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The Boxing Day meeting of the Auckland Racing Club invariably brings out a brilliant display of what the Americans comprehensively term "chiffons," and this year's meeting was emphatically no exception to the rule. The lovely weather prevailing gave every opportunity for demonstrating the omnipotence of floral muslins and printed chiffons. Certain it is that never was a summer when these cobwebby materials have been so taken up as this, and never before were there such beautiful designs seen.

A charming example of the reigning mode was worn by Mrs. W. K. Bloomfield of ivory white chiffon painted with large mauve flowers, the skirt being finished with a wide band of mauve taffeta, with frille-ry above and perpendicular applications m lace, the bodice' also finished with lace and toned with ceinture and bretelles of mauve taffeta ; • largo white picturesque crinoline hat with cream' and mauve ostrich feathers. Similarly attractive was Mrs. George Bloomfield's gown of white chiffon, printed with pink flowers and much trimmed with .Valenciennes lace, pink ceinture and parasol, and hat of ivory crinoline with pink roses and green foliage. Mrs. Thorno George wore black chiffon bestrewn with pink flowers and showing pink silk touches, the bodice softened with black and white lace, black toque trimmed with tulle and pink poppies; Miss Zoe George, a lovely gown of white chiffon taffeta, having wide embroidered horizontal bauds, set off with smart hat of pink crinoline swathed with tulle and black plumes beneath brim ; Lady Lockhart, elaboratelyembroidered white lawn gown and small Dresden blue French chip hat, enwreathed with green foliage and cluster of pink pompom roses; Mrs. Lucas- Bloomfield, elegant gown of gray figured silk cropoline, the bodice softened with cream lace, white lace hat, draped with a veil of Limerick lace, caught in front with large pink rose; Mrs.' 1. Hope Lewis, cream figured mohair, the bodice daintily finished with lace, straightbrimmed sailor hat in reseda green tulle, with ruching and cluster of crimson roses; ' Mrs. N. Alfred Nathan, superb Parisian gown of oyster gray crepe tie chine, with bolero of lovely Irish lace and yoke and vest of diamante net, smart gray" hat with ostrich plumes; Mrs. D. W. Dufhie, charming gown of Dresden blue chiffon, the laceedged bolero worn over a dainty vest of white lace, recherche toque in folded corncoloured crinoline, with long blue ostrich feather; Mrs. E. Ilorton, dainty pale gray mohair with raised spot, the bodice opening over a vest of Valenciennes lace, smart black crinoline picture hat trimmed black velvet and ostrich plumes; Mrs. Louis Myers, smart black and white striped mohair, black and white toque with black ostrich tips; Mrs. Loo Myers, rich ivory silk with blurred design of pink rosebuds, the corselet skirt meeting a bolero of beautiful Irish lace, white chip hat swathed with leaf green tulle and tilted on a bandeau of pink roses and foliage; Mrs. Ernest Benjamin, cream chiffon voile, printed with design of pink rosebuds, heliotrope sash and black hat with plumes; Mrs. Leatham, beautiful gray floral Japanese silk worn over pink glace, toque of pink crinoline upraised at side with cluster of pink poppies; Mrs. Devore, graceful gown of black and white striped mohair, black bonnet with black ostrich tips and pink roses; Miss Devore, dainty gown of primrose chiffon voile, trimmed knife kiltings of taffeta headed with lace applications, pretty double-crowned pink crinoline hat with bandeau of pink satin ribbon and roses; Miss K. Devore, pretty white embroidered muslin pale blue ceinture, white broderio Anglais hat with chou of pale blue ribbon ; Mrs. A. E. Why to (Wellington), cream mohair gown with white silk Tencriffe insertion, pretty Dresden blue hat, with black and blue" ostrich feathers; Mrs. E. W. Alison, Hortensia pink voile costume, the bolero edged with silk braid, opening over' cream lace, hat to correspond lavishly trimmed with roses; Miss Ivy Alison, dainty white silk muslin with transparent yoke and insertions of I Valenciennes lace worn over blue glace, smart pale blue straw hat. trimmed blue tulle and largo white ostrich feather; Mrs. George Dun net, handsome gown of gray chiffon taffeta, finished with strappings of black velvet, black crinoline toque*clustered at side with lilies of the valley and roses; Miss Duniiet, white, chiffon with design of pink and bluo daisies and touches-, of black velvet, black hat enwreathed with pink roses ; Mrs. W. R. Holmes, handsome gown of black taffeta,-. the . skirt finished with a battlement of black ribbon velvet, and the bolero edged with narrow black kilting, small black crinoline hat, with white- and black ostrich feathers; Mrs. McLaughlin, handsome gown of navy and white check taffeta, with jabot of white lace, and modish black and white toque with ostrich tips to correspond; Mrs. Holgate, beautiful gown of wave green chiffon taffeta, having dainty transparent yoke, and trimmed with small knife kiltings. surrounding green and white motifs, black toque: Mrs. R. Duder, black and white floral chiffon, smart 'French sailor hat, swathed white tulle and black velvet ribon; Miss Nora Gorrie, lovely cream chiffon voile, with red pinspot worn over pintle glace, floral sash, and smart little green hat uplifted at; the side with white hydrangea; Miss Gweu. Gorrie, pale bluo and white check taffeta, ecru straw hat swathed with white tulle, and bandeau of black feathers; Mrs. Henry Nolan, beautifully - designed gown of old rose crepe do chine, with cream gauged Brussels net yoke, and bertho of exquisite' lace, smart black crinoline hat with plumes; Mrs. Angus Gordon' was the wearer of a much admired gown of white chiffon bestrewn with a large. design of shaded pinksweet peas, the elbow sleeves being composed of frilled Valenciennes lace and the bodice similarly adorned, old rose silk cein-' ture and black crinoline toque with ostrich plumes; Mrs. Asa Whitney, champagne voile gown, with ceinture and trimmings of eau du nil silk, and brown velvet ribbon, cream and brown toque; Mrs. Copcland Savage, most dainty and effective gown of white chiffon, with deep floral border in mauve, the bodice, also in the mauve tones, being prettily finished with Valenciennes lace, picturesque Romnoy hat in mauve French chip, trimmed velvet and plumes to correspond; Mrs. Ching, handsome gown of grey chiffon taffeta, with Louis bows and strappings of brown velvet ribbon, smart hat of folded corn-coloured crinoline, trimmed brown velvet, and pale pink rosebuds, and foliage; Mrs. Dargaville, very handsome gown of black taffeta' richly trimmed with bands of jet .and broderio Anglais, yoke and vest of white chiffon, overspread with ,black Chantilly lace, black crinoline toque, with crown of white roses and long white- ostrich feather, and white ostrich feather boa: her daughter, Mrs. Thompson (lnglewood), dainty gown of white broderie Anglaise with blue silk ceinture, large black crinoline hat trimmed black tulle and sweeping white ostrich feather: Miss Muriel Darga-villc, daintily attired in white embroidered lawn over pink glace, the blouse inserted with Valenciennes lace, threaded with blue ribbon, large silver-white crinoline picture, hat, with touches of black velvet, and white ostrich plumes; Mrs. Louisson, pretty pink and rose-striped chiffon mohair, embossed with small green and pink embroidered flowers, the bodice and sleeves trimmed with Fron«h-lknotted bands of glace silk, and the whole worn over a. pink glace foundation, smart cream French chip hat, trimmed with tulle and white ostrich feathers; Mrs. Harry Kecsing, wave green mohair, the bolero opening over' a. dainty cream lace vest and jabot, smart black crinoline hat with crown of niched tulle; Mrs. E. C. Smith, sapphire blue crepe do chine, with transparent lace voke, smart straight-brimmed sailor hat, wreathed with hortensia pink unmounted roses; Mrs. R. H. Bodle, royal blue crepe de chine, the bodice having touches of pale green velvet, and opening over a vest of cream lace, Leghorn hat swathed with scarf of pink and white floral chiffon, and clusters of pink hydrangeas and deep crimson roses; Mrs. Gulliver, gown of royal blue voile, the crossover bodice opening over a vest of beautiful lace, folded white chiffon boat-shaped toque with crown of buttercups and white and buttercup wings; Mrs. S. Morrin, navy voile with white spot, hat in sapphire straw, swathed tulle to correspond, and a cluster of convolvuli; Miss Maud Wingfield, charming gown of Dresden blue and pink floral chiffon, with reseda green high swathed belt, meeting a bolero of Valenciennes lace, prettily finished with quillings of same, pretty hat of ivory chip, swathed with white tulle, and finished with pale green leaves and osprcy; Mrs. Harry Seager, biscuit coloured cloth coat and skirt, with facings of hortensia pink* brocade, hortensia pink hat, wreathed with roses; Mrs. H. Barry, pretty pink floral muslin trimmed lace, hat of black and white trimmed cherries anil ostrich feathers; Mrs. 11. ■ Marsack, shell pink mousseliue de soie, the surplice bodice opening over a vest of cream frilled Valenciennes lace, white crinoline toque, with touches of black velvet and pink roses; Mrs: T. Cottle, rich black silk gown with lace vest and black and cream toque; Mrs. ■ Vernon Coney. pretty pale blue mousseline d? soie, with transparent vest of Valenciennes lace, and . becoming largo black picture hat; Mrs. Murdoch McLean, elegant gown of gray chiffon taffeta, with revets of Irish lace,

opening over cream tucked net yoke, black toque; Miss Stella McLean, dainty white embroidered lawn, with Tuscan bat, enwreathed with maiden's blush roses; Mrs. Sharman, black and white chiffon, with large black picture hat, with white ostrich plumes, and draped with a long veil; Mrs. J. K. Lundon, beautiful gown of sapphire chiffon taffeta, green Henri hat, with shaded feathers; Miss Una Williams (Wellington), hortensia pink linen, and black crinoline straw hat, with weeping black ostrich plumes; Mrs. Wallace, cream voile, with picturesque black and white hat; Mrs. K. T. Haultain, black and white cheek taffeta, black toque, with white roses; Miss Olive Lusk, pretty pinafore gown of pink Sicilian, worn over soft cream silk blouse, hat of pink crinoline, swathed with tulle: Mrs. James Bush, corslet gown of cream chiffon voile, with large heliotrope flowers, white lace hat, trimmed with heliotrope flowers; Miss Millie Cotter, white muslin and lace, charming large white crinoline straw hat, with ostrich plumes and pink roses; Miss Jessie Reid, white Shantung silk, the crossover bodice, opening over dainty vest of Val. lace, hat of white broderie Anglaise, and pink*and white floral ribbon; Mrs. A. B. Reynolds, black Ottoman silk, pink vest, overspread point lace, pale green hat. with large unmounted roses; Mrs. John Raid, handsome gown, black taffeta, with transparent black lace, yoke, black toque trimmed with ostrich p. tunes and pink rose«: Mrs. C.- Owen, champagne voile with shaded bolero and embroideries and strappings brown velvet, smart &mall hat composed of leaves with cone crown of gweetpeas and rosebuds; Mrs. J. .St. Clair. Hortensia pinkvoile, the bodice finished with vest of tucked chiffon, hat of white chip enwreathed with green chiffon and shaded wisteria; Miss St. Clair, dainty white frock trimmed with broderio Anglaise, biscuit straw hat wreath- : ed with pale pink tulle; Mrs. Bucklatid. black silk gown, bonnet en suite, crown of white tulle and ostrich tips; Miss Bucklatid, dainty gown of pale blue spotted muslin, white crinoline straw hat trimmed with tulle swathing and rosettes; Miss — Bucklaud, pretty white muslin gown, becoming hat of white crinoline straw, swathed with tulle and cluster of pale pink roees; Mrs. Williamson (Sydney), ; reseda taffeta, the bolero finished with Irish lace, modish tulle hat with sweeping brown ostrich feather: Mrs. Walker, heliotrope voile, the bodice finished with spotted net, heliotrope- toque trimmed with violets; Mrs. Phillips, black and tvhito striped muslin, the bodice openin over vest of spotted net, petunia toqu* with tulle and cluster of-dahlias; Mrs. Bunney (Hawke's Bay), cream taffeta, with bo lero of Valenciennes lace, modish hat of ecru straw trimmed with chiffon and pink roses; Mrs. R. Maseficld, pale blue taffeta with hat of pale blue trimmed with cluster of pink roses; Mrs. Ansenne, Dresden blue silk pinafore gown, worn over a dainty blouse of soft white silk, smart "cocker" hat en suite with peacock plumes; Mrs. C. Brown, deep cream. voile, smart reseda green hat with tulle rtichings; Mrs. W. H. Churton, cream mohair costume, becoming French sailor hat enwreathed with pink roses; Mrs. C. R. Bailey, brown chiffon silk, the bodice opening over vest of rich cream lace, brown French sailor hat enwreathed with pink and crimson roses; Miss Peacoeke, palo blue Sicilienno costume, the coatee edged with white silk braid, navy straw hat with pale blue ostrich plumes; Mrs. Pabst, grey green silk, with white embroidered silk yoke, hat to match, with tulle and pink roses; Mrs. Fitzroy Peacocke, Ficelle- chiffon voile, black bonnet trimmed with heliotrope velvet and white ospreys; Mrs. Goodhue, rich black silile gown, black tulle bonnet with cluster of pale pink roses; Miss Towle, daintv gown of white muslin, spotted with black," bolero bodice trimmed with Valenciennes lace and black velvet buttons, white chip hat trimmed with white clover, and clumped at back, with white tulle and crimson flowers; Miss Lusk, cream voile, the bodice finished with pale blue, smart hat of panne, trimmed with black ostrich feathers and pale pink roses; Mrs. Markham, smart cream mohair costume, small white straw sailor hat, swathed with tulle; Mrs. P. Lawrence, white silk dress trimmed with Valenciennes lace, reseda green straw French sailor hat, trimmed with tulle and pink roses; Mrs. H. Clark, pale pink mousseline de soie, the bolero trimmed with Valenciennes lace, becoming white crinoline straw hat with white tulle ruche, and pink and white shaded ostrich plume; Mrs. Jackson, sapphire blue taffeta, yoke of Valenciennes, pale blue French sailor hat, trimmed with floral ribbon; Miss Duder, dainty white embroidered muslin, white hat swathed with pale pink chiffon; Miss — Duder, white embroidered muslin, hat of ecru straw trimmed with black ribbon velvet, and black ostrich feather; Mrs. E. Benjamin grev crystalline silk, yoke of ecru net edged with V alenciennos lace, black crinoline toque swathed with black and white chiffon and bunch of white ospreys; Mrs. Foster picture gown of sapphire chiffon taffetas, straight-brimmed sailor hat in Hortensia pink, with . tulle niching; Miss Witchell pale heliotrope mousseline do soie over purple; heliotrope straw hat trimmed with purple ribbon velvet and violets; Mrs Williams, white embroidered linen, . ecru straw hat, with cream tulle niching; Mrs Alex. Donald, pale blue chiffon taffeta with yoke of ecru lace, pretty white French chip hat with white tulle and cluster of pale pink roses Miss Percival, sapphire blue taffeta, with yoke of ecru lace, edged with Valenciennes lace, white crinoline toque trimmed with white ribbon : Miss Kenny white embroidered muslin, ecru straw hat with black tulle ruching and black ostrich feather: Mrs Roberts, stylish brown taffeta, with shoulder straps of ecru lace threaded brown velvet, brown sailor hat with brown tulle and cluster of purple



FIRST DAY. [BY TELEGRAPH._OWX CORRESPONDENT.] „., „ L Thames, Wednesday. The first day's racing of the Thames Jockey Clubs Summer Meeting was held to-day The attendance was large, being about up to that of previous meetings, and the races were on the whole well contested. MAIDEN HANDICAP of 35sovs. Seven furlongs. Uranium (Brady) <# . Bellbird, Bst 51b (Stewart) ... '.'.'. ".'.". '" 0 Seabohni, 7st 41b (Kelly _' ".* '" , This was a good race between (he three placed horses until the straight was reached when Uramum shot to (he front ana won easily bv two lengths, Bellbird just beating Seabohii. on the post for second place. Time, lm. 33 l-ss. Divide id, 18s Also started : Colleen Dhas, 7st 31b; □auiue, (st. FIRST HURDLE RACE of 65sovs. Two miles over eight flights of hurdles, Hillflower,. 9s 31b (Percival) ... 1 Yolette, lOst 41b (Grey) . t Stepney, lOst 21b (Marcbant) '.'.'. "'. "'. 3 These were the only starters. Hillflower took the lead from the. start, and retained it throughout, finishing threequarters of a length in front of Colette, with Stepney three lengths away. Time 4m. 4 l-ss. Dividend, £1 14s. GOLDFIELDS CUP of lOOsovs. One mile and a-quarter. Bully, Sst 41b (Mooney) ... 1 Lady Gladys, 6st 1311. (Kemp) '.'.'. '" '" 2 Melton Hall, 7&t 61b (Ross) .;. ... ."..' "■■ 5 Also started: Zuleika, 9st; Soultflsh, 6st 101b, Won by a length from Lady Gladys, with Melton Hall two lengths away. Bullv got all the best of the start, while . Melton Hall and Soultfish were left at the post by. a number of lengths. Dividend, £2 ss. WELTER HANDICAP of 40sovs. One mile and 30yds. Cranium, B'st 71b (Bradv) ... ,„ 1 Agrapus, 9st 51b (Mooney) "" "* •> Geologist, lOst 41b (Koss) ... ... "' *" 3 Also stalled: Bromide, lOst 61b. Won by a length, after a good race. Time, lm, 43 4-5s Dividend, £1 4s. . . FIRST HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 75sovs. About two miles and a-half. Hiilflower, Sst 71b (Percival) . i Morpeth, lOst 121b (Jones) '. " '" 2 Miss May, 9sl 71b (Tims) „', ]." 3 Won by two lengths. Morpeth led throughout most of the race, but was passed by Hillflower at the turn for home in the last "round. Loch Fyne, who was made favourite, ran off in the second round, as also did Pierre, at the double jump in the last round, each at the time holding good positions. Time, sm. 4 3-5s Dividends, £3 12s and lis. STEWARDS' HANDICAP of 4060v5. Seven furlongs. Syren, 7st 61b (Kellv) 3 Melton Hall, 7st 61b (Ross) ... ,„ '.'.', , Miss Lancelot, 7st (Chaafe) 3 These were the only starters. Won by two lengths, easily, four lengths separating second and third horses. HACK RACE of 30sov». Six furlongs. ♦likuai, Sst 6!b (Mooney) \ Booby, 7st 71b (Kemp) •> Pip. 7st 81b (Reid) 3 . Also started: Lotto, Bst 61b; Waihekau, Sat 51b; Napenape, Sst; Ruakaka, 7sl 91b; Tito, 7st 81b. Hikuai got away with a good start of two lengths. and maintained the advantage to the finish, winning by two lengths from Booby, with Pip three lengths away third. Time, lin. 13 3-ss. Dividends, £1 4s and £2 13s. BOROUGH HANDICAP of 40sovs. Five furlongs. Lady Clements, 7st Sib (Chaafe) ... ... ... 1 Fieramosca, 7st (Ross) 2 Syren, 7st 71b (Kelly) ... -- ... 3 These were the only starters. Won by Uali-a-leugth after a good race. Dividend, £2."

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13370, 27 December 1906, Page 7

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FASHION AT ELLERSLIE. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13370, 27 December 1906, Page 7

FASHION AT ELLERSLIE. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13370, 27 December 1906, Page 7