per dozen; ditto. Speciality m Gold Crown and Bridge Work, pints, 8d per dozen.— D. Arkell, Newton Rd. Hours, 9 to 5 daily. 7 to 8 Each Evening. ALWAYS OPEN SATURDAY "1/17 ANTED to Sell—Good Second-hand AFTERNOONS. » ' Bicycles, guaranteed, from £5, on time ———————————————— payment.—E. Reynolds a.nd Co., Ltd., Newton. Wi A V CIMTTH AND nnNR H - I ANTED—Rudge-Whitworth Bicycles are A IJ Si alitl S ' guaranteed 4 years. From £3 deposit *„"T7,n/inonvi oTDPum and £l per month: old machine* taken in I DEN i^^'-\/ lOBSON-SIREETIOBSON-SIREET part payment.—E. Reynolds and Co,, Newton. (Opposite St. Matthew s Church), PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS. "I^TANTED— Busy People to have Garments SUPPLY' UPPER OR IX)WE 14 SETS OF BEST VV Dry Cleaned in 48 hours at Porter's, 26. TEETH. Two Guineas. Good Fit Guaran- Kaxangahape Road, opp. Tabernacle. teed. Old Sata of Teeth Re-made to Fit the « Moatb - \JiTANTED Known-Win. Ganderton, Medi--r r-r.. "* VV cal Dispenser, can be consulted at iV'V K.nU\V .\ Ponsonby Road. Medicines are cheap and ' CERTOS CURES reliable. Trusses fitted. ( HEADACHE, INFLUENZA. W^SBOL"CURES WANTED KNOWN- NEURALGIA AND INSOMNIA. '*Vj THE FRED BROWN "IST" ANTED Known-The only Dry Cleaner VENETIAN BLIND * " and Dyer in Queen-street is F. J. PorWas Awarded ter - Brunswick Buildings, just opp. H.M. Ar- '? THE FIRST CERTIFICATE AND ONLY cade. GOLD MEDAL —— — AT THE AUCKLAND EXHIBITION. "I TIT ANTED Known-.T. Lindsay, 51 and 53, They are Superb. Cheapest and Best. *' Victoria-street West, gives .the Highest Four Years' Guarantee with Every Blind. Price for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Left-oft Factory; PONSONBY' ROAD. Clothing. Letters will receive prompt at- —— tention. Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned ana DSC SUMM Elt SAL Impaired by Experienced Tailor. THIS DAY. — — 1 Ladies' Lined Costumes. 5s lid, A/"ANTED KNOWN — Usual Price. 17s 6d.—D.S.C. ' ' *' CERTOS CURES C IFT SALE OF FANCY AND JEWELLED TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA. White Jewelled ' 's"Ritual nric.. 4« 11.1- WANTED Known—Repairs of every deTort(ji=eehell Tewelleil fir! lnnf-ii AH scription to Harness, Saddles, Collars, Ditto 5s 6d ' T UK V uai ed {os 2i, 6d d ' Ditto %Uer ?***• Trunks ' Leather Cases, with despatch! Mounts, 4s Cd. usual 10s 6d; Ditto, Gold Sons*l td en oueei7=trwt el:1 ' — ''' Wlß6man and Mounts, lus, usual 16s; Jet. 7s 6d, usual 12s » ons - tu - Queen-street, 6d; Gray, 6d, usual 2s 6d. Fringes, ttt i vmvn t- mi , ™ from 2s. Tails, finest hair, from 3« \?\T AIS P.' D Known—That , >ve deliver Tanfcd. Every Article Reduced l ast Two , piri ' ' vir, naka, and Newcastlo Coal. Weeks of Sale.-Miss Me Ml wain 254, Queen- 2 ,B v° \"' uw ° od ; to any part of the City or street, near Savings Bunk ' Suburbs, at lowest rates.—Winstone, Ltd.. 1 Queen-street, Custom-street, Symonds-street, M ISS JOHNSTONE JRVINE an(l M °""'''" - (Student of Mrs. Adair. London), "WANTED. Known— D. Goldie is preSUCCESSOR TO M "'HfiRKTns t uto i ,}? 1 ® to sell all kind* of Braiding and aawMuit lu , l.s. , u,,K ' , TO > . UES. other Timber, including Hardwood Spokes, Restores linn. l ailing. Lustreless, and Grey Fehoes, Iron Bark, and Blue Gum Shafts, Hairs. Ike latest and most up-to-date Blocks, Palings, and Skingles, at his Yards, method of Complexion Treatment. Hair Albert-street (near Hie Docks), at the Lowest 'ionics and Skin Foods, from the prencrip- Cash Prices. 'i"he timber, being undercover, tion of an Eminent Physician. is better than that purchased rlsewhere. NO. 20. H.M. ARCADE (Take Elevator). —— ''' llo " e VXA - W ANTED KNOWNrpo THE MANUFACTURER. ' _ L NOW TO HAND: "BALLOON BRAND BAKING POWDER." BUTTE RICK'S NEWEST PAPER PATTERNS. Mrs. F. E- BroomCeld. of Waimate. South A Canterbury, writes .—Please send a tin of Balloon Brand Baking Powder, as I wish to wn,,,,, 4nw t i w.o m ™ enter scones for baking competition at the "0-PAGL CATALOGUES, 2d; Post Free, 3d. Waimate Show. 1 took the prize last time nrrrvi-In>r>o cm » r ... with scones made with your Baking Powder, DEIdNEATOR, 8d; post free, 9id. 1 , and would like to use the same again. J. H. HUDSON. Manufacturin • Chemist. Auckland. W. P. () aiLVIE ' PIANOS AND ORGANS. by the Leading „, * ~m n„ r™ Makers of the World. Sale. Hire, or 211, QUEEN-STREET. Exchange. Call and inspect.—F. Moore and ————————— ■ Co.. Queen-street (next Smeeton's). Telephone 1604. YOKO Mate and Pot Plants for table de- W A N T E D KNOWN, corations; Palms, Ferns, etc.—Arthur Yates and Co., 190. Qneen-st. FULL UPPER OR LOWER SETS OP NURSE DE YOUNG Regulating Pills and "DEAUTIi'UL "nEETH. JLi Tonic correct all female irregularities. , -APrice, 2s 6d each. : prom £i io s"TV (J p SUMMER SAL Fit Guaranteed. Yards of RELIANCE RENTAL QOMPAMT, id, 2d. 3d. to od per yard.-D.S.C. 77, Queen-street (over Smeeton's). RED FUNNEL TOBACCO, on sea and on a-am» t h ° ne ' . 1604 land—the best smoke to hand. Three SPECIALITY IN GOLD CROWNS AND strengths. BRIDGE WORK. —— — Honrs, 9to 5 daily. 7to 8 Each Erenow. 4-* 97 1 O^-PiANGS—Cash or 16a lOd " ALWAYS OPEN SATURDAY (I XV monthly—E. and F. Piano AFTERNOONS." Agency. Ltd. 8. Coldicutt, Manager. — ■■■ r r— — ,„M UK K ranted KJ. O W S—' "oi* ,V acs ,VitriniHied Hats . 3d, &d, Now to hand from leading British makenk anil 19. Original Prices. 2s 6(1 t» 8s 6d. 120 DOZEN GENT.'S FELT HATS, Ps C ' HARD HATS. UP TO DATE, 6s 9d to 12» «d, RED FUNNEL SHIPS AND RED FUNNEL Special line, wide brim. 8* 6d and JO9-6d. TOBACCO best. Union for SmoK* era and Travellers. DR. JIM PELTS (all shades), 8a 60. 9a 46, - rasfflasfii Au - Roo^Si?'"' ra> "" s. co'""tt. mx HATS (by —a lam., . Dri r< OTT„if ~ „ 0A T f RANGE ALWAYS IN STOCK. , vjj • S.C. ' THIS DAY. J STRAWS. 'rß^raoWLOm 8, * Boys' K.B. Trousers, Is lid, CLUB HAT BANDS, LEADING COLOURS. . J Boys' Blouses. 1 s D.S.C. • ™ * -w- tjt ni AOK £ liAMt D, ED FUNNEL TOBACtX).-Wan ted-Smok- I . iiVV • O CIS to Smoke this Celebrated New Zea- 262-4. QUEEN-STREET. land Ijine. —■■ -«■ ~ _ . T w TVO n OLKAK ANOK D— Op SUMMER SALE- O.S.L'. THIS DAY. SAJUS— n ) Up SUM ME R SAL Jj.S.U. THIS DAY. •p'.V/ „ I , ( « 1.1- fid. I Carpet Linoleums. ) \rA i.adiea' Boots, 6s 6d, Reduced. froffi-wa w» I (Bxeafrly-liKtuoed—D.S.C. Slippere, ?h.—D.0.0. /

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13398, 29 January 1907, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13398, 29 January 1907, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13398, 29 January 1907, Page 1