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New Zealand Herald Office, - ," r t'M ■ Iffll Saturday evening. '••t\t Since our last report we are glad -tii'il^^Ha able to verify our suggestion contained t!ier|fj|§|| in that with the advent of the early spring and finer weather trade would present g blighter hue; our soft goods warehouses ' hardware, grocery, timber, and produce mcrchants all are satisfied that the genera, divf§f|f tributing trade'is in a fairly-prosperous condition. Our butter and cheese factories are jubilant, prices having reached a height tint ivni hardly anticipated in our wildest dieam.' a few years ago. Gum seems to have enierg. '■> Ed from its stagnant state of a. few month' ago: New Zealand flax i- eagerly soug'it after, timber is readily salable, ami all tht mills are busy, and wool is transferable intc . , good hard cash at nearly 100 per cent, ad- '■"/,'$ vance on prices obtainable a few years jigo. Reports still continue to reach us of th{ almost impassable condition of the roads iu the Far North. Flax: There is very little change to report in the London market, and American buyers arc not operating to any great ex- fk tent at present. Local prices are -lightly lower, and are now more uniform with Lon- ?,'• don values, giving shippers a slight margin for commission. The supplies are somewhat .';s'& increasing, hut the demand i- quite equal to them. The Karamea took about 175 "il tons this week, and the Moan a had alto about 16 tons for Australia. Arrivals for m the mouth of August are 480 ton.-, the approximate value of which is £13,000 to '■:■ £14,000. Tow is not very plentiful at present: it is ' I, worth about £7 10-. Millers should exercise care and keep out dust ami damp tow when -' haling. . _ ';, Butter: New Zealand .-peculators who j have been operating in butter lately art : ; finding some difficulty in getting London''-.{i buyers to come, to the price they are demanding. The local market is decidedly easier, and likely to continue so as the A season advance?. The Karamca has about '-,;•

300 boxes and 120 kegs on her manifest for Europe. ' - i Wool: There is practically no change in the wool market since our last report, the present being the off season. Matters re- \'lmain much the same, and there is not likclj lo be any material difference till the next, 11 London sales. The Melbourne -ale, opi>n on October 8. The Karamea has loaded for |P§ London and has about 250 bales wool 011 w •'.ward. Fungus: There is not much coming to H hand, principally on account of the con- ;|* tinued wet weather, and what is arriving is on the damp side. There is no alteration"VsJj in the price at present, but there is certain to be a slight hardening during the next "il two months:, as,the demand nearly always t >;s improves in September and October, after S which the market usually drops again. Frozen Meat: The market continues about, the same, there being still a demand for 1 lambs. Mutton is also still quiet. Vherc was an inquiry for beef last week, but tlw •- ? price quoted was evidently too high, as no orders ensued. The Karamca lias about ,'J," 600 quarters beef on board for London. f k Timber: Millers are still kept very busy, £ and the export to Australia continues, There is also a very strong local demand, H but the supply of logs is again running low, owing to no further freshes during the last month. Prices for first-clase kauri advanced , Is per 100 ft on the Ist inst. Tho demand || for this is greater than the mill can overtake for some months ahead, and still fur- 8m ther inquiries are made for shipment to \~\ Europe: The Karamea took away about 90,000 superficial feet of .kauri. Tallow: The demand is good and prices are hardening. The la res London quota- . tions are:—Fine mutton, 32s 6d ; good beef, 31s: 6d; mixed, 30s per cwt. There is only a limited supply: the export- by the Ka-J| gl ramea which sailed this week is 200 casks. The first shipment of .superphosphates has !«J5 arrived by the I'apanui, from London, to a very bare market. The fanners a;:o now i finding the advantage of mixing supcrphoiphates with bonedust for grass growing.. as , Jsa the cost is less and the resuk, better. This &ty applies principally to spring sowing. .".- Hops have shown a sharp rise, doubtless owing to the failure of the English 5 crop?, and our advices from Nelson point to ".his ,-;.' state of things being maintained. ■•-■..., pi Cheese: Wo have heard of sale:; being - made of the output of some of the largest i;g factories at a considerable advance ou last m season's prices. j

r STOCK AND SH'AKE.vrArvKJiT. - '- -"L The local Stock Exchange lias been fairly busy. The New Zealand Insurance Company has paid an interim dividend of 10 I%* per' cent. ( Th« Standard Insurance Com- ;-':> pany also paid a, dividend at the rate of 10 :* per cent, per annum. The .Thames Gai Company paid the usual interim dividend. | '1 lie Northern Boot Company lias had a successful year, and paid a dividend cf 5 per cent. Banks: New Zealand? have not had quit* ■ . so much inquiry, and prices are easier, with '~, sales at £8 10s. Nationals have been in better request, with sales at £5' lis 6d, and further buyers at £5 lis. Ditto new issue arc wanted at £4 18s, and there' are seller* at £5. Insurances: A good business in this class of stock. New Zealands sold from £3 19s cum dividend and rights to new issue shares, to £3 12s to £3 13s ex dividend and rights, .j. closing with sellers at £3 14s,- and buyers at '7* £3 12s 6d. Rights to new issue sold from lis to 13s to 10s, and new issue shares (£3 paid* sold at £3 12s. . South British sold at £5 i2s arid £5 12s 6d. Nationals sold at 245, but closed firmer, with buyers* at 24s 3d; sellers ask 255. Standards 'sold at 20? - bd ex dividend, and more are offered at the ; ' same price, with buyers at 20s. Coals: A fair inquiry for this class of stock. Hikurangis sold at 16s 3d. Northern Coals (10s paid) sold at 14s 6d,' and more are wanted at 14s 3d. Taupiri Mines sold it 21s and 20s'6d, with further buyers at | 10* 6d and sellers at 20s 9d.

Gas: Good gas stocks are very scarce, and.,. : buyers' requirements difficult to fill. Auc-k* lands sold from £14 6s to £14 8s M, and ' c'o<c with further buyers at £H B.> 6d.'< - Thame?; are. offered at £1 18s 6d ex dividend, just paid. Gishornes sold at £2 7s fld, and ■.:•},; more arc wanted at £2 7s 9d. There are Silvers of Whangarcis at 30s, with no de-.'.'p' la md sellers.

Shipping: Northern Steams, paid up, cold ! at 17s and 17? 3d. and closed with rollers at - j 17s 6d, and buyers, at 17s. Ditto, contri--' ; ,,'s buting, sold at 8s and 8s 2d, closing with 5 further sellers at 8s 2d, and buyers at Bs. '•, J Dcvonport Ferry's are offered at £1 175 6d, j.Js and there are buyers at £1 16s 6d. -Mm Timbers: Kauris (paid up) sold at 16s and lb- 6d. Ditto, contributing, sold at 4s 3d : W and 4s 9d. Leyland and O'Briens sold at <i\ £2 3s, and more are wanted at, the same '-. price: sellers ask £2 4s.- Parker-Lamb' ► sold at 24s 6d. . \:|pl Miscellaneous: Auckland Electric- Tram" again sold at £11 12s and £11 13s. D.S.C.'s . sold at 7 9d.- Hill and Plummet sold at 21s. New Zealand Portland Cements r-.old at £1 13s and £1 16* 3d, closing firm, with numerous buyers at £1 15s 6d. Ditto, uew issue, are wanted at 265. Northern Boots ' sold at 9s, ex dividend of 5 per cent., just 8 : paid. . ; SB Mining: A very good business in mining i | stock, investors' attention being mainly given to Waihis, Talismans, and Waiotahis. The ', Waihi Company paid a dividend of 3.- per share on September 1. The Waiotihi Com- r pany has multiplied its shares by four, andtpl paid a dividend of Is 3d per share on 240,000 shares, on September 5. Waiotahis sold from £5 12s 6d to £6 4s to £5 8s to £6 10-,' prior to the increase in the number of shares, and , • from £1 lis to £1 12s 6d to £1 8s 9d to &\\?'*\ 10s- 6d, after increase and cum dividend, and from £1 7s 6d to £1 8s 6d, ex dividend..",',' Kuranui-Caledonians sold at 2s 3d, 2s 2d, 2s Id, and Is 9d. Thames sold from Is 4d to lOd. Old Alburniaa sold from 2s 2d to 2s 6d to 2s Id. New Moanataiaris at Is 6d ' and Is 4d. Waihis sold freely front £9 5; to £9 14s cum dividend, and from £9 & v'K ! to £10 to £9 19s ex dividend, closing with ' - * sellers at £9 19s 6d, and buyers at: £9 18s. Waihi Grand Junctions sold* at £3, £3 Is, ■ and £3 Is 6d. Waihi Extended;. so!d from 4s lOd to 5s 4d to 4s 9d. Talisman Consolidated:, sold from 26s 6d to 27s (id to 26s to 28s 6d to 27s 9d to 28s. Crowns sold atlM 4s 3d and, 2d. Komata P,eefs sold from 2s to 2s 4d; Golden Belts (paid up' from 2s lOd to 2s 6d to 2s lOd to 2s 6d. There wert also numerous sales in low-priced stocks. , 'e»»a /. . KAURI GUM. |fp The supplies for August total 640 tons, as » against 623 tons for the corresponding month of last year, showing a slight increase, *tj||ff this is not an excessive quantity, and is not :,4 likely to depress the market. ' v The supply from the departure of last mail||§|M to the 7th[inst. is 557 tons; these figures show an increase, but the delav in the departure of the mail accounts for that. Tb?i|f|p|; supply for seven days of September is 19" tons; this includes a shipment by Greyhound and Waitaugi, which only" occur* every fortnight. The market continues steady for nearly all classes and grades. Pale .elect a-id hris,h|w||| rescraped lie supply of which is very limited) comma a really sale. Reshaped or- ( -

(Hilary is also coming to hand very .slowly, »nd moves oft' at full rates,; but the bulk of so-called rest-raped arriving is very 1 little* better ■ than selected three-quarter-scraped, and it is advisable that country storekeepers do their best to got the diggers to thoroughly resorape the gum instead of half doing it. They will find it will remunerate them to do so. The supply of superior ordinary is not excessive, and the demand is quite equal to it, as buyers recognise that the quality at prcseait is better than it will lie when the diggers can get into the swamps. Medium ordinary, although not coming to hand , in any great quantity, is rather difficult to sell. Washed nuts aro moving off fairly well, but the supply is quite equal to the demand. Black gum is arriving more freely, but the demand for good reseraped black is keen, and good three-quarter-scraped black is also eagerly sought after, the price for which is higher at present than at any other time in the history of the gum trade. Mixed black, on the other hand, is not so salable, but so far there is no accumulated stock -here. Black nuts are also . rather easier, and we anticipate a slight drop in the price. There is not much demand for Kast Coast at present, shippers maintaining that the high rates here cause orders to be cancelled. When the prices come down to a reasonable figure business will be steady, -as the supply of this class is never excessive. Good resc'rapec'. bush is wanted, and sells at c o-ood price, but it must not be mixed with bled gum. for which there is very little inquiry. lit her classes of bush gum are lieglected, but there is very little oming forward- Ordinary chips and dust arc quite unsalable at present. Black chips and dust aro selling freely at full rates. The Karamea took 298 ton- this week. Poor white chalk gum : There does not .-coin to be any inquiry for this class of gum. Exports of kauri gum from mail to mail: — ('ornithic, (cent.), August- 16: America. —; lMirono 1; total, 1. YVukanui. (cont.), August 16: — , 4C. 40. Star of Australia. August 23: 95, 24- 189. Moana, Septeruboi 3: —. 10 * 10. ' Karamea, September 5: SS, 240, 293. Star of Scotland. September 8: —, 12, 12. Grand totals: 153, 397, 550. BANK RATES. Buying.—Demand, i per cent, discount; 30 days, 1 per cent, discount; 60 days, J per cent, discount; 90 days, l; per cent, discount. SELLING.— Demand, i per cent, premium; 30 days, i per cent, premium; 60 days and 90 days, pair. TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS TO LONDON— per cent., plus cable charges. Deposits Br Bank of New Zealand and Na tionsl Bank Fixed for three months, 1 per cent, per annum ; 6 months, 2 per cent, per annum ; 12 months, 3 per cent, per annum 24 months, 34 per cent, per annum. By Bank of New South Wales and Union Bank: Fixed for 6 months, 2 per cent, per annum; 12 months. 3 per cent, per annum; 24 months, 31 per cent, Br Bank of Australasia: Fixed for 3 months, nil; 12" months, 2J per cent.; 24 months, 3 per cent. DISTRIBUTING HOUSES. ALUS and Torter (duty, 2s per gallon).—Ale (in bond): Bass' Dogshead brand (Head's bottling), quarts 9s 6d, pints 7s. Foster's Bugle, quarts, 7s fid; pints, 5s od. Bulldog (11. Porter and Co. bottling), quarts, 9a; pints, 7s. Fran?. Joseph's lager, quarts, 9s; piuts, 7s. Local ,dutv paid), quarts, 8s; pints, 4s 6d. Ward's (Christclmrch bottling), quarts, 9s to 10s; pints, At 6d to ss. Stout (in bond): Guinness' Dogshead brand, (Read's bottling), quarts, 9s fid; pints, 7s. Foster's Bugle, quarts, 7s fid ; pints 5s 6d. Bulldog (E. Porter and Co.'s bottling), quarts 9s; pints, vs. Johnson's, quarts, 83 fid: pints, 6s 6d. Ashbv's, 6s 3d to 8s 9d. Anglo-Bavarian, quarts, 8s 3d , pint«, 5s fid. Local (duty paid), quarts, Bs. pints, 4» fid. Building Materials.— cement. 12s 6d. Slates: English Countesses are worth £12 to £13. Plaster of Paris, lis to 12a fid. All these quotations nominal. Firebricks, 2jin, £8; 3in, £9: less trado discount. Brkadstukfs and Grain Best roller flour, in sacks. £9 5s to £10 ss, less usual discounts; 100's, 50's, and 26'5., in proportion to extra baggings. Milling wheat, 3s 5d to 3s fid f.o.b. Southern porta, according to quality, sacks extra. Fowl wheat, ex store, 3s 8d to 3s 3d. sacks in. Bran, £4 5s ex store. Sharps. £5 ss. Maize, ex wharf, 3s 4d. Oatmeal. 25's, £12 15s; 7's, £14 ss; local 25's, £13 ss, less discount. Barley— malting, 4a 6d to 0s 3d; feed. 3s 4d. Oats, on wharf, 2s 8d to 2s 9d. Pearl barley, £14 10s; split peas, £15. Cabin bread, £17 per ton , settlers' bread. £19. Potatoes. £12. Onions, £10 to £11; American onions, £"15. Bags' and Bagging.—Calcutta full-weight woolpacks, lljlb, 2s 5d to 2s 7d. Cornsacks, 48in, 8» 3d 44in, 7s 9d; Hessian bags, is to 4s 6d. Coal.— Newcastle, ship's side, 24s 6d; delivered, £1 12s; Hikurangi Coal Co., 8s 6d f.o.b. Wbangarei; Taupiri Steam, at mine, 9s fid; do., household, delivered, £1 7s. Cordage.—Manila rope, Auckland-made, best, £72; second, £68. Europe rope, £64. New Zealand flax rope, all sizes, £37, less discount; flax clotheslines, per lb, sd; twine, shop, d.p., per lib, lOd to Is 2d; sewing twine,- lid to Is 2d per lb; plou;h lines, 8d to 9d. Coffee and Spicks, per lb.—Cevlon coffee, plantation. No. 0, Is 7d; No. 1, Is 6d; No. 2, Is sd;.No. 5. Is 4d; Mocha,.,ls 7d; ditto. Island, Is 2d; chicory, ground, 6d; Symington's essence of cottee, 12a 6d; Camp essence of coffee, 12s; local, 9s to 10s. Cocoa : Frv's, Is 3jd; Van Houten's, 3s 2Jd ; Bahia, 2s Od'; Cadbury's, H'o, 9s 6d ; .'.lb, 18s 6d: lib, 36s fid. Rowntree'ii, 3s 3d. Chocolate Fry's, Is 3d. Spices: Cloves, Is 2d; bleached ginger. lOd; nutmegs, Is 4d; cinnamon, 2s 3d ; black pepper, whole, lid; white do., Is ljd; do., ground, Is 2d; cayenne. Is fid; chillies, Is; mace, 2s 9d. Confectionery boiled, 3}d; dry goods, 4d, less trade discount; gum jujubes, lOd to Is; jelly do, 7Jd; Keiller'g assorted confections, lid, Gray's, Bd. Candied peel: Local, lemon, 4Ad to scl ; orange, sjd; citron, Is. Keiller's fruit jujubes, la 4d; local. 7id; ilb chocolate creams, 4s fid; cream sticks, Is 3d; chocolate sticks, Is sd. iivu. Flax, Etc —White gum: Poor ordinary, £40 and upwards; fair ordinary, £60 and upwards ; bold, threequarter-iicrapcd, fret: from ■nuts, £95 and upwards: East Coast, best quality, £95, and upwards; rescraped, £135 and upwards. Dark gum: Nuts, sifted, £18 and upwards; medium, free from sugar, £36 and upwards; good, £62 and upwards. Flax: Good fair average quality, f.0.b., £31; fair, £29; common, £27. Tow, £7 10s too. Cocoa- ■ nut fibre, per ton, £20. Fungus, 4|d. IbonmonoerV.—Galvanised corrugated iron, • basis, £20 10s. English bar iron, per ton, £1110s basis; galvanised fencing wire, 6 to 9 gauge, £11; English barb woe, £15 10s; American, £13 15s; English pig iron, £5; pig lead. £19; sheet lead, £24 10s; nine, £45; I.C. coke tinplates, 20in by 14in, 17s; blasting powder, '81d; muntz metal bars, Is Id; sheets, 8d; quicksilver, 3a. • Jams, Drieu Frcit», Etc. (duty paid).—DutyCurrants and raisins, Id; all other dried fruits, 2d; jam and marmalade, 2d. Moir's marma--1 lade, lib, 7s; Keiller's marmalade, lib, 7s 3d. Phoenix and St. George, Dunedin, 5s 6d; .Nelson (New Zealand), bs I'd; Auckland-made, lib tins, ss; lib glass, 6s 6d. ,lam : English, 7s 6d; local, 3s 6d to 4s 6d. Smyrna sultanas, 4d; American muscatels, in trays, 8d to Is; loose, 6d: currants, half-coses, 3i'd; California!! ' prunes, 6d, dried apples, 3d ; peaches, 9d; ■ pears, 9^d; apricots, 9d; seeded raisins, lib packets, 6d. .

bBATEKR, Hides, Etc.—Sole leather, Hid to Is 6d per lb; kips. Is 5d to Is 3d; wax, spin, Is Id to Is 3d; white lace, 16s per side; oiled lace, 19s; black harness, Is 3d to Is 6d; brown harness, Is 8d; calf, colonial, 2s 9d ; basils. 18s to 30s dozen; skirt, 22s to 24s per side. Hides: Ox, extra (tout, 7Jd to bd; stout, 6sd to 7^d; medium, od to 6/, d ; cow, 4-Jd to ; calf, fad to bid. Butcher*' pelts, 2* 3d to 2* M ; lambs, 2s 2d to 2s lOd each. Tallow : Best mixed, 22s to 23» Oil; good, 20s to 20s 6d ; seconds, i7s to ' 19s 3d. MASUBBS.—Australian bonedust, £7 ss. Calcutta steamed £7; Auckland, £8; superphosphate, £4 10s: boneflour, £8; cocoaniit oil cake, £7; kainit, £4 2s 6d ; New Zealand Drug Company's manure*: A «upeiphosphate, £4 15s per ton; bouediwt, steamed, £7; bone dust, green, £8: bonedust and Hood. £6 17s 6d ; loot manure, £7; grass manure, £6 17* 6d : potato manure, £6 lbs; turnip manure, £6 15s; cor:- manure, £6 15s; maize manure, £7; orchard manure, £7 10s; onion manure, £7 10s: clover manure, £6 us; sulph. of ammonia, £17; guano, £5 7s 6d. Mat.t and Hop.-'.—i/uionial, 6s to 7s. Hops: Nelson, brewers', 2s; grocers' hops, packets, 1« 4d. OiI.HKN'S SXOIIEB. ETC—Price's National, 6d; Price's self-fitting, 7^d; Price's carriage, 7-id ; local sperm, 4Jd to sd; wax, sid to b',d ; mining, 6d (if new proposed tariff is carried all imported candles will advance Id per lib); local blue mottled soap, £22 to £24 per ton; carbolic, £28; best yellow. £27; Hvdrolcine, £28; Apollo, £42 109; Peerless, £20 to £26; National, £24; double Crown, ' £20; Golden Crown, £18; household, £12 to £14; soft soap, in tins, fad per lb; toilet, 7d per lb; Barilla, 7d (all subject to trade discount). Salt: Black Horse, tine £3 15s, coarse £3 ss; other brands, fine £3, coarse £2 15s; rock salt, £4; Jordan almonds, 2s 3d; blacking paste. 3a 3d. Column starch. No. 1 (duty, 2d per lb; white, 465, lib pictorial 545; local, in papers or packets, 31s. .Mustard, d.p. : Colman's, lib tins (DSF) 17s 6d, half ditto 9s, lib tins as; Column's 71b tins (green), Hid. Blue: Reckitt's circular. 7s 6d per gross; bag. 8s 3d; Colman's azure,, BJd per lb; Reckitt's square, BJd. Blacklead: Nixey's 6s to 7s 3d; Reckitt's, 7s; Zebra paste, in tins, 3s; Nixey's, 3s. Matches: Vestas, R. Bell and Co.'s, 250's, 14s by the case; plaids, 3s Id to 3s 3d; cardboard trays, 8s to 8s 6d. Oil : Cas tor, in pints. 7s; half-pints, 4s. Salad, C. and 8., quarts, 265; pints, lbs; half-pints, 8s 6d. Morton's, pints, 8s 6d; half-pints, ss. Local, '' pints, ?«, fad; half-pints, 4n. Pickles: Crosse and Blackwell's, pints, 17u 6d; Gillard's, 17* 6d; Capt. White's, 14s fad and 245; Morton's, 13s, Wliittome Stevenson's, 7s 6d ; Flag brand, Bs, 5 cases 's fad. Rice ■ No. 1, Polished Japan, £17; do., ground.. 2d; Rangoon, £11. , Sauce: L=a and Perrin's, half-pints, 13s 6d; pints, 255. fjillard's, half-pints, 7s fad ; Mellor's, half-pints, 7s 6d; pints, 14s. Holbrook's, - quarter-pints, 7s; half-pints, lis; pints, 225. Coodalls Yorkshire Relish, 7s. Vinegar, d.p. : Champion's, per gallon, 2s 3d ; Sarson's, . Is 10d, Potts' Is lOd; local, lOd to Is 3d. Vinegar.:- Case, C. and 8., 9s; Champion's, 8s 9d: Morton's, 8s 6d; Morton's crystal, 9s 6d; local, 4s to ss; Hill and Underwood's bulk, Is • 10<1; ,-,,*,■. V,. Tiptoes: Flake, £24 pearl, £23. Sage. £*3. Cornflour: Maize, 3d d.p.; •■ Clemen. V. 3d; Brown and Poison's patent, 6id ; lmb.ii-. s,'t'. Preserved milk: Nestle'*. fas fad; ' Mill.ii■:• '".".fci fed: local brands. ss; imported mill-. ;-, ;i -r Uoz, advance if new tariff IS farriu'. Tartaric acid: In jars, Is ad: m*. Is 'd. Cream of tartar: In jars, Is •2d; in kegs, IUJd. Bi-caib. soda, 12s 6d; local '. soda crystals, £9 ss; whiting, £5.

oils and Paints—Colza ! In drums. 4s 6(1; bulk, 4s. Linseed: Boiled, drums, 3* 3d; hulk, 3s; raw, drums, 3s; bulk, 2s Bd. Castor: In drums, TOd; half-eases, 3s Bd. Kerosene, 150, test, gallon, 10-Jd. Genuine white lead, ground, per cwt 561b to 281b, 31fl to 345; red lead, dry, 30s; White zinc, 42a to 445. Turps, 4s 6d ; resin, £6 15s to .£9, according to grade. Varnish : Oak, 8s to Us;.copal, 12s 6d to 255.' Benzine, Is 2d; naphtha, Is 9d; gasoline, 2s 9d. Quotations regulated by quantities and qualities. Provisions.—Cheese: Factory,' 6Jd to 7d; dairy bid. Good keg butter, lOd; second quality, 9d; milled, Is id; factory, Is. Eggs, 9d. Bacon, sides only, 7d; hams, only, ?id to Bd. Fish (duty, 10s per cwt): Ling, bid; boneless end, 7d; preserved red herrings, 33* per dozen Uns (each 24 fish); preserved salt herrings, 42» per dozen tins (each 2" fish), 24* per dozen each of 12 llsh): kippered herrings, .'<,«; herrings In sauce, 7s 6d to 9s 6d ; fresh herrings, 6s; Findon haddocks, 10s; lobsters. New Zealand. 10a 6d; American, 12s to 18s. Digby chicks, 9s 6d; salmon, lib Cocktail, lis 6d ; Alaska, 8s 6d : British Columbia, 9* 6d to 10s ; pink salmon, 7s 6d; sardines, quarters 3s to 7s, halves 5s od to lis, according to brand; oysters, 8s; mullet, 4s 9d to ss; boiled rabbit. 9s 6d ; corned beef, lis; sheep tongues, lib tins, 12s 6d; 21b, 225. . Sugars (duty, ).d per !b).—Colonial Sugar Company's Auckland reflnerv, d.p.. No. 1. £19 15.*; N0."2. £19 ss: No. 3. £18 1&); Cubes, £22 6s. Treacle, bulk. 12s 6d : golden syrup, bulk, 16s; molasses, in quantities not less than half-a-ton, duty remitted by Customs, £4 10s; in drums, 5s cwt.

SPIRITS (in bond), dt.ty l6s per gallon of proof spirits, in bulk or case.—Brandy : Rouyer. Gouillot and Co., 255; Gilbcv's Universal brandy, flasks 28s, hall flasks 30s; Hennessy's, One Star 375, Three Star 51s; Bisquit, Dubouchc and Co.'a, pale, in hlids.. 7s; quarter-casks 7a 6d, octaves 8s 6d ; case, 255. Boomerang, quartercasks 7s. octaves 7« 6d, case 225. Chateau-Tanunda, case, 225. Whisky, bulk: Walker's WW, 8s fid; Usher's .Sit, 9« 9d; Usher's 0.V.G.. 7s 9d : D.C.L., old 5s 6d, very old 8s fed: VOS, 10s 6d ; case, Old Scotch, 18s: very old, 225; VOS. 265; Gaelic, 225; Buchanan's House or (on mens 225; Robertson's Three liqueur. 325: Gilbey's Viceroy (Irish), 20s: Jamieson's (Irish), one star 255. three star 325; Teacher's, 25s Walker's WW, 225; Ushers SB., 22-, Usher's OVG, 20s: Usher's OVil, (husks 2E-s. half-flasks. 3r.s: While Horse, 225, Braemar, 18s ; Mobs, 20s; l,l„ 22s 6d to 23s ; Cam bus, 16s; Gordon s, 15s; Dewar's, 21s: Haig and Uaig, .-2s, Geneva, proof four gallons. JDKZ, 20 bottles, 18s 6d ; under proof, 16s fid. Schnapps Wolfe's, quarts 245, pints 25s 6d; Oilbey's Silvorstream, 18s; Gilbey's dry gin, 14s; Distillers' Company's, 14s; Burnett's Old Tom, 14s; Gilbey's Old Tom. 13s; Lowndes' rum, 30 0.n., 4s" 9d in' hhds., bs in quartercasks, 5s Vd in octaves; Key, 22s pel" case; Gilbey's Governor-General ruin, 20s per case. Champagne, d.p. : I'ommery, quart 120s, pint 1255; Heidsieck, quart 1255, pint 130s; Australian wines. 335; New Zealand wines, 255. * . TIMBER.— building timber, undressed, 100 ft, first-class 17s 6d, medium 14s, secondclass 10s fid. flitches, all heart, 16s 6d: flooringboards, dressed p.t.g., first-class 19a 6d, medium 16s, second-class 12s 6d, liningboards, p.t.g.. headed or V-Jointed, first-class 19s. medium 15s fid. second-class 12s; rusticated weatherboardlug, tirsi--;lass 19s 6d, medium lbs, second-class 12s 6d; bent, boards, planed two sides, gin 17s 6d, Jin 18s 6d. For widths over 12in, 6d extra per inch per 100 ft is charged, and for lengths over 24ft extra prices are charged. Logs, 4s to 6s 3d, according to girth. Tobacco (duty. 3s 6d) —Ruby, aromatic, 2s 6d to 2s 7d ; Victory, Is lid to 2s Id ; Juno, 10 cases Is 4d ; single case Is sd, box Is fid : Ascot, Is fid; Derby, 10 cases Is 7d, single case Is Bd, box Is Cd; lilavelock case Is 9d, box Is lOd; Venus, Is 6d; Golden Eagle, red 2s 4cl, yellow 2s Id; Welcome Nugget. 2s 7u; black twist, 26 to lib, In. Golden Eagle, 2oz tins. 3s 3d: Wills' Capstan, full and medium, 4oz tins, 3s; loz and 2oz tin- 3s 3d, mild 3d more; .Melrose cigarette tobacco, 2oz packets, d.p., 7s; Old .Judge ditto. 7s 9d; rough cut, soz tins, dark 2s 2d. aromatic 2s 3d; Golden Long Cut, loz and 2oz, 6s fid d.p. ; llavelock, dark and aro mntic, 2oz 3s 3d 2oz mixture 3s cd. 4oz mixI ture 3s 3d

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13278, 10 September 1906, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13278, 10 September 1906, Page 8

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13278, 10 September 1906, Page 8