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[ Wanted. ■" •11 WANTED— A good Man Cook.— '» . Alexandra Hotel, Chapel-street. m Tif/TANTED— Good Ironers at once.— l >l"i *»!• ply F. Nichols, Steam Laundry, ; NewS!iSl Plymouth. . vjM .TTfT ANTED—Second-hand Cash Register.— ■/•'■J iv. State price to " Greengrocer,'' mßa HERALD Office. ■";;-! —_ -—."Sf I WANTED— Furnished Room for Two Ladiea -~l| in business. — Address, "Moderate." tr ll HEEALD Office. ~ :-'-.--'S|Bpl .'T7i7''- I ' ; D— A Smart. Message. Boy.— ''il »» . G. T. Chapman, Bookseller and Sta- . :'|jl tioner, Queen-street, • ■ i^i: Spl|| WANTED— to Fall and Remove a. '1:1 vt. number of Pine Trees.— C. Sees- | ner, St. Stephen's Avenue. Parnell. " - 9 - S W'ANTED-Farm Ha.nds.2os; Milkers 15s; to '■"■■■■■; 1 20s; Farm Couples, 365; Generals, 15s— '.:',' 1 Heighton and Co.. 42. Queen-street; k '».|| — •-,; If WANTED-Three Strong Lads; wages, £1 ■■« 4 week.— 9 a.m., Paterson's Store, '■ t! Coburg-street {late. D.S.C. Stores). jf 1 , ; : WANTED— Smart Lad. to assist '-in Rifle I •»" Range, evenings only; references :'-h essential.—William H. Hazard, Queen-street, mi TTTANTED to Rent— House, with gar- ' i *»' den. paddock, and stabling, Furnished •. • or Unfurnished.—" A.5.8.," Bos 253, Anck- i|" land. ■..;■-.;•■■■';'.-■ ..,:..■ ~'■' ,■•,;.,- i-iiVi::f:«.S!fc(|fi|l WANTED— Smart, Lad- as office bov for I AVaihi Company's Office at Wailti.— t JL Apply Waihi Coy., Shortland-street, Auckland. . WANTED, for Remuera—Smart Girl ,i« I 1 General, small family; 'no washing; 1 near trams.— A. _. Foster, Shortland- .■ i street, /_;.■' ■.■•-■.. ../gill ."ITKTANTED to Purchase—Second-hand ! 1 T» nitnre for 4to 6 rooms; also, it, Rent, " j 4' or 5-roomed House.—Apply "Furnished." ii.^l HERALD Office. , /''-■'■'"li ,T7S7'ANTED— Situation for good All" Cook . ''' || '' (good references). Generals, L. Hclp?, : % ||i; Cook-Laundress. Housemaids wanted," urgent. " §'[ —Mrs. Arthur, Strand. j ; YfcT ANTED—Furnished House (small), at St. > f lj * v Heliers Bay or Takapuna, for a fort- §■! night in . January.— stating term--, iv I, 82, Herald Office. '- ■Ji WANTED by highly respectable Young ■ ! *t Woman, good laundress—in »y "-} l , l ] the day. in respectable, family —AfliLc-" '! 1 if] " Laundress." HEEALD Office. f " • |.| ___- . jf, WANTED— Two Furnished Rooms for 2 ' »» Ladies, bedroom and sittin/room; ."■ ij terms reasonable: near town. State terms. A -Apply "M.L..T.," HERALD Office. " -Ji I 'TKT ANTED at TE AROHA—A Furnished Cot- :'; VV- tagc of about 6 rooms for 14 days v |j from January Ist next.—Send particulars t-' . lii T. Miller, Victoria-street Aucklard. .-];^|i prarANTED—L. Helps, AY Cooks. General?, 1 'vV Housemaids. Waitresses, Girls, Farm ' ■.:«. Hands, 15s, 18s: 2nd Cook, 30s, Lad for » j — Mr-. Cl.rk, next Star Office. ' "ITSfANTED— Housekeeper. Cook-Laund -es, •- ft ' ii Nurse - Needlewoman. ..Hour cm ids; If Generals, no washing; ) Lady Helps,—Mrs. ~j| Bell's Registry, Symonds-street. Telephone, ,' 1 _, v.};'. WANTED— Certificated Engineer to join ad- •% vertiser in working small steamer in j good home trade. Will be expected to have :|||; at least £200. — For particulars atml" 552. t. h> G.P.0.. Wellington, ' iTSTANTSD.-Mw. Lockley. H.M. Arcade, If tv wants—Housemaid. 15-. Kitclienm.iid. ; i i 10s. both Paeroa; Housemaid, 15-. Pantry- > : nuiid and assist tabic. 12-, (tit! for shop and , ■.. ; I table, 10s. all for Rotorua; Women Cook-. ;■ 15s. 20s. 255. 30s; Generals. 83 to 1-. 1 Wait-:- .j! ers for countrv mill ktchfi each; Fa.'an Hands and Milkeris, 15s, 20s; Yardciaa, i:i:s -, ,; 6d, country hotel. Illlijl WANTED— Good Flax Feeder, 9s day. 5 ''"'ilj good Scutchers, 8? day: 3 Flax Cnt-'V'tt ters. 6s to Ss ton; '.! Navvies. 7s day.'B hours: 2 Drainers, contract: Milkers and' Farm L Hands, for Taranaki 229.8(1; and 255, Thame?. 1 .'..,! Paeroa. Waerenga. *.;Pukekohe gee,!*,, ji Remuera, Helensvi'tle, and Kaukapakaw, ,17s • *.; Gd'tc 20-j: Married Couple. wife general, hi: — j; band useful; Yonpg Man. milk. drive, useful. ,f1 j 20s; Milker for Clevedon. pa-'?age paid, 17s'i'l 6d; Farm Hand for Bay of Plenty, passaso J paid, 20s;> Cook for private place. :>- ! ;.-_ ', 1 rals. 10s to 1?-: W. Cook: Young M:ui for [I kitchen. 12s; Nurse Girl for Rotorna. good ■ _ j; home; Waitresses. 13s; good Station Couple. j. £70. Wanted to Ticket for Dime-din or 1 Svditpy.— 'Registry, Exchange Lane. tfl Telephone 834. ■'Kl.'■-^ : -.■.•^'■:^r:■..^''-;;^.'Sv.!.^|flS?^^^^| ■- ■_-■„■••,; ~ ~ _ _ ™. isjg T ANTED to Pell—Ream;ln'. Buiiding Sec- .l 4 ..»,/;; tions at Stanley North Shore, otbiiitt ■" ii Calliope Dock. Terms casv.— Apply 10 :! Bros., Land Agents, No. 5, Insurance Buildings. ". ■ m. .•:: 4 WANTED to Buy-^LadieR 1 and Gentlotncn'a Aftll ■>T. New and Left off Clothing. • Waited on at their hornet ; Highest cash price given. : —Mrs. Laurence.■ Hobson's ■ Building,, Hobson- \,si street. : :■' If ANTED Known—A Large Quantity of -|f-]|| .-■»» New and Second-hand Furniture, etc., ■ I at lowest Prices.— J Gamticid. 228, Karanna- - 1 hape Road. . 'fi§ ! I • i TKT ANTED Known—The Little Tailor Shop ' ! | ",»t;-..' has a Splendid Selection of Patterns ■■ :'/M to-choose"from. Cent's own materials made : K"B Victoria-street East, near Part |'| ANTED .Known-.!. Lindsay. 67 and ■■'' '1 II :'*■»-. Victoria-street West, gives tV Highest f : -j! Price for ladies' and Gentlemen's T -,' ■'* "' | Clothing. Letters will receive prompt ft- :■;..:;:j tention. Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned and *4" J 1 Rftpair-jri by Experienced Tailor. "1.1 WANTE") Known—Renaii*=» of wf awfip«»i' v'l ■ : tion to.Harness. Sartflles. Collars, Bn^aJSrf^i Trunks. Leather Cases, with despatch by «s- \VM perienced workmen.— Wiseman and Sons. I Ltd.. Queen-street. . ",'""-■ IXTAKTED Known by Architects, 3«i!flers. 1 •VV- and Carpemers—That K.T. Co. -r v- !:; J cilled upon 1 . Doors and--Sashes;signiflsaitliSl||!|j|j the Kauri - Timber Compauv nr«nnfaetnrf<l ■ -' I them. Insist upon havina- K.T. Co. Joinery. | It is made from thoroughly seasoned Timber. " 'i \X7 ANTED Known—That we deliver Tan- v :Sffj ■-»».. ■ piri. Kiripaka, and Newcastle Coal. also Ki,j Firewood, to ,nt part, of the City or Suburbs ;:ffi|i at lowest Winstor.e, Ltd.. Queen-street," ;?! Custcm-st.cet. ?ymonrls-street, and Mount ■'.:! ;■ Eden ■ ■- H ;- > / l 'y| WANTED Known—That. D. Goldie is 1 pre- 1 ' .ill ..pared to sell all ; kinds of Building' and- r ;;;;)l other. Timber, including Hardwood Spoken, Si ii Felloes. Iron Bark, and Blue Gum Shafts. 'j. Blocks, Palings, and Shingles, at his Yarda.'vfji Albert-street (near, the Docks), at the Lowest ..:"..& Cash Prices. The limber, beinj? under cover. . a is better than thai purchased elsewhere • ,| ■\\r t a n :■ en KNOWN- ; 1 \Vi THE FR ED BROWN ~ ■ VENETIAN BLIND , 1 I ' Was Awarded '• ' ■'-' -JH .THE FIRST CERTIFICATE AND ONLY GOLD :J ' MEDAL U •.- AT THE AUCKLAND EXHIBITION. '11 They are .SuiK-rb. -■ ..Cheapest and Best. I Four Years' Guaranty*'with Everv .Blind. > "vs Factory: PONSONBY ROAD. ■ • ■"• ■ Telephone. 91<» V-| ■ , . , ~., s TX]- ANTED K N OWN.- -ii The T CLARK BOOT EMPORIUM, neai ]| Three Lamps. Ponsonby Road, buys on this . .;^ ; ,1 best possible terms by paying Prompt Cash, and coming in °!. - '■ , touch with the pro- ::':i*|| j ducers, thereby saving the intermediate pro- •. f fits and discounts. i 1 ;: 1 ; [j When requiring Medium .'«! Better Claims M* J , 1 J Footwear, remember excellent value is givias ,| at the T. CLARK BOOT EMPORIUM. - A Large Stock of Gent '.- -•..:. ■i A Choice Assortment Ladles' Strap Shoes. . j A Fine Selection Children's: Shoes and. San j dais, at the . I T* pLARK TJOOT pMI'OEIUM, - ±. \J •'.'' ...15 ■ -i'J ' Three Lamps, Ponsonby Road. > j f » - j : ™_ 11 1 r , •\S7" ANTED KNOW N. j' A. L. QMITH AND S OK& > A. Li. O O • DENTISTS, : HOBSON-STREET • , !| (opposite St. Matthew's New Chut'di), LV'V'ffl SUPPLY FULL UPPER OR LOWER &jn?3'lM FROM TWO ■GUINEAS. ' , -' ,M" I T t ■ i , if «| Up-to-date-.Work, with Latest Isnproyemcnts, \ and, most important of all, Good Fits guaranteed in all cases. Teeth Extracted without in,,. Pain. ■ . By Gas or "New Processes. ;f ALL EXTRACTIONS FREE WHEN I . REPLACED BY NEW TEETH. ill Business Hours, from 9to 5; Evening. 7to 3 j Trams '- stop opposite the Premises. ' '-'Ji — . ■ —rf i i JfeS WANTED : KNOWN THAT WE . BAVE y^-^ tV duced the PRICE or VHNE-L ti BLINDS. i ■.-,. :-'fv|| ■ -■: .Our," Improved '■ Machinery enable* V* - » - ly M supply the very best quality . , ><■ 2 J Y II :t ':6P PEE FOOT *"?' " "'\*,^l • QUALITY" GUARANTEJEDBLINDS. 6 by :3i *' <\]"~ i ' A.»Ji«« V"ore. - big girls ?aiid'|W for good boys ««« t> ' eC o Ins roan? -.ft littlo ffir>r ct«l *'-"«t- . ' I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12736, 13 December 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12736, 13 December 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12736, 13 December 1904, Page 1