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Medical-' '__ _ j'. ■". __ _ ,'''.'. I ' _~ " ■"! ** I FFifTIP ...T0... % t/ #l? i ilk ih I I f tULSL WFAff riiLN 1 I" i i 1 I T p you are sufferias from any form of Functional or Nervous Disorders, H 1 I Goaoral Decline, Epilepsy, Tumors, Chronic 'Rheumatism, Stiff and Swollen j| 1 g Joints, Liver and Kidney Complain Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, | I 1 Asthma, and Chest affections, Skin Diseases, Paralysis, Varicocele, Constipa- 1 I I tlsn, Backache, Insomnia, Sciatica, Lumbago, or Pains or Aches, take our ad- ;jj I & vice, cut out the attached coupon, fill In your name and address in full and g 1 I post is to Ui3 to-day and wo will send you one of our Handsomely-Illustrated A I | Books. We also publish an album containing the photography and testi- | 1 | monlal letters from hundreds of cured patients. They describe and illua- A 1 Si trate Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt fully, showing how it is used in all J I £ cases of chronic affliction. ESPECIALLY IN THOSE AILMENTS THAT DO | £ $. THE MOST TO MAKE A MAN'S LIFE MISERABLE. They enumerate the i 3 I different chronic complaints and doacribe the method us«d for the cure of {j 1 I each. From them you learn how and why "Electricity is Life." As Dr. J I ; * McLaughlin's Electric Belt is AS GOOD FOR WOMEN as for men, we have a | | | special Book for Women. If you are weak or ill write to us ana we will J * ' II give yon a candid opinion as to your case, and if our belt will cure you we A 1 I will outline a plan that will not and cannot fail to produce the results yon |j 1 1 wish. Do not forget the coupon. 1 I PUT ftllT this COVPON. fill IN name DfIQT TO TP-P4Y fa I \fU I UUS AND ADDRESS IN FULL. AND fOo 1 US Iw'Wftl | !" If L-" ' : li sag m « n s I IB «# Li! n! i 111 ** LBCTRtC I fif «i II,! ::P i spl' — I f 1111WM '■ f?4 & i : : 1 8 *J SSH' iwxMiiiwmwowiMH* eg B} : X&Qit V Vi'lSl «Bl ••• • !w "' 01 tw*J ■—Inin<i*fc»ftiii«f*i.«it^nMiiwiii■!»win»*ww» |S 0* IfeMviA ■ frSiX 12 3? • *6' | mf*£i w«. i u.i.i>i. m » if | v' 4 -is'* o .— •« • :•' 1 &4I&S »••*■<• «»•.»■*»■»«*■« a «^'^Sl^w > y> : • £ i mm M urtk....<.>k« dn S ja ~-.■:••:--,,.-.-, ; siw 03.g : •s. I In r*n.Tiiri*T".'-'.^tr.rr?" ryr.s i i ►.* :m i I £l T»+ '"*"*x»«n»»i~»<»««i B cueKMT (MamtjoawiTiisotWßWWt ,?* 5S QKJ i ! * ; V- JiL " •S 5 5 S | j M i — "*2 ■ — _ ** w . | II AMD OBTAIN 008 VALUABLE BOOKS. I . j jf Every day new glories are heaped upon the Dr. P4cLauQhlln Efcc- | 3 M trie Belt. Its cures arc reported day Kftor day, and the people who >g j I are using it never get tired of praising it. Poople who arc cick and li I I weak are finding In it a new and certain way of regaining health. If I 1 1 you arc not a strong and healthy man, it will Invlgorato your system, | 1 1 and clvo new vim and life to your nervo and tiesuca. _■ 1 1 t= : J m Ms. ARTHURS. WHITE, of Papatawa, writes:— K !|| Mb. ARTHUR S. still continue to wear the Eelt, and have only missed wearing it three or | Pair Sir.—l still continue to wear the Belt, and have only missed wearing it three or M 1 ii four times. Since I commenced it has done my back a lot of good, it never aches now after a U I i hard day's work. On Saturday 1 was dating sheep all day, and I did not fee any pain in ft . I mv back at all when I left off work, although I was bending my buck ad the tin e. lust the H 3 1 same as shearing; the cheep. I never have any trouble in gouig to s.eep at night now, and K ,1 vi feel fresh in the mornings, and my headaches nave completely disappeared. t;j 1I ■ I l I We have sold Electric Belts for Twenty Years, and haw kept pace I I | with the times In making improvements. The Belt we offer to-day is I i a grand one;, no burning, no blistering current, a Fine Ragulator I j I and cushion electrodes, a current that feels like glowing warmth all g 3 li over your body. It is nice to wear, and quick to cure. If you have | 1 ! M another kind that does not satisfy you, wc will take It In trade. | If H Mr. CHAS. FLETCHER, of Hastwell, Mangamahae, writes:— fj, 1 ; M ear Sirs—ln answer to your inquiries as to bow your Electric Belt is working, lam 1 i Xt pleased to be able to say. that it is giving satisfaction in every way. lam fooling better In H J II health and my back is getting stronger every day. I think that anyone with a weak back, & i , S3 should give your Beit a trial, and Ido not think they will be disappointed. , fc : iI , i l I jDr. McLaughlin's Eteotro-Piastic Truss Cures Rupture | § I.; .m ', I 9 a CDC ST TCQT I' y° u are close anough to call, do bo, EJid let us de- » |I 1 ffi rOut » £.<> * • moasmite by a FREE TEST just what our Belt will S 1 ; 1| -~ r " — do. All Advice and Consultations are Free, bo don't i 1 ! || delay. Call or writ® for oae of our Books to-day ; to-morrow you may net bo | !'■ is weil enough. - fc 1 TUP nn Wa 8 HSBMB I%\ £4W> WiLL,s STREET » • i : |:1 m PR-i:|HjcUUInHLIN hm , - ; |: | — _—_--_-——— — ~ 3 The Physician'. i.Bfil ISI M 1 B ff fll D A 1 gl* " Core for Gout, I E?J I I* !P k 1 ""H ® Kheumatic Gout " a " J travel. i The UniVersM'"Remedy for Acidity of the •' ' '; Safest and most I Stomach. Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Gentle Medicine fox 1 Sour Eructations, iiilious Affections. Infants, Children, I . Delicate Females, 1 ~.. „ „_ ~ and the 1 f\ />>' i ~ ~'.,_;■;„_.., Sickness of 1 regnancy. I ■ • Wg sa &Jf %J £% IJ 1 (s^s^s^s^^msssm^s^^^mii^s^mssii^sssa MAGNESIA] % *mk;< , 3', , _ \ " { MAKES the SKIN , q9 keeps the skin J I 'as SOFT as #<o&*> ft A* GGOLAWO § I VELVET. v m ™ 8 1 PREVENTS 4 *X iJtih H9T WEATHER. I 1 tfie &-™fl3fif a jy ** and entirely removes @ ra Q'TTRris/ *fl AH Roughness, Redness, H *, «.» »..w F sdr * an » C' la » Irritation, &c. fa ra lit * BOTTLES, 1/- & 2/6.' la I Ul BOTTLES, 1/- & 2/6. j | MOSQUITOES. Sols Makers ; M, 6EETHAf»? & sow, cieltenlism, England, 8 (SJ®©^rS3S3Ssaea«Sa2SS!KKSßffi®SO€^SiaSC6iE2SfiJ^^ ' AGENTSi-SITATILAND A CO.. AUCKLAND. FKL'iOX. QEIMWADE, & CO.. WELLINGTON. m 1 j Pay When Cored I B| j&ZS&SSh*. y>c want everybody suffering from Rheumatism, 9 fi| - /K/' : '.;"',;?•• J.uinbaso, Dyspepsia, Varicocele, Nervoiisncs'?, Weak m uk fi'-' '*'* Back, l.iv."-, 'Kiiiijfy or Stomach Troubles, or from any |5 pa w, a S %}} W~-*>s-?4 wealtnesses of vital organs, to try our Latest Improved m K V'/r'fV' '••■'-::;/ Hi's;'' Ciraile iJi-li. Free. * |g S 4 : JSI 5 000 FREE 1 1 H m-dsftl '1 ll (n%s& M'\\'~ :■;".'.•;• >.".•>. >J ' Wo l!;lv " •i" st «oniplete<l our Jrc.lieal Treatise, i I «£#•', W-0f . '!TS\ "Electro Neuro Therapy," a, copy of which we will sen.l Es a ■*SaSs7| #/' " ' ■-•A'/';;! free, prepaid, to all writing us. It is invaluable to every 88 M I / J ,kp''J'W£//' >J ih. weak man and woman. It is fully illustrated, anil can bo li I LK r&M&fa&t had for the askittif. A po.stcard will do. fur it « I m>iS* W today " i I If N ® du^e 5 K© Pas/. I iif w*ia AVi - wi " ( ' iire y° u fn ' fj Si ' you Mi " ,et ~s ' !Ui ' l if we laii p W |5i W<« *" will cost you nothing. You can have our latest Ira- m *1 fi'J Wtt proved Belt on Trial Free. One does for eight persons. fta m - M -5 If ynu nefid treatment write to us, and m will send you 9 [H 'Iv* -n, y'.'l this splendid new Belt, free on Trial, We want every SB ,-i <it S3s w -'- : -'\ weak man and woman to write us to-day. Delay no M I " <i *rJ*:'.*4. longer, as We can euro you free. Ksj I -„= 1 i The Dr* Austin Improved Electric Belt Co, p II 19a, PRINCES STREET, DUWEDIPJ, || I i Fancy Cards. Christmas I New Year Cards Have now been opened for the Season at Inspect and Compare before Purchasing Elsewhere. iW 'W IT> J - Mo IVOR, I ' """" " • > —-"' - -''-'-'' ' „, n i FUNERAL BUIKCTOK AKD I m PEACOCK. Ophthalmic Optician, . 218. | KMBAI mf» 1 T. QUBIVIN-Sa'JtEKT, next A.M.P. Bvtildinga | fcMBALMEB | Tun hitrht Tested by most iiuiiri.vetl metftou. & riDiNaiviiiD c-,,,, , H , and sKotoolM accurately lilted. Art fiotaj | IABANGAhAPfc ROAD (next Newtoa 8 ! Eves of all colours in Stock. Nautical and H Port Office). Telephone, 689. D 1 RnrvATo.B' Tnatrnmmta in Stock ana lie- &;______ H paired *"»"•»" • i fmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmm

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12736, 13 December 1904, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12736, 13 December 1904, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12736, 13 December 1904, Page 2