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Medical- . ; I For the Lungs ! The Throat! ! I | J The Voice!!! 1 -_L. & -4s~ ® P* B ® St || HUDSON'S ; 1 __!5100 1 l !fl i IITI6' % EUjv,^THOL F j, t ! j f |BE ? J •** I J THE WS& COUGHS. COLDS, i I $r GREAT RRONPeTITr^ | The wise man or woman will not neglect these signs of tTgSm 2? *\ '. IP* pnwnvnuw, I kidney complaint, but will stop them before they gain a firm r|||] &%& \ SEPTIC B INFLUENZA- | hold and develop into some such dangerous disease as dropsy, v Jp \% ll' if B PREVENTION OF w Bright's disease, rheumatism, lumbago, bladder trouble, stone /^^C^ T^^>^^^: 1 j i* W> CONSUMPTION. jI in the kidneys, gravel, and urinary disorders. Doan's Back- (,Jv( \« I 1 il_S^ j ache Kidney Pills are made especially for helping the kidneys. v4Ss*V \fli|,\ \\m/r if\ I | »kss^<*&^^s&^ j This medicine drives out of the body the liquid poisons which \ Wl|\<a \W bA' \ I i Suited for ' } cause so many forms of kidney complaint, and your cure t _f * ' J?Mc W&^^k. I will be lasting because the cause of your illness is cured. ft If, l\Wf/ if rL-A I ' %ffitw*' fllNllll Young 1 Stone in the Kidneys. / 1/ I * Wm° hj § j IIS %M I Mr. Wesley Martin, Clarence-street, Ponsonby, Auckland, til ._✓» 1 says:—"From the age of 16 until some months ago I have been \ I ? \ wMtl'l I I A - Tlle Larynx, or organ of voi--?. K. The caused m"ch pain and suffering l>v stone in the kidnevs. During lS»- I \ \W'l' ! ' M ! Trachea, or Windnipe. C. The Bronchia. the whole time I was bad I took a" lot of medicine, and had advice 1/1 *WW 1 I Tubes of a dlM %* ), u, i ',f n , M 1 A ° f ° D * and treatment from doctors, but without any good result. I was I / I gftjjj $ ' Suited for Young and Old. so bad with the trouble that of late years I was looked on as good 11 A vM< : - H , ,'_\. o- ~_, _ r. ».,, as a dead man: in fact, I looked it. No insurance company \J LiS&n- 'gp | Invaluable to Singer* and Public would have accepted the risk of mv life. 1 was hopeless myself. \r3 &W-" _ bpeaicers. L There is not much good in talking about my sufferings; they were W Jsw_? 1 • Contains no cocaine or other poisonous drug.*, H terrible. L was not always in pain ; there were months when I " /_*"""" i SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS, in Tins, Is 6d H would be perfectly freo of any discomfort, barring that my health .£s3* £ _.• .»___ j>. r»-» -:-.._.»._ " would he bad and my appetite poor. Bub I always noticed that *& j. Sharland & Co., Agents, Itho longer my spells of relief lasted the more severe would be the _, _ ' •,»••. T3*ii I - I return of the" ailment. A few months without pain would mean Doans Backache Kidney Fills | such agony when the pains came on that I would feel it was are soid by a U Chemists and § © A _>/# mf* «»m almost an impossibility to live through it. The pain was in J . g£ £\ft^Li.f/£Lltl^ffli> the small of inv back. Medical opinion did not agree in ray case. Storekeepers at 3/- per DOX (SIX E HoA-ever, one told me that it, was stone in the kidneys. , A I/Vi _ ;,, h _, „..j nrl to Docs 110: let so of you when you apply ;*■ On one occas on I had the bladder scraped. I took fifteen DOXeS lOOJ, Or Will De posted on g tions or liniments vo your aching joints ov months' course © one treatment. It was after 1 had discarded receipt of price by FOSTER- 1 stiff muscles. It simply loosens its hold _ this medicine, hopeless of ever getting better, that I heard Doan's ' r K , M | Backache Kidney Pills well spoken of, and commenced using McCLELLAN CO., 76, Pitt-St, | lOr f ' i them. I had taken three boxes when I passed a stone bigger -, , .. „.„ 8 Why? I than a bean. I have since shown it to many, including chemists, oydney, M.b.W. | Because to get rid of rheumatism yon I and they tell me it is the largest kidney stone they have ever .*"*!».» ' , B must correct the acid condition of the blood £ seen; in fact, people are incredible that such a large .-tone could 1 I on which it depends. Take Hood's Sarsaf: be passed without first having been broken up. Just before it came f£A W\i tm %'L I parilla which has wrought the most wonI away 1 was seized with frightful pains. Then a lot of gravel %1% IV% \*W*im I derful, radical and permanent cures of this m came away, followed by the stone, since then 1 have had com- ** SS _ ft t» ff ■ i plete relief. 1 have taken more of the pills to make a decided .ifxSft V _?^__^ w painful disease. I cure, but nothing further has come away, so there can be nothing 1 "* WaS sufferinß from rheur atism and 1 harmful left. I ana so well. 1 could not enumerate all the T f'ls4_rfl>^ t M? I ' not at,le to USe my limb? - A,ler taking 1| benefits 1 hare gained by using these pills; one is a loss of ner- s I '' Hood's Sarsaparilla a short time, I was I vousness. 1 now look in perfect health. I have spent hundreds l^^^^^ S *»f% m. 1 i able t0 wa,k some and am now as well as 1 of pounds to get a cure, and been tortured with operations ; but _____!_. B A __ Wk ml I usual. I can recommend Hood's as a sure B Doan's Backache Kidney rills have cured me effectually at very «_M _4 «fin *Ms* «a I , , .- >■ ,-„„„„,. c »,,.,.« 1 little cost. ,am well known and my case is much talked about* Kk*sS§bs_* %SS_ J&S I "ure for ' frKOROK S. Adams, I hfctle cost. lam well known, and my case is much talked about, M ! Terrac >'nd Palmerston North N 7, Jjj everybody knowing how much this remedy has done for me. 7 ' vßSTa_si___ j a j ' ' * '"'•"## if II Hood s Sarsaparilla I But Be Sure They are DOAN'S. 1 .^fe?^i=a,,^ {•'{ a •npORA-LlN'E—Clears the Tubes and Saves la "ul'i 2*. d ° m ° re? A! 1

When there is a sediment like hriekdustin the mine ir. is ;i certain indication that j the kidneys arc not doing their work properly, and immediate, slops should lx- taken to i restore their healthy action. If this precaution is neglected the particles will gradually J ln-come larger, and the miserable suffering caused by Gravel or Stone will result. Stones arc usually formed in the kidney?, and descend thence into the bladder. They are coiniw-vd of uric acid, or of oxalaieof lime: solid matter which should bi> held | in solution in the fluids of the body, and he passed oil' in a dissolved condition in the urine. Uric acid stone i- by far the commonest kind. When a stone is formed in a kidney great pain in the loin's is felt, and this- becomes | agonising when the -lone leaves the kidney ami pa->es through on.* of the narrow j channels leading to the bladder. The pain then experienced is known as Kidney Colic. It ceases when the stone reaches (he bladder. Once in ilie bladder the stone may he parsed off with tin) urine, or it may remain and become larger by the accumulation of deposits. Sometimes a stone, will form in the | bladder by the. 'simple gathering together of particles of gravel. I Persons of all ages may .suffer front -tone or gravel. liven little children arc not I exempt. ! When a stone formed in the kidneys is too large to pass through the passage; leadj ing into (be bladder he passage Incomes closed, dropsy sets in. and the patient may die j in a few hours. I When stones remain long in the bladder they grow to a great size, sometime!) as ■ large as an orange, and they frequently have to be cut out. The following symptoms indicate stone or gravel in the kidneys or bladder: — Painful itching sensation; swelling of the seat of pain; cramps in the legs and scrotum; bearinsr down sensation in rectal region: escape of water, involuntarily, in drops; great agony succeeding successful urination, paroxysms of pain front kidneys to bladder — "kidney colic:" pain and difficulty in urinating, with sudden stoppages. Treatment —The only rational method of treatment for this disease is to correct the action of the kidneys, thereby removing the cause-. In a healthy condition of the kidneys and urinary system the water holds the solids in solution until ii escapes from the body. In disease the solids are deposited in the kidneys and bladder. i restores to the kidneys their natural action, relieves congestion, heals the wounded and ! bleeding mucous membranes of the urinary system, dissolves the stones already formed, ! and prevents further formation. Warners Safe Cure is the only remedy in the world ' which has this power, at d if the case is amenable to anv medicinal form of treatment it ' will ultimately effect a tire, ! BLADDER DISEASE. I Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder (Cystitis) is usually cine to long retention of i urine; the effect of irritating drugs; stricture: enlargement of the prostate gland; irrh j tat'on caused by stone or graved, or by the careless use of a catheter; exposure to cold; decomposition of urine caused by its retention, etc. There are (wo forms of this complaint Acute and Chronic—the latter being | peculiar to elderly people. It i- commoner in winter than ;n summer; in cold than in warm climates; in males than in females. __ 1: is always dependent upon some obstruction :<i the flow of urine, or upon a diseased condition of the urinary organ-. The j Madder not being entirely emptied, the water tetained decomposes. The kidneys are generally seriously involved in the mischief, the. catarrh being ! usually a, secondary symptom of disease of the kidneys, and unless these are restored to i their natural condition a cure cannot he effected. Warner's Safe Cure corrects the unnatural condition of the kidneys, prevents the formation of pus and mucous by healing the inflamed membranes, and causes the water ! to become normal. j ] A treatise containing uutiv letters from people who have been cured of Stone, I Gravel, and Bladder Disease will be sent post free by 11. H. Warner and Co., Ltd., Alts- | tralasiaii Branch. Melbourne.

An Adelaide lady sends her photograph, and writes: I i; *• uset * t'° h ay terrible feelings come over me. The f,ojpm - doctors could do me good. i doctors could do me no jrood. p 7 I could not sleep, my appet-, tile left me, and I was a ,' , , 157 A?v i_|??_a«B most miserable woman inWIW : "'-HF- deed. Having read of Ayer's : **§?s'< Sarsaparilla I thought I Wo>~ WoP\\ would try it. To my great surprise, taking only ; ■' / &55^7% - '■:? two bottles I round myself ; verv much better in every vj'^^^^^ft^rr? r ' way. After taking six bottles all my disagreeable feelings left me, and I was completely cured." i If your appetite is poor, your digestion imperfect, and yon feel nervous and weak, you ought to take | i AYER'S Sarsaparilla It expels all impurities from the blood and gives strength and vigor to the nerves. A thorough course of treatment with it makes rich and red blood, brings the old color back to the lips, fills out the cheeks, and gives the glow of perfect health. A good appetite—a good digestion—a healthy liver an active brain and strong nerves; these are better than great riches, and Ayer's Sarsaparilla will help you to obtain them. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. There are many imitation "Sarsaparillas." Be sure you get AYER'S. | i — ■ j Ayer's Pills, sugar-coated,for constipation. !n glass bottles. 1 ___________________________________ _—.___ t-« kohn "PERIODIC" PILLS. " MX-. 6i] - ™ Strong. 4 S 6a. ™sjj Tup Most Wonder- 'I'M Most Certain Medicine for all Irrcs«S^fSsSSS^f^^^ra^"'' r "' ,:in '- ever in- 'arities The Most Succeftiful Remedy prerml v, '"' (l for the nur- pared solely ten femnle ailments. .'nil dire;- j / '?":''■ i "'"" r f ntlrftlv tions with each Box Once used alwavs Unlit ; ilills-rent and better en hand for emergencies. | offered to-the suffering humanity!" 7 Head what l ' os ' I4 ' KEE Fof! AMOUNT IN BTHIPS it has done for others, why suffer yourself , ~....„., ~ :roin „ . A. KOHN. FSQ. Dear Sir.-On my last visit KLfeshLu chemist. P.O. Pharmacy, to Auckland I procured one of your Patent. Upper Siraondasireet, Auckland. Rheumatic Rines. as I suffered very much -v,- >r »,,..,. nr from rheumatism. With pleasure 1 now am h-mv «Vi.-PT;>iim" ntrr m able to tell you how successful its effect has _, IKb l L,M,J .Vt,, „tV.,_ .. ».„ been. The riot: ha* given mc sreat relief. 1 Bo sure yon pot. * l '->- .CI.UG Pills hop* others will avail themselves of the op- (Trade man; Restored), portunity to secure 00 successful a Cure— Thero is no other medicine in any way equal | Gratefully yours. .1 BKEKN", Master 8.3. Del- to them for all irregularities, phic, White Star Line. Auckland. April 12. ' TirmYMMn' I"ST 7!' ci i 19.6. PRICK. Post Free. 108. | FLHIODIC PILLS-

mat? t^aWfMi^ i?l3.© ]R«£rsrs.<ecly for COUGHS, BKOlf CHITI&, ASTHMA, & COMSUMFTIOM, Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in the World. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Its helling power is marvellous. Suflerers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing. Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Caugh or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. 13erL ;?r £?,r , Ci of Jua.llhS.'fciOX&iS I The great success of HEARNE'S BRONCHITiS CURE, has induced a number of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine "Bronchitis Cure," with the object of deceiving: the simple-minded, and so getting a sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE has.. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and to request you in your own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S and to see that you get it. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geolong, Victoria.. Forwarded t© Any Address, when not obtainable locally. NOTlCE.—Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. la does NOT contain any poison within the meaning of the Act. It is equally beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person. $||f) "1 do not hesitate to say ii is the best made pill in the kingdom."— Dr.. G. F. Colliek, in the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London. ra*|\ m m FAMED AS A FAMILY MEDICINE FOR A CENTURY. Invaluable to every ftfiotrter of a family. #fe 1 Butter-scotch. Timber- 1 Dental €1 1 <A K> n" —1 JAR RAH, DENTAL NOTICE. ILL.lrA&<Cii» i '"HE BEST AUSTRALIAN HARDWOOD. DURABLE, HANDSOME, FIRE-RESISTING, * T OMITH \ND CON? OC DUtVS|CRCS i LARGE STOCKS TO SELECT FROM. OLD ESTABLISHED DENTISTS. Rich and delicious flavour ■■'" CORNER HOBSON-STREET (OPPOSITE SI. ' fciKjiandis Icadinqsweel ' ' Matthews oiiurch). BIITTTSSH-fc QL^^v-=».^ T . < MILLARS' . .WEST AUSTRALIAN TTAUDWOODS /COMPANY, T IMITED. Artificial Teeth Carefully - itted. UTTeRtOCOTCH* ;VV " A "- CHABGES moderate, PAINLESS j MECHANICS' QAY. TEL. 1925. EXTRACTIONS. ■ — + 4>X £y i T©lephon« 577.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 6 (Supplement)