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:r;v '•. • v ' ■ 1 ■ •; " Medical- ' - ■ ''' . ■■ . ■' i® Worth, its Weight in Gold to Weak Men I' and Sufferers from Debility. -i. ..2t is the weak man ' guide and friend, and if yon suffer and have r' not rCa< * it,: y° u ave m^ the best of all opportunities to inform 1 In&i y° urself on y° ur con dition. It describes the ailments that do the -s|i]'S" most to make a man 'miserable—those ailments that unman him and / try**** make him unfit for the every-day battles of life. It is profusely mmm , '- f '§ - u - r * ~/ , * illustrated,' showing how we apply Electricity to cure this complaint. 1 'ziHJfc'S:* ': : : Yon will notice on the left of this paragraph a COUPON ; write : :; I .: in your name and address, tear the coupon and illustration out of this j | y ! : : : advertisement, and post it to us to-day. We will send the Book by ' . *• ' : return post—closely sealed and postage paid. It describes in detail . I •*' :■ r : the most famous of all patented remedies. Dr. McLaughlin's Electric \ * • : Belt is Guaranteed in every case undertaken. It never fails to cure j |r : |: . : when recommended. ... To the men who have defied the reveng- i • 1 L .y>■'•' I^{: ft: : ing power of Nature and overstepped the bounds of prudence ; men vy.f i l ;: : who, from the result of wear and tear upon the machinery that creates v • : the Vital Force of the body, have become weak, — I i j ' j : puny, nervous, and dyspeptic; men who are lack- CURES ARE I -1 | • S i in in confidence and ambition, arid those who are THE REAL || I suffering from Pains in the Back, Shoulders, or PROOF! 11l Chest, Weak Kidneys, Rheumatism, Sciatica, *■ ||| ' Lumbago, Varicocele, Rupture, and the many other evidences of { \ > W decay of the vital force, we offer aid. We can cure you with Nature's o- • v•'• *>£"*• - - " v mi i * I I great power—Electricity, and make you feel well and strong again, i " A means of restoring youthful vigor is priceless. Nothing in this j world is worth more to a man who lacks this element, and here is ||||| l|fjgj«iSSL the remedy within the reach of all sufferers. J I •/ niBDIMp BV DfIQT Fewsu ffe«wrealise how unnecessary it is that they have . j I ' PIjDIMP RY DfIQT Few sufferers realise how unnecessary it is that they have jjll I ••-.r- r" IjUigßnM PI rUUI ■ a personal interview. Eighty per cent, of our patients live [j ( P®'#' ■» t ~~ at a distance and never see us. Our system of curing by jjj| ' post is so perfect that it always gives entire satisfaction to our patients. The first step in this |ji| *Zsif treatment is for you to send for our Free Book. We want you to read it so as to inform yourself jjll '?/ *$ on the values of Electricity. ..If we could convince you in this advertisement of the value TO YOU of our New |||| |[ jHi ItVs 800k —' 'Applied Electricity "—we are confident that you would gladly pay Two Guineas for it. It is yours for the jj[| • ' Kbtt Coupon. Send to-day! . . The next step is a careful statement of your symptoms showing how you are ailing. From jjlj ""- * S ' this statement which you send us after perusing our Book and being guided by it in making out the details of your jjjj '****'\ ailments, we make you—Free of Chargea complete written diagnosis, in which we explain to you every symptom of jjjj '*■. your complaint and the action of Electricity upon it. You are then at liberty to follow our advice or not— suit jjjj yourself in the matter. If your statement shows that you do not need Electricity, we will candidly tell you so. jjjj DEBILITY and VARICOCELE CURED! . . Mr. A. J. 1 " * 1 11l I>Jw£sSteiyal-.'V* : -• ''Ttiffffijfk LELEKAVICH. or Htkual, N. Z., writes: '*Dear Sirs,—After onn/Nir « v m -r«m I M IftgNh?**— iI, | i ~t'. ' " I? having suffered (or three years, and being under treatment by various doctors . NOTICE Ihi {jjrt l4 tv fc ~< ■•*4 all to 110 purpose, I determined to write to you, and results have proven that ji wajivjji 1 111 IC&J§w-Sr.« : " •*"•««'rfe *-? you correctly estimated my complaint when you told me your Kelt would At the present time extravagant claims are fill EWWi'r*T~' -< . *3} cure. me in about three months. After wearing it for two months I was com- ho) n „ rl _ r ,„, ] ,, u ., [ [||| »■ 'f-«.•.« 'flgjy' *"jf pletely restored to my former health, and was as strong as ever. . . My Delngr made fop Dry Cell or Always J||| t V J •' cousin, who suffered the same as I did, obtained similar results from the use Charged" Electric Belts.'. .We will Rive I 111 Hfc! ' I of your Belt, and we are both alwayS glad 10 speat a good WOrd for you." £1000 for an always-charged, purely body -i Mr. J. F. JONES, of 7 Waltham Road, Sydenham, Electric Belt that will last a week in con- 'I || >*1 Chrlstchurch, N.Z n writes: "As you will remember, When I first stant use. . . Do not be induced to oav an outraaeous III! «3✓ .' * 'L-J wrote you I was suffering from loss of sleep, and had been so for many . . _ .. . ... . ... ... .. . 111 l .SSSfc—*.t *>*» * *\v *r? ,i "3j month's. This was the result of an injury to one of my limbs, which, at one H price for an ordinary house battery with a girdle attached. jjjj V* time seemed to be almost incurable. After having spent pounds on medi- YOU CAN BUY THE BATTERY ANYWHERE FOR A FEW III! »!T4rHilHl»®hSr w i-U cines and lotions without getting the least benefit, my attention was called c 1 1.,, . ... .. , 1111 '*i 1 flwrat.fuliafi *+-ft to your Belt, and after sscuring one and wearing it for four months my leg SHILLINGS. Make the girdle yourself for a few penco. |||| ffy*; a |TBliw ijijj&fZji!** was entirely cured, and since that time I have had ho trouble whatever." ill j the DR. Mclaughlin CO., dep 40 , LINDEN court, SYDNEY jj '* . ■ 1 * _ ■ ■ ■ , 1 ■ 1 ■ ■'■ — —— — ' 1 HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, » THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR '' COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ~ ASTHSWA AMD COMSUSVSPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. .' Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful amd immediate relief; and to those who are'subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most • . comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. , Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at tho beginning, a ; dose is generally sufficient,.and a Complete Cure is certain. 9 FZf— &F? OiP*; OH/ //2A4C # REMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT, _ _ DC Vr/inc w~ L/UL/ono / and CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION to this rule. 'I T -s?' T *ji? Bed _i¥ ear ??' B Bronchitis Cure "It affords me great pleasure to testify to "Your Bronchitis Cure has a great reuu- "My wife is 82 years old, and lam 79. fir 11 ? 1 ,! r ?t Hva Aik eP " £ marTe,lon » effect your Bronchitis Cure tation here. We sell more of it tnan of any lam glad, to inform you that your.Brounome lor us«. it acw iiKe magic. has upon coughs and colds. I have proved other chest medicine we stock." chitis Cure has done us both a wonderful ~ W»J.J JAJUW SMiiii, its vaul ° m my r, home." . WILLIAMSON AND CO., deal of good, having quickly cured us both." " "vfitnri- , . W BINNS, Windorah, via CharleviUo. Queensland. &■ BASSET*!', Formerly of Oakleigh, - Victoria. c/o A. H. Maasnia and Co., Strath Creok, via Broadford, Victoria. _ ... - Australian Journal Office, « Bronchitis f!nr» is th« liMt ntMli. .Your Bronchitis Cure Baited Mrs. Nichol- Molbourne. c 0 j i lave ever taken." D. WILLIAMS "I have used one bottle of your Bronchitii ■on splendidly. Her oough is gone. It eased , Hill-street. Lithgow, N.S.W. Cur with great benefit to myself, aa tho her directly,; and there is really 110 stuffiness ' For nine years niy wife suffered from As- smothering has completely left me." •r shortness of breath present now. 1 mast thma and Bronchitis I tried various treat- „ T ran „ ~ tPH tifv tv,» „ m H» f (Mrs.) JOHN RAHILLY, «ay the Bronchitis Cure is wonderful. I did ments for her, but none succeeded until I got f,.i thoroughly testify to the wonder- Glenmaerie Victoria. not think she could live until the morning, Hearne's Bronchitis anrl Asthma flnm Ihe tul otllcaoy 01 your bronchitis Cure in a con- Ulenmaggw, Victona. but she surprised me by rallying, and is now found benefit from the first and'th,™ snmptivo cough, it having relieved me when _ , . , . , »«.«. b. out o. bed ra mjg- »"»' P™o"p t ,o„» »«»..■ iit L k aK.;tad°.^™£ C 'Aci t^Z" " Thorp,." W„f;^bS 8 Kl«b.U.». rJwSS&n, N.Z. it t. .v.„body,- ? • . Clonbinane. Sunday Creek, „ v _ .... , . . . _ _ . ' • "Your Bronchitis Cure is a splendid medi- Broadford. Victoria. , Your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure has „ . , „a . ... >, cine. It is the best medicine I have ever i been more te me than money can ever pay. * suttered irom Lnronic # Astnma and wed for Coughs, Colds on the Chest, end] couKh was illßt t „,. rin „ hnt vonr fl m I nit f re « from Asthma -now, and feel Bronchitis for which I obtained no relief Bore Throat." (Mrs.) JOHN McXCENZIE. Bronchitfs Cure snlencHdlv " You™ Yery grateful to you. ' ISA S. TOSACH, Mntll I tried your medicine, but I can truly Werona, Victoria. verv sincereJv acted rmm -Your. Virginia-street, Geelong. say that lam astonished at my present , , ' vcr x * ; ; 1 , t. c'j I'KMiN, freedom, as a direct result of my brief trial. # . - -v State benool, Rosebud, via DromAna, - #r „ _ . ... _ .. . A . JOHN C PRELAWNEY "I suffered very much from Asthma for Victoria. " Your Bronchitis Cure is all you describe it Severn ffirer via tonrfl N8 W four years, and tried lots of so-called cures, .. , to be."-Yours most respectfully. Severn friver, via Inverell, W.H.W. without deriving any benefit. I got a bottle <• t fe«l trnlv irratofnl tn vnn fnr in „, , , ?J. McLELLAND, ~ T T <r 1 * -n of your Bionchitia Cur«, No. la. last Friday, Ta laabl? nSine It "1 marveHous the good Red Jacket Tla WaUlalla > Victoria. "Last year I suffered severely from seven and a bottle of your No. 2 Medicine, 'or ob- i did in e " ISA BET. T> wtt ohm & cams, »d the doctor, to whom I paid seven stinate Asthma, on Saturday Since the first "am •• cemwood '' DrßmmoSeet. "1 have used your Bronchitis Cure myself, fwneaa vow' Bronchftis^re o '' akd two fcv&ss y cm&wk™ ** ?»"-"■ ■ s&ttswsffsss? 11 to Mh "'- " ,th SSSL «. nuMa.'sa.-- 4 r~ " Leongatha," Riversdale Road, "I am Klad to tell to. th.t _ bar. be«i (ltcv.) U. J HENDERSON «... Aroca-street, South Tarra, Hawthorn, Melbourne. 1 a , ni s'ad to tell you that I have been u r;™mrha Brooklandg, Avoca-street, South Yarra, ____ quite free from Bronchitis for the last two Sonfvf AmttvnUn Melbourne. ... , . ~ years, the rWalt ° taJung your Bronchitis -< ,t. — ooutn Ausuana. "Please send me~= a dozen of your T _ >V. DTTON. , „ " Please send me half a dozen of your increasing in sale -trom timeito time Ihear 7, Little Bailway-stYeet. Durban, " Upon looking through our books we are Bronchitis Cure. This medicine cured me in PWP^;^*" 1 ! about the good lesults ° b ; Natal, South Afrioa. struck with the steady and rapid increase in the winter, and haa now cured a friend of tamed > from them. Wishing you a very the sales of your Bronchitis Cure."-.EL- mine of a very bad Bronchitis." much enlarged sale and great prosperity. „ r haT# BSed Bronchitis Cure . and LIOTT BROS.. Ltd.. Wholesale Druggists. mlne & y A. ALLEN, . Chemist Ba.lla'rat, am pleased to »ay that it is without draubt Sydney. N.S.W. Ozone House. Lorne, Victoria. " ' absolutely the best medicine on the. market , , . „ "~7*~ _ , „ Tr .. J , , J , 4tl , ■ , • , ' „ , ... . for coughs and colds." . "The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I got from "Kindly forward another bottle of your I have purchasedl a small bottle of your g ANDERSON vou was magical in its effects.—CHAS. WY- famous Bronchitis Cure without delay, as 1 Bronchitis Cure, and have only taken four Telegraph Office. Premantle, BROW, Enoch's Point, via Darlingford, Vic- find it to be a most valuable medicine." doses. ( and am glad to tellorou^that ; lam P West Australia. toria." (Mrs.) J. SLATER. _ • cured. % J. wmuKi, _____ Warragul, Victoria. c/o Mr. D. McLean, , „ . , . .. . "I used your Bronchitis Cure for three of Camperdown, Victoria. »y husband yiab cured of Asthma by y f am yy. and it cured each of them in " We, the undersigned, have had occasion ■ your Bronchitis Care, more than 12 months f rom one to three doses.—P. F. MULLINS, to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and we "I suffered from Asthma for about fifteen ? S j?ave now 'rommenoed it : to'mvTon Cowie's Creek. Victoria. certify that it wm perfectly and rapidly r „. that ill at times could scarcely t nave now commencca to give it to my son. successful under oircumstanoes which unwalk from one room to another- often hail ? years old, who has had a oold ever since "Your Bronchitis Cure relieved my son doubtedly prove its distinct heaJinsr power." to rit .Tin Tan of the night' Tried se and he is alreadv " h ' m a fCW wonderfully quick I only gave him four signed bv the Rav. JOHN SINCLAIR, Myersdoctors patent ; medicines, and herbalists. doseß, ana , Ur „ \\v t wthw*pt doses, and have some of the medicine yet; street, Geelong, ana 59 other leading realwithout success; was almost tired or trying lJttrs ' Warwirk Om^nVand V but lam sending for another bottle in case dents. anything when, one day. hearing about Warwick, Queensland. A j should want it.—D. MCDONALD, Trinkey, "I was laid up for twelve months with your Bronchitis Cure. I decided to give it a "—~~ , , , , via Quirindi, N.S.W." Bronchitis, during which I tried many retrial V I used five bottles of your Bronchitis Your Bronchitis Cura Is a wonderful medies, without success. I used two bottles and 'Asthma Cure, with the "result that the medicine.—A. B. SIMMONS, J.P.. No. 7, "Having need yonr Bronchitis Cure in my of your Bronchitis Core, and am now comdifficulty of breathing and distressing cough Kenny-street, 1 addington, Sydney. family at different times for years past. I pletely cured.' JAMES WILLI A MS. have 1 all disappeared. I cannot speak too vrisli to test.ifv to the relief always afforded Huntl.v-street, Elsternwick, Melbourne. highly of yonr valuable medicine, and I re- "I am very pleased with your Bronchitis bv it in colds on the chest, or any com- "Your Bronchitis Cure resuiv acts like ' I'immend it to all my friends." Cure. The result was marvellous. It eased -plaint arising therefrom."—Yours, etc., magic." (Mrs.) E. L. SYAtES, ELIZA LANGTON. me right off at once.-G. SETTER, Bonrke, E. V. GODDARD. Narracoorte Hotel, Narracoorte, Wiseman's Ferry, New South .Wales. N.S.W." • 19, Fitzgerald-street, South Yarra. Melbourne. South Australia. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE— Size, 2s. 6d.; Large Size 4s. 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor x W. G- HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. New Zealand Branch Office-No. 11, First Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street, WELLINGTON.

; , ; Blue. Printing Works. « AsKyouf Grocer fof j ALL and inspect our Samples ot W m BAC C- ===== BLUE | Ball Programmes I SVSeßiius |l mi | We havfe special facilities Wsddill^ | for printing above with ■ M©moir»ial and ; J A nza jn» m> ' dispatch and in first-class || Fancy CardS BLUE 5 "HERALD" Works, For Concerts, etc _ BLUE A "HERALD" Works, AUCKLAND

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13307, 13 October 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13307, 13 October 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13307, 13 October 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)