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(•INK I'ARTNKRSHrr BY HADIKIN AM) HI'SSEY. THE district championship matches were re■timed on Saturday, the first series of matches in the second round being played. The attendances at both the Domain and Victoria park wen- very large, and considerable interest was evinced in the various contests. I'or the first time a senior match was played at, Victoria Park, the llulli soil wicket being used. Contrary to expectations the outfield was i" Rood order, while the wicket, considering it was the tirst lime it had been prepared for a match, reflected the greatest credit on the caretaker. On this around North Shore disposed of Ponsonby for 7!. and they themselves put on 245 for the loss ot four wickets. Haddon (110) and Ilussey (95. not out) played a very fine partnership, patting on about ISO lor the third wicket. On the Domain Kden were dismissed tor 92. while their opponents il'arneli! lost six wickets for 87. The wicket upon which this match was played was directly in trout of the grandstand and was made of Bulli soil. It did ii"! play at all well, the balls keeping exceptionally low. The other llulli wicket played much better, and (irafton, playing it iII.SI City on it. made 245. SENIOR CCA UK. (iIIAFTON V. CITY. The Grafton skipper won the toss and elected to hat. J. A. kallender and W. K. For*, tec were the opening batsmen, These two were dissociated lor upwards ol an hour, ami put on i'Z tor the tirst wicket. Kit bender, when lie hail made 51. gave a chain to McCormick at mid-oil. which was accepted. It was by lai Kallender'- best innings this sea.-on. lor despite the tact that he gave a chance winch might have been accepted he played some strong stroke-, and exhibited a better defence than usual, leister followed Kaliemlcr to the pavilion a little later. Mason and Hay came next, the termer imviniibiiu;' to Archer and the latter to .Neil. The ocx! stand was made by S. IV .lone-, and a coll ol hi-. K. Horspool. and they added lor the tilth wicket oo runs. '1 he lastnicntioned played well for 21. With the exception id C. Hay none of the other liraftoaites sot into double figures, and the innings closed lor 245. .lone.- iSJ. not out) played a rhaiueiess innings, hi* inns coming (ram strokes all round the wake!. The City howling "as fairly steady, but did not posse— much slum. 11. Noil I was the most -ucces-fn! trundler. with lour wickets lor .* ran- in the ten minutes left for play City lost tit> wickets for nine run-. (.'HAFTOX.—First Innings. J. A. Kallender, c MeCormick, h It. Neil.,. 51 W. 11. Kor.-ter. b 11. Neil 31 1! Mason, b Archer 7 p. ll.iv. li ft. Neil 5 E. Horspool. I. It. Ma gee 21 S. I' Jones, not out 8! I) Clayton, b Kavana-h 1 A. K. Sloman. h Kavanagh ... 1 H. Lvnch. Ibw. b Archer 7 C. Hay. I) K. Neil 14 C. J. Bennett, c and b h'awcett 1 Extras 22 Total 213 Bowling Analysis.- Archer took two wickets far 55 runs; 11- Magee, one for ■-). 1!. Neil, four lor 56; Kavunagh, two lor 29; Fawcett, one for 14. ClTY.—First Inning-:. Dr. Neil, not out 3 I'. est. not out i) Extraa . . 6 Total for no wicket* 9 i EDEN V. X ELL. Eden won the toss and elected to take first strike ..a the Bnlli wicket prepared in trout <>i the pavilion- 'the wicket played badly, nearly every ball shooting. Kelt and Smith opened -he inning-, .ind with the total at eight Smith was bowled by Fairbum. Elliot followed, and helped Kelt to carry the total to 29. when lie was beaten by Ollitt. (I. Mills was the only other batsman to make a stand, compiling 19 runs in his usual patient style. Hell was sriven Ibw to Oltiti' for a wellplayed 51, and the innings closed for the poor total of 93. Sale and (lurnird opened the innings lor l'arnell. and the wickets at first fell even more rapidly than was the case with Eden, (iarrard. Foster. l.usk. Murray. Kerr, and Fan-burn, all tailing <n quick succession: then Robinson became associated with Sale, who had been halting very solidly, and assisted him to take the score to 87 lor six wicket-, when time was called. Kerr secured principal bowling honours for Darnell. For Eden. Ste-nsoii secured four wickets for '23 runs, and Keif two for 23. Appended are the scores . -- EDEN. —First Innings. \V. B. Smith, b Fairbnrn 5 A. E. Keif. Ibw. b Olliff 31 T. Elliot, h Olliff 18 W. T. Dazelcv. c Sale, b Fairburn 0 G. Mills, I.) Kerr I'J A. .1. Shepherd b Kerr 2 H. W. Hobson. b Kerr 5 A. H. Freeman, b Kerr '.'■ W. S. Stem-on. ii OHifE 6 (J. Havward. not nut 0 W. Woods, b Kerr ;1 Extras ... 4 ' Total 95 Bowline Analysis.—Oliff took three wickets for 15 runs; Fairbum, two for 21; Kerr, live for 15. PAKXELL.- First Innings. E. V. Sale, not out 41 W. Garrard, l> Kelt 2 B. Foster lbw. b Stem Soil ... ■ 4 E. B. Lusk. b Stemson 1 F. Murray, st Hayward. b Stemson ...• (J L. Kerr, b Stemson 4 L. G. Robinson, not out 15 A. Fairburn, c Mills, b Keif 9 Extras" •• it Total for six wickets 37 Bowline Analysis.—A, K. Keif took two tickets for 29 runs; W. ,S. Stemson. lour for 28.

NORTH SHORE V. POXSONBV. Ponaonbr batted first, and were dismissed by Howdcn (six wickets for J 1 run-, and Husscy (three for 17), for 71 runs. Woods was top scorer with 17. North Shore during the remainder of the afternoon, compiled 245 runs for the loss of only tour wickets. A. Haddon (Hot ami J. Hu--ey (9\>, not out', played a memorable partnership, their strokes all round the wicket, being very tine and crisp. PonsonUy, first innings 71 NORTH SHORE—FIr-t Innings. lin-h. b Woods 15 ■i. Httssev. not out ... -" L. Prime, c Cuininings. b Woods 4 A. Hiiddon, b Wilson 110 Coleman, b Woods 2 Extras 19 Total 245


NORTH SHORE V. EDEN A. ; North Shore batted first. Wilson (42). Hampson <l'i), Kartiuharsoii 123), Brewer '28 1 . batted well. ■ W. Somervell and H. Hticklaitd bowled the best lor Eden. North Shore First inning.-.- Farquharson 23, Hamp-on 30, Wilson 42, Cerutty 16, Joyce 8. Jitewei 2'tJ. Walker 0. Coleman 6. George 8. I'alairet '~ Kent, (not out) 3. extras 20: total. 187. Bowling analysis: 11. Bitikl.uid took lliteH wickets for (A nuiH; I',, Bealc, one for 15; W. Somervell, three lor 14 Kdcu A. First innings: It. Cordon 7, E. Heale 'not out) "... A. llorspool (not oUti 20. extras 7: total for one wicket. 77. GRAFTON V. PARNELL. Grafton won th« toss, and elected to bat. A bad start was made, three, wicket- falling lor 16. Kissling and Graham then got associated, however, and canted the score to 48, when Graham was run out after a careful 18. Kissling continued to score freely, and eventually, carried his bat lor 71 I not out . He played very free cricket. Grafton's tir-t innings closed for 136. Parneil's start was disastrous, the first live wickets falling for 15 runs. The score at the call of time was 40 tor six wickets. Parnoll have % runs to make to win on the Inst inning-. Scores: Grafton.—Eirst inning-: 11. U. Hill 2, W. 11. Graham 13 C. Robinson ... R. Human 3, C killing mot out 71. .1. I.epine .:. 11. Forster 0. Cullerue 10, lirierlv t>. C. 1.. LOastgatc 6. Howeil 2, extras 11; total 1:6. Howling analysis: Marcrolt took three wicket.-, for 41 runs; Eesteaux, two lor JO; Jobson, four for 3 I'.imoll. -First innings: Cromwell 2, Mar•l'oli 1, GrevilJe 3, 'Ihomas '>, Kesteaux mot out.l 20, Holland 3. Flint -i. extras 2: total for six wicket-, 40. Bowling analysis: W. Brier'.V took lour wickets for 20 run--. 11. I). Hill, one lor 11; C. L. Kastgate, one for 3. EDEN H V. (TTV. Eden.—D. Jack 7. C. Freeman 73. Ueßaugh ». A. Jenkins 0, S. Yates 13, M. Gray 1. K. GUg»oro 7. P. Grindrod 7, Iliggott u, A. Hatley 0. ' Ren 0. extras 15: total, 129. Edwards (not out) 63. Bennett 0, Ritchie 0, Lyell 3, Marx 0, Stilwell 0. McKay 1, •Ltgeo 0, Dudley (not otltj 31, extras 7: total 'w eight wicket-, joe. THIRD I.KADi;. Parnell v. Grafton.—Parnell: First innings ->>• Williams 5. S. beery 36. F. Wilks 2, W. J. •Jtniiison 16, R. Dingle 1, H. Speight 21, J. Hardwiei? 1, R. Pollock 1. E. J. Gatiand 1, 11. 'urbott J, .1. W. Lonergan (not out) 3. extras «: total. 11. Harvey took one wicket tor 11 runs; Punch, three for 41; Verry. four lor {[.'■ Eefline, two for 4. Second innings—J. W. Loneritan (not out) 4, s. Ueery 1. J. Wiliianas 3. extras 2: total for two wickets, 10. »erry took two wickets for 8 runs. Grafton: riMi innings-Punch 3, P. Horepool 18, B.

Verry 1. J. Baker 1, I*. Lepiue 6. W. Harvie 0, K. Coppcns 1, H. Horepool 11, I-'. Hor-pool (not out) 20. 0. Burton 6. 11. 'Potman 4, extras 2: total. 73. Bowling analysis: K. J. (bithind took lour wickets for 41 runs; K. Dingle, tour lor 24; 11. Turbott, two lor 1.

Kden A v. North Shore A. -North Shore: First innings—Wynyard 12, Weston 9, (.'arson 0. Andrew 34. Eyre ■:, Cloudie 2. Butters 5. McClnskie 19, Woodward 'not out 17. OaKden 5, Allan 2. extras 9: total 112. Second innings—Wynyard (not out) st. McClnskie 7. Goudie 1. Andrew 2, extras 4: total for three wickets. 58. Eden: First innings— I'. Giltnore 25; 11. Horspool 24. K. Gardiner 9. K. Bennett 1. W. Bain 5. S. Havward (not out) 38. W. Harvie 14. (1. Skitter 2. W. Beech 5. extras 13: total, two men short. 134. Howling for North Shore. Oakden took three wickets, Andrews two. Woodward two, and Butters 1. Bowling for Eden. Matter took -i\ wickets, Harvie two. Beech one. Gardiner one. and Horspool one. FOURTH GRADE. I'arnell v. Eden .—Parnell. first innings, 117 Kb Killip 24. Haines 26. Formic 29. Partridge 19). li. Hamilton took four wickets. I' Hamilton four, and Xesbitt two. Eden, i tirst innings, 103 (P. Hamilton 32. Shepherd, ' not out. 18). Barnes took live wickets. 1!. : Dnble four. OUTSIDE MATCHES. (•.iniphell-Khrenlried v, V.M.C.A. -This I match resulted in a win for the former by ! 121 runs (W. Brewin 40, W. Hendry 23. 11. i Smith 17, and It. Hendry 16, being the chief i scorers). 11. Smith took two wicket- lor J j runs: W. Mincliaiu. live for 6; and 1!. Hendrv. three for 14. HERALD v. United. This match was commenced on the Domain, and resulted as follows :—United, first innings, 111 ,F. Stewart 27. lonian 27. Rowlatt 18 not out, Park 12). Bowling for HERALD. Thompson took three wickets for 24 runs; Strickland, three for 37; | Hitch, one [or 31; strange, one for 3. HKItALI) first innings, six wickets for 121 (Lang 47. Strange 20. Howard 14, Hoare 14 not out, j Strickland 11. Stewart and Park bowled best : for United. W.Y.M.I, v. Mount Ellen Free Methodist.— I W.Y.M.1.. first innings (batting one man short', 64 (Greenwood 14, Whitehead 13. WilI son 13). Mount Eden Free Methodist, firs! inning* 38 (Rev. Smith 26. Akers 12). W. Y.M.I. -econil Minimis. 56 for five wicket- (Wilson 20. Greenwood 30t. For Mount Eden Free I Methodist. Rev. Smith .ook two wickets for | 31 in the fust, anil lour for 34 in the second ' innimrs: Wilson, three for 12 and one tor 6; ■ind .1 S. Howe, four for 10. For W.Y.M.1.. | C. Kvre took two tor 19; A. Eyre, one lor 14; I Muldoon. four for 11: and Greenwood, two I tor 2.

JfATCHKS AT WAIIII [BY TKI.K«BAPH OWN OOl'.!n:sl'o\[>KN"T.] WAIHI. Saturday. The cricket matches played to-day were as follows:—Seniors: City '114 and 44) v. Suburbs (6<l and 691. Juniors: Suburbs (73) v. West (34>. THAMES ASSOCIATION MATCHES. [BY TKI.K'II'.U'H.— OWN OORIIUSION PENT. ] THAMES, Saturday, Ihe match fararn v. City South, in the second round, which was commenced on Saturday, the sth inst.. was concluded today, and re-ulted in an easy win for Tararu liv the substantial majority of 141 run-, In the first innings, played on the sth inst.. Tararu had scored 113 against City Smith's 37. and the former, batting first to-day. succeeded in putting up 81 runs in their second innings, towards which Newton '16'. Morgan In and t'oote (10' were the principal contributors. Howling for City South. Lowrie. with lour wickets for 16 tain-, was the most successful of the s:\ bowlers tried. City South, in their second innings, made a. poor stool against the bowling of Howden. who wan ■unplayable, and took five wickets for a runs. Thev were all disposed of for 16 runs. The totals for the two innings are:—Tararu. 194; Citv South. 53.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13391, 21 January 1907, Page 7

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THE CRICKET SEASON. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13391, 21 January 1907, Page 7

THE CRICKET SEASON. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13391, 21 January 1907, Page 7