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PRINCE ALBERT COLLEGE. 1 "" : ' . ] COMMERCIAL VALUE OF A LITERARY TRAINING. Toe annual distribution of prizes in connection with the Prince Albert College * took f place in tho college gymnasium yesterday afternoon, in tho presence of a large gathcr- * ing. The Rev. C. 11. Garland, chairman of ' ' tho board of governors, presided, and the * j prizes were presented by W. F. Massey, "l '' M.H.R. . Tho members of ' the . board of - \ governors and tho staff of the college were 3 | present, as well as a large number- of tho » : scholars and their parents and friends. An £ apology was received for the absence, owing , to illness, of Mr. T. Jackson, M.A., the retiring headmaster of the college. THE ANNUAL REPORT. The 11th annual report, which was read by Mr. Stuart Stephenson, MA. (acting headmaster), opened with an expression of regret at the retirement., owing to ill-health, f of Mr. T. Jackson, who has been headmasl , ter of tho college since its inception. Great j credit was due to Mr. Jackson for his scr- , '' vices to the college, and also to -Mrs. .Jackson \ ; for her constant interest in all that concern\j cd the domestic life of the institution. Tho school opened in February last with a roll ' ' of 110, and the year closed with 108, of whom i 16 were boarders. Particulars were given of i tho work of the school, which hud been '■ thoroughly satisfactory. In regard to sports, I the success of the college during the year ; had been only moderate, but better results i j were anticipated for the coming year, OSS' I pecially in cricket, for which the services of j a, professional coach would be, available. ' ! On the subject of commercial _ education J ! the report stated: —"This question is one that requires consideration. For success in ' business life I am confident that the sound , foundation of a primary school should lie 1 j supplemented by- a course of secondary education. The reports of the Mosely Commisi sion testify to the increasing recognition in America of the value of general literary training. It is not because the actual Latin or geometry learnt at college will prove of , immediate commercial value. Probably 'it will not, but in any system of education these are instruments for developing intelligence and accuracy, and those qualities are of growing commercial importance. Whether Latin should be retained is at least doubtful, > but I accept unhesitatingly the opinion of the experts on commercial education in America, in Germany, and in Great Britain, that if Latin is abandoned there must be substituted for it the discipline and training of some other foreign language. Let m:> add that my experience at. Home, in Australia, • and in Auckland convinces mo that the boy I who is kept from taking the full secondary i course seldom makes the progress even in j his restricted work that is made by those whoso faculties are quickened by the fuller curriculum." The Rev. W. Slado (secretary to the board of governors) referred to the general regret at tho illness, and consequent resignation as headmaster, of Mr. T. Jackson. He alluded to the past successes of the college, and said that these excellent results should bo a .stimulus to continued efforts in the future. (Applause.) REMARKS BY MR, MASSEY. Mr. Massey, in the course of a brief address, congratulated the college on its suci cess during the past 11 years. lie said, in comparison with the other cities ! of the colony, was particularly well oft' in ' i regard to educational establishments, and of all these institutions the Prince Albert College was probably the most' popular. (Hear, ■ hear.) Ho .contrasted tho excellent educa- ! tional advantages of the present day with the j limited facilities existing a-quarter of a ceni tury or more ago. The Parliament and public ] of the colony, ho said, wore particularly alive i to the importance of making provision for tho j education of the rising generation. This j was an age-of competition'betweon not only | individuals, but also communities and naj tions. Ho spoke of the attention given to j education in England, Germany, America, and Canada as an evidence oftho importance now attached to the subject. Knowledge was.power, and the nation which would come out on fop, in the struggle for national and commercial supremacy would be tho one possessing the people whoso intelligence and ability had been most developed by a good education. (Applause.) ADDRESS BY MR. LEWIS. *, <X - The Rev. J. J. Lewis, a member of the board of governors, delivered an address to the gathering, in which lie referred to the trend and the objects of modern education. The end aimed at, he said, was the training and disciplining of every faculty in order that it might, bo ready at any time to perform whatever duty was required of it. They should all be life-long students, and their education should be physical as well as mental, scientific as well as classical, and congenial as well as irksome. Touching on tho moral aspect, he spoke of th > important part, played by Christianity in the training of character, and said that this was kept in view by their college, ( Applause.) During the afternoon Mrs. Boult played a pianoforte selection, and a solo was "sung by Madame Chambers. On the motion of Mr. Thos. Allen (a member of the board of governors) a hearty vote of thanks was passed to all who had' taken part in the afternoon's procedings. Tho gathering terminated with the singing of "Dulco Domtim" by the pupils, and tho. giving' of the usual cheers. THE PRIZE LIST. The following is the prize list: — GIRLS' COLLEGE. Lower School.— I.: Muriel Frost 1, Ethel Doreo 2. Standard 1.: Lovell White 1, Aserath -Moore 2. Preparatory work: Jessie McGregor 1. Stella gasman 2. Form Prizes.—Form XI.: English, Amy Sibbaltl. Form III. : Mathematics, Neliio Paterson. Languages, Edna Smeeton. English, Minnie Forsdiek. Form IV.: Mathematics, Gladys Griffith. Languages, not awarded. English. Nora Buttle (11. M. G. Griffith). School Prizes.—'Scripture: Tressa Tompkins; honourable- mention, May Bond. Science: Dorothy Sprung. Reading: May i Vickerman 1, Dorothy Spcnce 2. Writing: ! Itosie Fatci-s-.m 1, Mary Sibba-ld 2. Drawing: Winnie Simon 1, Minnie Forsdiek 2. Improvement: Gladys Luxford 1, Tessie Galbraith 2; Nellie Deeble 3, Madeline Forbes 4. General ! excellence: Edith bitting 1. Eunice Boynton 2. , Examination: Myrtle Garlanl 1, May Vieker- ; man 2. Gymnastics: Tressa Tompkins. Dux Prizes.— B, Chrissio Skinner; 11. A, Mar.jt.rie Lusher; 111., Janet Orabb; IV.. Gladys Griffith; school, May Bond. BOYS' COLLEGE. . Form Prizes.—-lll.—English: Not awarded; honourable; mention, 11. Ilendrieksen. Languages: B. Maclean. Mathematics: E. A. Murray. IV. : , English: L. 11. Feudal!; honourable mention, 11. Townshend. Languages: 11. Townshend. Mathematics: G. It, ; Kent. V. and lower V.English: A. Lush; I honourable mention, F. Kingston!. Lan- | gauges: L. Buddie. Mathematics: H. Allen. i School Prizes.-—Scripture: W. Ruddock; ! honourable mention, F. Macky, G. It. Kent, K. E. Fordham. Heading: Not awarded. Writing: E. Carter. Drawing: E. A. Murray. Improvement: W. Cauglicy. F. Kingston!, G. Marechal, 11. Carter, J. L. Walker. Examination: 11. Ilendrieksen. Gymnastics: L. Huddle 1, H. Allen 2 (Professor Potter's medal). Dux Prizes.—lll.: It. E. Fordham. IV. : 11. B. Townsbeiul. Lower V.: F. Maeky. V.: 11. Allen. School: It. Brown. SPORTS PRIZES. Girls' tennis championship: Hazel McMa.ster. Football rimrcscntativo cap: It. Oardno. Inter-collegiate race, 100 yds: F. Bedford (Grammar School). Athletic sport* ' championship: M. Cauglicy 1. R. Canine 2. • THE LADIES' COLLEGE, ItEMUEEA. "AT HOME" AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. The Ladies' College, Remueni, waS (( tho scene of a very largo and fashionable ''At Home" and lawn party yesterday afternoon, in connection with the annual distribution of prizes won by the young ladies attending ! the. institution. The ideal weather, the picturesque, environment, the warmth of _ the welcome accorded to visitors by the principal (Mrs. Moore-Jones) and the members of her family made the function most enjoyable. The schoolroom was given over to an exhibition of the pupils' paintings, in oil I and vvatercolour, and also chalk drawings, I there being no less than 48 paintings' and 25 I chalk drawings, all admirably executed, un- ; dor the tuition of Miss Moore-Jones. In tho j : diningroom a very fine lot of fancy work | was on view. The proceedings opened with i j some pari; singing and physical drill on the j lawn by the young ladies. Here also the reading of the yearly report of the college ■ by Mrs. Moore- took place, and the ! presentation of prizes by the Rev.' W. Beat- j . ty, who gave an address eulogistic of the in- | ' stitution, and of the work and aims of the j I principal and staff. Following the distribu- ! ; tion of. prizes, a presentation of a handsome I ■ salad bowl was made to Mrs. Moore-Jones , ' by the pupils. Afternoon tea, ices, fruit i salads, and all manner of dainties were sub- | sequently handed round. Appended is the prize list: — ■ • Medallists for highest examination marks for tho year: Form I.E. gold, Isabelle Jenkins; Form lI.A, silver and gold, Mavis Clark; Form 11.8., silver, Freda Tucker. Scholarship: Eileen Schisehka. Form LB: English, Doris Tewsley; mathematics, E. Prater, ' !

Form I.: Theory of music, Nea, Tucker; painting (oils and water colours), Nea, Tucker; dressmaking, 'Nea, Tucker; French conversation, Freda Tucker. Form II.A: Hygiene, Nellie Hellaby; sewing, Nellie Hellaby; . French conversation, Emily Elisor; French grammar, Mavis Clark; English, Ella Finlayson; general improvement, Ruby Sellers; German, Isobel Clark; drawing and painting, i. (Jlaric. ■ '. Form II.B: Scripture, Freda Tucker: history. Flora Colbeck; English, Flora Colbeck; composition and biography, Iris Punlop; science, IrisDunlop; algebra, Bertha Cleave; drawing, C'U'ssio Macktow ; arithmetic and. French, Annie Court; music and painting, Francis Garner Jones; German, Lena Cleave. Form III: Highest yearly examination* marks. M. Pay ton: general knowledge, Muriel I'ayton; drawing and composition, Maggie Halt on; French, May Smith; French, Winnie-Smith; general improvement, Elsie Menzies; highest examination marks, Marjory Clark; French conversation, Hilda King-swell; recitation, Hilda Kings-well; biography and English, Freda Subritzky. Form IV.: Highest examination marks, May Swann; theory of music, May Swann; arithmetic, Myrtle Swann; French, Myrtle Swarm; drawing, Aye Aye Walker; drawing, Gladys Little.iohn; French, Zeua Bedtloes; French conversation, Flossie Abbott; Scripture. Flossie Abbott. Intermediate: Highest yearly examination marks, Emily King; Scripture, Vera Menzies; French, D. McFarlane; French and drawing, Doreen Walsh; composition, Doreen Walsh; reading. Olive Tighe; general improvement, Mav Buchanan: drawing, Jean McFarlane; writing, Elsa Walker. Form V.A: Highest examination marks. Eva Hennings: mode! drawing and painting, Eva Hennings; English. Phyllis Beddoes; sewing, Phyllis Bedtloes: French and geography, Iw Smith: arithmetic and geography, Alice King; drawing ami brush-work. Alice King. Form V.B: Highest yearly examination marks. Norma Moore-Jones; reading, writing, and composition. Gladys Court; English. Violet, Murrison; French conversation, Thorald Clerk; needlework, Momva Hellahy; great general improvement. Gladys Leicester. Chemistry of Cookery, Ella Finlayson: Sunday Scripture, Nea Tucker: carving, Emilv Ensor (by Miss Ayling): deportment, I«.ohcI" Clark: tidy rooms for vcar. lSea Tucker and E. Pee.kliain ; music. May Swann (bv Miss Moore-Jones). Form IV.: Highest yearly marks, May I Swann. , _ Intermediate: Highest yearly marks, O. Matriculation: Sybil Payton, Maud Norton.

KING EDWARD'S COLLEGE. The principal of Kins Edward's College (Mr. T. Harle Giles) reports the following results of the annual examinations: COMMERCIAL SIDE. Beading.— division: Madge Barron,' 1; C. Aiderson and V. Waite, 2; E. M. Lowe, 3. Boys' senior division: W. E. Clarke, 1; A. d. MacDoiuild, V. Cornaga, H. M. Jonnston, a; N. Kay, B. Brabant, J. McDonald, 3. Boys junior division: A. Geddes. 1; G. Jackimut, S. i. Byre, 11. Dell, 2; K. Cashmore, C. Nicholls, 3. Writing.—Girls' division: Agnes Nairn, 1; C. Aiderson, 41. Barron, 2; V. Waite, G. Armstrong. 3. Bows' senior division: V. Cornaga, 1; U." Brabant, A. Beid, 2; A. G. MaeDona.d, ii. M. Johnston. 3. Boys' junior division: A. decides, 1; is. I. Eyre, 0. Over, 2; B. A. Ca-rr, 3. Commercial Arithmetic.—dirks' division: E. M. Lowe. 0. Alderson, V. Waite, 1; A. Nairn. '2: G. Armstrong. 3. Boys' senior division: N. Kay. M. Robertson, 1; A. d. MacDonaid, W. K. Clarke, J. McDonald, 2: V. Comaga, 3. Boys' junior division: C. Nieholls, 1; S. I. Byre, -L. Kent, J. Patterson, 2; G. Jackman, 3. " ." . ~ ■~' .Mental Arithmetic.—Girls' division: L. M. Lowe, 1; 0. Aiderson, 2; V. Waite, 3. Boys senior division: A. G. Mac Donald, 1; V. Cornaga, 2; N. Kay, W. E. Clarke, 3. Boys' .minor division: A. Geddes, C. Nieliolls, 1; W". Walters, 2; A. Woollams, 3. Spelling.—Girls' division: V. Waite, 1; M. Barron, 2; G. Armstrong, 3. Boys' senior division: V. Cornaga, 1; A. G. MacDonaid, 2; W. li. Clarke, 5. Boys' junior division: A. Geddes. 1; G. Jackman, 2; 0. Nieholls, 3. Dictation.—Girls' division: V. Waite, 1; E. | M. Lowe, 2; G. Armstrong, 3. Boys' senior I division: V. Cornaga, 1; W. E. Clarke, 2: J. I McDonald, 3. Bovs' junior division: A. Woollams, 1; A. deddes, 2; S. I. Eyre, 3. English Grammar.—Girls' division: E. M. Lowe, 1; A. aim, 2; V. Waite, 3. Boys' senior division: 11. Brabant. 1; A. G. MacDonald, 2; V. Cornaga, M. Robertson, 3. Boys,' junior division: U. Kcat, 1; 8. 1. Eyre, 2: it. CTishmore, 3. Paraphrasing.—Girls' division: If. Barron, 1: G. Armstrong. 2; V. Waito, 3. Boys' senior division: W. E. Clarke, J. McDonald, 1; A. G. MacDonaid, 2; V. Comaga, A. Keid, 3 Boys' junior division: A. Woollams, 1; S. A. Carr, 2; K. Cashmore, 3. Composition.— division; A. Nairn, 1; V. Waite. 2; Ii if. Lowe. 3. Boys' senior division: V. Cornaga, 1; J. McDonald. 2; B. Brabant, 3. Boys' junior division: A. Geddes, 1: G. Jackman, 2; 8. 1. Eyre, S. A. Carr, 3. Book-keeping (Theory).—Girls" division: G. Armstrong. 1; V. Waite, E. M. Lowe. 2; 0. Alderson. A. Nairn. 3. Boys' senior division: V. Cornaga, A. G. Mac Donald, 1; W. E. Clarke, 2: H. M. Johnstone, H. Robertson, 3. Boys' junior division: G. Jackman, 1; J. Patersou, 2: C. Nieholls, 3. Book-keeping (Brae* ice).—Girls' division: E. M. Lowe. C. Alderson. V. Waite, A. Nairn. Vera Woods. G. Armstrong, 1, Boys' senior division: A. G. Mac Donald, 1; V. Cornaga. W. !•' Clarke. 2; 11. M. Johnstone, 3. Boys' junior division: ■ C. Nieholls. G. Jackman. S. I. Eyre. L. Keat, 1; W. Walters, 2; R. Cashmore, 3. Correspondence.—Girls' division: C. Aldersou and G. Armstrong. 1; E. M. Lowe, V. Waite, 2- A. Nairn, 3. Boys' senior division: V. Cormign, 1; W. K. Clarke. B. Brabant, 2; J. McDonald. A. G. Mar-Donald. 3. Boys' junior division: At. Geddes, Si Eyre, 1; C. Nieholls, 2; 11. Dell. 3 ... Commercial Routine.—Girls' division: V. Waite, 1; C. Aiderson, A. Nairn. 2; h. M. Lowe, 3. Boys' senior division: A. G. MacDonald, 1; V. Cornaga, 2; W. E. Clarke, B. Brabant, 3. Boys' junior division : A. Geddes, 1; IX. Oasbmore. 2: f .Nicholls. 3. Shorthand—Girls' division: M. Barron, 1; ■ G. Armstrong, 2: 0. Alderson. li M. Lowe. 3. I Boys' division: 11. M. Johnstone, 1; B. Brabant, 2; .1. McDonald, 3. 1 Typewriting.—Girls' division: Barron, 1; '■■ C. Alderson, '2; E. M. Lowe. A. Nairn, 3. Bovs' senior division: V. Cornaga, 1; W. .E. Clarke, 2: A. G. Mac Donald, 3. Boys' junior division: N. Kay, 1; J. McDonald, 2; D. S. Gatanaeh, 3. ...... Newspaper Lesson.— senior division: ; W. E. Clarke. 1; 11. M. Johnstone, 2: A. Cornaga, 3. Boys' junior division: A. Woollams, 1; S. A. Can-, 2: A. Geddes. 3. . Commercial Geography. senior division: V. Cornaga, 1: A. G. MacDonaid, 2; W. E. Clarke, 3. Boys' junior division: A. deddes, 1: C. Nicholls. 2; J. Pateraon, 3. Dux and Gold Medallist.— division: V. Waite. Silver medallist: E. M. Lowe Special prize for mental arithmetic, presented by Mr, John Clarke, and open to the whole college: Won by Miss E. M. Lowe. _ Dux and Gold Medallist. senior division: V. Cornaga. Silver medallist: A. G. Mac Donald. Dux and silver medallist, boys junior division: A. Geddes. Mr. Geo. 11. Scarso, 8.A.. headmaster of the examination side of the college, reports as follows:— classes, both day and evening, have been well and regularly attended during the year, and there hits been a long roll of correspondence pupils in the country districts. The classes are formed of candidates for the junior and senior Civil Service examinations, teachers' certificates, matriculation, medical preliminary, solicitors general knowledge, and scholarship examinations, and there is good reason to hope that the official -returns of examination results will show a large percentage of successful candidates from this college. . The subjects taken up during the year were:—Heading, writing, arithmetic, geography. English, grammar, English composition, English history, tench, Latin. Euclid, algebra, physiology, mechanics, and music. The results of the final examination at the college were as follows:—English: W. Jackson, 1; L. Palmer and E, Langley, 2; 11 Speight, 3. Arithmetic: M. Jackson and It. Langley, 1; S. Green, 2; L. Palmer, 3. Geography: L. Palmer, 1; M. Jackson. 2; R-. Langley and H. Lockwood, 3. History: L. Palmer and R. Langley, 1; 11. Lockwood, 2; H Spei"hl, 3. Writing: L. Palmer, 1; M. Jackson and 11. Langley, 2; L. Oldham, 3. Reading: 11. Speight, 1: L. Oldham and It. Laii'-'ey, 2; M. Jackson, 3. Physiology: M. Jackson, 1; 11. Lockwood, 2: 0. Lecky, 3. Mechanics: I). Benton, 1. French: L. Palmer, 1; 11. Speight. 2; M. Jackson, a. Latin: R. I.anglev. 1; 11. Speight. 2; L. Oldham and S. Green, 3. Music: S. Green. 1; L. Oldham and R. Langley. 2. General progress: L. Palmer, 1; B. Langley, M. Jackson, Allan Knight. 2; If. Lockwood. L. Oldham, H. Speight, S. Green, and D. Freeman, 3. For having gained the highest number of marks at the final examination, Master L. Palmer has been awarded the gold medal, and is dux of tho examination sido of the college, while to Miss Marion . Jackson has been awarded the silver medal. The following students at. the evening classes have received honourable mention for general progress, and their names stand as follows in order of merit:— O. Lecky. J. Donovan. J. i. Wilson. V Nicholson, J. Benton, A. Bennett, 11. J. Cook, W. McDonald, 11. Ball, N. Angus. College duties resume on Tuesday, January 23, 1906. DEVONPORT GIRLS' COLLEGE. Tho annual distribution of prizes of the Devonport Girls' College took place on Monday afternoon, in a marquee erected in the grounds. There was a largo attendance of parents and friends, the prizes being distributed by Mrs. John Burns. Alter the distribution of tho prizes strawberries and cream and afternoon tea were served on tho lawn. The following is the prize list: — Form English: G. Graham. Mathematics: K. Rogan. Botany: G. Graham. French: K. Rogan. Latin: K. Rogan. "tears work: M. Mac-tier. Leaving prizes: R. Momson, K. Regan, ■ Form IV.— English: B. Harty. Mathematics: R. Party. Latin: R. Harty. L. Bogan. French, IV. L. Rogan. Year's work: D. Holmden. It. Harty. r , Form lll—English: : D. Mactier. Mathematics: R. Blomlield. French, III.A: N. Renshaw. French, III.B: N. George. Years work: D. Cardno, D. Mactier, D. O'Neill, G. Tompkins. _ Form ll.—Class places: li Lambe. r.xam. marks: I. Cardno. French: M. Wyatt. Year work: I. Cardno, E. Lambe, Viv. Philson, D. Mackv. -• , _ Form Drawing: M. Davis, General Improvement: D. Creeth. Gymnastics: L. Corrv.- Writing: W. Re-nshaw. Special Prizes. — Needlework : A. St. Clair, M". Mactier. Extra- needlework prize: A. Adams. Needlework: N. St. Clair, R. Creeth. Drawing marks: M. Mactier. General improvement: Ii Davies. Music (junior pupils): D. O'Neill. Scripture: D. Mactier. Old girls (greatest percentage of marks at Christmas exam.): R. Harty. Theory of musio: ItQueree.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13054, 20 December 1905, Page 3

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DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES, New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13054, 20 December 1905, Page 3

DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES, New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13054, 20 December 1905, Page 3