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ATTENDANCE NEARING A MILLION. DR. FUNDI. AY 'IN ITS EDUCATIVE VALUE. [It V TKI.K'JH VI'H. — OWN inhikk.spm.vukst. j Cum- nini'.CH, Mot •' ty. • Tin; Exhibition w:s w>!l frequented to- ; <!:iv. and ilk- Besses <>' th' I'.,fin dr«v, r>lo ; usual large attendance to *!.»• afternoon pr- :»> (in the sport-. ground. At. im- ; ]>:»-« --iil number of iim-:' 1.. i , at" it pre- ; still in town in < out:-■< ;:• with ti.- l-.tiii | liiiion. The olchestlu r.:;!!•:>• I- oh. I'.* -e- |./ t:t' H.i rti 36. and the Auckland i >r. ii. >- ; tru! Sin ji'tv TO. \\ If'!! t<> th-v.- .re ~dded | tii- resident members of till- Musical Union 1 Orchestra. tin- total minium- to ov-i 2-. I Dr. Fir,. Hay. i..- A'ton.-y tie-.. i,d. ;,„ v i ing visited •-!!•• Exhibition. . j.j- ...... j.,, i opinion ,is to low-:" I have -■•(*!; ,imtiie -t Exhibition-' 1:. :!.■ 1 chiding Chicago Exhibition. M- . •• E\j hibltion. .ili'l '.ins l'.\J«>slt-i-.jt, al • i ••..■ill- |]> mitiv eiv to I !.«• population • , ..'•ony i olid i;- . »<• 11 a \ <i-1. •- !'■:■. : •. jn ;niv ■ lif then: I ii.iv.- sp :'k. j 1 ** 1:: w oihi tr<tj veiled ji"i [th- who say t 'ia- . ;mi • ! V' !•!•• i:< r <.! th" Exhibit ion it - i'. tiivir | »Ul']M is.- iirt< I' "11 .It » ii" s.'Ze and viri-tv of ' it. In my j« 1■ 1 11:»■ i"it .i- ,i.i frti.-i.-n: .lid l-lt.ct as tint wi .ii M, • ' '<>\\»it <-..n<inetfii in ti.< M ,i:rn« ' Exhibit .01:. wti'e -,11 ,\< :y h:uid th*- ' Li.'-sr. ..' t'n' .11. it.-i has 11 v. <!t«.l to ills what band music 1.111 it-ally be at its j best. The educative tth.vt of such an exj liihitiori as this iijh-iij the thousands who are j visiting it can scarcely lie over-estimated. ;My own chiMt< who ate here just mm, bringing to what they m*.- .ill the frcdmess of i . hildren's wonder, at-- receiving an educaion in .ill .lit ci tions w inch book- and mereI ly verbal iustnx. lion could se.u't-lv give, j 1 lie linan, ial a J> -« t of mi. ii all ,<; ,!,!:.•-!•• lllellt as t hi- i-. not the Mill- asp • ! . j ■#■! : i.< jj> i not tin- me-.; iuit'oi ;,1 nt. for to.' cute ittve influence ill i list ties, till- general H'tof- • 111.ition and art \\ ill W. especially 11 {■ 1, our ( y,milix ("'Ojile. lasting and In lie hoi .cult 1.11 history of the toionj there i- 110 parallel to I I- - remarkably >u. - j t-s.--fnl work tnat has be, done in convertj in:/, within a lew months, the sandy, rout- ! encumbered ground »i llai;le\ Park int., ! cliarmino ]awti!< and brilliant IhiK of flowers that form the setting of the l-.xhi!iit 1011. | What ojves in! est to the 11 ,-- j inaikv .in e\]K-!ti :s the enormous quantity I of plants set out, totalling "el' on to | 100.U00. ill. ludinu ad the very best and • showiest, annuals and peiciinialt-. In tin l long stretches of lawn- 111 limit of the I building there aie no than 35 beds, I ami around the buildings ale loiil' beds of j plains suited to the situation. 1 iieic are ' mtiiibevs of the beds which have been and j are now, and will lie all thioie.'h the sea | (son. objects which w ill lie. talked of tor many days to come. Visitor* from many 'parts have waimly expressed themselves re--1 gunliiijjr the b"dding-out. especially the Airs- . Italian horticulturists, who is-ar testinioiiv ! to the ea).ability of the work and the beautiful result achieved. 1 The Fxhibition attendance is 1..\ j.ectcsl 1 to reach a million on Friday or Satuiday, ■ and it is proposed to bestow some official : recognition on the millionth peison, win. j will be presented with a celtlticate of hin j inipoi tant'o, whatever other awatd is made, jit is expected that when the total attendi ance is within about ICQ of the million | mark all the turnstiles shall be stopped except one. and the millionth to enter singled ' out for fame. A bubble fountain has- now been erected, land has passed successfully through th" j ordeal of trial. As soon as the weather j is calm enough to give the best effect the i fountain will be seen blowing its thousands of iridescent bubbles a minute. I Owing to the large number of events I and entries for the athletic carnival 00 Thursday and Saturday, it i.-> promised, if the weather is suitable, to hold the band contest event oil Thursday evening, on the sports ground. The proposal has Wen made to the Minister that tin; cost of giving gold and silver medals'respectively to each member of the first and second bands shall be divided lv;ween the Athletic Union and the Exhibition authorities. A special performance In- the Messes o' tli' Bam Hand, after the Axemen's Carnival, was given for Sir Joseph Ward on Saturday. At the conclusion the Premier asked those piesent to join with him in thanking (lie conductor and members of the band for the magnificent music they had heard- He had himself greatly enjoyed and appreciated the music. It touched the artistic side of his nature to listen to the Besses o' th' Barn Band, which in the musical world stood in the foremost rank. The laic Premier had shown his good judgment- in bringing such a band to the colony. Sir .Joseph's remarks were received by the public with much applause. THI-; FIT;!-: INSURANCES. [BY TKLKUItAt'II. — PKKSS ASSOC! \T[f)V.] (jHRisTCHtTiw.-ii, Monday. It was: rumoured in town this afternoon that the Underwriters' Association have determined to practically withdraw the whole of the insurances on the Exhibition buildings and stalls, in consequence of the failure of the Exhibition authorities to comply with the conditions under which the permit was granted by the association. Inquiries from Mr. F. \V. Armstrong, insjiector to the association, go to confirm the rumour. Lb; says the underwriters are easy-going, but they want things put light. When the electrical installation was in course of completion the underwriters made certain concession:; to the Exhibition authorities, but framed certain conditions, one of hich has not been carried out. The underwriters stipulated that a, man should be employed by the authorities to superintend the whole Exhibition from a lire prevention standpoint, but the mail lias not been employed, The work of the brigades is to put fires vut. and tin underwriters want a man appointed to prevent fires occurring. The insurances will be lifted if the conditions are not fullilled.

.MISHAP AT FIJI]-: I'll !]| | IXC DISPLAY iMY I I.l.KUtArit - OWN COUKKSI'OMJKN i.J Ciißisrciu;it, Monday. One featuie of the Wonderland entertainment at the Exhibition, recently introduced, is the lighting of the flames sensation, being an aerial flight of a fireman sliding down a wire, rope from the sixth stoiev of a burning building and rescuing a young woman, whom he carries suspended bv her waist belt. he feat was successfully performed till Saturday night, on which occasion the rope broke when the performers were at a height of from 7ft to 10ft from the ground. Both were unconscious from shock, but the man is all tight, now. The woman was taken to a private boardinghouse. and attended to, but. her injuries are not believed to be serious-. The girl's identity is closely guarded. She performed in a .n; sk. (its did the fireman, but the _;jrl j.s ]*•- lieved to be from Wellington, and declines to disclose he; real name lest she should frighten her family.

AUCKLAM) OIICHKS'I HA S COXCKKT. [ lIV I'KI.WaMI'H. OWN" ( I 11! 1{ KSl'f I VI >1. VT ) Ciit!isTc!i;'iti'H. Monday. The Auckland Orchestral Society siv>' it-' first concert at the Kxlnliit inn this oveninc. in the presence of a l.iriv and enthusiastic audience. Her: \Vit*la«*rt. who received a hearty welcome, proved himself an eminently able and j>ainst-;iJiiiij; conductor. J lie Press-. comment tni; oil t-1:-' concert s-iys : "The work of the instrumentalists under tin-it excellent hauler. Miss \\ liite'aw. was almo.-t uniformly of a very high order, and distinguished foi its attack and tine feeling. The conductor and orchestra. may claim to have c-eoiod ail unqualified musical and art-istac succe.->. he orchestra! piojiamino was as previously announced. Mr. Hamilton Hodues has not yet arrived. Madamt Wio'aeri made a brilliant success ot the "Shadow Soiie-, ' a.nd rejKsatpd it in answer to deafen inn demands for an encore. "It i.s delightful," says the Pi. ><. "'• listen to her charming. leal. and iru>voice, which is perfectly trained, and her artistic ant! dramatic interpretation and execution,"

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13392, 22 January 1907, Page 6

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NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13392, 22 January 1907, Page 6

NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13392, 22 January 1907, Page 6