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._. New Zealand Bkralu Office, Friday evening. A f.mi: amount of business was transacted on the sharemarkft to-day. In standard stocks Now Zealand Banks were done, at £8 IBs ami tbore was further inquiry at the same price, sellers asking £8 19s. New Zealand Insurances changed hands at 83s, and inoro were offering at the same price, buyers quoting 82 3 . South British sold at £5 9s. am! closed with sellers at £5 9s 6d, and buyers at £5 8s 6(1 Taupiri Coals were, had at 18s 9tl, ami closed with sellers asking 19s, buyers 13s Ed. Northern Steamships (paid up) changed hands at 17s 3d, and more were available at the fame figure, buyers quoting 17s 6d. Leyland-O'Brien Timbers realise*! 465, with late sellers 46s 6d, buyers 455. In mining Waihis sold at £8 18s, and closed with further inquiry at the same money, sellers holding for £8 18s 6d. Waihi Orand Junctions brought 60s, closing with sellers 60s 6d, buyers 495. Talismans made--32s 6d, late buyers offering 32s 3d, sellers asking 32s 9d. Waiotahis sold at 32s fed, with late, sellers 32s 9(1, buyers 32s 3d. Waihi Extenders wore, dealt, in at 5s 4t; : more were available at 5s 6d, buyers 5 S 3d. Waitangis (6d paid) brought 4s 9d, closing with further inquiry at that figure, sellers 4s 10d. New May Queens .sold at 3s 2d, late sellers 3s 3d, buyers 3s 2d. New Occidentals wore had at I£_, late buyers lid. no declared sellers. Watelimans made 4jd, lato sellers 5.1, buyers 4d. Old Ilaurakis -■oh! at lOjd, closing with tellers ll_d, buyers 10id. New Waitckauris brought lOd, sellers lid, buyers 10_tL AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. The closing prices lor Friday are as follows, the business done being:—Bank of New Zealand, £8 18s; South British Insurance, £5 9s; New Zealand Insurance, £4 3s; Taupiri Coal, ISs 9d ; Leyland-O'Brien Tunlier, 465; Northern Steamship (paid up), 17s 8d; Waihi, £8 ISs. £8 18?; Waihi Grand Junction, £2 10s; Talisman Consolidated, 32s 6d, 32s 6d ; Waiotoiii, 32s cd, 32s 6d ; Waihi Extended, 5s 4d; Waitangi (6d paid), 4s 9(1; New May Queen, 3s 2d, 3* 2d, 3s 2d ; New Occidental, ljd; Watchman, 4Jd; Old Hauraki, 10' d ; Now Waitekauri, lOd, lid.

CALL AND OlVir-ENB LIST. C»li« Waitangi, Jannarv 9 0 0 0; Jan. 23 | Leiden Cross, .lanuarv 10 not" Feb. 1 New Waitpkaun, .lanuarv 17 ... 0 0 1 .Tan. 28 I Waihi Bin :li, Jutmarv 17 .00 2 Feb. 11 ! : 1 FRUIT AND PRODITE MARKETS, ' Business in the local iruit and produce markets 1 during ihe past, week has been fairlv brisk, dthough supplies in the earlv part of the week | were considerably short., owing to the had j weather, .mi! business from the various ccuntiv j districts being almost entirely suspended in ccii- I _e«|iiencs of the interruption of the railwav trullie. j Supplies (l potatoes ami onions were very light, | and con'-ct,M,'iiily prices tinned tor both lit!'-.- ! Cuart unit other fodder also advancer', in valor i owing to the almost total destruction of the crops I in the Waikato, caused bv the recent floods.. The j supplies or fruit were, almasi entirelv ot loeallvgrown varieties In the early pari "of the wee',; only *innll 011.01!iti.-s canv to hand, but at the end of the week supplies from oil districts were very heavy. I'riei thiomrlroat, however, ruled satisfactory. No hull <r other produce arrived trom the Waik-alo. where the early and midsp_toii crops of : -. ■■:•.:-.,; an ,i plums are considered 1 to have !*e:i e.niiiely lost, owing to the had ] weather. In dairy produce nearlv the whole of ; the supplies oi faniifij' butter sent in were in ' had order. Fresh eggs were somewhat scarce, i but there was a considerable qtiant-Mv ol inferior lots offering. There was no change ill the values j of bacon, ha.m*, or cheese. Poultry was 111 ! moderate supply and realised good values. The j following were tho ruling pi ices at the auction i sales to-d.iy :— Field Produce.—rotate**: Local, £b ten. ' Kmmiras. 3.1 to 4s e;_»\ Onions: Local, £6 to £7 i ton. Chair : Local. 4.T1 to £_ S* ton. Dairy Produce.—Fanners' and se[iai.vtnr butter, ' 6d to ]Cd lb: milled, in hulk, for export. lOd; | liavttv. (id to fid. Fresh eggs, 11,1 dozen. Cheese : | Farmers', ltd to r„\ Pi; factory, ft'.ii to 7d ; li«t, i "d to 7' <I. Bacon; Factory, '?Ul. Hams: E.i •- i wnv. Bid to 9.1. i

-.Fruit.Apple*: LoenJ, dessert, 3s to is bushel ca.*c: cooking, ,',s to 4s. Pears: Bon Chretien, iOi to Lis: others, dessert, 4s to ss; cooking, ".s to <s. riuins: English varieties, dessert, 5s to ss; cooking, Is 6<l to 2s 6d : Japanese varieties, l» to 2a 6d. reaches: Coloured, 2s fcd to 'is. Apricots, 3s to is. Nectarines. 3s bd to 6s. GrajH-K. la to Is 6d lb. Tom.a<oe«, i!« to 4s 6d box. Lemons: Local, prime, 7s to 8s 6d case; tough and coarse, 2s to 4s. Cherries: Sydney, 4s to 5s box. ('»]>> gooseberries. 3.Jd to 4d lb. Watermelons, 12s to Lis doyen, Banana*, Is 6d to 3s bunch; repacked. Id to ljd lb. Poultry—Bens, is 6d to 2s each ; table roosters, *s to 4«: dinks. Is to Is 9d : geese, 2s fid to 3s; chicks, (id to lb; turkeva, gobblers 7s to 10s, liens 3s to 7k. MESSRS. C. B. KIM.SWELL AND CO.'S REPORT. On Wednesday we <l...ired a large catalogue ol hides, skin*., tallow, etc. Hides: Market linn. We quote: Extra stout. to 7|d : stout, did to 6_d : medium, bid to bid; light, bid to 6d; cow. drv-Milted 6d. wet-halted 5.d to 6Jd; calf, o'.d to 62d; kip, 5. d to all: stags', 4d to 4]d per lb. Sheepskins: Large, £9 6d : medium, 6s to 7s. t>d ; small, 4s to 4s 6d ; medium, drv. 4s to lis ; ! BliPtirling*, ,» to 2s 6d ; lambs', 2s *o"2s M each. : Tallow: Hood, m cask* and packages, 25» bd ■ to 'Jbs ; seconds, 23.* to 23s 6d i>er ewt. ' Rough fat. lid per lb. I Cowtails, Is Yd per dozen. Rones, dry, £4 15« per ton. ! TE AWAMUTU STOCK SALE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency i Company, Limited, Hamilton, reports as follows*; —On Saturday hud we held our monthly stock [ sale at Te Awamutu, and. notwithstanding the ' wet day, there was a. lull yarding and brisk I competition throughout, making a. complete, clear- ' ance. Well-bred two and a hall year old steer.* j realised up to £4 15s: yearling steers, £2 O.s fid •o £2 4s: mixed yearlings. £1 17s to £2; wellgrown good calves, 20s to £1 4s fid; smaller torts, lbs to 17* fid ; fresh-conditioned cow*, £3 10s to £4 ss; tat. cows. £5 7s 6d : fa heifers, £4 19.*: aged bulls, £1 16- to £2 ss: quiet two and a-half and three-year-old dairy heifers, £2 15s to £3 ss. Figs were, in brisk demand and all sold. Weaners. 12s 7d to 17s: good slips, £1 Ik to £1 6s. Sundries at. usual price*. LONDON. By Telegraph.—Press Association Copyright. LOS DOK, January 17. Tlie bank rote ha« been reduced to 5 per cent.

LONDON WOOL SALES. By Telegraph.—Preas Association.Copyright. London, .January 17. At the wool sole/s yesterday the following clips were disposed of:—Greeiihi'll, 13Jd ; Poukawu, 13Ad : Maoyanja, 12Jd. At the Bales 10-dav there was brisk demand for all classes and prices were firm, the American* operating freclv in beat merinos and crossbred*. cjirjsTCiirnni grain market IKY TELKOHAI'U PRESS ASSOCIATION.] CHKISTCHrRCH, Friday. There lias been a little movement in old wheat during the week, several sales having been made at an advaneo of about Id per bushel on late rates. Anion? the sales were 1200 bushels of Tuscan at 3s Id, 1200 bushels of pearl ami Hunters at 3-> Old, and 2000 bushels of Hunters at 3s at. country stations. It is reported thai a parcel of Australian flour has been landed at Oamaru. A sample has l>een received in Christchurch, the. quotation for which is said to he low. No further business is reported in new cat* owing to the uncertainly of delivery. Some oi the samples submitted are very thin, a- might be expected from the early-cut crop;. It is reported that the barley at Kaitinui is turning out, very well, the district' having received a number of showers of rain that, missed the plains. Several fairly large lines of prime malting barley have been fold a*. 4s 6d and 4s Pd.

Sellers Ruvera BANKS- £ " d - £ ' 8d New Zealand 3 13 0 8 IS 0 National 5 " t> 5 5 0 INSURANCE— New Zealand 4 3 0 4 2 0 Now Zealand, new issue... — 3 19 6 National ... — 15 3 South British 5 9 6 5 8 6 Standard „ — 10 3 COAL— Hikurangi 0 16 3 — Nor.. Coal, Ltd.. 10* paid 0 lb 9 0 16 3 I\au|i;ri Mines, Lid. ... 0 19 0 0 18 8 W'eainorl — 7 4 0 Drury 0 & 0 — GASAuckland 15 6 0 IS 2 6 SHIPPING— Union Steam Ship ... _ 17 8 6 New Zealand 6 3 0 & 18 0 Northern Swan), paid up 0 17 8 0 17 6 Northern Steam, eon. ... 0 8 4 0 8 2 Devonport Steam lerrr ... 1 15 0 — TIMBERKauri, paid up .. 0 lb 9 _ Kauri, contributing .,050 049 Leylnnd-O'Brien, Ltd. . 2 6 6 2 ,i 0 Parker-Lamb. Limited ... 1 7 fa 15 0 MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways Co. ■ 11 13 6 D.S.C., Limited ..'. ... 0 7 8 0 7 4 Hill and Hummer, Lid.. 110 — New Zealand Dm;;. £2 . 2 10 0 2 9 0 Northern Boot ._ 0 10 9 New Zealand Paper Mills — 13 0 I'nion Oil ..109 Wiseman and Son.-, pre I'.. 1 8 0 — MINING— Bonanza, paid .' ... 0 10 — Bonanza, contributing ... 0 0 r. 0 0 7 J» urn tin 1 0 0 6" Ivuranui-Caledonian ... 0 1!) 013 May Queen Extended ... 0 0 10 _ New Halt 0 0 7', 0 0 6 New May Queen ... ,'.. 0 3 3 0 3 J New Moanaraian 0 10 — New Monowai 0 10 New Occidental — 0 0 li New Saxon 0 0 10 — New Sylvia 0 0 5 0 0 4 Old Albumin 0 2 4 0 2 0 Southern Queen, con, ... 0 0 6', _ Temple Bar. 3d paid ... 0 0 4J, Thame* 0 0 10* 0 0 6 Victoria. 0 10 — Wuiotahi 1 12 9 1 12 3 WaitaiiRi, bd paid ... 0 4 10 0 4 9 Watchman 0 0;- 0 0 4 Hauraki Freehold ... 0 0 4 Kapowai 0 0 10 Old Hauraki 0 0 11', 0 0 IC'. SouHi Kapatiga 0 0 10; 0 0 10* Auckland 0 0 7' 0 0 0' Champion, paid up ... 0 1 6 0 1 0" Champion, contributing 0 10 Crown 0 8 10 0 1:3 Golden Belt, paid ... 0 1 it 0 1b Golden Beit, con. ... 0 1 4 — Nomina Keels 0 2 1 — Maorilancl, paid .010 — Manriliiiul, eontrikiuug... 0 0 Hi-. New Waitekauri ... ... 0 Oil" 0 0 1C; Tairtia Broken Hills .,029 027" Talisman Consolidated .. 1 12 9 1 12 3 Wailu S 18 0 2 18 0 Waihi Beach . . ..009', 00 7.'. Waihi Coru-olidated .Ola' 01 Wailii Extended ... ..05b 05 3 Wailii Grand Junction ... 2 10 0 2 'J 0 Sunbeam Hold ami Silver. 1* 6d paid 0 10 0 0 9 II. L NfMKKs, Secretary; U. A. Brrrt.K, Cliairma'n. 3.15 p.m.. January IS, 1907.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13390, 19 January 1907, Page 3