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. J _ Medical- [ „ ;_. s-_ __ ■ ■~&>■- -.-'A '"■ ■ una ' ;r ''' ''^mmT x> DILIOUo I | £aP "I do not hesitate to say it is the best made pill in the kingdom."— G. F. Collier, in the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, fj}g§| 1 O FAMED AS A FAMILY MEDICINE FOR A CENTURY. Invaluable to every Mother of a family. Q 1

Furnishing Goods. r FURNISHING. QN rpHE TOP. AND YOU- WILL FIND IT SO BY VISITING THE - I pCLIPSE CALLS y\EPARTMENT, pOE QUALITY AND "TVESIGNS IN EVERY CLASS OF FURNITURE AT pOCK pOTTOM pRICES. QUE TSEDROOM. TAININGROOM pUENITURE SURPASSES ALL I A GAINST ALLCOMERS. EX ADDED NIWAEU. pABRIOLE QHERETON Tl OSEWOOD CUITES, IN SILK AND SATIN, QAK AND pvTHER pUENITURE: GABRIEL LEWIS AND CO., /"OPPOSITE OMEETON'a Groceries, etc. YOUR XMAS ORDER SHOULD WE HAVE IT? FOR YOUR OWN'SAKE KNOW WHETHER ; OUR BETTER VALUES ENTITLE US TO ?T : OR NOT. COOKING ALMONDS, Is Id per lb. LEMON PEEL, scl per lb. LEMON PEEL (Finest), 6d per lb. DATES (New Season's), in Cartons, 9d each, DAISES (New Season's), Loose, 5d per lb; 61b 2s ,4Jd. FIGS, Cooking (New Season's), 5Jd per lb. FIGS (New Season's), Glove Boxes, 6d each. DESSERT RAISINS (New Season's), 51b Trays, 4s 3d. PRUNES (New Season's), 6d lb; 61b, 2s 4d. APPLES, DRIED (New Season's), 7d lb; 61b : 38 4d. ' » •- y - ; ■ LIME JUICE. Pure, 6d per bottle; 6 bottles, 2s lOd. ■ • - FLAVOURING ESSENCES, First Quality, 3 bottles Is 3d. EO. "D TTUTCHINSON AND QO., TTNIVERSAL OUPPLY OTORES, KHYBER PASS ROAD. ' Watchmakers and Jewellers. ; : NEW. GOODS NEW DESIGNS NEW IDEAS. , ' A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT' OF NEW GOODS ARE BEING OPENED ' UP DAILY.; THESE GOODS WERE • PERSONALLY SELECTED BY MR. E. G. SKEATES FROM THE SHOW--1 ROOMS OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST MANUFACTURERS. "DETTER pUYING HAS PROVIDED pETTER pOODS, AT pRICES THAN EVER. JEWELLERY, WATCHES. SILVERWARE, J LEATHER GOODS, CLOCKS. I ETC., ETC. ' * j ; .., '' '.. . .'. ' , . , ... i SKEATES BROS., JEWELLERS. ETC., ONLY ONE ADDRESS: "YTICTORIA ARCADE puiLDINGS (Opp. Town Clock), QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. ! COUNTRY FOLKS- ! Please bend for Illustrated Price Sheets of i what you require. . ] ' , SKEATES BROS. '1 SEND for one of our I T , "EXPRESS" Lever ! WATCHES at 255, post SSMIJ wind, extra jewelled, - !fsowSr dust iiroof cases. Writ- I !^J*'s ? • ten guarantee for three I ~ years. " Rotherhams." - SYDNEY JONES, Jeweller and Optician, I 164. Karangohape Road, Auckland. Call or I write for our Handsome Jewellery Catalogue, ! 1 ' I Woollen Goods. * I f YOU CANNOT - 'v. c BUY 9. A More Delightful Memento of New Zealand than a " Mosgiel" Rug- It is a typical product of the Colony, and nowhere else in ■* the World are such Rugs made. It is woven of the Richest Pure c Merino and Half-bred Wool. It j is luxuriously rich, charmingly de- t . signed, and exquisitely comfortable ! Look for " Mosgiel" on every genuine A' Ae' Oo'" Rug. •■' . - ] I ~.. .. I ■,■ ■ '== ■ ! L ; : - Educational. — ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATED f ! LAND, LOCO', MARINE, OIL. j I Instructor Practical Certificated Engineer. E Write for Particulars --- No Failure*. | i:■ === AMERICAN ===== j § SCHOOL S CORRESPONDENCE j I » 10, PRINCES-STREET, AUCKLAND. {&

"■•'•' > ' Medical. ■ -,:. •,. : ;- -'- .-. •'■.- : ■ ' - ' * , ■. V'r (|R3~lThe Day of theC^~^ ]vT% J -Puny Man Is Past |)|S| J . S 1 1 HI!HE world has no time for the puny, half-hearted weakling. In ;| j§s_/ B H M ' 1» 1 order to take o place in lift's battle you must be stroug, robust S i B m 6»'' H. * 1 and vigorous of body and brain. Your present condition of mind- % /^"\uk. B a Mr. •fV ft timid, uncertain, lethargic, absent minded; your feeling of being |] / mifflk 3 m fiH illlayi 1 certain of failure, instead of sure of success—gives you no place in K fin mm jmß HwCTni. raill \ Pi **" s us -* • ■ * Yoa are run down, your nerve is gone, I Mm jfuiMm lillsfli Wfej \ ? - our tissues are weak, your mind i* a jumble. Are you going to U n&\ ffl/mjmm WzbL «L !!• a " continue in this fearful condition? i JM ■jljMjjfm WyhM DR - McLAUCHLIirs ELECTRIC BELT J J| M I 1 wa- Vw/j/Vl is made for you and all sufferers in your condition. It infuses New ; llt |» Si ■ 1 -A\ VBb// p'> Vitality, New Nerve Life, New Stamina and New Knergy into your | IV i&S -B' 1 "a^vvNiS^OiLir' Nerves and Tissues every day until you become as strong and vigorous £ 1/ fM B^ | as Nature intended you should be. "Electricity is Life." | If ■Jffl''-&g; : . : 'i:. f and ur Electric Belt gives it to you. It pumps a warm, soothing | hi $«H B 1 '" a '■■~ r current of this vitalizing element into your. body for hours at a time 3 ill %t&>'\ B § >l|^Vv i while yen sleep, and , will 'cure any case tHat exists tS ' II Js'\\: I 1 Jml^^'^vl'|W^i of BrokeK-down Nerves, Weak Back, Varicocele,' Sciatica, Rheu- $ I '• 1 Matism, Stomach or Bladder Troubles, Constipation, Indigestion, £■ / 1 *K. I Insomnia, General Debility, and all Weakness of Men and Women. ' |j . / il M !'''f# Val "** Read This Letter. .."W J j f|f!j||1 ~lsQagLffft\l I ! DEBILITY and VARICOCELE. If / lljliijl i W&^timß&^i&x ! JI i I the dr. McLaughlin Co. ... HIKOAI, N.Z. gl • Y]h f^JJjM ! WsfM& < *"< ''• ii'' i I K Dear Sirs,— After having suffered for three years, and being under treat- Rj 17,'/ .„!» 5 WSf? J,!,,,J, «i!'-'if R ' merit bv various doctors nil to no purpose I determined to write to you, and Kg 111 I ,*%? ' j S'' I^KBM*ii!i! l, ii» B ' results have proved that von correctly estimated the exteut of my complaints a |_f <jy_3 I S flreMi&4W'""AjJj f £_ i when vou told me vour Kelt would cure me in about three months. After H . If* SI &* % T&&my\Vr fl/09 R wearing it for two "months I was completely restored to my former vigor, and ■Hj .1 %£ '%& - i * tlllsiN 'ffffi El was as strong as ever. 'Mv cousiu, who buffered the *atne ns I did, wasalso j !jj /2| •^3 I /&» E cured by your Belt, and we ire both always glad to speik a good word Jor ; 'l r\&\ j W I you. Yourstruly, A. J. UiLEKAVICK. ■ | t J ifsSSFfN 'lifif H ' was as strong as CUT OFF Mv cousiu, who suffered the T0 U3 ---------- ja g f'A'^L W 1 /M? f J cured by your Belt, and we ire both always glad to speik a good word for Q 8 mmSmmoauauam CUT OFF HERE * ND POST COUPON Te us """" *' Wve»f* Knnk Write your name and &fy c DR. McLAUGHLIN CO. 1 A iCC AJSui>qj»Aa.« and address in this _ ...» tvnFM rniiPT niur . v " f\ ~. . COUPON and post it Do " t ' 40 - LINDEN COURT, SYDNEY. f | to us to-day. In return we will send you our Grand Illus- Dear Sirs,- Please send me your Free Book, and oblige, , 9§ trated Book, which describes in detail our wonderful ■ '-. -s ah remedy. .. .IF YOU CAN CALL, do so, and we will (Name)';..............,. '.. (1} give >ou Free Advice and explain the working of I ™J the Belt. ... Write or Call TO-DAY. Address ......7....". 1 m ■■"■ " • ■ ' ■ ■ ' N.S. 7 la

A CONVERSATIONJ* Q. I have been feeling very poorly lately, and have just been told by my dootof' '' that I 'am suffering from uric poisoning. 1 shall bo glad if you will tell me just what *■■■ r uric poisoning means. Is it a serious matter? r A. Uric poisoning is caused by the retention in the blood of various substance* t -which should leave the body in solution. Tho retention of these substances is due to a • diseased or inactive condition of the kidneys. When the kidneys are working perfectly > t they filter and extract from the blood of the average individual about three pints of urine ya everyday. In this quantity of urine should be r dissolved various waste material pro- ■ <;_ a duced by the wear and tear of the tissues of the body. This is dead matter, and it* a presence in the blood is poisonous. The three pints of normal urine should contain * about ten grains in weight of uric acid, an ounce of urea, together with other animal '_ and mineral matter varying from a third of an ounce to nearly an ounce. I- Q. Then lam to understand that the substances you mention when- not elirainat- - '•, ed from the body in the natural mariner constitute what is known as urio poisoning. What are the usual symptoms by which the presence of these poisons is manifest? . .- •'•■ ■•A."- Now you are asking rather a large question. ~; Many.,complaints which' arm commonly called diseases are not actually diseases in themselves. For instance Rbeu- > matism,' Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Gravel, Stone and Bladder Troubles ;are. all 'caused byuric poisons. Indigestion, Ana:mia, Persistent Headaches, and General Debility are often solely due " ; to the;"same cause. In fact, if the kidneys are. doing their work . freely. and thoroughly. • none of the complaints mentioned could trouble us, as the causative ; poisons would be absent.-" ..•...:■:. -..-■-.-'i.■■■-.-■■ -*•■' I Q. I had no idea that so much depended upon the efficient action of thekidneys. I I suppose that when" anyone is suffering from "Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, :■ Lumbago, Sciatica, Gravel, Stone, Bladder Troubles, Amentia, Debility, Persistent Headache, or Indigestion, the scientific method of effecting a cure would be to directly treat the patient for the kidneys? ~ ! ~i'M\ A. .Exactly. In fact, that is the only way in which a radical and permanent ouro " can be effected. The kidneys must lie restored to health, and activity, so that they* may - be enabled to remove the daily production of poisons in the body, or the patient must . continue to suffer. > ■- .'--'-.-'■ . " Q. I have always been under the impression that the liver had a great deal to do with the maintenance of our general health, but it seems that the kidneys are the chief yjj; cause of most of the disorders from which we suffer? . ; A. The work done by the.liver is of the utmost importance and it is closely associated with the work don© by the kidneys. Indeed,,, when anything is the matter with the "-■: liver the kidneys are almost always directly affected, and the contrary is likewise true. In the live various substances are actually made from the blood. Two or three pound** of bile are thus made every day. The liver takes sugar from the blood, converts* it into '; = anotlier form, and stores it up so as to be abble again to supply it to the blood, gradually, as the latter requires enrichment. The liver changes uric acid, which is insoluble, into urea, which is completely soluble, and the liver also deals* with the blood corpuscle* ; ; ( -f which have lived their life and are useful no longer. - t Q. As the functions of the kidneys and liver are so intimately related, -1.. gather • , , that if ...there is. reason'-to suspect that either organ ■is not doing its work efficiently a curative agent should bo employed which would act equally upon the kidneys and liver? A. Yes, that is the case, and it was the realisation of this important fact which led ■' to the discovery of that invaluable medicine Warner's Safe Cure. About thirty I years ago certain medical men, ■ knowing that if they could find a medicine which would ■■■"■■ beneficially affect alike the kidneys and liver they could control most of the common disorders, devoted themselves to the search for such a remedy. After many disappoint- ' ments, their efforts were rewarded, and a medicine now known as Warner's Safe Cure was proved to possess the required properties in the fullest degree. ':■'■■■' Warner's Safe ;?£/ : ;i • Cure . has a marvellously stimulating and healing effect upon both the kidneys and liver, and by restoring those vital organs to health and activity it necessarily cures all ' disorders due to the retention in the blood of urinary and biliary poisons, such as' - Rheumatism Blood Disorders . Gravel Gout Aneemia ; t/ ._-.,' . Stone ,'..,/;.,..,'>,', Neuralgia Indigestion } s Bladder Troubles Lumbago Biliousness General Debility Sciatica Jaundice ■ Sick Headache Even Bright's- Disease, prooably the most fatal of all diseases, yields to treafr ment by . - ■■ - - \ ' ;^i;AWarner's Safe Cure. A great feature too is that cures effected by Warner's Safe Cure are permanent, , simply because they are natural. , ; -'■- -.-' •■; -,■'■ -^:;■;" "•.'; , Timber. ." ■ - ' " .' : ;; JARRAH, THE BEST AUSTRALIAN HARDWOOD. DURABLE, HANDSOME, FIRE-REBISnN& - - .--- --::■,, . " AND CHEAP. . - ' - '•.■■"■ LARGE; STOCKS TO SELECT FROM. . — :: ] MILLARS' ' .WEST AUSTRALIAN TTARDWOODB pOMPANY, : T DIITED, - ;~-MECHANICS' "R AT. TEL. 1923 - . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmßmanmmmßmiMßmßmmmmMmmßmmmmmßmmammmmmmammmmKmßmammmimmmmammmm Oil and Coiourmen. Soap. W pHILLIPPS AND gOK. Ask Grocer for "PUMICINE-. Sand « ' Soap. ...Trylt, and you will use no other. OIL, COLOUR, AND GLASS MERCHANTS, __ -^-^jg-^. NATIONAL BANK BUILDINGS, - "'£''"&■' __ iai• jET#bSBP^W\ it* Hs ** **^ PAPERHANGINOS. ' * The Latest Designs in Great Variety of f/jr%\sNd&jSi&S& ft ~ '§ WALL DECORATIONS, . M I 5 K Suitable for Mansion and Cottage. » *3 £ Scrims. Calico, etc ' " W 2 -a Plate and Description. a£fißS£ fe^ a fSfeSs?^ , l *f fc - Bevelled Mirrors, Glass Shades. naraneae after use. 'paints.- Storage'. White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, and all Painters' -—-———--—-——-—— _—; : ■ Materials.; ; ■■ / .'.,, . .■"'■". .; _'•■' .-,, Picture Frame Mouldings, Artists' Beqaisiles, J- vJ-KixvX J^, ■■':.■•:'.' Studies, etc. . #• , ■ \ - NOTE THE ADDRESS: STOP A Ci-V NATIONAL BANK BUILDINGS. QUEEN- UiVBAVIU, A STREET. . J. HE DEE SON S AFB S TOEAGE m 00D S™* 8 ■ ..■■■■>. (Established I860;, - .; S PAINTER. GLAZIER. PAPERHANGER. SIGN- FOR * WRITER. DECORATOR. ETC. C*OODB HIGH-STREET. : ' urniturf, MIXED PAINTS FOR HOUSE AND SHIP . TUGGAGE, BIXX ~,',—■' USE ; .:,,„ -. ~.;':,:.;;'>..,:,.,...,,,•;' ....;'■''.- SPECIAL BLACK FOE SCHOOL BOARDS. . cSei^ a * bove ~^ at Mta * WINSTONE; LTD., ESTIMATES FURNISHED. M * WP* CUSTOiI-ST.. AUCSLAMD . -i-elepholTNo; 1213. I EML OTATI °* YARD/ "' .^ H» ■ ' ~" ■ . ' . ■-:.■> . •.- V. . -\&

•__ — ' rp.HB KOHN jgg "__/" ?v JL ELECTRICAL t&MPiiw The Most Wonder- * u * Kinsr ever invented for the ourW@K£ft'C 3^Ss:; 5 1 5i3' pose, heiiic entirely different and better ~" than anything jver offered to the suffering humanity. Read what it has done for others, why suffer yourself. A. KOHN. ESQ. Dear Sir.--On my last visit to Auckland I procured one of your Patent Rheumatic Rings, as 1 suffered very much • from rheumatism. With pleasure 1 now am able to tell you how successful its effect has been. The ring has given me great relief. I hope others will avail themselves of the opportunity to secure so successful a Cure.— Gratefully yours. J BBEEN.' Master 8.3. Delphic, White Star Line. Auckland. April 12, 19G6. PRICE. Post.Free. 10s. > ~, JaLTJUip S " " -1/6 per Bottle . .... . ■ • ■ * - . ■ ■ • >t ■ Post,-3d. CELEBRATED WORM sB« SPECIFIC Round, Thread, and Tape Worms , successfully eradicated. ROBT. MUIR, Chemist, NEWTON, AUCKLAND. ijlflNilfl c DRErt Vft FOR S* .(COWS, SHEEP & HORSES,? ( § A " Btorou and Creameries. I 1 1 1/- per pkt, l doz. fop tl/- 1 J f <Two Drench** in each pkt.j J, \p IT ACTS LIKE MAGIC C MANNING MFC CO.. LTD.fjy f** a Auckland and Sydney. m C*% Musical. ■ ' -——__—«_ PIANOS N0 deposit. I jnnwu 23, HIGH ST. PIANOS 5/ * A W'e'ekT" C lr\*V*-'0 23, HIGH ST. piANos3^;s^^ r - PIANOS 6 M w||k.pianos no . deposit: I i/nINV>Q 28. HIGH ST. PIANOS 7/ " A WEEK. rtniNvo 28Shigh sr. PIANOS N ° DEPOSIT. i intNUVJ 28, HIGH ST. PIANOS a - g j ffllK PIANOS N P S . glgg§ TPIANOS 9/ " gs A „*&, PIANOS N &, ggERgTPIANOS Kf^ir* 2PESO li li piANOS JAN BE OBTAINED ON THE HIKE SYSTEM, FROM O-J JS PEE MONTH. OVER 3000 SOLD IN NEW ZEALAND. LTIGHEST QLA.SS Q.EEMAN piANOS Bv ■Iras'; Krause, C Siewert. Laurinat and 3o„ Gora and Kallmann. A. Bretschneider, iauritz Guae. Carol Otto, A. H. I'raucke. Komhiiat. Hteinweg Nachi. piANOS FROM i? 25 T ONDON AND TiERLIN piANO pO.. 215-217, QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. IMMI .a anillliriliinnniliinviii niiiiiui-iniiniiMii«i_| T. J. McIVOK, 8 PDNBSAL DIRECTOR AND 1 iiUBAIJkCEE. I ' KAEANGAHAJPK BOAD (aaxt VimUm I Port OfBc«). Telephone, ffl. " 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13355, 8 December 1906, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13355, 8 December 1906, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13355, 8 December 1906, Page 7 (Supplement)