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Amusements. TT I S MAJESTY'S T H E A T R E . ■*"*■ Lessee, Mr. C. R. Bailey. DIRECTION OF J. C. WILLIAMSON. "A PEEP BEHIND THE SCENES ' ; Of T II E O It •' H I D. T H E O R C H I D, To be Staged for the First Time bete by MR. ,1. C WILLIAMSON S MR. .1. C. \MLEIAJISU.\ s ; World-renowned j 1 ROYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY, ' ROYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY, On FRIDAY EVENING NEXT. FRIDAY EVENING NEXT. Showing, under their various bead-, ,ia-t I what the details mean in connection with a ! production whose magnitude can only be i described as " COLOSSAL. Mr. Williamson. during hi- 20 odd years ot management in Australasia, has placed before the public MANY GIGANTIC SPECTACLES, all of which, including even the mammoth ' stage elaboration- 01 " Djiu I>j 111 " and " Mat-a." are totally eclipsed by the splen- { .lour of " THE HID. j THE COSTUMES j in material and design are an exact replica of those at the Gaiety 'theatre, I London, and have never been -111- j parsed for beauty either on or off ' the stage in tin- hemisphere, and pre- 1 sent en masse a deagtuiul and pertectly harmonious colour scheme. NEARLY ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Aims'is are concerned in this production, and daring the two acts and lour scenes of " The Orchid " their dressing involves OVER FIVE HUNDRED MAGNIFICENT COSTUMES. THE SCENERY Represents the conjoint work of the I whole of Mr. Williamson's artistic and j mechanical staff, both in Melbourne I and Sydney, involving the use of close oil IO.IXIO 1 ARC'S OF CANVAS. THE COMPANY. The already strong- tanks of the RoYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY have been augmented for this huge i enterprise. THE CHORUS j Presents a perfect bouquet of pretty i girls, and it is generally acknowledged I that a liner chorus combination is not j to be found anywhere. | THE BALLET i Have lor the mod part been trained ! I rom little lots of -ix and seven, until I to-day the ranks of thi- Famous ISA L- i LERINE comprise some ol the mod ' accomplished daii-eu-es on the English ; stage. It is distinctly not too much to say that in "THE ORCHID" Playgoers will find the Most Sumptuous and Enjoyable Entertainment that ha- Ever Been , Witnessed in Auckland. j Box Plans for the First Six Nights 0 f " The j Orchid" will lie opened at \\ ildnian and j A rev's on MONDAY MORNING NEXT, at 9. Cimiitrv Patrons writing to the Box office enclosing remittances! will have their re- 1 quests carefully attended to. 1 loess circle and Reserved Stalls, 6s; Stalls, i 4s; Family Circle, 2'. Touring Manager. Mr. Ceo. Matheson. 1 1 ' 1 Railways j j YEW VEALAND OAILWAYS. INTERRUPTION OF LINES BY FLOODS. From 19th inst.. and until fiirlh-r ''•>'. ! the following alterations in the week day ■ train services will be made ! The usual 7.50 a.m. Train Auckland to ; Eraukton. 10 a.m. Train Auckland to Roto- j rtia. 1.10 p.m. 'Irani Auckland to Mercer. I the 4-15 p.m. Train Auckland to Frankton. I will only run as far a- Pokeno. The usual 6.50 a.m. and 8.2) a.m. Trains from Mercer will not run. Trains will leave 1 Pokeno lor Auckland as follows: Pokeno. Hop. 7 a.m.. running on usual time of 6.50 a.m. Train from Mercer; Pokeno. dep. j 12.19 p.m.. running un usual tune of 10 a.m. Train from Eraukton; Pokeno. dtp. 5.19 p.m.. running on time of usual 2.15 p.m. Train 1 from Frankton; and a Train, stopping where required, will leave Pokeno for Auckland on arrival of .steamer from Tallinn. The 4.45 a.m. Train Mercer to Eraukton 1 will not run. The 10 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Trains from Eraukton Junction to Auckland j will only run to Taui'.iri. The 1.50 p.m. Train Irani Eraukton to Rotorim will run as u-ual. and will stop where required between Frankton and Morriusville. The 1.4j p.m. train from Frankton to Auckland will not run. A Train, stripping where required, will leave Taupiri tor Eraukton at 12.40 p.m.. and a Train, stopping where required, will leave Taupiri alter arrival ol steamer service from Pokeno. .SEE BELOW.. The 0.20 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. Trains from Rotoi ua will iiulv run to Taupiri. The 8.75 a.m. Train Morriusville to Frankton, and the '2.4. p.m. Train Frankton to Morrinsville. will not run. 'Ihe Train services between Thames, Waihi. and Morrinsville are suspended, but Trains will run between Thames and Karangahake as below, stopping where required: — Thames. dep. 9.10 a.m.; Paeroa. d.'p. 10.50 a.m.; Karangahake. an-. 11.8 a.m. Karangahake. den. 11.15 a.m.: Paeroa. dep. 11.40 a.m.; Thames, air. 12.45 11.111. Thames, dep. 4.5 p.m.; Paeroa. dep- 5.40 p.m.; Karangahake. air. 5.58 p.m. Karangahake, dep. 6.10 p.m.; Paeroa. dep. 6.35 p.m.: Thame-, air. 7.4) p.m. All other Train services will run as usual. All traffic is suspended between Taupiri and Pokeno (except by Steamer service, abelow). Morrinsvil e. and Paeroa. and Karangahake and Waihi. STEAMER SERVICE ON WAIKATO RIVER. Until further notice Steamers, lor conveyance of pa.-.sengers. luggage, and smalt lots of perishable goods, win run between Pokeno . and Taupiii dail.\ (Sundays included'. connecting with 'trains to ami Horn Aucuiaiid and Hamilton. Passengers from Auckland end will require to leave "Auckland by tiie 7.50 a.m. Irani lor Pokeno. and will join Steamer there lor Taupiri. tin arrival at Taupirk drain will be in readiness to take passengers from Taupiri to Cambridge. Hamilton, and Te AwamutU. except 011 Sundaes, on wuich day- 'trains will only run to Hamilton. Passengers lor liotorua and Taumarunui Inns wil, be ame to get through to destination on billowing dav excepting; those leaving Auckland on Suturilay, who will go through by ordinary Tram on Mondav. Passengers Irom South will on week days travel 10 Taupiri by 10 Train from Frankton (connecting with each 'Irani from I e Awamuttl and Cambridge, and on Sunday by a Special 'Irani leaving Hamilton at v. ■ . a.m.. and will join Steamer at Taupiri lor Pokeno. On arrival ol Steamer at Pokeno, i'rain will be in readiness to convov passrm.vr.- to Auckland. Passengers holding through tickets taken mil on or belorc MONDAY. January 14. will on application to the Slatioiimaster at Tancod .11 travelling Irani South', and to the Mationma-ti at Pokeno 'it travelling Iron: | North:, be supplied with a free pas- lor the j steamer. Passengers "ho do not hold through tickets will be booked 10 Pokcmi or Taupiri. 1 a- tin case may be. and wi,l require to pay their own steamer laic <7si between Pokeno and Taupiri. Under ibis service passengers Irom Rotorua and Kins Country lines get j thiou'-'h to Auckland in two days. PASSENGERS ARE ADVISED TO TAKE AS Ll'lil.E LUGGAGE AS POSSIBLE. AS THE ACCOM MODATj'ON ON STEAMERS IS LIMITED. THE RAILWAY DEPARTMENT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STEAMER SIRVUT'. ON THE WAIKATO RIVER. OR 101 l CONVEYANCE OF PASSENGERS. ETC.. THEREBY. BY ORDER. ,-i/i..\«,? ' '':S^ : -S■' "',■'« -;■''" ■ "- r "; v '■-■■*■■**■■ ■-■■>■..■■■ - • VIAMILTON R E G A T T A. This Regatta lias been postponed owing to th" interruption of railway service by Hoods. All train arrangements for the 19th January in connection with the Regalia are now cancelled. BY ORDER. Public Notices,. "MEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL -> EXHIBITION. OPEN Ist NOVEMBER. 1906, TO 15th APRIL. 19,7. OFFICIAL RESIDENTIAL BUREAU. CHRIS I I Kill, tins Bureau, which is conducted under the supervision of the Executive of the New Zealand International Exhibition, has been established for the convenience of Visitors to the Exhibition, who will find it to their advantage to book their accommoda- j Don through its agency. Full Board can lie secured from 25s per j week. Bed and Breakfast from lus per week. Prospectus, with app.ication form attached. can be obtained at the ottice of this paper. Please address all letters and inquiries to I the Manager-. Messrs. Muxes and Langdown. I 1!?.. .Manchester-street. Chi istchurch. Telegraphic address. " Accommodation." 0. s. MUNRO. General Manager. New Zealand International Exhibition. Christchurch, 22nd December, 1506.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 10