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k .■ .■'■ •' '.' " • ' '. ' '■ '"' .'"'*'' ,1, " : Medical. ';/: -.'"' ■■■'•■ ; - ''■ .-■.. - i ' ' MN-A- jl_a,____»_.j_. .a, jljl a a Ms Iv& HFi a I VjSA 11 *|| y°llWk I 8 Ra *& *<ff if , Jl. '.ll *"1. * H , . ■•'. ' ■ "■"""" BfefffJll-Ll I|HM*Hif IB 8| | WIIJHtJB M B TIM UI®I kf 1 A.,._W_>_yi I ' 7^TT r^^ '^^ ::=^:= l 8 * APO 'I Electric Institute Gyar- ** * : ' „ =| Mfssbq 1 HllillTlli aPO t Electric Institute Guar- ► < UjHLL Hit yd Igs str* e ? c K^o 0 n nl E^ c i rte T Ins e ut^wn^ m „ and Hu^y streets.Perth: an * a Complete and ■ _ j£&f& IfiIQITIC I ** an siree " Ka!sr oorse - w -£ 5 LambtonQuay. Wellington, N.Z.; 23 la, Colombo r ► ' ■-'■'■'■■■ ■'■M'W? '''IMUI ! to Street, Christcliurch.N.2:., , I n j. fl '* r ';",.; On WHilfi-..: I Be S . fc<iln f«_**" whomitma,'^concernl that, they have opened a Permanent Cure in Every. ; >, 4 •■■ - : • I PERMANENT BRANCH IN AUCKLA?Tn uu * 1 ' 4 I «=»»* I and the CHIEF CONSULTING PHYSICIAN and the PMNCIPAL can QaSC theV Undertake Cures Craat6 COnfldence and 9 , be seen personally at our Naw Rooms, -. ; / , waoc .uicy >. ; * v 'Tmvo made oup businasa 18 '' BITV - CHAMBERS, 25S3XS ' Aliniff* filin '' i ===== ► : 4 .liu*«»vbyfavthaii'aiiyothcp 7 „1 , P 8 ' 31 and viot«n fc st..) HUUIILMJiI, ' T —~, _■ ■5 < *.£-•« advertising «*» Oth©l»-1 • And WIU be plea ** d *° vo :rfl particulars and Advice free m bona-fide A - ATnA n ~ rt ,_, Buffepopa are not ''. '' sufferers. ;.;..;.' IGtTo I KONG-NOW". <- ** €tiisappolnt®€iy for we never 1 Mea w^ Bkttr «?«dtheesihiiaratinc spirit of yasng manhood, men whose eyca 1 • > '% ' ff»i_lM ittsm mem tirnn wa ;*■ are dulled, whose bmns are muddled; *nd w*arv, aervous energy is er- _._. , _. .. I" ?Oml8» Rfaem wfiiui thnn We I * Ousted VAa dissipation, overwork, indiseniiovi. whose nsrvous energy is to 1 _.. bod V avenges its ewn fcs tktL S? 3T I lfauated «■»» di"ip*tioii, eveework, wceeeeb, or to S The bocJ V *veng©S its OWH "V 2«. •m. W« Slav® recently | »*_««'_ lays, -who have lost tlw sprightly enjoyient of life, who bave sleepier I neglect. .Do you know what . , aenaOTOStrated to lOgrlone? Of I «"ghto, dull, gloomy, despond«n» <iaj3i who havalostcounrge, ambition, and th« I „«.,„ fe.«-i„ *„««♦. a • *i . men th» truth of What we v g™*kTriyV? °* i £ en * in perfect manhood menwkohav* BLOOD ANI) SKIN 1 * ° y wants «* ►>' Claim, that OUr SneOialTreat- 1 TROUBLES, and diseases of * speciaLnatur*. ; Kyoa hare failed to derive any I ■ «» , «? r" 1 benefit from other treatments, aitd-We wasted befch time and money, we offer 1 Why rtowold before time? Why wither > m©2it Tor Men's Diseases .is yon a COMPLETE AND PERMANENT CUP.E which will NOT POST Yon I"? ? Whylet the of yooth shrink from your T ~3* contain to cure them asitj a penny unless cured if yo o db;'# p.t this a*iierind i' r is that th© sufferer eiVffaerOS i Sri-SS? m« "ite „ afc * MCe take adrantage"ofeur PRINCIPAL'S SPECIAL 1 «ye. the breath short and quick? Whythe bitter fc- " Mi«h m'lmlm«- «'_'j *-.»- ■ I:'VISIT TO AUCKLAND, and hare a personal interview Our Rcnint »m I life, the joyless life, with no bound in your»t«p, r our BOPVieeS and fohows our i o Den Monday TTJ ESDAV TOrawTv TOimv vi a « I brolten nerves, indistinct brains, heaty Hmta, L ' directions Ail thAt ri'e*»«S w«mto i« J* «•*« k• « ' - VVST ' from 1 aeonising backs, bad temper, wrecked digestion. : f UITBOHOnH. AM tftat O.eep I Wa.m. 1 p.m., iTO 5 p.m., and 7«» 8.30 p.m. ; WEDNESDAY. 10; a.m. to i afraid to S o into society, lack of force, the L fcnowledg'O, expert Skill, and 1 ■■"* ,m - » SUNDAY &y special appointment only. If you are living too far away I Titaiity iu your system nearly x thing ef the ■■ [ thopougfh seientifie ; office J ;-JJSSJ^^^^^^^^^^f^^^^ |ttV^±S^S^US!!. ; S: ? I- equipments can accomplish 8 w recelv « * and dwtanet statement of what we can do for yOM. .■ I suffers from ner.Tou weakness, lame back I i« „i™Tw^ j• w, iS 1 ' We never supply Mr Remedies for cases tlf oy cuwot core. We hate made J „__ kidneys, indigestion, coa«Mpati»». piles, f is now oemg' done fOP .These g, so thorough and complete a study of Diseases and Troubles of Men that failure is" I hlood and skin diseases, etc., consult us at once. L WhO eome tO us fOP the help J almost impossible. W« do not claim to perform but what we do claim n 1 HoWto obUla Manliness, Health snd Strength t t*l»y need* § tbafc our * mel cure oho mos* obstinate eases,rwhen all ether msans ML • § are the anguishing thoughts which run threugii f if — 11hi in■ .mwwi rTwiMin-n-rrrniMtimi ■ the minds of thousand* of hopeleae sufferer* I 1 . " rTTi"— Z I "■ '"'" «»■»»»««"«— dav hy day, who feel th»t there is no chance for &■ - _ <—-a A " Correspondence must bft addroisad to "THE CHIEF CO TIT TrNP i them without the intervention of a miracle. ■ I ' I HST ' A- ; famous-"man was onc« E :rtv';:.A :; ,^:j i: ;;^ ; v: ; --v ; - '. PHYBTCKN"or ! '-."'''' . • ".V ■ ~ '■''■ ".■."- /'; .;- ••• F IrW®* askod What his greatest loss § mm m■-« _, - . -I.!L ' ■ ! To those who are disheartened through having I in life had been. His reply! ''' IVlGSSrSii'' AIMII--Toßy' ' J J?* £*f% tried other treatments-patent medicines-or f was "the loss of opportunities." Lost I ™*^ ; &'®f *3° ■ °*^ B ' fH I fin I\J OSI W\_f,B who hare been deceived with the so-called ► • opportunities have shipwrecked thou- | ' ■"' "lOf City Chambera, Qlieetl St«. Auckland I Electric Belts. Ktc, and have become hopeless sands Of lives. Lost oppbrtunitt'ea» iMiamii of ever obtaining a cure, our New and Special ' - *.■ filled our lunatic asylums, workhouses, I ; I 1.. wammm I Treatments are an unquestionable boon. Oar l and hospitals. Lost opportunities hare I:i PLEASE NOTE THAT 1 Attn oimro ,nr : VISIT.U3.'If you are suffer-'. I R*«edi« permanently cure with .rapidity r ),.». »v. j«.™fcii „t 1 •li ■»» uai» 1 rs.tHO.fc MUlfc inns I Q!!R RHRFS fIRC ino- visit wrif« na W«...... S those maladies 1 which.depress the mind, rack .., _ been the downfall of mighty empires. J ; wun oUnEOnliC mgMsitoi write us. We cure 1 the nerwtw svstem and ultimately wreck the k I Opportunities, however s. small, whin Iw. _~»:,n- ; nv ,>A »11 >ii. I : , ■ wneti an otner means fail. A I life of the snfferur. All symptoms of disease . J '■i*ib, affect the lives of "evervone'ef ua J-''- speciauy .iutkb i- ais- g bEfilAin cuwxi man to us is the best of | and weakness vanish, and in their place is ► 4 TakVadvantage >■&ss%%£&s £355f who have teen I ~ V He telle others the pride and strength of Perfect 4 that oomes to you. Don't say " To- § f II >!•■•• Ifi r f>UBC uru I whosuflerand they come I s,tren « th - T ~ morrow will do," for, as the old pro- I f«t, Tt* .Si A P f „» eCei T V 1«;n ■ * fc ** UKt MEN I r and are cat «d also." We under- 1 That we 'stand preeminently at the head of >■ i verb says, *' To-morrow nftv*»r r-nnipe- I cau .v! us- :■ w " 1•■ uitsrnr IV take,to cure, and treat a man I onr profession is nr»ionpev a.->«e»rionrtdottVt; i. - h ».™w;. *t. f r'j- ?. comes, I cost you noting to consul* l WHERE hon*«fclv • «,i ?«». t I that we have' « l„n'i9r into the h 4 to-merrow ! .s the fools day." ' |„; we shall be glad to tell I „_.'"" • aWe ? '*£ r ® reaS^ " "'Sstories of life. an<J ~«imUwi into the f I «- 2*-' V i. .:, , : to, i>inklv whafc ran 1«* • I HT : rfFR5k PAH • ® l St!l1 ,9 rare ' I secrets ef Nature, is now acknowledged. ► An opportunity presents It- .■ you »canKiy .wnao can B umeno rjllt. _ OUR GUAKAMT<pk ,„ I BOlf to all BllfffiPlnrf •*,,»*» : done for you. ■ B • « ■_ « UA p« N ' | Our experience is life* >n(r, acd our record ia %. ■to dlv .iat/Vrlw, «*.««* tf f"??? Tf™ ~-nnfltri,,, *rif« I . plain and simple *' a complete 1 Australia: and New .': Jaud is a Kerios of f to-day take advantage of it, and visit If m cannot visit, write I y,- Mpwg; R cure'-'orvre refund every penny -|-trf™ph«, proved b? U ■•«. janrts of testimonials >, !An opportunity presents It- a full hittory of yourcase. |(I «l- Kl-Y-K ; you R ■ QUAKAMTiPer I roceiT * ed m , a ii ß p„t,. The young, middle- \ I «©lf to all SUfTeplnii m*m done for you. | ««! ™ "V A «AWTEE is I Our experience is life i >np, ari our record ia |> to dav. i»fc.,.3w. „*.«T«* ? 8 Tf«ere«nnnreisir writ* i plain and simple " acomplete 1 Australia"and New ? Jaad U a series of f to-day take advantage of ib, and yisifc If yov cannot visit, write | WF cure : 'orwfrefunrlevery penny I triumphs, proved by Uwismdi of testimonials or write us without delay. a full his: tory of your case g Wl-R!-»«.« I We , J f«•»/ ■ receiT ' ed f^om an j.,.,,,,,. xhc young, middle- f "' : " . and we V .11 give you our a HUTU I hw-sn«o'fJ,.,., ;. „,„„" j" It I aed anA old "J"* qtickly and permanently L All ffflsiMHTATiniin amnion bv return mah i ME TH 1 ? au ? V 1 * 1 " '? any doubt, i cured with our Special Treatments, that can- r ..ALL OOfISULTATJOMS : S SiliS in Sain I *.«*•.**,. I bufc .« m show we have g net fail unless the cue is twy-wd human aid L , • ZZZ.Z. '" " securely se.Mcd- in plain H DISEASE.'- B complete' confidence in our 'B Ner»e force, snerrr, wTJ.-b,w« power, when ■, K, r . * ' CJJPC ' envelope. | wiwvnut.. n remedies, cmo our | failic? or lost, are t-«toyc.-S by .>vr treatments. ; L ,■■ rTT t.' ttttV t, t■t. '▼' i T^r r r ,^T^,, 'T : TTiSry-TTTinnn r ■y' l -v- , 'y--^--^-^r-^^'-y-'Y' , 'T'' , • rH Al3 |\J Ih "' WL •■ El* 13/\ I\T/ I—l n ? f T F3l.^ — .-■ THfi FAMOUS REMEDY FOi!«2 , COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA "- : AMD ' CONSUMPTION,. ' HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. fi Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any for., of Bronchitis, Condi. Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or .•- e . x K n f- nCe . d % hl S ljvnd im *}« r >*te relief: and to those who are subject to Colds o,» fcl»> Chxi it is invaluable, as it effects- a Complete Cure. It is most CeSSionhiS fT-?4??r d « to the voice, : ad it neither allows , Cw ;h or Asthma to beeoine chronic, nor Consumption to. develop, ,^r ; W has never been known to exist where Coughs" have been piopsrly ireated with tbti me-JieU". No house should be without it, as, taken at the » dose is generally?sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. : ! .;;? • o» uu lw . . : ~ v , .'.:-■: . . * '" -* " $3EFWAFS&- O/""-" nri//ift»jSJO'i remember that EVUtt ;/-ase has its COKMEKCEMENT. to : ,v\,<;: ;.;,;,., ;;-•->::';';;;;■•; c -"-" v»nr\k. *«» c,! ' . yyUf^l9i :Al , and ; .consumption IS NO EXCEPTION. to THIS rule. , .'-,'/■' with apS tJ.^wfe^J? 6 S re ? fc V to ™ a ™ to te .ufy to " Your Brcmcliitife Care' has a. p-eat repu- 1 "My wife is 32 ye*rs old, ' and ram 79. Soma for me It acts like Iti?' '' ' h« i, n * rveioll9 i. etf6cfc , J -0 ?! BrmfchiUtt Cure tation here, We eel).-, mate of it «I.»ii of any lam ,rlad to inform you that too Broanome lOr use. at acts like inano. , lit 1 0n i , crbffh " and u colds. I,hate. proved other s chest medicine we Block." ■"■■' * ,' chilis dure has done us both a wonderful Ifetiodlrt^i^^D^ia;.,■..'■?.: lt3 &$* mm Vw 'btvns V , -.•■■; ~.TOLU»N AND CO.. . deal of good, .having quickly-cured tn both." ■■■-•■"•Formerly of Oakleisrh Victoria ' ~i*. * \i iV* .' •'.•*•■ 'i „'■ < ; «j,- Wmdorah, via Oaar•.oviUe. Qurrenalawd. - • • , • It.- BAfc'SEIT, •■"-■■: --■,;■-• ..i.ormwiy 01 uaKieiga, victoua. e/o A. H. Massma and, Co:, ••',•;,;:■ :, r ~__..._ V .-. . I Strath Creek, via Broadford.Vistoria.-f " Your Bronchitis c«».._-tc.- Mrs. s,oh..i- ■ ' Australian J««™1 Office ' ."-.Bronchitis Gdr* is th« best : medt ■„_ : ; -i:i"':-:^i-'- ; - ; : b r^-^-:; _ .... son splendidly. Her cough is cone It eased , ■ ■-,-(, .■ lo "™l ■: erne I ha,ve ever taken ' D. WIIiIAJfS. " I have used one bottle of your Bronchitis her . ; - 'reoSv-widith P rP if Vmllv nn ( t»S «w •"■ Z- 1* . ; ... : ..r ■:>::■-. Hill-street. Lithgow N»W" -' Cure with great benefit to myself, *8 the or r of fbwath thma° ?%*s%s<,%?& ~~ smothering n iW completely left me." Say the Bronchitis Cute is wonderful. I did nienta "■ I can tlioroughi.v testify to the wonder- , (Mr "-> i^-.S&W^rf; not think she coJtd live until the morning. HearoiV .S£iol3 is and Asthma Cure Ihe ful «%acy of your Bronchitis in a con- . . : Glcnmaggie.,, Victoria. *SL"ft urprid f m « >' ra "y and '»now found ben^ftfc from the first bottle. and'tiuro ■B»m«tiv.w;sg; relieved ;me when .... ~, ~ • ." —~".._„. .7 ./ able to be out\of bedouco more." ;,' bottles. completely cured her This 4vS other prescriptions had ni> effect whatever." ."I have tried lots of intoUichie, bat yonn ■- S • • .A. M. WESTON. moPthe a^'^crls ■I.v:i-' & LEWIS, ; ; i» the best I ever had. lam recommending ."Thorite/' Wamuuabool, Victoria. ueV er hau °" ™t ta «mee "A 9 ORB ' Ximbolton. via Wellington; N.Z. it to everybody." -.-:,:; f S,; STEELE. , , _ .. .*~ : . ' ..; ... -■:::"■ Clonbinane. Sunday Creek." : „„ -" — . Yanko Siding, N.S.W. . Tour Bronchitis Care is a aplenUid mtdi- •■ Broadford, Victoria. y ° Bronchitis and Asthma Cure has ' —I — " cine. It •is the best medicine J, have ever - -..,,?>:.,» been more to me than. mon/«y can ever pay. " I suffered from Chronic Asthma and Jf«d for ' Oohghn. Colds 0 a lie Chest, and "The conch was 'inst t*>rrifip ; h-nt ™ P " I ' al « finite free from' Asthma now, and feel Bronchitis, for which I obtained -no relief Bore Throat." (Mrs.) JOHN MCKENZIE. Bronchitis Cure listed • anlmdidlr"V™ i very, grateful to yon." ISA S. TOSACH. until I tried your medicine, but I can traly yt •■ V/enna, Victoria. -*™"sincerely T C GREEN I * : " " lirginia-Btreet, lleelong. say that lam astonished at my. present -„ T « , i — .;■-"• '" / State School Rosebud via Dromana _- ~ , treedom, as a direct result of my brief trial. •"I suffered very, much 'from Asthma-for - ■ - Victoria;' Your Bronchitis Cure is all you describe it ' SB „ m J ?,?i!^ Hi^T^i^v l w Y « w four years, and "tried lots of en-culled cures, : ■""• '_ . to be."--Yours most respectfuillv. »evern Kiver, v.a inveren, jn.h.w,; without deriving any benefit: I got a ■ bottle, "itei tmlv eratoful tn v™ f m . m *» m .'>•':: >'P. J. JCCLELLANDJ • • ; - . ■■.'• —! —~ ~. .■ '.. •' of your Bionchitis Cure, No. la. last Friday, valuable medicine It is marVeliJw the good Red Jacket - vi * Walhalla, Victoria. "Last year T'suffered severely from Bronand a, bottle of your No. 0 Hfedicme, *or oh- ji did me ' "iSABEI P WIVSON • ■ ■■•■'■"■ .» ■■ ' . chitis, and the doctor, to whom I paid seven' aIA ™"wi» 0 9 *!% l T $ " Coanwood," Dru'mmond-street. v "1 have nsed your Bronchitis Cure myself, &T*ii di * " ot ii*? n^tf.™^™ o *.:™^^* dose of your No. 2 Medicine, I have not had 1. .-■:.•..■ Pniiarat vif.t«wi and have rerammwHii.rf it to nthnra «;m, heard 01 your Bronchitis Cure, and two the wheaaing at all." V. CAMERON, I . Ballarat. Victoria, ana iw;e reuommenclcd it to ' others, with bottles of it-made mo qnite well." ; "Leongatha." Biveradale Road, i „_ - Y i'"*'" ~ ,'u :■ \. r ',''-■';'• ■ ■ ■■■ -(S m'!j• HK'roi'Mftß •: ■' - 5. HOOD. ,' : ■■■■-•'.';'■,, Hr.svthorn, Melbourne. I '* »m glad to.teU you that I-have beer. , IJS * AJ -V J v ah " N n„„ii,U-; Brooklands, Avoca-street, South Yarra, ...'. ■■ ■ ■ -..v-,: . ;. ; quite free from.Bronchitis for the last two a utfnieracua., ti ! Melbourne. "An my purchases show, your remedies arc u^V* resnlfc of ' ; #^lUfi& r Bronchitis , / South Austria, j >-— . ' 7 ' Lifctl<J Durban, "Upon looking through onr books -we are 'iJS^-^'^l&S^^iS^ Sd ° Ut^hing* d you SU l tß vS ' ' ; M. South Africa. &sale\H# steady rapid the winter, and ha. now cured a friend of much enlarged sale and g-..r.:; prosperity;" ._. , ~ -~ _ .', . io4 BROS M Whole 1 mine of a very bad Bronchitis. _ _ JOJiN KING, v ■■ I have used your Bronchitis.' Cure, and aLY vow' vvnoiesaie urnggists, a. ALTiE^, ....,.._...,. ...v..,, Ghemist, Ballarat. i. am pl'eneiid to say that it is without doubt »y«ney, ..h.\>. . . , Oaone House, Lome, Victoria. ■ "•: ______ • * '~-• ' abtjolulelv the best medicine on the 'market' " --' ''-.■' "'■■.' ' "■ .■ '. v — ! —= — • - • • - «t *;„„_ „„-„-u-, n -,i „ _v-i.ii n **ir. „'- i «.»i- for oonghs and oolds." "The bottle of Bronchia's Cure I got, from "Kindly forward another bottle"..of your p-a«»%{h_. ""Li. tlvl' w5 A. E. ANDERSON, .fv-. von was magical h. 'is ,-r«cts'.-CFAS. WY- famous Bronchitis Cure without delay, as 1 sl?_i «_rf fe 'Z d + „ a 7 e .°"lf, *w t-™ " Telegraph Office. Frema.nle, BROW, Enoch's P01,.:, via Darli ngu rd. Vic- find it to be a most valuable medicine." - d ,3^- a * d am ' Slad to wnTrH# West Australia, toria." (Mrs.) J. SLATER./ cured. . . , *;v r «?' __■.-• -y--. ' ■ Warragnl. Victoria. ' 0 ,7° Mr ' D. M , c i- a '' - ■'■'■ «\r~ i in «i» am i wt« M ™i n f A«tbmi. l.v "I used your. Bronchitis Cure for tliree;!of ;.;.-■ —• Campcrdown; Victoria. : VM X husband was cuied Asthma by ;l uy family - Q „ d ft cured each of them in " We, the undersigned, have had occasion , ~ ;__ -• : your, Bronchitis Cuie. more montn., f,om one to three dsses.-P. F. -MULLIHS, to obtain Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and we ."I suffered from Asthma for about fifteen commenced & trWe it to son' Cowie ' B Creek. Victoria. '. •, - „ certify that it was perfectly and rapidly years: was that ill at times could scarcely ? „™ „W who 1 ?,« had n Lid «K(! — successful under circumstances which unwalk from one room to another: often had ~/„, S, ? i,™ „„ . ff i™, him aTw "Your Bronchitis Care relieved my son doubtedly prove its distinct healing power." to sit up in bed part of the night. Tried S«.« K, i« K?t« nlrMrt?" a wonderfully qniok I , only gave him four Signed hV, the Rev. JOHN SINCLAIR. Myersdoctors, patent medicines, and herbalists, uo - 6 "- l,lu m',, m T ■ WT«!ff*ttT "■ • ■■■• doses, and have some of the medicine yet: street, Geelong, and 59 other leading resiw:*.hont success; was" almost tired of trying ; •*.'•' w.™int S».i'.i.mi hut lam sending for another bottle in case dents. ' - anything, : when, one day. hearinc about , _____ wueensiana. T {, ottld want ._j). MCDONALD. Trinkey, "I was laid up for twelve months with your Bronchitis Cure. I decided to give it a ■■■■■ _,■•";.,..„ ■i'-'-r'', via Quirindi, N.5.W.".. " '~ •- Bronchitis, during which I tried many re-, trial. I used five bottles of your Bronchitis Your Broncrutis_ Cure is a, wonderful ~ . ■, niedies. without success. I used two bottles and Asthma Care, with the result that the medicine.—A. 8., -■ SIMMONS, J.F.. Ao. (, . "Having n;w>d vour Bronchitis Cute in mv of vonr Bronchitis Cure, and am now comdiracnltv.of breathing and distressing cough Kenny-street, raddington, Sydney. „> family at different times for years past. I plotelv cured." : ; .TAMES vajd.-r-AMg. have all disappeared. I cannot speak too , „„ , wish to testifv to the relief always afforded Huntlv-street. Elsternwick, Melbourne. highly of. your valuable medicine; and I re- , "I am- very- pleased', with your Bronchitis bv it in colds on the chest, or auv com- "Yonr Bronchitis Cur* really acts 'ike commend it to all my friends." Cure. The result was marvellous. It eased plaint arising therefrom."—Your?. etc., . magic." (Mrs.) E. L. BYMES. ' ELIZA LANGTON. me right off at once.—G. SEYTBR, Bourke, . ' E. V. GODDAItD. Narracoorte Hotel. Narracoorte. ■ Wiseman's Perry, New South Wales. N.S.W." '~; „.; 19, Fitzgerald.street, South Yarra. Melbourne. South Australia.' HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE-Small Size, 2s. 6d. ;*g[e.'.Size 4s. 6d. ■ ''.;■'■ ■'. >, c Sold by Chemists and? Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor ■~ .W. . G. . HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONGj VICTORIA. ' ' , v FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDSESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. ; , , • New Zealand Branch Office— 11, First Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street, WELLINGTON. || SSSSBSSSSS3SS _______5_5_555__-__s-----855585f > if;-. ■''-...■■.■"■■'-..'"Baking Powder.:;,-.:.,- -_ ....-■ .r ; ,-,, ___M_l >]: . ' "'■.. , : .'.. v .;: -. DentalI; A Snake in the Grass. If & wvM^^^flS^S?^^ _f DENTAL B PARLORS Snake in the Grass. ;|' [kF^jS^Xm- ■DENTAL' PARLORS ■ 1 This may be figuratively applied to the Kochelle . ' ' ; J ■ I' VwSi' (J Vi<wi The Home Of • i ' ■■•"■•■ ■"- Salts which lurks in scones, bread, or pastry made ■a ■ . \ibwl*»-«!^i^^^^^^^^^^^s6^if» .. . »-. ~ , J with Cream of .Tartar or Tartaric'Acid Baking VL| ' . Y^^^^kW&^^l IVJOdePIU Oentastry. \ Powders. Snakes are dangerous, so is Rochelle | A I - . . "■'■■■"'. : — '■~ ,',.- Salts when taken continuously. ■It caused back- I. |~;■;; . f Why wear plates when you can get | I ache, stomach and other troubles. Stop dosing ~§r . : f 1 a whole'set of False Teeth, without !| yourself by using other troubles. that does- nob •"•l|»y| • | hwMd /T 1 !t_^^l^S»V ■'■ whole of the mouth Teeth covered ? I yourself by using a Baking Powder that does nob «i IT I i L '' e r0 ° i ' 10 mout '' l being covered ': m I produce this harmful drug ' " ,v j |*■ The latest discovery in-scientific II ■"'■■■// '_>-_'« ■■'•!,: BRAND II iliSJlV^f t —Do-von show an unsightly "* , MOA BRAND .. 1 ' ■ i « n «. ! '',- I Baking Powder j *--^^ Si^^^y^^> , ; _' Tt ■. • ~ • x!. r • ■';■■' I " ■■•'''■ overcome all yonr difficulties. ? : i is what-you want. ..It contains nothing that is not | 1 \!§l|il§f. l * ,^*Glliliil ■ i of benefit to the human frame. : | ' ~ I Although different in constituents, it is used j.; ( '■■' \ J .'• - Hours—9 to 5 p.m. Open every evening, like all other Baking Powders, save in one I * ffl IWisS • , _^*^l' j .'-.'.'• respect-the" dough must not be put into the I§> /^m^msmss^^^ass' , \ DR. RAYNER. y oven immediately after being mixed, i but I 1 ' ~* M n* l " j _ I-, must be allowed to stand for about teii' «11 / : "- '^& B '^^^ aßKm '' mmm ■■ ! TSS2E2E ■""■" ■■■■■■ ; ■■■■■« ■■■■■■■■■ir minutes : ~~ .■> : ! •I I ;;.'« \«»_s^ Si fi-°-° " **P" « J JiIiAMBU„ATOEh. ""~" • 1-1 t^^^^BS^^^^f < -"■''- ''_..;■'-' <- OLD MEDAL AWARD. ._ : : ' ' •' • --■ . -1.-I ■ ' -: «nesnslantl and Aock '■ • '■ ■ ' — ——— r- ——— — r^'., : B-''.H. >:'■.•'*,■:.•■• \^jj_"w*^</' ■ ■'. f .-land ■.Exhibitions;'.-Cash: ■;..'■:' ' •.'•'-■■'■•••,■■""':'.■'■■./•;'.'.-'■•.,.' '\\ :•:■■. ;,■•■■ .- : ' ■-'- "!..., I- m : i "'■'■^^■s-ff-* r : ■■■.. ■;'■;.:■■.• '.■■ - ; / •'"■••■'''''_sffln'-"'\ 'i 1 deferred Payments. 1 »m AIT CTfIPWC TM' TTMQ -lc and 1c «r1 1 I 'T - PEACOCK. Ophlhatmio Optician. 218 \ Liberal Discount alS Al ALL blUniiO, Iri IIIXO, IS. ana IS OCt. ,| i ~ X. QUEEN-STREET- (near Victoria-street). ' Uowd to wa *al»s a ' ' ■'" ■'■"If-'H ■' '.The Sight Tested '.by. most, improved methods ' rN j"uy« *- 1 —_. ■■! "'' i__-»_-l_i _ i__ _J : ' J m ' ■ m ' i Spectacles i accurately htted. 1 Artificial ' ; \ "#- ' ■/■ •■" : : ' ~~T~'- ,', i a—i imwiiiin ■_■_< m"■ Ryes or all colours in Stock. Nautical and * O-l-AKLES , : QMJTII, "■ _m_w_______________biw»ii»ini» l iiiMiwi-rm»iffT , Surreyors" Instrumeuts in Stock and Ke- V-/ O ■ ■'';'■'• ■-■ ■ ' : ',' :: " Willi I BllllllllillliMllllliilJlwMMaßßlßail ■■"»-"■ ' ' ]• AVCSXAKII ■■?■•■■■- •■....■'-,- i ■• y AL'CKLANB

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13187, 26 May 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13187, 26 May 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13187, 26 May 1906, Page 8 (Supplement)