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Medical. . „__™ : • iiin a nMor TOP nbARNbS BKOlNCnlllb cui<n, THE FAMOUS REMEDY F©R GOy©HS 5 BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA MiD CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OP ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Those who have tatai this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form pouchitis Cough THffipiilrv of ™g^ Hoarsencs3, Pain or Those who have taJsen thus medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any torn. ofßroncnite,^S?Ho asTeffec-ts u ("'onipklc Cure. It is most Soreness in the Chat, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Golds on the Chest t s " b „ or Consumption to develop, comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice and it neither allows a. Cough or Asthma to become mom i beginning, & Consumption has never been known to exist where •'Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be witnout n, dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. „„„ B «MfMPHT BE WARE OF COUGHS! ™ M ™ AI SKbSSSWi '» ffiS.« T i,«s *m. BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. Severe Cough-A Five Years' Case. BRONCHI \ Commercial intensely A bad case quickly an 7 completely cured Relieved at once and completely cured Two Persons in New^J d f«J g Cured by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. after other treatment had failed. by Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. One Bottle of Hearne - b. r- ■- "Dear Sir,— suffered from a, severe cold on One of them had been suffering for Twolvo Has since camped out and travelled much Mr. Heame, Onanist, Geelong;. Ie c j ieg t, with cough, for five years, and Months. without contracting a cold. Sir—Will you please send me some medi- during that time got treatment from differcine for the following illness:— fortnight on t> sources, but derived no benefit until I jr oavne Dear Sir,— had a very bad Mr. W. G. Hearne. *° l ad InAwonza, and it settled on the USBl i your Bronchitis Cure, which gave me u j,' ' L bought one 'bottle of your Bronl>Bar Sir,—ln \m, I was for four years pre- lungs. I now have congestion oi the lungs; re |i e f a once, and completely cured me. <<* 3 ' Clu . e md used about one-half of it, si.msly in Queensland travelling represent*- the doctor nays so, but his treatment has) tam deliffhted with it. It is a really won- whi( . u d , ny ooug i l in two or three day*. iiva for v. mercantile lioftee. Having con- not done me any good. My breathing is derful medicine; docs Rood at once, and ~ dau „ Jlkl . | \ v ] lo a d been troubled witn iMtwi iv Ueary cold, 1 pissed mysell' under snort, mid I have a short cough «.tid a can ' be licked.-Yourß wiicerely a bad couch for the past twelve montiii}. h medical num. and used ail kinds of cliom- frothy-white spit; my sides are sore to the 'W. TKEMIiLLbN,, t , • , |Jm mM M half of the medt" prescriptions witkout I was then touch, and painful. It hurts me. to lie down. Modewa-rre, Victoria, \* and it cured her also. I think your iuyhifj at Hayes' Terminus Hotel. Brisbane. 1. am very weak, and I perspire a. lot at — Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful remedy. 1:h8 nutnager'aid all possible .for me, for night, and my tody and lungs tool burn- Asthma-A Seventeen Years' Case. i have lived on my farm at Bombay for A-Mch I snail always feel grateful. Mr. ing. lam yetting worse. 1 feel worse to- *t 36 „ ()U are at liberty to use .Duncan Game, abb that time Mting-mana«er day. Please post the necessary medicine to J. Previous treatment Failed. 1 thin letter in any way you pleas.ix the New York Life Insurance Co., came Sorrento, and I will send you the money, evious nwnintHim JSmeotfllUy, CIIAS. W(., ZiON, io gee me daily, and. he advised mo to try ana police, . MJ. I.Ua^.L c d , Three Bottles. Bombay, Auckland, New Zealand. '. our Bronchitis Cure. I was about done tor, Relieving Postmistress, Sorrento, Victoria. , uuoa »y jsoiues. -old not cat, or scarcely swallow; in fact, 'the treatment sent effected a complete , r ,. a i o v J Aaiderßon of Oak Park, Chai'le,,,ed to nearly suffocate,:!, doKU times a onre, as the iollowmg letter testifies:- j£ mLme BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. lay. suffering intensely. Guess of my thank- «;_ '• '■« ' I ! e _l ltfa Ul „ nlts fo the mediotoe from asthma for seventeen yean, and havinff . uihieM when Mr. Ourne broau'bt mo a.bottle '£»•'}• ffi e uunM ioto ta TOymert 1 "" t ' il under a S t " ,any different treat- A sufferer for years. .your Bronchitis Cure. A lew doses actu- I neiewii.ii «i close liwm note in pa inent. , without benefit ]; was induced to try _______ ••iv in.. V tool- 'mother hott'e "Sf Tt lam much obliged to you ha sendinic the ' !e,U;, V Medicine .for ' Asthma After taklj. i Imme diat 9 relief and complete euro by ivtrU e W L° a t b lot of Wso .Prompt,, It «uite recovered. tins I B W Hearne>s mSSf C: 0 CC U e " iu a young bitl at Southport, and it also lot ol good, m fact, 1 Have quitv, letovt ed. id shj ~h (. ,Ui, Ui wllit . Sl wasthe Hearne s Bronchitis Cure. ■ wed her life. The balance 1 gave to Mr. 1. M. J. b'JX.UiL. 1,,,,,;,,,,.;,,,, ~(• hi'Ven years 'iro-I nave ~ , T Ali'Mlllaii. Tweed T three persons cured _ _, not had '_ ho ° sliffhWrot.iru of'it, The medi- M ft He arne. T r oa , ,_ ~n lv ~».,„., ,„ ~,,,,,,. by your valuable medicine. Although I have '• if ..."_ ... ~l ui r h , lv mllcn ~ip a Dear Sir,—i feel in duty bound to «i»u-« .. .mned out and travelled about 10,000 miles BRONCHITIS. . l " ftSSnHS^ 1 ' my Bfatitado first to you lor your marvel.inoe my illneu. si r. „„« -«*., _F„ __, , Sna , P „. „ »\L ' e< ;"! " 'V.' ™ ut« he states— I<m3 Bronchitis and Asthma Cure next to cold ,ta*-I am, Sir, your best well-isher, A FowU-n Su(ftpep ,„ „}■ «11 '1?™" havfttie IHUS. KUSj. Queensland. .lithtert return of the asthma/' bein< a sufferer foi years" 1 purchased L Labaaa, via Suva, l-iji. — botte of y()U1 . Bronoliitis Cure. It gave lui- ~ , . — Cough so distressingly bad could not get Gratitude and Appreciation. mediate relief, and, continuing it as directany rest ' ec| . '* effected a complete euro. My wile and BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. ,_ ' Hundreds cured in their own circle. [.recommend it to all our acquaintances who <- rnrnd hv Hflamifi's Bronchitis Cupa soffer wi{h ,he B;,,ule ' You °v'J '? thi!i ■ A Queensland Resident cured by Hnmi'l UUI6a y »« al _^_^ lonel "" s u ™ The Scientific Australian Office, ter for publication if you wish.-Vours bibBronchitis Cur*. After other treatment had failed. 169. Queen-street Melbourne. ■ cerly. Elstemwiok Victoria. —-4- t_ Dear Mr. Hearne,-The silent workers are b.stei nwicn, \ It made a now man of him. Mr. W. Q. Hearne. Dear Sir-I write to frequently the most, effect and it'there „„„, t - u „r,c. add mv testimony to the wonderful effect of w anybody m Victoria who, durii« the l<«t , BRONCHITIS. No Shortness ot Breath since. your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for 14 tew yearn, has been repe atcd woikint roi months with a terrible cough. It was so and Bringing the piaises of ueainos mon- a Sydney resident Cured by Hearne's Mr. W. G. Beanie. Dear Sir.-I had Bron- &^^ e "no ° This »lctln was Bronchitis Cure expresses appreciation. ,'Uitis several times since 1393 in Victoria Bl «^/ V( ~ eir 1( " [ker ise vernmmeiu'ud to try your Bronchitts Cure Western Australia, md fcere, and luwl paid ! : / ,( " n > f( ! r s *TJSS Xch i/'l'u !c bv Mr., accountant, Mr V. G..Hearne. many pounds away in medicine; but when ?™„£ M f \™ :„ U and I feel (I If re It and the effect that it had »»i » marked Dear Sir.- Accept my testimony to th« I arrived in Cairns in WOO, from Western °."' ll '* f . ™* ? I',™ lon n-f,,;^),,,,,- that he lias ever since been continually re- succew oi your Bronclutw Cure. 1 was very Australia, I was induced to try your Bron- ™ r "d«S mediciiS knom I' liave will ter commending it to others. ill last February in Melbourne, and was reel) Cure. I took five bottles, and it made "™ l< » U ~ '[•* , ZLne m • »it Wo arc glad to arid this our testimony commended by a fnend to try your Broni new man of me. I could afterwards run a «*»'» Jo ttj • to keep bj a," writing thi tto the value .of Heme's »Mt valuable ( , hitiy Cure After throe doses. I felt linmile or climb up and down a vertical shaft «"* '™' tllfre are a Lt? many peo le' Bronchitis Cure, which baa eased the suffer- inonee relief, and the cough vanished be.or:; without any feeling of shortness of breath, f" Z™ ™™ Sif H hiew iKX inOT of hundred-, and hundreds of people the.first bottle was unaflwl. Before leaving -~ medicine for Bronchitis that T have ever nt ™,™ tWs medicine he v wonMsend ««n in our own circle of acquaintances. . Melbourne I obtained three hollies of it . u, i-aken has afforded me such relief as your ™ ««* « * h ' B "J* »™« Your? fa fully Believe us ahvavs to be ? , would "9*. ,lko to be without so wonderSronshitis Cure.--Yo«rs fully, anfl procure it at any pnc«.vours la. wmuy, believe us always to oe fnl ft rae a ie ine.-Your» fwdifiiHy. , RICHARD COLLINS, Mine Manager, -'• *• Lml)| Yours most faitnrally. N. KJLMABITN, Irvinobank, via Cairns, North Jnensland. IContractor, Ton-ens Creek, North Queensland. PHILLIPS. ORMONDE, AND CO. Dftrlinffrtitrst, Sydney. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE-Small Size, .-2a. 6d.j Lai*g« Size 4s» 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, CHEMIST, GEELO.NG, VICTORIA.. FORWARDED BY POST TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. New Zealand Branch Office-No. 11( First Floor, Hume's Buildings, Willis Street. WELLINGTON. j ■ ■ i

, Medical, , . f =_ I Pqw \A/'hpn f*!iirpfl Si i rdV Vwiiwii vUBUUi ii I * ii 1 «P?SV. We want everybody suffering from Rheumatism, m \i . (f Lumbago, Dyspepsia, Varicocele, Nervousness, Weak $] | /S2*\ ■■( lH ! ,t '''U Back ' ' im '< "Kirfncy or Stomach 'I'roubles, or from any M a fsrfE*" '■•;; f'&'filw weaknesses of vital organs, to try our Latest Improved m » High Grade Kelt, Free. i 1 j*l wi r 000 free > 9 ' i Mmv wife l u , i ii&L « a a fifn<,''i A .V. .', U ?;\'V We have just completed our Medical Treatise, M § X&'J§\ ll?'M'' <»m " Electro. Therapy," a copy of which wo will send | i "'•'■n| /'.'■)",;.' '"V'MI free, prepaid, to all writing us. ft is invaluable to every M £ '■, - ' , - i"'/'-'"'i'n//*M weak man and woman. It is fully illustrated, and can be i 4 tS. •■■' ''•'-' : i,'':' / '-f i fj had for the asking. A postcard will do. Write for it § *| 5 -:" ;;: i ,;;'j|( ra' to-day. | 1 m%jl No Cure, No Pay. I « w ftfa 1 Sjj |{Jf Vffiaj We will cure von free if you will lot us, and if we fail i (is ,« V&JM it will cost you nothing. You can have our latest Im- K I m/ '-« proved licit on Trial Free. One does for eight persons. K '4 ffl\ M If you need treatment write to us, and we will send you || B U'b*^ 1 Eft this splendid new Kelt. Free on Trial. We want every i $ " Wltk man aml wo "-" to write us to-day- D°'»y 110 I H *%U longer, as wo can euro you free. 1 |s - - := >»«» = I |- — I I The Dr. Austin Improved Electric Belt Co* | I 19a, PRINCES STREET, DUNSDIW. -•"''" | I ms m?, cm gps m&^Xi^M I 1 EBBIBB9 I^^^S^lSl^M I ladies, <a omva f)«^^ J -'' ' || Watches (St. Chains, l^|%-i%>#l «nz rings W/$W m\m 1 Brooches, Curb Chain Bracoletn-FREE. «¥£_ »4 j£=j*s3 "j A Solid Gold Ladies' or Gent.'s Watch costs M I'uS WwW a fl^"\Wl3 S from ,£5 to .£lO. Don't throw your money M M (©J w/'if (1 away. W you want a watch that will equal [or W N*H&*aaSfl ~ S !» I time any solid gold watch made, scud us your M | Jr^^j" J* ' ji| S name and address at once, and we will send H | ff ia uv /fir* ill? you S boxes of our famous New Life Electine 01 {L. J '■W' If* «T" , }ti fIJ I Vegetable Pills to sell at i/- a box-a grand M\ A. WKIMm Is 4 IS remedy and cure for all impure and weak con- tkM TOW ,<#*% Wvri.*«# '/Z ;,f l W ditions of the blood, kidney and liver trouble, a W|A\ ////fl S cure for constipation and weak nervous disor- ir*4\ *1_ »!■&.)flS , ''/i ; i' 'k r $ ders, a lonic and a life builder, Our pills are JsW\\ gT%i W&iyW £-15l /■(•* '% 'vgenuiue, and are carefully manufactured from $TSXKVi 9 \?$F WfT'M '/A*]', A % the very best drugs. They are easy to sell. ffM&m&S- ,J -** " < '^/^:n'(. v^i3 I Send us your order at once, and we will send t / ]A ; ,/* l] you theß boxes, postage paid. When sokUou %m):®&iob>**^ ; I' send us our money, 8/-, and we will send you W^m-M^^^-^^^^k^^4 v; your prize. We are giving these watches and M£ f, p(WsMi »s* MM^'i 1. other pri/.es to quickly introduce our pills. mm^m^^mm^smkW^^ g 'land when you receive your premium we ask you to show it to your friends. 1 Ins is a grand M m tunity to get a fine Watch and Chain Free. Send us your name a.nd address ac once, \ov t| || take no risk. Electinc Medicine Co., Ash St., Sydney, N.ff.W. j| ; m — — 1 1 A Few Remarks from the Department of Public Health. | M Head Office, Wellington, N.Z., loth May, 1005. 11 m Gentlemen,—l liave to acknowledge receipt of your formulae of " Hlectiue Kidney Beaii.'JiS i "Hew Life Blood, Tonic and Nerve Pill," "Klecllne Little Liver Granules" and Wccime Cold | M nnd"Headache Tablets." lam glad to see that you arc not ashamed to put your formula: on foJ $ he outside oi each box. 1 have the honour to be, gentlemen, your obedient servant, ft i The lvlccttuc Medicine Co., Ash St., Sydney, N.S.W. Dr. J. W. MASON, Chief Health Officer. Printing Works. f^ALL and .inspect our Samples ot %/ :::= -"" — Ball Programmes Men'Uß Wisi«ivo' S | ■ "H-- « Wedding for printing 'above with H EMIeBTOGFiaI aod dispatch and in first-class M Fancy Cards style. —_ l''ot' Concerts, etc. "HERALD" W©b%s, AUCKLAND. Guns, Ammunition, etc. ] Local Industries. SHOOTING SEASON. |". "~^iT" . puns, pxiNS, g- *«#' x » pAETEIDGES, nAETKIDGBS. ; a\ti sswnrvprrffj uwmi 1 arTl?o, OP RVEIIY ' r I A PEACOCK, Ophthalmic Optician, 218 AND SHOOT %J^gfE Lo 0P LVLKi i ■'■• (near Vicl-oria-ylrcet). rnv pp-PATpq ; i'ii'i v\\ ix TUP, BEST I The Sight Tested by most improved methods bU.N J.vLIAJ.I.3 uaj.uuj.l-jj i.- and Sl)e( . tacl€a accurately fitted. Artificial '- 1 •*' ' ] (lyes of all colours in Stock. Nautical and />s2'V I Surveyors' Instruments in Stock and He|i| \, i paired. f <ff - ' U'£o ; pO-CAKTS AND PEEAMBULATORS ','..,r--' /.- ~'r --•"-. "'V- ! vj^ Ba *r>Sv GOLD MEDAL AWAED. W^ / 1 V % ; S| Queensland and AuckP* M « «# I / '<■'•.--! \ land Eriiibitiona. Cash / fe W 1 >, or deferred Payments. «••* l?'\TT r S v V ' I f\v - ?-r"'/I - Liberal Discount ally. .DVlI.l) i! Vr,*-' " [lowed to wholesale pOUMAKBII AND TMPORTKB, l| .': ,;. ,' | ''".vers. 286, Q mm A UOKIi * ND - v= )- ■' C ™ slim Price List Free on Application, '■^■t,VM:O&' / •^H^"^!^^ Telo»h6ue. No. 1230. 1 **«6-«< AUOta-AiSD.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12955, 26 August 1905, Page 8 (Supplement)

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12955, 26 August 1905, Page 8 (Supplement)

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12955, 26 August 1905, Page 8 (Supplement)