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New Zealand Hebald Offioe. i

Saturday evening. Business on the Exchange was fair to-day for the week end. In investment lines. National Bank (new issue) sold at £4- 19s. Taupin Coals were done at 20s 9d, and more wore ; wanted at ' 20s 6d, late sellers 21s. Devonport Steam Fcrrys changed hands at 375, late sellers 38s, buyers 36s 6d. Kauri Timbers (contributing) sold at 4s lOd, and there was further demand at 4s 9d, late sellers holding for 4s lid. In mining stock Waihis wore dealt in at £9 18s and £9 19s 6d, and more could have been obtained at the latter figure, late buyers offering £9 17s 6d. Waiotahis sold at 28s 6d, and late sellers wanted 23s 9d, buyers offering 28s 3d. Talismans had sales at 28s, and there was further inquiry at that price, late sellers quoting 28s 3d. Kuranui-Caledonias sold at Is 9tl, la to sellers 2s, buyers Is 9d. Waitangia (contributing) sold at Is Id, late sellers Is 2d, buyers Is Id. Waihi Extendeds sold at 4s 7d/lato sellers 4s 9d, buyers 4s 6d. GROCERS' MARKET QUOTATIONS. The following are the quotations for butter and eggs for the week ending September 15, as arranged by the Dairy Produce Committee:—Factory butter, Is per lb; farmers' butter, 8d ; separator butter, Bd. Eggs, 3d per dozen. AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. The- following ate Saturday's closing prices, the business done being :—National.' Bank (new issue), £4 19?: Taupirl Coal, 20» 9d ; 'Devonport Steam Ferry, 375 - . Kauri Timber (contributing), 4s lOd; Waihi, £9 18?; £9 19s 6d; Waiotahi. 28a 6d: Talisman . Consolidated* 2Ss; Kuranui-Cale-donian, Is 9d ; Waitangi (contributing;), Is id; Waihi Extended, 4s 'Id.

12.15 p.m., September 8, 1906. CALL AMD DIVIDEND LIST. Dividend*. Waihi , •*. jo, m , 0 3 0 Now Waiotahi m ... 0 13 Now Bank of Australasia ... ... 28 0 Out. 5 Call* New Una, August 2*l ... „i 0 0 1 Sept. 10 Waibi Beach, August 30 r . 0 0 I Sept. 10 Vanguard, August 22 . j., 0 0 2 Sept. 12 New Sylvia, August 28 „ 0 0 1 Sept. 12 Mahara Royal, l August 27 ... 0 0 1 Sept. 17 Comstock United, August 22 . 0 0 2 Sept. 17 New Monowai, August 27 ~001 Sept. 17 Golden Belt, August 20 . ..001 Sept. 17 New Moanataiar.i, August 20 .. 0 0 % Sept. 17 CAMBRIDGE CATTLE SALE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, held their annual spring cattle sale at Cambridge on Friday last, the sale being the first ncld in the municipal yards. Prior to the sale commencing the Mayor (Mr. W. F. Buckland) and Messrs. O. W. Safe and C. Hunter (manager and auctioneer respectively of the company) addressed a few remarks to I those present. The Mayor and Council were congratulated on providing what are probably as fine, a set of saleynrds as are to be found in the province, and a hope was expressed that all would pull together for the general good. Close upon 1200 cattle were yarded. With the exception of about four pens of young cattle, the- whole of the stock changed hands either at the hammer or immediately afterwards. Buyers were present from Te Kui'ti, Hamilton, l'ae'roa, Matamata, Ohaupo, Moninsville, Te Awamutu, and elsewhere. In beef there were 60 fat stems yarded. Heavy weights on account of Messrs. •f. Taylor and Hannon Brothers' fetched from £9 to £3 16s; lighter weights from various vendors, £8 5s to £3 15s; small fat cows, £4 12s to £5; fat sheep (of-which a email number were yarded), 19» 3d to £1 3s; three and a-half year old steers, in forward condition, £7 to £7 12s 6d; others, £5 lbs to £6 12s; three-year-old steers, in low condition, £4 6s to £4 19s; two and a-half year old steers, £3 16s to £4 10s: 18 months old steers, £2 15s to £3 8s; yearling steers, £2 2s to £2 13s; mixed yearlings, £1 123 to £2; strong calves, £1 5s to £1 9s; small sorts, 15s to 20s. NEW ZEALAND PRODUCE IN LONDON. [FROM OUR OiW.V CORRESI'&yDBST.] '•'"'"- LOKDOy, August 3. WOOL. Dealing with the late series of wool sales held in London—the fourth of the current year— ..fessrs. Dalgety and Co. remark that Merino wool in general opened at par to 5 per cent, decline, the tall being mainly on inferior descriptions of both greasy and scoured, and prices gradually weakened still further for all sorts more especially for faulty scoured descriptions, which were in large supply and frequently much cut, up in small lots. At the close the quotations, as compared with final Mav rates were • Good greasy description, 5 per cent, lower- intenor faulty and earthy greasies. 1), per cent, to 10 per cent, lower; good scoured, 7£ to 10 per cent lower; inferior and faulty scoured. 15 per cent to 20 per cent, lower. The same tendency was apparent in the case of crossbred wool as it. was in Merino, and, although some lots were taken for America and made May rates, the prices gener ally were lower to the following extent;— Greasy fine and medium, 5 per cent.; greasy, coarse, par to 5 Tier cent.; slipes and scoured, 10 to 15 per cent. • Lambs' wool in general, both Mciino and crossbred, sold at about 5 per cent to 10 per cent, decline on May quotations. Messrs Dalgeiy add " The close of the series wr.< at the lowest point, a smart fall in the Continental 'Terrne' market helping to increase the nervous feeling buyers had displayed throughout the sales. Since the close we understand several bought-in lots have been oleared at an advance on sale bids, and' although this does not necessarily mean that prices are anv dearer, ret it points to th» fact that buvers, having" had time to take stoek of their purchases, have realised that it will be a full two'months before they will get any ficesh wool, practicallv the end of tJio year before supplies bscome a"t all abundant. Taking into corjsid»rotl«n the steadv consumption of raw material, and the admitted lightness of stocks, we consider it quite possible that there may be some slight * improvement in September, but, on the other hand, with the increase in production now assured, values on the whole are more likely to decline than advance during the next six months. The next series will open on September 25. when it is estimated that about 80,000 to 90,000 bales will be available lor sale." TALLOW. The tallow market has been . very firm lately! and a good business has lieen done both on the spot and to arrive. Fine, mutton tallow is now move interesting to buyer." than it has been lor a long tune past, and Messrs. Wctldel note also that good colour beef is selling very well. Prices on the average are 6d to 9d higher} all round. Although the market is good ( there in rather, a utaitcd disposition u' l the part

of holders to offer. At the auctions two day* ago there was a good demand for all descriptions, and beef and good mixed advanced 3d to fed per cwt, while mutton fetched fully late rate*. ■■.To Arrive" a largo quantity of good mutton, tallow hat, been placed at 30s 3d to 30a 6d, while good' mixed and no-colour mixed have been somewhat freely sold at. 128 a 9d and 27s 9d respectively, all on c.i.f. terms. The following are the current quotations - for New Zealand sorts—Mutton, good to finest 20s 6d to 32s per cwt, dull to fair 29» to 29s 6d, inferior 27a -to 28s 6d; beef, good to finest 29s 3d to 31s per cwt, dull to fair 28s 3d to 28s 9d, inferior 26a to 28s. GRAIN. Messrs. Weddel report that stocks of New Zealand wheat are exhausted and quotations are nominal. The market for New Zealand oats remains firm at about late rates. The market for New Zealand beans, is still firm. / , /■''"- NEW ZEALAND MEAT. During the fortnight some 145,000 carcase* -of New Zealand mutton have arrived. Messrs, Weddel remark that owing to these heavier supplies and to the fact that the demand is still dull and dragging it has been difficult to maintain prices, although nominally they remain unchanged. Some or the heavier sheep of best brands are fat and wasteful and many buyers are using River Plate mutton in preference. The general demand for lambs continues good, but prices are weaker all round. This is mainly due, Messrs. Weddel say, to the anxiety shown by several weak holders to clear stocks, in view of the recent heavy arrivals. Supplies of North Island lambs are now becoming short, but here also prices show an easier tendency. At present there is a very good demand for lightweight lambs, which meet with a ready sale at full rates, even though the quality may be slightly inferior to that of the heavier weights. The good demand which lately existed for tegs is now beginning to fall off, and values arc in consequence declining. Prime Canterbury lambs under 421b may now be quoted at from 4Jd to 5d per lb, and over 421b at. 4;jd. Southland lambs tinder 421b arc making 4]d to 4 3-16 d, over 421b down to. 4id. North Island lambs are steady at 4;; d, a fraction more being obtainable for good light, weights. There is a better demand for frown beef, and New Zealand binds arc 'quoted at 3»d to forequarters at 2£d to 2id per lb.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, is in receipt of the following cablegram from its London house:—We quote present spot values for the following descriptions of tallow Fine mutton, 335; good beef, 325; mixed, 30a 3d per cwt.

Sellers Buyer* R i. d. £ a. d. BANKS•New Zealand *> ,-,9 0 0 R 10 0 National ... ** » — . 5 11 C INTRA New Zealand ... ... 3 14 0 New Zealand, new i,»iuc . 3 13 0 3 11 0 National ... ,.. .,, — 14 3 South British ... ™. — ; 5 13-0 Standard ...... ... 10 6 10 0 FINANCIAL— ' N.Z. and River Piute ... 1 10 0 19 0 COAL— ■, Nort. -Coal, 10si paid ... — 0 14 3 Nort. Coal. 7s 6d paid .. 0 14 3 — • Taupiri Mines, Limited ...110 10 6 Westport ... ,.. ... — 6 18 0 Drury Coal , M ,*, 0 d 6 — GASAuckland ■.,. ... r. a — 14 8 6 Thames ,. *„ „ 1 IS 0 — Gisbotue ,- » — 2 7 9 Sill! f'lNOUnion Steam Ship Co. .... — 16 17 6 Northern Steam, paid up.. 0 17 3 0 17 0 Northern Steam, con. ... 0 8 £ 0 8 0 Dcvonport* Steam Ferry... 1 18 0 1 16 6 TIMBER— Kauri Timber, paid up... 0 16 9 — Kauri, contributing ... 0 4 11 0 4 9 Leviand-O'Brien. Company Ltd. .. ..... 2 4 0 2 3 0 MISCELLANEOUS— Auckland Tramways Co. 11 15 0 — D.S.C., Limited ... :.. — 0 7 5 H.M. Arcade Co., pref. 110. — Milne and Choyee, pref.. 13 0 119 Milne and Chovce, onl.. 110 — New Zealand Drug, £2 ... 2 9 3 2 8 6 N.Z. Portland Cement Co. — 1 15 9 New Zealand Portland Cement Co., new issue .,, — 16 0 Northern Boot - 0 8 9 Union Oil .. 110 — Wiseman and Sons, pref.. ' 0 18 6 0,16 0 Wilson, and Co., pre!.:. — 110 MININGKuranui ,010 009 Kuranui-Caledonian .,020 019 Magnet, contributing ..002. — May Queen Extended ,» 0 0 10 0 0"J New Dart ,01?} — Now May Queen 0 3 0 0 2 11 New Moanataiari -.018 015 New Monowai 0 ; 0 5 ; .- 0 0 4 " New Occidental, 6d paid.., J 0 6 — - New Saxon. 0 0 9 0 0 7 New Svlvia, paid ..005 003 Old Alburnia . • 0 2 4 0 2 0 Southern'Queen, (id paid 0 0 8£ 0 0 7i i Southern Queen, con. ... 0 0 8 0 0 6.} Thames ... ... .... 0 10 0 0 9 , Trafalgar ,*, 0 0 « ' - Vanguard ... ... «, 0 0 4 0 0 3 Victoria , , . 0 1 1 0 0 10 .Waiotahi ... ... .* 1 8 9 183 Waitangi, ,6d paid ,.. — „ 0 1 2 , Waitaiigi, contributing ... 0 1 2 0 11 • Bunker's Hill 0 0 6 0 0 4 New ' Four-in-Hand js 0 10 — Old llauraki,; paid .009 006 Champion, paid up ... 0 2 2 — Champion, contributing.. 0 16 — Crown ... ... 043 0 3 10 Golden Belt, paid 0 2 8 , . 0. 2 5 „... {iol6ea.Belt, « aoni-ribatiag ■ : 0 --2 -. 4-"' ■'••'■■■ - i ■ Kiriktri, contributing ' '0 0 6' '-• —" Komata Reefs 0 2 4 0 2 3 . Maorihmd, paid ..,. ,,.017 —'. ■ Omahu, paid ,,.,004 —' Tride of Waihi ... .007 — Tairua Broken Hills ... 0 2 4 0 1 10 Talisman Consolidated ... 18 3 18 0 Waihi ,.. 9 19 6 9 17 6 Waihi Beach' ... v 0 0 74 ' 0 0 6 Waihi Consolidated , ,,, — 0 16 Waihi Extended .,. '...049 0 4 6 Waihi Grand Junction ...306. — Sunbeam Gold and Silver 0 0 7. 0 0 6£ B V UTJDI.H3TOS. Secretary. \ Q A BnTTr.R. Chairman.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13278, 10 September 1906, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13278, 10 September 1906, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13278, 10 September 1906, Page 3