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I [most OCR OWN" CORRESPONDENTS.] I ■ | ■" OTAUfcuU .: (M enjoyable concert was given by the Ka«p*i Ulee Club, assisted by friends, in aid of the new Sunday-school fund for the Hethodist Church. The concert *as opened: by i pianoforte solo by Miss Wylie. Songs wert fiven by Messrs. Reeves (2), Sutherland i2i. find Watts. The Rev. J. M. i-toup* contrimated a. couple of humorous Irish reading*. iwniota were highly appreciated, and Messrs "Beaumont and Parker gave recitations. The Glee Club were very successful in then items, receiving encores in eery instance The programme was concluded with an ex hibition of waxworks, which caused great amusement. The visitor* were entertained to supper, which the ladies of the UUihnhn Methodist Church bad provided. The silver wedding of .Mr. ,1. McAnnlty was celebrated last week in the Public Hall, which was decorated for the occasion. A* Mr. and Mrs. McAnnlty have a wide circle ■>( friends and are highly respected, * large gathering resulted. Congr.itUi.itory speeches were made by Messrs. Brady and Glynn during an interval in the programme of mnsio and dancing. At the fortnightly meeting of the Otahuhu Road Board ait tne members were present. After reviewing the financial position the Board passed a resolution that all work now in hand be completed, and that no new work be undertaken for the present except in cases of emergency, such work to be afterwards authorised by the Board. The chairman reported having been interviewed by the secretary and engineer of the Auckland Gas Co.. with the result that one of the Gas Co.'s employees had been sent, round with the clerk to the Road Board to make a house-to-house canvass. A very good response, had been civen by the householders, on the understanding that the gas was not to cost more than the price in Auckland. As the result of the canvass the Board would have a definite proposal placed before them by the Gas Co. at an early date. The members of the Board, while expressing satisfaction at the chairman's report, considered the matter should not be allowed to rest, and that if the Gas Co.'s terms were not acceptable when submitted steps should be taken to obtain light from another source.

PUKEKOHK. ON' Friday evening. November 30, about 104 well-wishers asaenioled at the Pukekoho Hotel for the purpose of bidding farewell to Mr. and Mrs. J. Gallagher, who have sold their business and were leaving this district-. During their occupation of the Pukekohe Hotel they have made many friends. and many regrets have beeas expressed at their departure. Mr. James iloulston occupied 'the chair, and on behalf of a large number of subscribers presented to Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher a handsome piece of plate. In doing so he referred to the many good qualities of Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher. The evening concluded with the singing of "Anld Lang Syne." On Wednesday. December 5, a wedding of considerable interest to a large circle of friends was solemnised in the Roman Catholic Church by the Rev. father I). McItiilin, the contracting parties being Miss Kllcu Noonan and Mr. Patrick Hogan, Both the brute and bridegroom were horn in Pukekohe. their parents being among the earliest settlers. The potato crop this year is likely to be a very large one so far hi this district is concerned, and it. is finite a treat to see some of the potato patches, the stalks quite filling up the rows and rising to over two feet high. The tubers are a splendid sampie, and very large. A number of farmers are getting out their early crop. The recent rain will greatly assist th* oat crops, as well as all other growing crops, as the ground was beginning to get very dry and hard. The committee of the l'ukekohe High School met on December 3. The Rev. .1. J. Mather presided. The inspector's report on the recent school examination was highly satisfactory, not a failure being recorded. A vote of thanks was passed to the teachers for the maimer in which they had carried out their duties, and complimenting them upon the result of the elimination. The ell airman was requested to wait upon the Minister for Education in reference to a grant for the purpose, of building a teacher's residence.

Mr. G. 10- Anderson, conductor of the l'ukekohe Town Hand, approached the committee with reference to starting a drum and fife band in connection with the school. The matter was left, with the chairman to obtain more information from Mr. Anderson in reference to his proposal-

I'UKEKOHE EAST. This annual soiree in connection with the Pukekohe East Band of Hope was held in the ball on November 50. Mr. Macdermott. of Auckland, occupied the chair. The programme was as follows:—Pianoforte duet, Mrs. and Miss Allen; song Mis« Piggott; song. Mr. Smith (encored); recitation.. Miss Burnett; instrumental trio. Miss Piggott and Messrs. Cahill and Whitehead (encored): song. Mr. Allington: song, Miss Olive Clark; duct. Misses Tomson; song, Mr. IVhitbnrue; .address by the chairman; song. Miss Roberta; instrumental '-trio, Mioses Thomson and Mr. Cahill; song, Mies. Piggott; recitation. Miss Burnett, (encored); song, Mr. Allington; 1 instrumental duet. Miss Piggott and Mr. Cahill; song. Miss Alice Thomson; song. Mr. Whitburne. The accompaniments were played by Mrs. Allen and Miss Piggott.

MAMAKU. - A VERY pleasant evening was spent at Maimakti on Monday, when the friends of Mr,.. James Steele entertained him at a smoke concert on the eve of Lin departure for Melbourne. Mr. Steele has been in the employ of the Mountain liiinu Company for the past two years, and daring that time he has made a great number Of friends.

TUAKAU". The complimentary concert to Mr. and Mr*. (',. D. Hunter came off on the 27th ult. in the Literary Hall. Mr. 0. V. Staring presided. The concert was a great success, for in addition to a packed hoabe a large number of tickets were taken by those in touch witu the movement in oilier place, where Mr. and Mm. Hunter have tendered their valuable help whenever called upon. The following programme was carried out:—Overture, Tunkau Orchestral Society;' Bong. "Meet Me at St. Louis," Mr. Watkiiiß ''encored): song. ■'The Toilers," Mrs. Ho,lis; ?iong. "The Postillion." Mr. B. Andrews encored); eons', " Beyond," Mi«. W. Turiey; clarionet solo, " Rondo," Captain C. A. Voting; comic song, " I've Worked Eight Hour*,;' Mr. Morgan 'encored); song. "White Wings." Miss Madill (encored); song, " Item ember She's My Sister," Mr. S. Smith: song, "Bid Me To Love," Mrs. - G. D. Hunter (encored); overture, Tuakau Orchestral Society; song, "X Trust You Still."' Miss Roberts; vocal due?. " I Heard a, Voice." Mrs. Hunter and Miss Madill; pianoforte . duct. "Pearl of the Night," Misses Quinn; sons:-(comic), "DoI mestic Pets." Mr. Morgan (encored); clarioj net solo. Captain ('. A. Young (encored): song, '" Three For Jack." Mr. B. Andrews (encored); "God bare The King." j The anniversary services in connection I with the Tuakau Sunday-school were held j in the Presbyterian Church on November 25, I and were most successful, nil three service* | "cinsr well attended. The Rev. Irvine, of ! Pukekohe. preached eloquent and forcible I sermons in the morning anil evening, ami ! gave a suitable address to the children in ! the afternoon. Solos were rendered by the Miiises T'irritt and Madill in the mornins and afternoon, and by Mrs. Mollis in the evening. The, church was nicely decorated with evergreens anil flowers for the. occasion. The annual meeting of the cricket club j was held in Mr. Hollis' largo room, at which there was a good attendance. Mr. H. O.d- ---; ham was elected captain. Mr. T. Collins vice- { captain, and Mr. J. Tapper secretary.

PAPAKTJRA ON Monday evening the Her. A. Millar, M.A., of Edendalc. delivered a lecture -.»; " Jacobite Melodies" in the Public Hall -r aid of the Presbyterian Church fund*. The Rev. ,1. B. Smellie. M.A.. presided. The lecturer gave an interesting resume of the stirring events of 1715-45. The following song? were rendered. Mrs. Swears and Miss Ethel Willis playing the accompaniments:—"Qa; thering at Braemar," Mr. Menzies: Cam Ye By Athol?" Miss Campbell: " Wiia Wadiia' Feeht For Chairlie?" Mr. Menzies; " Hey. Johnny Cope!" Rev. A. Miller; "Charlie is My Darling." Miss Cave; "Hundred Pipers arid A'," Mr. Miller; "Flora Maedonald Lament." Miss McEwen; " Bonnie Banks ol Loci Lomond." Mies Cave: "Will Ye Nae Come Back Again?" Miss McEwen.

EAUEIMU. ON" Saturday last in the station-yard, Ratiriniu, the annual school picnic was held. The weather was fine, and at about ten in the morning the crowd began to assemble, and a little later the Public Works train put - in an appearance with the Oio scholars on board. This was the first passenger train run on the Raurirnu section. Mr. McKemcie. acting as engineer, performed the duty of unfurling the flag, and spoke in glowing terms of the headway the school had made during the previous twelve months. Air. Wilson (Public Works Office] led the children in singing " God Save the King," " Kale britannia," and several other appropriate songs in a most creditable manner. Mr. P. Crespin (Auckland) took the chair, and gave an appropriate address. A most elaborate sports programme was provided for the youthful athletes, both boys and girls. The prize list was a most extensive one. over £12 being subscribed and spent for that purpose. The school roll stands at present at 90, and there is a master (Mr. McKay) and one lady assistant. A congratulatory telegram was received from Ihe Minister for Education (Hon. Geo. Fowlds) wishing the ceremony every success. in the evening, at the Workmen's Hall, a social was given by the committee to parents and friends, there being over £9 couples present.' A very enjoyable evening was spent, bringing to a close one of the most enjoyable days spent in Itaurimu for some time past. At about seven o'clock on Saturday evening a fire broke out in the-detached residence of Mr. T. McCormic's butcher shop in the main street, Raurimu. Fortunately it was noticed just in time, and there being plenty of willing bands available at this time in the evening it was quickly got under. The crowd formed themselves into a bucket brigade, and got. water fro .; an 3djacent standpipe. What might have' proved it, very disastrous fire, attended with big iosj of property and stoeßv was thus quickly extinguished by taking advantage r>f the water supply only put tit by the Public Works Department three weeks ago., Mr. McCormic estimate* his loan at about £10.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13355, 8 December 1906, Page 4

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NEWS FROM COUNTRY DISTRICTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13355, 8 December 1906, Page 4

NEWS FROM COUNTRY DISTRICTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13355, 8 December 1906, Page 4