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Houses and Land. - SAMUEL VAILE & 80IS, - HOUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENTS.,' . VALUATORS OF REAL ESTATE, LAND AND HOUSE AUCTIONEERS, INVESTORS OF CAPITAL, '; '£* TRUSTEES UNDER WILLS, ETC., ■..-• ATTORNEYS FOR: RESIDES OE ABSENTEES. . _„„,„, ',? COLLECTORS OF RENTS AND INTEREST,, QK QUEEN-STREEl 1 . . .■'■ TELEPHONE NO. 134. " CABLE ADDBBS3, " FREEHOLD." AUCKLAND. BANKERS: BANK OF NEW* SOUTH WALES, "■ NOTE.-WE HAVE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING that we have opened a branch <: office in HAMILTON, and have appointed... --, MR. J. H. WRIGHT, so well and favourably known in the Pnkekoiie. llangero, and Wat kato districts, as our local agent. He will , ■"■ wait on any owners willing to place their pro* parties on our books, and v.ill personally conduct buyers to inspect properties free ol charge. . -■[■„'■ :■ - £9AA - VALUABLE GUM-BEARING : l £{){} LAND-59 Acres, handily situated and full of gum, which has been carefully, , l < preserved. Price, £200 Samuel Vaila :...' and Sons, 95, Queen-street. :.:■■■ 8306 A ~..;■ «n> A A A-PRETXY HOME AND FARM, close :? oWtIUU to' the sea; 35 acres, all fenced;, :L; 10 acres new grass, balance unimproved; --. level land and well watered. New house of 5 rooms,' with iron roof and verandah, all - ; : properly finished. Fronts main coach road, 10 chains from sea beach, and commands a- .■', lovely view; lh miles from township and wharf, and 20 from Auckland by steamer or coach.—Samuel : Vaile and Sons,. 95, Queen* street, ... [■: '. 8872 Pi K a—OTAHUHU—Fine Volcanic Section' &J.OU of 11 acres, all in. grass. Price, £150; one-third cash, balance 5 years at 5 per cent.—Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queenstreet.- ;,, 8275 p-t a a-PARTLY IMPROVED LAKESIDE 3wL4fcU SECTION of 104 acres"; half fenced, and about 5 acres cleared; plenty of rough' feed. The land is practically all plough- ' able, and some of it is rich black loam. Fronts a lake, about lour miles from a Waikato township and station.-Sstmuel Vaila arid Sons, 95,'Qiieen-streot. 6852 -PROFITABLE LITTLE BUSINESS ■ &iO ti> IN A PROSPEROUS TOWNSHIPNet returns, about £350 per annum. Large double-fronted Tobacconist's and Hairdresser's Shop, with billiard-room at rear, leases 3J years to run, at £26 per ailnutn (worth at least £78 per annum;. Price of goodwill, plant, and stand, about £375, according' tostock on hand.—Samuel Vailo and Sons, 95,. Queen-street.'. v ; .' 7985 fa OAF-FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM of dvOi/«J 35 Acres, all fenced in 4 subdivisions; about 16 acres grass; : 5 acres orchard, in good older "and full-bearing;! ' balanco heavy tea-tree; all plougha.ble; creek on one boundary. CONCRETE HOUSE of 8 room 3 and verandah. Stable, tropshed, cowshed, fowlhousp, etc. ' Beautiful', views oveq . <: the city, and harbour, ii miles from school,, 3 from station, etc, and . 13 from town.— •, Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. i' - ,6S '• :■;■,: ■ ; ' '-■'■■ ■ '■■:■• . 8825 :;.;.«. -fMOK-PEETTY .SEASIDE FARM of 69 dWtt£t) Acres, all fenced and half in, > grass; 6 acres good and well-assorted orchard, besides 1 acre vineyard; 18 acres heavy bush, - \ balance tea-tree. House of 8 rooms, with iron, roof, all in good order. Workshop, wash*:":' is house; pig paddocks, etc., The land slopes nicely to the North, and has a splendid front--.-; U*f age on two sides to one of our Northern Har-. .' hours. There are some rich alluvial flats,; •■'■', Two ; miles . from ■ township, wharf, etc.—* Samuel Vaile and Sous, 95, Queen-street. . "' ■■■■'' . !,.,'- ... -.:,, • ': ' ■ 8834;-];. :.;y:,i| -PI AAH3OARDINGHOUSE FURNITURE-*' -PI nn -BOAKD P fGIIOU3B FURNITURE-*' dW-LUU . The whole of the Furniture in art «j 8-roomed House, everything complete and • .'. nearly new. This is a Rare Chance for Board-inghouse-keepers, as the Furniture is a BARGAIN at the price—Samuel Vaile and Sons, - c--95, - Queen-street. . ; -. 8279 ~ .^f X»KAA-CHEAP IMPROVED FARM of 200 ' ' ov«JUU Acres, partly fenced, in 6 paddocks; 60 acres grass, ploughed and laid; 10 acres turnips; i. small orchard; :■, balance teatree and fern.. Permanent wafer. Good House of 4 rooms, with iron roof; Orion range, etc.; dairy and other outbuildings. ' i Two 'miles from post'.office, school, etc., and about six from Mercer station.—Samuel Vaile -r ''■'-■■£s% and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 1 '' 8750 *'• ;i? OCA-CHEAP LITTLE .; FARM of 248 acres; 100 acres fenced arid ; in rough grass; 5 or 6 acres ore-raid; 25 acre? bush and wattle, containing gliod fencing? timber; balance unimproved. NeurJy all' ■ploughable land; well watered. Small House of 4 rooms. Post office* and store, J-!- < mile; creamery and school, 2 miles; station, 7 Vailo : and Sons, 95, Queen-' | street. ' : .- : .•;:;.'; ",';.,■ ■.;->■ ; .'.'. > -:./■.; . 8790 ;; ; ;.;^J s .Q-i KA-VERY CHEAP 'SECTION' IN 'THE; cfeULOU : WAIiaTO-50 acres, all in fern and tea-tree; some fencing; permanent '' , water. Only -14 miles from creamery,'town- .i ship, ? and 'station.— -Vailn and Sons, 95, . Queen-street. , '. 8793 " 9 7 A-CHEAP SEASIDE . FARM. 16 miles 3*/Q JU. from town— acres:', 85 chains of fencing, enclosing 10 paddocks; 50 acres ■ grass; 2 acres crop; 1 acre orchard; balance bush and scrub; good creeks. '/.House. of 6 . '_ : rooms, with verandah on two fiides; wash-, " '"; house, dairy,, etc. One mile from post office and school and 16. miles from town by beau' tiful drive. ■ Very pretty situation, fronting ' : sheltered -water.—Samuel Vaile and ' Sons. 95* "; Queen-street. 8816 ' i?C 1 AS-FINE LEVEL VOLCANIC AL- /<, *D 1U LOTKENT, fronting Mount Eden Road 50ft by 110 ft. Splendid ; position. k Price,. £6 10s - per foot .; frontage.— "% Vailo/aiid Sons. 95, Qneen-streot. 8239 £9 A A-OAPITAL': OHAJJOE FOR SMALL X/OVV FARMEfi-40 Acres Good Level Land, fenced and in grass, except J acre orchard and 10 acres handsome bush; house of 5 rooms and verandah, with iron roof; - shed.- - FRONTS A TIDAL CREEK; 20 minutes' walk from township and wharf, and 20 miles .from _^ Auckland by good steamer service. This in a bargain.-SAMUEL .VAILE AND SONS, 95 ; r ' Queen-street. t " ' 7795 ' ' , v __ . ■ ■■ _- ':■ Jj i • POAA-235 ACRES. leas 3in perpetuity* ',; .": ; c&&\J\J at £3 3s 6d per annum; about 50 " : '<>,?< acres grass, balance heavy firewood biash, ex-* cept 30 acres fern. Good house of 4 rooms, . properly.;-; finished. Cowshed.'. etc.: .. 3 miles from township, in Cownandel district. Terms if deaired.-SAMUEL VAILS AND SONS. .95/; ~ : , ; ; v||j: Queen-street. ■ , 8788 . ,; AA-USEFUL FARM of 211 acres, partly fenced;'' about 180 acres .', grass; about 4 acres orchard, in lull bearing 30 acres' bush. All good land; abundance oS water. House of 7 rooms, with verandah, right; round. 'Substantial nhed. 60 by 14ft;i stable, sheep-dip, etc.; 4 miles from township! , > and port, and about 40 from Auckland by, Bplendid steamer service. Owner.; selling on account ; of old age.—Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street: .-i-' ■ 8770 PO PER ACRE WATTAKEEEI RANGESdjjj 147 Acres all in standing bush, and' fronting the main West Coast Road. Price, ■ 40a per Samuel Vaile ' and Sons, .95, V ■.■'. ■■/. -■■}'$, Queen-strcot. ; ~r.'.■; .8782 r .',,;. : MJ jpAAA-PLEASANT SUBURBAN HOME, UUU .close •to the Onebun trams; S good rooms, .bathroom and iscnliery, range, - gas, water, etc. Large Level Volcanic Allotment, ' 76ft by 156 ft, laid out in garden, etc. This is a very ' 'dosirabU property.—Samuel ," Vaile and Sons, 95, Queen-street. 8209 ■■'-t'M —. _ ; . ■-; -,:-;>{ rPLi.XiaLLERS AND OTHERS-140 Acres J. of rich swamp, facing the Waikato River, in a very convenient position. Ilia flax grown on this swa-rap is of exceptionally good quality, and sells from 10s to 14s per ton royalty. Price. £5 10s per acre. Terms: Half cash, balance in 5 years at 4£ per cent.— Samuel Vaile and Sons, 95, Quecn-st/reet. < \ ' • - 6813 ;; : .-.vy; ■ ■ : r— . t ' ij»i '- PSR FOOT, MOUNT EDEN-CHEAP ; X/l ALLOTMENT, just off the main road, 100 ft by 210 ft; . stone walls on three sidc«.— Samuel Yaile and Sons, 95, Qnjen-street. ' ■ , ■■-. -MV Y?QAA-WAIHI.-VERY CHEAP HOUSE ofi rfWOUU 6 rooms," with cellar .wash-house, etc. All nearly new and well finished; half, acre aid out in garden, etc. 1 Title: Miners* Samuel Vailo and Sons, 95,: Queen* street. • ~ 8169 4?K9K-C° iIF ORTABLE x.OIIE or EXCELXiO&O LENT INVE3TM;NT.-One storey House of 7 rooms, with new iron roof, Orion stove, gas, water, and sewer drainage, washhouse with copper boiler. Good Allotment, '40ft by: 115 ft; ;' fronting the Great North. Read, near to Karangahapa Road. Price, £525. Terms if desired. Lets at 37s per week. Wo can confidently rccommead this property to investors. It cannot *ie long before th« value will approximate iAat now held by. Karangahape Road. Land .Transfer Title.— Samuel Vailo and Sous, 95,' Queen-street. ' ■' . . . 7827 ; ' : ;-;j TVrOTE.—These are merely Specimens of a.' ' '% Ix few of the Smaller Properties we have -i'; for sale,-.. • OUR FULL CATALOGUE, „rj Containing detaileii descriptions of . J i A GREAT NUMBER OF TOWN AND COUN- ,J TRY PROPERTIES AND BUSINESSES OF - J EVERY KIND, ; ; -> May be had .;j GRATIS ON APPLICATION, ■' 'j Or forwarded to any Address on receipt of -.-I 2d postage. SAMUEL VAILE AND SONS, 1 AUCKLAND 'AND HAMILTON. Money to Lend on Freehold Security at I .;;; Lowest Current Rates. - '■-,;} m 0 , '- L\ ;. e T< ! [ "THE AVENUE," KAEANGABAPE ROAD- ':%M HOUSE, 13 rooms, and about. 2 acres gar. den. To be leased to approved tenant fofl ..{ a long or short term. ,:„,„„ nitfT HOWE-STREET-MODERN BRICK BESft ;} SIDENCE of 6 rooms and offices; every con« ■ venience. 20s per week. _ •,,„!_ -.-«■■ GRAFTON-SPLENDID RESIDENCE of 12 large rooms, with all conveniences, and i j ncra garden. ,„,.,...„ HOOJB. i ■ > 'STANLEY BAY-SEASIDE HOUSE, 7 rooms, ./ with 1 acre; gas, water, etc, fcs per week.. QU°EliS&fe Part for Business,- 3 . '; Q RoomsTon second floor; SP.uEJSTJID UQHT,' 53 per .•week, for either,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12909, 4 July 1905, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12909, 4 July 1905, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12909, 4 July 1905, Page 7