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. v "■ .. ;. - . . : -• «•z . ■ l■■ ' ■ J.v..■ ' _ Medical. ■■■—.-• ' ■'' ".■- - - '•: - , HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR r COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA AMD CONSUMPTION, b HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. 1 - Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. "Sufferers from any form' of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of^ Breathing, Hoarseness, Pftinoß 1 Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate reljef; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete uui«. * c is atom , comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a, Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption, » tot op, ? i Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been,properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as taken at uU > Begum g, '.dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. • BEWARE OF" COUGHS! REMEMBER THAT R O NSUMPT^ON A IS 'NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS, Severe Cough-A Five Years' Case. , BRONCHITIS. 7 y —- ■'« ■ ——— ,1 A Commercial Traveller suffering intensely A bad case quickly and completely cut*ed Relieved sit once and completely cured Two Persons in New Zealandi Cured by Cured by Hearno's Bronchitis Cure. after other treatment had failed. by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. One Bottle of Hearne s Bronchitis Cure. Has since travelled much Mr. Hearne. *8? SZ7SS?ISi 0n « M l«en sulforinff f °=. t " - " without contracting a cold. Sir,— you please send me some medi- during that time cot treatment from differ- , ' < ~ „ r „ „ cine for the following illness:-A fortnight ent sources, but derived no benefit until I M Hoarn . Dear Sir—l hlLd . very bad " •Ur. WO. Hearne. ago I had Influenza, and it settled on the ÜBed your Bronchitis Care, which gave me «r. Hearae. Bir I nad »wy ran Dear Sir,—ln 1898,, I was for four years pre- lungs. I now have congestion of the lunp; relief at orlce , arid completely cured me. TjtJs' Ci?re mTiSbm-H? of fU vioulily in Queensland travelling representa- the doctor says so, but his treatment has lam delighted with it. It is a really won- ""h Cure, ™ aboutone-flaw dJ£ tive for a mercantile house. Having con- not done me any good My breathing is derful medicine; does good at once, and which cared my couebin two trouhted with traded a heavy cold, I placed myself under short, and I have a short cough Mid a can 't be licked.-Yours sincerely. y bad Touch who the moS a medical man, and used all kinds of cliem- frothy-white spit; mv sides are sore to the »W. ITBEMELLEN,1 T BEMELLEN, » »ad conga^lof• ainim luJf of monuoa. , SS&TSW Kit" «• '-/Si!?!' g£= surra a a.s. « b wsj!»'s. as s..r'.»x d 'r& '%,?%. "«»»-» *•»»• <*»• '£°\r Jrv S us% & . ' SMIS NSW'VOSSS s&sssrss «iu M*™. F * iM - 1 "° 7 CH^WOSTION''*"* to see me daily, and he advised me to try and oblige, M. J. BOXhLL, Cured bv Three Rnttle* Bomhav Auckland New Zealand. ». your Bronchitis Cure. I was about done for, Relieving Postmistress, Sorrento, Victoria. . Cured by Three Bottles. Bombay, AUcKiana. new £e»wa. could not eat,, or scarcely swallow; in fact. The treatment sent effected a complete „ r Anderson of Oik Park nharl,- ' ' — used to nearly suifooate a dozen times » rare, following letter testifies: ville ; Queensland, writes;-" After offering ' BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. •lay. suffering intensely. Guess of my'thank- Dear Sir,-ifany thanks for the medicine frem aethma for seventeen years, and having • of vMr W ßronrti r i'tiV Gnro A few to acta- I herewith enclose postal note in payment, been under a great many different treat- A sufferer for years. • ' ' 'ill v cured me I took another bottle away 1 am much obliged to yon for sending the ments withont benefit, l was indued to try from the city with me and pave part of it medicine so promptly. It haw done mo a Hearnes Medicine for Asthma. After taking Immediate relief and complete eup»:fcf to a lie irir at Smith nort "nd it also lot of good; in fact, I have quite recovered, three bott «>.of this medic I quite got rid Haarne's Bronchitis Cuwt to a iie"ufo llip balan a ana oMr ? . & M. J. BOXELL. of the asthma, and since then, "aS-i a havl nearne s Bronchitis Cum !r V 5r ( L ? . a e ** ™beginning: of 1883—fifteen years ago—l have Tr _ ~ h McMillan, Tweed River— three persons cured — . not had the slightest return of it. The modi- IfeHewne. r r M j in j nf . t - .by your valuable medicine. Although I have bronchitis. rinn rnrftd tua and I harp much nlea- Cear r »— l duty to ezpfOtf camped out and travelled about 10,000 miles BRONCHITIS. ' recommending it" ray gratitude first to you for your marvsft ...since my illness, I have not contracted a AVriting again two ™« later, he states;- i°» s Bronchitis and Asthma On re, next # to cold ginw.-I am, Sir. your best well-wisher. A FouPt een Months' Sufferer in "I am keeping very well. Never have the ? rfr „. Oheehire, Chemist, North Brigiwm. fc* THOS. BOSS, Queensland. slightest return of the asthma." haying so valuable a cure m stock. My wife. T,nb!i*a via Suva Fiii > yueensiana. " 15mn " ______________ being a sufferer foi years. I purchased oae Labasa, via aura, iijl. ' ~ bottle of your Bronchitis Cure. It tare to- —— Cough so distressingly bad could not get Gratitude and Appreciation. mediate relief, and, continuing it as dixeofc- : j any rest. : — Ed, it effected a complete enre. My wife and BRONCHITIS and AbrHMA. ■ Hundreds cured in their own circle. recommend it to all oar acquaintances who ' ' .Cured bv Hearne's Bronchitis Cure suffer with the same. You can use this let. \ A Queensland Resident cured by Hearne's The Scientific Australian Office, ter for publication if you wish.— Bitti Bronchitis Cure. " - After other treatment had failed. 169 - Qneen-streot. Melbourne. • cerly, Elster^ek^/ 1 — Dear M!r. lle.arne, —The silent workers are JilsternwicK, ViQKNCt^,. It made a new man of him. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,—l write to frequently the most, effective, and if there 1 » ... add my testimony to the wonderful effect of is anybody in Victoria who, dnrmg the last BRONCHITIS. No Shortness of Breath since.. your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for 14 f«w years, ha« been repfatei work - ' . / months with a terrible cough. It was so and singing the praises of Hearnss tiron A Sydriey resident Cured by HeaenA Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.-I bad Bron- ionßultod 11 to "no TW- SemM omethrerye^r a ago was Bronchitis Cure expresses appreciftttoo. 5 chilis several times since 1898 in Victoria, f mriw «.» f saw vonr medicine advertised < recommended to try your Bronchitis Cure j Western Australia, rend here, and had paid l nn - for a bottle which has taken the by Mr. Barham. acoountant, Collins-street. Mr. W. G. Hearne. j many pounds away in medicine; but when n ) ~j pan ~W l, v „' m i t f p «i a different and the effect that it had was so marked Dear Accept my testimony to th* T arrived in Cairns in 1990. from Western. Yni, maV toVnd on mv makinr your that he lias ever since been continually re- raccess of your Bronchitis Core. I wtia very ). Australia, I waa induced to try your Brpn- rll ,i r i known I have sent for commending it to others, ill last February in Melbourne, and was re--3 «chit-is Cure. I took five bottles, and it mad© I " iii ineniiun<e »•' "vA "in case it We are glad to add this our testimony commended by a friend to try yonr Bron--3 anew man of mo. I could afterwards run afl Mnm „ t „, v timo lam writine this, to the value of Hearne's most vaiuAble chrtis Cnre. After throe doses, I felt immile or climb up and down a vertical shaft „„ V„ m sure there are a irreat- many people Bronchitis Cure, which has eased the suffer- mense rebsf and the cough vanished befora > i without any fooling of shortness of breath. ' . .. . " that if thev knew the wonder- in*?? B of hundreds and hundreds of people tile first bottle wo« finished. Before leaving No medicine for Bronchitis that I have ever thi, rnedirine thev would send ev®n in our own circle of acquaintances. Melbourne I obtained three botUea of it, M ; tfik<sn nfforded me such fully/ " your j SSU it at V nriceYonrs faithfully Believe ns alwavs to be. wonld not liko to be without 80 wtsmlePi •• Bronchitis Cure.—Vours fatihfully, and procure it at <i V price Yours faitniuiiy. Believe m always to ful a medicine.-Yours faithfully. ) ■ Irv?nebank COr,LTNS Mine Manager, 'contractor, Torrens Oreek. J. I". Queensland. PHILLIPS. ORMONDE. AND'(JO. N. kit.Marttv. ' ' Irvinebank, via Cairns', North Jnensln-nd. Contractor, Torrens Oroek, North Queensland. PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, AND CO. Dailinghaim. ■' 0 HEARSE'S BRONCHITIS CUlFgE—Small Size, 2s. ©d.; Large Sizes 48. 3d. 1 Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, 1 W. 'G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELONG, VICTORIA.- 1 1 forwarded BY post to any address when not OBTAINABLE locally. ' - . * ! New Zealand Branch Office-No. 11, First Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street. WELLINGTON. • • ... i .

"I do not hesitate to say it is the best made pill in the kingdom."— G. F. Collier, in the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians o? London. |^k I gat FASVIED AS A FAMILY MEDICINE FOR A CENTURY. Invaluable to every Mother of a family. m J|

:' ' 1 : ■..•' ; *' ' - , J;.-. ■■■ \ |ff LIFE INSURANCE means keeping a Bottle o! \-- b| BONNINGTON'S Carrageen IRISH MOSS J in the medicine chest ready for instant use when required. Imitated, bat never fi ' ~ { equalled, this splendid remedy has saved hundreds of people from the dread con< a , f I'l sequences of a neglected, long-standing, cold, Bonnington'S is I' A sequences of neglected, long-standing cold, Bonnington'S is 'I j. A CERTAIN CURE, ji and that is what pushes its sales upwards and upwards, ! § : |jg> ■ THE PUBLIC KNOW I • b^T' . ■ ■ . -rt. - ; . J ■ _ .:, ' ; ;■. ■ . .. "... ... .v -iMM : |1 . ' ■ ■ ' : v 1 .>. t Wi ■■■■ - - • ' •■■■- ■ ■ . -■ ———

A WONDERFUL. DISCOVERY. bis is the age of research aiul experiment, when all nature, so to apeak, is ransacked by for the comfort and happiness of man. Science has y indeed made giant strides during the past century, "* and among the -by no means least important Y, discoveries in medicine comes that of 1-1 THERAPION. i This preparation is unquestionably one of the most u genuine and reliable Patent Medicines ever intro- y, duc<;d, and has, we understand, been used in the -•) • Continental Hospitals bv Ricord, Rostan, Jobert, M Alaisoniicuve, tlie well-known Chassaig- " nac, and indeed by all who.are regarded as autho- tJ ritics in such matters, including the celebrated H Lalleinand, and Roux, by whom it was* so me time _ since uniformly adopted, and that it is worthy the _j attention of those who require such a remedy we q think there is no doubt. From the time of Aristotle downwards, »a potent agent in the removal of q these diseases has (like the famed philosopher's Y, , stone) been the object of search of some hopeful, *3 generous minds and far beyond the mere power— if such could ever have been discovered—of trans- M muting till: baser metals into gold is surely thedis- W coveryof a remedy so potent as to replenish the fail- <ji ing energies of the confirmed roue in the one case, O and in the other so effectually, speedily and safely gj to expel from the system without the aid, or even " the knowledge, of a second party, the poisons of acquired or inherited disease in all their protean y-, forms as to leave no taint or trace behind. Such is pj THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY O > THERAPION g which may certainly rank with, ii not take prece- C dence of, many of the discoveriesof our day,about m which no little ostentation and noise have been made, and the extensive and ever-increasing demand that has been created for this medicine wher- fc"" ever introduced appears to prove that it is des- M tined to cast into oblivion all those questionable p remedies that were formerly the sole reliance of ~q medical men. Therapion may be obtained of the Q principal chemists and merchants throughout the M world.— Diamond Fields Advertiser, Patents BALDWIN 4 RAYWARD J. H. MACK'S, District rianc.ysr. OBTAIN . ' r^Trf^f ; -Patemtjl / f*QJ% " a TJOSJ (n all Countries of the World. Invontora* Qulde FREE on application. •' MEBCANTIIE CHAMBERS, QUEEN-3T., AUCKLAND HENRY HUGHES, REGISTERED PATENT AGENT (established 1083,) 4 TRADE MARKS g I registered and .Jp j\ reslstercd and -^1 LrS 111 \J B obtained ' W in all Countries tlironghout the World. , "Advlee to Inventors" free on application. : AUCKLAND OFFICE: 103. QUBKNSTRBKI; E. BROOKE-SMITH. Manager. I PARK & BASLEYI Registered Patent Agents, N.Z. G. W. BASLEY for 15 years Government Patent . *\ Officer at Auckland Designs, . yw Trade Marks, I L and Copyrights P applied for, obtained & In all countries, 1 Information and Handbook for Inventors obtainable at the UNIVERSAL PATENTS OFFICES Corner of QueeN St. & Vulcan Lane, Auckland,

1 NO CURE. NO PAY. I : . ti jinj. Not a penny down. Simply drop on a S /Tilpostcard with your name and address, and I*o 't 1 X IfflßifflSilS. forward at once one Of latest Impirored High - ®i Grade Electric Belts. You can use it three ' , 5 J? AffißWajy months, then pay us if cured, and the price will a on be half what others ask for their belts. • 4 f* | ' r ' If not cured you can return the Belt to us at i v ' fO&SSR'Oh^ k \ our expense, cud your word will decide. We H il V W^ui, mxr/ i\ ; are willing to trust you entirely, knowing that <Hp I fffihsu „ i»7/*V xSSSSB®IIf\ we bare the best and most perfect belt used to jw I /§ A/ ** nXsI ' 5 ! the Commonwealth to-day, and nine men in tea ■ if* » !s|§o®se§W ' ''Hat* x§ai| always pay when cured. ■■■■ J g i ll! * WE WILL TRUST YOU. I I if I #.^C®a*s'{. {st This modern Belt is the.most porfect and ■ \ Ti», ■ " \%\fflEgSSwlf W>j t ,. > kßy complete erer invented. It will cure all cases ■ *1 V% ''V of Rheumatism. Varicocele, Indigestion, Lam- BR , l " I T% b*go, Weak Back, Kidney, Liver and Stomach ■ * | j • o^, P' a ' nt • , We will send absolutely H I A beautifully illnstrated Medical Book which should be read by all weak men and women, if » This will lie sent free in r- plain wrapi-vr, all charges prepaid. It is free and can bo had toe the H | asking. Don't neglect this splendid opportunity to regain your health. |>H | • Wi-ito to-day. If . ■ | THE DR. AUSTIN IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT CO., I | 1 19a, PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. f . j < ''. • ■" ■ ■' im.«n- MM— i m« Cycles. I Merchandise- / 60 PAOB ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, /"\RANGE JR/TEAT. RANGE TITEATJI Wholesale Trices, Cycles, Motors, Accessories. 5,500 bet? UlrJb fc xj ■'■ JAjL Ifrpi wNw, and secondhand machines actually in stock. - « *> * 47 ££ Cycles from 30 , H.S.A. and Eadie's *' 11 X - machines. Never such bargains ' *-v; 1. > THE 1 THE ©arouaw a Cow, vreaton-s-Mare, England. KEWES 3) S Si _ — , NEWEST, : f FINES,i PIANOS. NO DEPOSIT. FSIANSriq «/ /we? S ~ HEALTH food ever INTRODUCED. p>Af\JUi3. Or A WEEK. Try One Packet. From All Grocers. — 1 „ S3, HIGH ST. Wholesale Only from the Agents, DIANOS. NO DEPOSIT • TTWTRICAN, t DOTED.; _ 28. HIGH ST, Jli JLi DIANOS. 6/- A WEEK. ' . ' ■ * . 28, HIGH ST. OiAIMOS" Bh~A WEEK. DIAIMOS. 28, DEPOSIT. mmmMmmm - " ' . PIANOS. NO DEPOSIT. • 2a, HIGH ST. _ . . \irM mHQ Qi' f. ji/j-r- —— POR live Yeard now people have been IpIANOS. 91- A WEEK. J- using SHASLAND'S moa beand EGG /' * 28. HIGH ST. PRESERVATIVE, and finding it all that is. .' DIANOS. NO DEPOSIT Claimed for it. It in without doubt the best). . • : . 28, HIGH ST Egg Preservative on the market. It i. cheap \ DIANOS til A. A WFFt/~T and easy 40 use. Obtainable everywhere, | I™' r v __ SEE THAT THE CORRECT NAffli >STV«»'' ■:*£s> 2tL HiQti §/ J[ THE LABEL. '

Something lew. A .Osygls and Group Medicine For Baby's Little Self. Anil one that is Absolutely Safe For the Youngest Infant. * \ Mothers will be pleased to learn that Hean's Baby Cough Sykup . is prepared for babies and y .. little children only. y It is the only cough medicina specially prepared for little children. All other •" ' cough medicines •lairn to be equally good for old age, middle age, youth and infant. Hean's Baby ..Cough Syrup is for babies and young children. Don't give your baby any cough medicine but Hean's, the original Baby Cough Syrup. Simple, • safe, nice tasting, and always effectual. Cuts the phlegm away at once. Stops short any attack of croup, whooping cough, or other dangerous cold. Give your baby from a few drops to a teaspoonful of Hean's Baby Cough Syrup, and notice the wanderfully quick relief. It cures. 1/6 per bottle at chemists and stores. " The genuine "Hean's" has 3 little children on each label. A new powder for dusting baby's tender skin — TALSIG TOILET POWDER. Antiseptic, soothing, sanitary, healing. Talsio Toilet Powder keeps -baby's skin sweet, clean, free from redness and roughness, and always in the most | healthful condition. No skin troubles i'oc"vaby where Ta'oic Toilet Powder ! is regularly used. ]/• per as dieniinfs nnil stores. . 60 | "young MEN. for valuable j ■ for valuable free boob concerning yourselves. You'll ble!<a the day. Posted free. J Paul Raymond, 430 Bonrlto St., Melbourne. 8 A SH& I E\C& The remedies you nevd in fSutiUft U'il EZiW* your own hands. Don't consult doctors or chemists. Book posted free, sealed It will teach you mora than all th« years you've lived. Write Paill Raymond. >v ££9JBoarke.££«. Melbourne -

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12991, 7 October 1905, Page 7 (Supplement)

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12991, 7 October 1905, Page 7 (Supplement)

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12991, 7 October 1905, Page 7 (Supplement)