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■ '.«•'■-' •„,;■/.. ■';■■.'•■...',' ■' .■-.'.■ >■' ■'--■ - - ■-' -■■ „ ''-'■' • '" ' ■ Medical. '~-.■•■■.■'■■"' ■' - ' > >■• .. -- ':■:;...:-.:■ \ : . ~■■,. . -^S__3_S_~s3B_lss3~3sS~^ Jl' ' - iv *r>df M^^ S^* lfi%[^' lGi Perfect Health against the price it costs, I 1 > fll r _>r N_\_ ■ _>«s<^_^^/'^^* ,^- f \ and the result is always in favor of health. s 1 Jill ■ ■ ' / \ « ' "Health at any 'price "js heard on all sides, but we « 1 '"■ !If f~ \* \Z',j\ /\ "* ' /j \ say to you: •■■ Health at only a fair price, and real robust m J |SI J, V X*. t \f I \ / I \ health at that." . . . For years we have been teach- W l "I II / 'Vl* «A' / I \ is— \ ing the public, the lesson of health, and how to regain it a 1 II / '-■-,-. '!'■■/. \ / when lost. We have sold twenty thousand health-givers aI , '1 it «'">« \I ■ • : I \ i /^ r - n Australasia, and have published thousands of Aus- g I J W~'fs ' \/\" I'i" 17V "5" tralian testimonials. . . . You cannot be strong and {J | i 'If ' / i^"*** 1^ • /aJj LJ^-U'iA / '^l_ills^S ! healthy when your organs are weak and suffering from % I .;■ I ■'»■"'-|_>i' ; --"^- : . ' ' -.■,,-- ———— —-—■ " , ■-.» : :-E ""• ** ; "it fv.-■■':'_-^_ ,, i*' ; ' ~ ' insufficient nerve life. Nerve Life is the' vital element « J '• w -la ■"'■ --' •• ~~ '■' »•' • ; " *" * ■ S S ' * $1/ ' ' „**l0 1 L C L * n e huna an body. It is created by the Natural Electrical Generation 1 | S I throughout the system. When this generation is weak it means that your m I ■r.'"■ ISi '«fc__ " • electrical,force is at low ebb, and in order ,to regain it you must force galvanic g j i § I - . 1 OytTT'*' electricity into your nerve centre and organs. .. . Dr. McLaughlin's •% \ I'll 1 %^*»_^ ;;Bil * fa ''" ''*~ , Electric Belt carries a current of Electricity into your body for hours at a|! L lif \ I '" time. It saturates every nerve and tissue, stimulates the circulation, destroys unhealthy or •| ' j |; IJ . I II |p j worn-out tissue, and creates new life. This wonderful appliance will restore a weak man to I, jv- ;/ ' I \ 1-1 I■■ ' I If'// his full normal vigor in three months. It will make you as vigorous at fifty as you were at a|' ;l 1' ' \ Mil l|| it thirty. If you are weak at thirty it will restore your vitality. Worn regularly for ninety || | '■; )i \' I I iff days, with the free, suspensory for men, it ; will cure your weakness so that—under normal I| ;■ II 1 iL 1 ' ' '/ 1 conditions— will never come on again. , . . We want you to use this appliance ;g 11 '■'*•' i ■ I iJ *'& ' because there are no doubts about the result. It is guaranteed in every case undertaken. 1 \'> .1 1 *0M i Dr. McLaughlin's ELECTRIC BELT 1j ] •| I If (With Special Electric Attachments), worn while you sleep,, pumps a constant, soothing current of | ( | 'II A Electricity into your body for hours at a time. No burning or blistering of the skin, for the metal " : j fl If (With Special Electric Attachments), worn while you sleep, pumps a constant, soothing current of || | I ir^^^^&W/\n [ Electricity into your body for hours at a time. No burning or blistering of the skin, for the metal \% \ I # t j discs are covered with the proper Electrodes, and the current is perfectly under control by means of the gfi I 1 Regulator Attachment, which permits any desired strength of - current being used. It has cured I. L •IS thousands, and will cure you of Lame Back, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, 1 j I |i Nervousness, Sciatica, Anaemia, and Lassitude, and will absolutely dispel that tired feeling you have 1 J I I ' when you get up in the morning. Electricity is the proper remedy for these and all Organic and | f | H s *WsiW?l'' Functional Weaknesses arising from improper circulation and unnecessary waste of energy. It I^'i . | I 'WSSe$ absolutely restores your Liver, Kidneys and Stomach to a sound working condition in three months. | : | ||| special notice. "" Cures that read like Miracles! I | ': ? % At the present time extravagant claims jg P . p, NICHOL, of 176 Kins: Street, DUNEDIN, N.Z., writes: "i am pleased to report to you that ..if ,1 , &~ : m> : are being made for 'Dry Coll* op 'Always vour Belt has entirely cured me of a Weak Back, the result of. advanced debility. As you know, when I lirnt got jm § ■ M Chapa-ed' EleetPie Belts Wo will ffive your Belt I was suffering greatly from my back, especially when wtillring, ajid was extremely nervous. Now, after three WL -| - ■' i {% a.aiecmo «e«®. . ~we wiugiva months use of the Kelt i &m perfectly well; no more nervous nor despondent periods, and my, back is as strong and as ft 1 I i gIOQO for an a ways-charged, purely bc~~ ;]? e ° e „ pain as it ever was P The losses ceased long ago." ■ M | ■■ a mm 'KlectPl ~Belt that win last a. week in con- - . ... »/ | ■ 1 ffl »t.ant. use. Jio not tie induced to pay an Mr. S. W. HOPQOOD, of Tapawepa, NELSON. N.Z., says: " Anyone who suffers from Indigestion m I ',{'% outrageous fOP an OPdinapy house- £n d Sciatica, as I did, cannot go wrong by obtaining one of your Bells. I only wore mine for about six weeks or two ffl k 1 I' battePV With a ffipdls attached that you months, and since that time I have had no return of my old ailments, although the Indigestion was exceptionally severe, JRJ H i ■'. •■ Suv _vwhoP ß ft* thiPtv shiUines »"d the Sciatica was warranted to make one sit up and take notice o>: it with each attack It is now somewhere about M 8 v•; f' m can buy anywhere rop thirty smilings. eighteen months since I left off wearing the Belt, and lam still in the beet of health and feel spiendid." M | > * I il a f%iP sO, W% if 8 ! 0% MB 1 To the man and woman who wants to regain your heiUh, who wants to feel like you did yf i -I! 1° Hl s w' li II 1I li f before their misfortune overtook you, we offer one of our Books, which will show you M § . ! 8 8 li C £ U 'If |J S^' _ the road to health and happiness. It is brimful of things you will like to read jf&' % | X I _________ gives full information concerning our wonderful Belt, and will enlighten you as , JT<? g' | ""•''■■' j ■'■ m :/ ' ~ • -■—-—- -_-» :to the causes and cure of your troubles It will point out the pi t f a ana will \* _WL \ ?; j § guide you safely to a future of strength and happiness. It is beautifully illustrated, and tells what others have /^,; V/J | ;.,.; A\•;■ ]g - suffered,.and how they have,cured themselves. If YOU are not as well and strong in every respect as you ought */ % \ T; % M to be, you should send for one at once. Remember, IT IS FREE, and will be sent you closely sealed and '/ i I ■i I 8 postage paid on receipt of the attached COUPON. In addition, we will send you our Book of Cures, which jP($ / ■'..••''B I $; : \ H contains the photos, names and addresses of a great many people who have been cured by our Belt. /"' ' ~•*'' If | ?1 H We'specially invite every Weak, or Ailing Man and Woman to seek our FREE /ADVICE and j^^ C ..•**' ~.•**' i 1 | I Consultation, and so learn the exact nature of your ailments. Our offices are open daily (Sundays ..••' /' ~-f | IS ( We specially a.m. to 8.30 p.m., or Ailing Man of our Specialist are'FREE OF CHARGE. and y^ 0 ..••*"" ///[ 6 i I Consultation, and so learn the exact nature of your ailments. Our offices are open daily (Sundays / / /i j \% i excepted) from 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m., and the services of our SpecialistareFßEE OF CHARGE- / / /'\ % I || I The Dr. McLaughlin Co., Dept. 40,. L,N °f2 N c °™ T y^ 0 y /'' / A j ■HEAftNBS BRONCHITIS CURE, * ■■ ' THE FAWIOOS REMEDY" FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA AND -CONSUMPTION, 4 HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD! Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence'/: Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or j \ ,Spren„s in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable- as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most .■'■;■'.. comforting in .allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to . develop. Consumption has never been' known to exist where "Coughs""have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a - doss is generally, sufficient, and a Complete Cure ia certain. * • - ' BEWARE OF COUGHS! REMMBER^^oS^^^%^m^msMLE f .. "I hare used Hearna'a Bronchitis Cure "It affords me great pleasure to testify to "Your Bronohitis Cure has a great repu- "My wife is 82 years old, and lam 72. i •nth splendid results. Always keep in. tte the marvellous effect your. Bronchitis Cure tation here. We sell more of it than of any lam glad to inform you that your Bronhome for use. It acts like magic. ■ ; ... has upon coughs and colds. I have proved other chest medicine we stock." chitis Cure has done us both a wonderful ; • ■ ' (Eev.) JAMES SMITH, ~ its raula in my own home." WILLIAMSON AND CO deal of good, having quickly cured us both, ! i Methodist Parsonage, Dunkeld, . F. W. BINNS, .y ..' Windorah, via Charleville. Queensland. ' ,■. ■• , K.,.BABSBTr. . I Formerly of Oakleigh, Victoria. c/o A. H.rMassina and Co., ____. Strath Greek,,via Broadford, Victoria. ' '-•■'"■• ''.-———. ''■•:". Australian Journal Office, «« Bronchitis Cure is th« ; best medi- ~—— '■'* .' | "Your Bronchitis Cure suited Mrs. Nichol- Melbourne; cine I have ever taken." D WILLIAMS • ; *""I have used one bottle of your Bronchitii I son splendidly. '■ Her cough is gone.: It eAsed , .: . — _ .... ~ Hill-street Lithgow NaW Gut* with great benefit-to myself, as tha . : her directly, and there is really no stuffiness " For-nine years my wife suffered from As- 1 ' ' ' ' smothering has completely left me." or ; shortness of breath present now. X must thma and Bronchitis. I tried various treat- «t can .•„„•»'■'"*'''"„''■" j (Mrs.) JOHN KAHILLY, • . | Bay the Bronchitis Cure is wonderful. I.did meats for her, but none succeeded until I got * . • Glenmaggie, Victoria. ; not think she 'could live until the morning, Hearne's Bronchitis and Asthma Cure. She ff n ' Sne relieved m,* when __ . . bat »he surprised mo,by rallying, and is now found benefit from the first bottle, and three Sf BrVStiins So EwhKr- "I have tried lots of medicine, but yours . able to be out of bed once more _ bottles completely cured-her: This was nine "tner Prescriptions had no. effect*natever. . g begt t i, y baa.±t**n recommending „-. „ ™- A- M. WiSiOiN, _ months ago. She is quite well now, and has - Kimholtnn via XffiSinatmi si! it to everybody." :" S. SI"EBLE. :■-•■'Thorpe," Warrnambool, Victoria, never had an attack since." A. ORB, jumpoiton, via Wellington. n.„ ■ ™ « ***" » Yanko Siding, N.S.W. ■ ' —■ — — ■[■: ; Clonbinane. Sunday Creek... ; „ _ _ .... . . . ■_ ■'■■ - ■■"„ v. . ' ; — "Tour Bronchitis Care is a splendid medi- Broadford, Victoria. , Your Bronchitis and Asthma Cure has .„_ ■• trnm 'niironio Asthma, and cine It is the best medicine I have ever ' ____ been more to me than money can ever pay Bro * cb s Sf s er^ p Xh iZiiud no rdW jsed for Coughs Colds on the Chest, nd •• cough was just terrific, bat your - L lam auite free from, now and feel until°l. triid your feJS*S'»i-SSS Bore Throat." (Mrs.) JOHN McK_NZlfc, Bronchitis Cure acted , splendidly."-Yonrs very erat6fal to yo virgiSistVee? Geelong • «w that I am aSonished at my present --" v « Werona, Victoria..-, very sincerely, F.C. GREEN, • . Virginia ueeiong. freec i om> _„, direct result of my brief trial.", ■:/-." ~ , : ." State School, Rosebud, via Dromana, . .«„ ■ „ ' ; '~. „ . ~ , - .... , JOHN G. TRELAWNEY. ,; "I Buffered very much from Asthma for Victoria. . Your Bronchitis Cure is all you describe it Severn River, via Inverell. N.S.W. four years, and tried lots of so-oalled cures, ——— — to be. -Yours most respectfully,-__ _____ • v , without deriving any benefit. I got a .bottle " I feel grateful to you for your in- taA.t »h wSr'vffiri, "Last vear I suffered severely from Bronof your Blonchitis Cure,-No. la, last Friday. Taiaa ble medicine. Jt is marvellous the good Ilecl Jacket, via Walhalla, Victoria. MuTaml the doctor to paid seven :and abottle of your 'ot-ob- it did me." .ISABEL P. WILSON. , . „,,, , ~T~ ■'_■.*• •"« '' V, >___£_*-did not do mo any good but I dose of,your No. Saturday. I Since not .first " CoanWood," Ballarat, Victoria. and have recommended it others, with ffi. ft i Bra_3_ti« OuS "id "two' dose.of.your No. 2 Medicine. I have not had , ■ Ballarat, Victoria and have recommended it to others, with SS, nf f» w,n" ' the wheezing at all." V. CAMERON, /* » ~ cauarax, victoria. m{>gfc beneficial results." r bottles of it mde me.quite well. -, ■, . »Leongatha,v Road ... E , a d to toU you that I have-been ' - (Rev.) E. J. HENDERSON - Brooklandg.Avoca4t.reet, South Jarra. , . Hawthorn., Melbourne. quite fr&e 6 rom Bronchitis for the last two » Gnmeraeha, * Melbourne. - LVV ■'.-'••'.' , ■ ■■■■:<-:■..■■ :■■:■■;■.:■'■■■'■'■ -.. j ••■ . years, the result of taking: your Bronchitis V: tooutn Australia. : "As my purchases show, your remedies are, Cure." W. U'ITON, ' • . ~ "Please send me half a dozen of your increasing in sale. From-time to time I hear , •■- 7, Little Eailway-stVeet. Durban, 5 "Upon' looking through our hooks we are Bronchitis Cure. This medicine cured me in ' people speaking about the good results ob- l , , Natal, South Afrioa. struck with the steady and rapid increase in the winter, and has now cared a friend of tained from them. Wishing you a very , ~. . the sales of - your Bronchitis'' Cure. "— m ine of a very bad Bronchitis." much enlarged sale and great prosperity. «i , nsed yo nr .Bronchitis Cilre. and LIOTT BROS.. Ltd.. Wholesale Druggists, " _ •_ A. ALLEN, . OfcSS Marat' aiiiplea«ed:toWy that it i! without aonbt Sydney, N.S.W. . Ozone House, Lome, Victoria. * ' " • ' fo i S 1 l "lrL t and b colds n " diCi,le °° tb ° mark6t "The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I got from "Kindly forward another bottle of your "I have purchased a' small bottle of your lor w^lia *" a w ANDERSON -V vou was magical in its effects.— WY- famous Bronchitis Cure without delay, as 1 Bronchitis Cure; and have only taken four ; Telegraph Office Fremantle BROW, Enoch's Point, via Darlingford, Vic- find it to be a moßt valuable medicine. d S ,and am glad t oj ten^ougat lam , , West Australia. toria." . '___ , °%t&S^vfctoria. >-'■■" ? - c / O Mr D. McLean, ' •". ■■■•-, ■ ... ■-.- -. - v "I used your Bronchitis Cure for threa of . —-;. ■■ , \ . Camnerdown Victoria. "My husband was cured of Asthma py my family, and it cured each of them in " We. the undersigned, have had occasion .-••' _____ ,- ' your Bronchitis Cure, more than 12 months fr £ m one " to three doses.— F. MDLLINS, to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and we ..t ■"-'"-■ a >*™™■•■•A-rt,—- f— n»„* flfWn ago, and he has not had an attack since, cowie's Creek. Victoria,. certify that it was perfectly and rapidly "I suffered from Asthma for about fifteen ! have now commenced to give it to my son. r" >-° :■ v ,'-,.>-:.-. _ successful under circumstances which unI was that ill aVtimes, often had 5 years old. who has had a,cold ever Since „ y _ Bronchitis Cure relieved my son doubtedly prove its distinct healing power.", walk.from one room to another; often had he bom . j have on]y gi ve n ; Bim a few wona quick I onlv gave him four Signed by the Rev. JOHN SINCLAIR. Myersd^" P doseß ' aad h rMr^ b w er T al WISHABT doTet and lXsome of yet; street. Geelong, and 59 other leading resirllirs ™%hi? Bfeausa ' \j__s___ «i_jsf_js-_a_arAa? *«?•-, laid up for twelve months "You, *____. * a wonderful 5* oA* «*£_ i23_S_JSE_a_* 4l ?3_«™S_S^ and Asthma Cure, with the result that the medicine.-A. ] SIMMONS. J.P., No. 7, Having nsed your Bronchitis Cure in my of your- Brenchitis Care, andam now com-, difficulty of breathing and distressing cough Renny-street, Paddington. Sydney.* ■_ family at different times for years past I pletely cured. '■ -..-.- JAMES \VILTJAMh have aH disappeared. I cannot speak too . ; r — ■ wish to testify to the relief always afforded Huntlv-street Elsternwick Melbourne -highly of vour valuable medicine, and I re- "I am very pleased with your Bronchitis by it in colds on the chest, or any com- Your Bronchitis - ; Cure really acta like commend it to all my friends." .. . Cure. The result was marvellous. It eased plaint arising therefrom."—Yours, etc., * 10, (MrsJ t. Li- »iMJs,b, © C to an ELIZA LANGTON* • me right off at once.-G. SEYTER, Bourke, " ' . E. V. GODDARD. Naxracoprte Hotel. Narracoorte, Wiseman'* Fprry.New South Wales. N.S.W." 19, Fitzgerald-street, South Yarra. Melbourne. , >. South Australia. HEARSE'S BROWCHSTiS CURE—Small Size, 2s. 6d.; Large Size 4s. 6U. , Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor > W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, 'GEELONG* VICTORIA. . FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. New Zealand Branch Office-No. 11,' First Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street, WELLINGTON.

.T»TlCT«^^l^■^lu,^u,»lll l^|^^'rtnm'■»'* at "^''»" l^^^ irorr MAKE A ! 9 ° 8 1 II Jssss Awts I We urive away Talking Machines, Gold Watches, Jewel, F Jjjg , ■ lery,.and other Valuable Premiums to those who help us w*^^^^^i^^fS^&S'W*hi v '■ i ' i to introduce our remedies, We want to increase our sales '''..'" " ."^^**^B6^^^Hfeshi '■"■'"'' ! "I during the next few months. This Talking Machine re- , '.'»'• ,0 I (8 produces Songs, Speeches,." Baud Music, &c,and can be '' J .1 used at all entertainments, in any size hall or room. It , ri ' (Safe, ' I lias a 14-inch Metal Amplifying Horn, with Concert Metal ' aßa ' i Base. Many of our agents are makingbig money by giv- ■^JGffl|»^^wsi!i!ll!iKfi| - I ing concerts with this machine, which we* give away -' ' • "Us !'I I'ree. Send us vou- name and address, and we will send '■'&$? 3 you 8 boxes of "our New Life Vegetable Pills (Formula; ... «j lg^a «S^ r 'JvW' : .J'printed on each box). Sell them at 1/- a box, then remit J '.." y|!ii(ii^iffiin!!!liniOfflfflß^^-- :^: '•1 us 'the B,'- received and we will promptly forward you, J .'■ HI i!|jllfpp.l l 1 !li , ; ''V'!|llPjFs«r2i ''■'■■..: '•'I without extra expense or work, the valuable premiums V ■';," '••''" \ ' I as lifted. This is the biggest offer ever made, and , you I ■;.,,'. S^SmS^^^S^^^M^ '■§ will-be delighted.' We are aa. old, reliable firm, and will I " ._ 9 present £10 iu calli to anyone who can prove we do not '.:■ .. .... ... .."'. —~. .. ...__.; .' ',' _~ .. .— - I do as we say. Our Pills are good sellers, and we are anxious to introduce them '■ to-'every home, no I I matter what it costs us. Send at ouce. Don't delay, it cost* v o u nothing to try. We take all ri'.k 1 ' ELECTITO. MjmCINB CO.; HB,, Ash stpeeCSydnoy " '!

M US If you wish to keep your __ ~~~ __ ___ Music clean and in order ; SEND IT TO THE , &*. "HeraldlL-asss. ' .-.* -.... VwOri\S y - who make a specialty , of Binding Music of all kinds in cloth and leather, (limp and durable).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13235, 21 July 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13235, 21 July 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13235, 21 July 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)