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ARRIVALS. Manapouri, 8.8., 2060, A. D. Chrisp, from Fiji. Passengers: Misses Benjamin (2), Ross, Hooper, Welch, Collins, Garrett, Mesdames Benjamin and three children, Roget, Hum, Witham, Messrs. flertey, Chamber*, Ulph, Houghton, Collins (2), Hum, Captain East-he a and 11 steerage.Union S.S. Co., agents. Ngapuhi, s.e., 640, E. Stephenson, from Whaugarei. • Passengers: Misses Reekie, Dawson, Bray. Murray, Mesdames Hill, Dawson, Taylor, the Rev. Rothwell, Messrs. Smith, Ryan, Thompson, Holder, Tomlison, Haywood. Frieker, De Krniste, Lanct, Ngapo, Hilford, Phillips, Lukis, Cook, J. Smith, Wilson, Livingstona, Clark, Hill, College, Vado, Dunne, Franisch, College, Court, Rosenberg, Serjanovich, Fettle, Moore, Morrow, Osborne, and 10 steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents.

Hawk, three-masted scow, 139, C. Anderson, from Gisborne.— and Harvey, agents. DEPARTURES. Mokoia. s.s., 3502, R. E. Smith, for East Coast and Southern ports. Passengers: For Gisborne— Misses Akerstein, Minns. Lucas, Nurse Shearer, Mesdames Dunn, Attwood and infant, J. Barton, 'Hawkins and child, J. East, Messrs. A. P. Fischer, Mawhinney, H. Humphreys, J. Hutton, Oj:ley, ' Branson, R. Ruee, ,1. E. Foster, A. Bain, J. Barton, Attwood, Clark, Brooks, W. A. Law, R. Drummond, H. de Costa, Neaber, W. A. Elwarth. For Napier—Misses Clemison. Lee, Platts. Herrold, Garnett, Pilcher, O'Romke, Mrs. Cahill and two children, Messrs. J. Campbell, E. Walton, Edwards, Wright, Wheelwright, Black, Heale (2), Judge Mate. For Wellington— Hanan, Rowell (2), M. Kelly, Hargrave, Sisters of Mercy (2), Mesdames Inwood and child, Hemus, Rowell, Messrs. P. Hand. Whinan, Read, Lcwin. McGregor, Carter, McElroy. For Lyttelton— I. W. Nicol, Coombs, M. Taylor, Mesdames Carmo, Reesby, Edraiston, Manchester, R. A. Nicol, A. Nicol, P. Hercus, Messrs. H. Seddon, W. Nicol, F. G. Fox, Reesby, Carmo. For Dunedin— Mesdames Goudie and infant, D. McNeil, W. J. Prictor, McGeorge, Messrs. McOeorge, W. J. Trictor, H. .0., Blackie; and 20 steerage for all 1 ports. • . ' Navua., 3000, D. McLean, for Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney. Passengers: Miss Bell, Mesdames W. B. Coulsell, Tait, Borradale. J. Jack. Bell, Messrs. W. H. Coulsell, Tait, H.W. Anderson, J. Jack, A. H. Adams, McCutcheon, Spence, Goodall, A. 11. Russell, J. Martin, the Rev. E. Warbrlrton, and 15 steerage. Manapouri, s.s., 2060, A. D. Chrisp, for Wellington. ■ -. ' Glenelg, s.s., 282, F. Jonas, for Whangarei.

J EXPECTED ARRIVALS, toxooir: . Mimiro, s.s., via Australia, at Melbourne on September 6, duo to-day. . Pakeha, s.s., direct, sailed August 8, due Sep- ' tember 25. , • Indradevi, s.s., via Australia, due about October 28. Rakaia, s.s., direot. sailed September 8, Kaipara, s.s., to sail. Delphic. ».»., to sail. Jaw Fraxcisco: * Sierra, R.M.s., October 1. Hvbbpool:

Somerset, s.s., via Australia, at Melbourne September 10, due about end of September. Dorset, s.s., via -Australia, sailed. Drayton Grange, s.s., to sail in September. Suffolk, s.s., direct, due about October 4. Star of New Zealand; e.a., via Australia, duo about October 10. . ... Glasgow : , , -.-•""' ■", ." ■

Rippingham Grange, s.s., direct, at St. Vincent on August 24, with machinery dis- • abled. ' IVbw, York; ..-..., Cornwall, a.t., via Australia, sailed July 20, Iff due middle of September. Willesden, s.a., via Australia, sailed July 7. Aymeric, s.s., sailed.. . Courtfleld, i.e., via Australia, due about October 9. . -.. Wimbledon, e.s., direct, sailed August 25, -;■ Como, ».«., via Australia, to sail. I Matoppo. s.s.. via Australia, to sail. Highland Monarch, s.s., to load. ' Bramler, *»., direct, to sail about October 5. Philadelphia: v Doride, barque, put into Uauritua in distress on Jane 13. trsin: -

Mimiro. *.»., to-day. Zealandia, s.s., Sunday, . Nrwcastlb: - - '. Handa Isle, barquentine, sailed September 5. •:v > Northern Chief, barque, sailed.. Aldebarao, barque, to sail. ■ Busbubt:. Breis Izel, *.1., to sail. * ■ ~/ Tonga:':-:-'/. - '. Atua, ■.i., early.':-',- '.■'•-.>:■. ■:'«- ''.-'■ • - Fiji : . ' '' Atua, •.«., early. , Raltanoa, s.s., Thursday. ' v Samoa <. ': Atua, s.s., early. ■ Tahiti: ",-- " Ilauroto, s.s.'t September. 27. .-.: 'Karotqhoa: ■ - ,;., Hauroto, *.»., September 27. •'t : ■ PROJECTED DEPASTURES, 6TDSBT:;.;,. ~■•■•.> Victoria, b.s., , Monday. <; ! -.::-■,'.. San Francisco:*- -" : '■■". . Ventura, R.M.«.,'September.'2B. - •';.■-■ Nbw, York: '■ ■/:..' * Vigaland, barque, to load. ' Samoa.: : , , v 'Atua, s.B. ' , '•.'-.■' Touqa: *'•''■:-»■-'.:. / '; ..Atua, «.B, -i. . ;■■;-. , ~.- ,- ; v.:, .- '. r ■.«.-■: I -/ .- Fiji:. ..''■;-■..' ' ■'■' ~ -..-.. '•-Atua,"'i.B. ; ' ... Nick : ■'■/.- v ■■- i" ■ ■ ■ -. Countess of Ranfurly, Govt, schooner, Thurs- '.'*•* day.'•' '* • ' '• - ' >. UNION S.S. co.'s MOVEMENTS. ,- East Coast. . Thursday: Tarawera arrives from Southern ": ports, Napier, and Gisbornei .'*.•.-.•.'Saturday: Tarawera sails lor Gisborne, Napier, and Southern ports at 12 noon. Wbst Coast. ;" To-day; Rotoiti arrives from Wellington^ A "■"■' Nelson, and New Plymouth, and sails again for the same ports at 2 p.m. (1.10 p.m. train). '■-'.'■'.- Friday: Takapuna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth and sails again for New Plymouth only at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. train). •

NORTHERN S.S. CO.S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Apanui arrives from Tairua and Mercury Bav about 6 a.m.; Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei 'it 9.30 p.m.; Kanieri arrives from Whangarei s.bout 6 p.m. Waitangi leaves for the Barrier at.midnight: • ; . r> ' Thursday: Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about 8 a.m. and leaves for New Plymouth at 3 p.m. (train, 2.10 p.m.); Kanieri leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 5 p.m.; Waitangi arrives from the Great Barrier about 4.30 p.m. Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 5 p.m.; Kia Ora arrive* from Raglan, Kawhia, tuid Waitara late. Thames Service: Steamers leave for Thames and Paeros r daily. See n advertisement daily papers. VESSELS IN HARBOUR.,. Rimntaka, «.«.. at Queen-street Wharf. Kaituna, s.s., in dock. >'. Vigeland, barque, in stream. '.' Colonna, ■ ship, at Queen-street Wharf. Countew of Ranfurly, Govt, schooner, at Queen--.street Wharf. . Casablanca, barque, at Hobson-street Wharf. Wai-iti, barque, at Hobson-street Wharf. Hirotha,. barque, at Hobson-street Wharf. Silver Cloud, barquentine, at Quay-street Jetty No. 2. i ' : Pendle Hill, barquentine, at Hobson-street Wharf.

- r .. IMPORTS. Per Manapouri, from Fiji: 2349 cases and 7695 bunches bananas, 97 cases kumaras, and sundries. The Union Company's steamer Mokoia left for East Coast and Southern ports at 5.15 p.m. yesterday with a number of passengers and a large general cargo. Yesterday afternoon the Northern Company's steamer Ngapuhi arrived from Whangarei with passengers and general cargo and leaves for the same place again to-night. The Union Company's steamer Kaituna will be floated out of the Auckland Dock to-day and leaves for Westport in the evening. At 7 a.m. to-day the Northern Company's steamer Waiolahi leaves for Bay of Plenty ports. .-. The barque Hirotha was towed down from Chelae* yesterday morning and berthed at the Hob-non-street Wharf to complete the discharge of her cargo of coal from Newcastle. . Last night the steamer Glonelg left for WhaDgareL ■'. 1 The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rimutaka leaves for the South to-morrow to complete her loading for London. : - Yesterday the Union Company's steamer Navtia left for the Island* and Sydney with a number of passengers and the usual miscellaneous cargo. 1 The Northern Company's steamer Waitangi arrives from Tauranga this morning and leaves for the Oreat Barrier at midnight.

':■' V, THE VENTURA. The mail steamer Ventura, which left Auckland at midnight on Thursday last, arrived at Sydney , at 4 a.m. yesterday. •..;. . . , THE MANAPOURI. ■ '.The Union Company's steamer Manapouri, Captain A. D. Chriap, arrived from Fiji at 11 a.m. ' yesterday with a large cargo of fruit, and after •; '*3inspection berthed at Quay-street Jetty No. 2 to discharge. • Mr. J. C. Bates, the purser, report* that• the Manapouri left Auckland, at 4.30 p.m. "on. the sth -mat./arriving in Suva at 2 a.m. on <'■■ tho 10th. Left Suva at. midnight the same day, working Levuka and Navua on the 11th. Roveii<lrau was reached early on the morning of the 12th, arriving back in Suva at 4 p.m. the same day, and taking final departure from the latter port at midnight of the 13th, arriving as above. Experienced ' strong east-uorth-east winds ; from Auckland to Suva, thence flne weather throughout the group and until the evening of the 16th; ; thence strong easterly gale, with high beam sea. until arrival as above. , The . Manapouri left for Wellington hut sight. ', ■ ~-..,. .v.--. '- .

THE;WELCOME. • • ' The scow Welcome, which left Kaipara for Herekino in tow of the s.s. Sterling on Friday last, but, which had to be let'go owing to bad weather, has reached Ahipara, where she is sheltering from the weather. - . THE MIMIRO. The Tyser liner Mimiro is due at Auckland today from London, Melbourne, and Sydney. THE HAWK. The three-masted scow Hawk, Captain C. Anderson, bound from Gisborne to Nguuguru, put into Auckland yesterday morning owing to stress of weather. The vessel sails lor Ngunguru this morning. THE MASCOTTE. The little steamer Mascotte, on her way from Auckland to Wanganui in charge of Captain W. Nicholson, arrived at Wellington yesterday, having called at Gisborne on the way down the coast. • THE KARAMEA. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer Karamea, which left Wellington for "Britain on Sunday last, took the following cargo from Auckland :—For Avonmouth—loo quarters beef. For Barry— quartet* beef. For Liverpool— dumps tow. For Bristol— quarters beef, 63 cases meats, 37 cases livers, 159 boxes butter, 82 kegs butter. For Glasgow— cases honey, 83 bales tow. THE COMO. The United States and Australasia Company's cargo steamer Conio was to have sailed from New York on Monday last for Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13286, 19 September 1906, Page 6

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13286, 19 September 1906, Page 6

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13286, 19 September 1906, Page 6