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New Zealand Herald Office, ,{•

Tuesday evening,' Thß aharemarket was quiet to-day. In investment lines, Parker-Lambs sold at 235, sellers closing at 255, with buyers at 22s 6d. In mining lines, Waiotahis were firm,felling at- 36s 6d, 36s 3d, and 36s 6d, "w/th late sellers at,37s and buyers at 365. Pride of Waihis sold at Is Id. Waihi Extondeds were firmer, and sold freely at 6/ 2d to 6s lOd to 6s 7d to 6s Bd, more being' offered at 6s Bd, with buyers at 6$ 6d. Waihi Standards were done at Bd. Waihi were looked for at £5 17s 6d, sellers £6. In other lines date prices ruled. The new month's trade has opened rather quietly. Shipments have been rather light lately, but the Tomoana is now due with a general cargo from London,/and fills up a few scarce lines. The Wanal/a is almost due with the usual shipment of produce from Bluff and other ports. -J? v.- om Maize lias been in better supply, thorn being 750 sacks for the Week, besides the 500 sacks on the Albatross. This was mostly new, and met a read;, sale in a bare market at 3s Id on the wharf for wholesale lines of new; prime old is worth a penny more On account of the risk: of the new maize sweating buyers are only taking for immediate requirements. . Heavier shipments are expected shortly, as a good many growers are nearly ready. _ The;Mangapapa is almost duo with a fair shipment. Potatoes are in full supply, and aro meeting a heavy sale on the basis of £8 delivered ex wharf. A good many arrived from Sydney, and aro turning out very well, being worth about the _ same as Southern. Soed varieties are selling well, including Up-to-Date, Early Rose, and Beauty of Hebron kidneys being rather neglected. Altogether the demand seems less than usual for this time of the year. There has been a fair demand for the sensational Northern Star at fancy prices, and /very few are left now. Seed oats are selling well, the chief demand being for Algerian, of which a good area will be put, down. This is bringing a heavy demand for bouedust and other manires. It is noticeable that there is now a brisk inquiry 1 for sulphate of potash and 1 other special manures, and apparently more attention is bctfig paid to the advisability of using manures,(in a purer and more soluble | form. Basic slag is also in demand for top- j dressing. ,'f Feed iata aro stead}? in the South, tlio local market, as usual, being hardly up to Southern value. _ The Wanaka is duo shortly with anofcher slrpment. There is a fair inquiry for white Tuscan wheat for seed.

All kinds of meal are in demand for pigfeeding at the high prices now ruling. Feed is so dear that farmers are not keen to buy pigs, and the latter have declined considerably. ; _ Blue Prussian peas are selling well. Onion's are very scarce, practically out. of the market, and any to be had can easily .fetch fancy prices. It is quite certain that all will be cleared up before the 'Frisco onions arrive.

Chaff is in good demand at £5 ex wharf and £5 5s ex store for Southern. There is a fair quantity of local chaff about, and as it is generally of good quality it commands the same price, as Canterbury. Other lots are held for rather high prices. Two lines in American dried fruits are soarce at, present, apricots being unprocurable in San Francisco when tho mail leftmid prunes having advanced considerably! Now apricots are expected to be low in ■price, but will not bo arriving for a couple of months.

' The departure o: the Niwaru for London this week, following so close on the AVakanui, which only left last Saturday, draws attention to the recognition of the growing importance of this port. There is now bo much freight offering for London that it is obviously worth while for a larger proportion of ocean steamers to make this their final port. The Tokomaru is announced to load about the 20th of this month, for London direct.

. The Countess of Ranfurly has arrived from tho Eastern Pacific with the usual cargo, and will shortly be loading for the same islands. The Taviuni is duo this peek. , .... With regard to the juto market wo are advised from Calcutta that , the position for forward is very much as it has been during the past fortnight, with the exception that buyers aro evincing some interest in tho position, and this lias resulted in mills withdrawing the cheap offers they were previously giving. At the close there is a steadiness da;-'the market which it is difficult to explain, haying regard to the facts that actual demand is in no way improved, and the prospects of the growing crop arc better than ever. Under the circumstances it would appear 'as if this steadiness is due mOre to a desire on the part of mills generally to save the market frdm falling to pieces than to any real improvement in the situation of things. The enormous shrinkage in the Indian demand, due to tho failure of the wheat and' linseed crops, more especially the latter, must have a much greater effect on the bag market than, is generally thought possible.

.AUCKLAND STOCK EXCHANGE. The following are Tuesday's closinir prices, lie business done being:Parker, Lamb, and Co., £1 3s; Waiotahi, £1 IGs 6d, £1 16s 3d; £1 IBs Gd; Pride of Y/aihi, Is Id; Waibi Extended, Gs 2d to ts lOd, to 6s 7d, to Gs 3d; Waihi Standard, Bd.

CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. CalU. Due. Extended, June 9 0 0 2 July ? ® e * Saxon, June 10 0 0 0} July 10 P, 11 Albumin, .Tune IS 0 0 1 July " . Mosowai. June 19 0 0 1 July 10 victoria, June 27 0 0 1 July 12 ' Dividends. Duo. link o/ Xe-.v Zealand ... Now. 6 Majesty's Arcade and Tlieav ~J °- (per annum) .. . 6 p.c. Now. £•«. and Kivei- Plate (per annum) V p.c. Now. '■ aiutnLi ' ... 0 10 July 12 STOCK AND PRODUCE. Sl! * SJIALi.XIi LOAN AlfD IIEnCANTIUS ADEi'CX f OMi'.UiY , B, LIMITBD, BBPOE". .Horses: On Friday, at the Durham Yards, E*» w "-3 a largo entry, the demand foi sorts being good. Heavy draughts at from £27 5s to £39 15s; medium do., 7., , 53 to £33 los: hacks, £6 10s to £22; weeds, to .1.8 10s. Tax cart, £10 10s; bu?i'y. ( Ciittlu: At ih-i Newmarket Yards, on ■l ae *" " dairy and store stock were yarded Jn ,« era i"o numbers, arid sold at ruling uCre w;w a fall muster of beef, for which

fer ?M h ruled ' steer boef Belling up to 23s at from i* in + 13 J,. t0 21s " Fat o«n sold en ° m ,f • 103 to £lfl 15s; fat cows, £4 5s to do 1 I? ir ? co^ s - £4 5s t0 £7 15s ; empty The aiia mi p "5? 4^: 9 alves - 183 to £1 "a. last week was scarcely II P to filfwf £ he ,? ewmar j f6fc Yards were well rim™?/?- Tuesday, and met with a steady from f 'f® rat( f- Wethers sold at 6* ™ 1? !° n J 03 9d; ewa? - 17s 3tl to £1 76 Avit! iW S ' 9s^ d to 16s 6d - A draft of «> v, ethers fiom Manurewa averaged £1 9s

1 igs: Porkers sold at from £1 Is tn • weavers, 5s to 12s 6d; baconers, £2 5s to £3 live" Ua ? ?' e , held - a clearing sale of Pereip p.?i i stock on account of Mr. 8. tenfanVo 1 e ' Tllre was a large atrealised. a very satisfactory prices were hni *01? nppn l ' ll ? sale of live and dead stock hulm onOn?" 4 . ° fir - E ' B - LiUon - Ota. tendance imi ay i re was a lar^e at " farm horse' l ood pnces realised. The £7 1 r, I®*1®* made up to £34; cows, £4 5s to some of tOT* 11 ' •** . 10s: drill, £18, were some of i the prices realised. skint 3^i? 11 t t ?i d a lar ?s catalogue of hides, infill , t all ? w on Tuesday, all lines bem» sold under keen competition. We quote: 7,1? If <>*• i to 7gd; extra stout °- 63d to 'firf Vl o ''. 6id , c ,° 6 & d; medium do., Md J?,i ' f J;" 46(1 to 5Jd; cow, beat lines ™ + so c °, d 4 | d t0 4^d: I?i P- 4 * d to 43d; calf, od to 6d; do cut, 4|d to 43d; stags', 3d to 3?d; damaged, 2d to 4,1 d. cni i iee H 3kin ? : Market fl ™- A few picked sold at extreme prices. Good ' skins sold 6s , 6 <? to 8 s; medium, 4s 9d to 5s lOd; small, 3s 6d to 4s od; damaged, Is 9d to 2s

Tallow: Market firm. Best mixed up to fi/i tn i : ? S ?S '• / ? to 20s 6,1 ■ seconds, 16s ? t u '=> 5d , : ,., 11, , ' 13s to 158 °wt- Eongli iat, ija to IJd lb. t&ilsfls 6c^°dozeii. ail 3' 15 3d 10 18 6d; 00W Bones, £5. Wooh Crossbred, 7Jd ° BJ.fl; lambs', m ,¥ t0 6^d ; Jead, 53d to 7Jd; looks, 3Jd to 55d. nmv a t o i^ ln sh "ort supply - Old, 3e 2d and new as Id on wharf for wholesale lines. firm ..Rook's aro heavy, but market is -S is worth 2s Old c.i.t. Chaff: Worth £5 oil wharf. wharf Market vory firm at £8 on Butter: Market very firm. Best, iiui • second quality, 9.fd. ' 10Cl ' Cheese: Market has advanced. Prime factory is selling at 5Jd to aid. OIIAUPO STOCK SALE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile n« e 'w J .Company. Ltd.. Ilamilton, report- — 29 3 C i!!!f,f y and n ! urstia y- June 28 and 29, we held our annual sale of dairy stock at Oh au po Yards, and report a most sucr>essiul sale, having offered during the two da over 600 cows and heifers. There was a Se &' ! }uyers from Matamata and \\ aikato districts and with the exception of a few pens of backward Jjeifers, and some aged inferior cows, all were sold at the hnm! met; or before leaving the yards. Keen competition existed throughout for good sound cows and well-grown heifers due to calve "n August or earlv in September., The best cows realised from £8 to £10 2s 6d (a large number from Mr. Bryant, Mr. ,T. McCami and others, from £7 10a to £9 15s) oho ce heifers from Mr. P. C. German.! and others! £6 03 to £7 7s 6d: good voung cows, forward in calf, £5 15s to £7; aged cows M to £6 105; backward heifers, £4 15s to JEQlOsculled cows, £2 10s to £4; milk cans, 18s to ,€1 8; ™ llk ; waSffO", £11; harness, £3; sprincart, £9; harness horse, £6 ss.

?:i Sellers. Buyers. BANKS- £ a. d. £ 8. d. National — C 14 0 INSURANCE— 'New Zealand 4 18 G 4 17 0 • South British ... ... 4 14 0 — Standard 0 16 G — FINANCIAL-' N.Z. and Hirer Plat* ...II# 16 D COAL- , Northern Coal, Limited, 7s M paid.. ■ _ 0 9 3 • Taupiri Minei, Limited ... 0 19 6 0 19 0 . Westport — G 17 0 • Ngunguni • . _ ' . 0 9 G Brnry ... • 0 15 0 — OAS- • Thame. ' ... 1 14 0 1 12 0 _ ei!twn<! . ._ ... ... 1 17 0 1 1G 0 sniPPlNGNorthern Steam, paid up... 0 17 0 0 1G G • Northern Steam, coil. ... — ■ 0 7.8 Dcvanport StAsui Perry ... 1 13 G 1 12 0 TIMBER— Kauri, paid up ... ... — 0 13 9 Kauri, contributing ... 0 3 9 0 3 8 ; -Mitchelsori Co. ....... — 0 8 G Mountain IUmu, Ltd. ... 1 1 0 — Packer-Lamb, Limited ... 1 5 0 12 6 MISCELLANEOUS— D.S.C., Limited 0 11 0 0 10 4 N.Z. Portland Cement ... 1 5 0 13 0 N.Z. Paper Mill? 13 0 12 6 Tonson Oarlick, Limited ... 0 19 0 — Union Oil 110 10 0 Wiseman and Sons, pref. 0 19 0 — •.Wilson and Co., pref. ... 0 19 0 — 8»lbraith Iron and Steel, Limited ... ' —. 14 0 MINING— Kunnui 009 — Xiihniii-Caledotiian 0 2 2 0 1 10 ' Jl»y Queen Extended ... 0 0 7 — "few Eclipse... 0 1 3 0 0 9 . New May Queen 0 2 3 0 2 0 New Moanataiuri ... 0 2 1 0 19 New Vocowai 0 0 8 0 0 5JNew Una ... ... ... 0 0 7 — . Nov: Saxon 0 0 9 0 0 7 Old Alburnia ... , 0 1 G 0 12 Victoria . ... 0 0 lOi 0 0 10 Walotehi 1 17 0 1 1G 0 Ifoanataiari Extended, p.u. 0 0 G — »'o l uf.tniari Extended, con. 0 0 31 — Cro-vu .... 0 3 4 ' <hlden Belt, paid up ... 0 2 10 0 2 6 bolder, Belt. contributing 0 2 8 0 2 3 , Koasta Beefs 019 0 17 ' Pride of Waihi 0 12 Oil ; l'=»;rua Broken Bills .018 013 '•tslisrasn Consolidated ... 0 11 0 0 10 9 Waihi . GOO 5 17 6 Waihi Beach 0 0 8J 0 0 01 J'aiiii Consolidated ... 0 19 — Waihi Extended ... 0 6 8 0 6 6 Wfiihi South ... ... 0 0 3 *— Jt'lii Standard ...' ... 0 0 8i — Banker'i Hi'.l 0 1 0 0 0 7 5>«w#kl Froekald Oil — Sirica Treiaurt, paid •$ 0 1 3 9 8 11 0. A. Buttle, Chairman. H. P. Hudlestc-t, Secretary. 114 ?■» , July 4, 1905.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12910, 5 July 1905, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12910, 5 July 1905, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12910, 5 July 1905, Page 3