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~* ■ —ri-|iiißij|j^7 Wanted. ■■"•■■■■"■■ ,Tr""'- "!■ '■ V' 1 """"'.",' I . ll " lll,l i ! l^ l^ !"""! '' ' ', : ' '_ "***,;:;■;■ : WANTED -A Young Respectable Girl at J^f L once.—Wyndlmm-atregt, Shop, Comt'T. rCt?AOT*fel>' immediatelT--Pirst-i::las» Idnol ' Nap'ter ''*'■' ° DeratorA M 3 y ■■■ 'Herald Office, 'WT'ANIBD-A Good Strong General ServanT. B on-stre;t' """ «' HleraLie !Dall:y ' ' id^ WANTED^^Good'Smi; two in family! ; ■■•JJ^i''^ Ap ? 1 7iMra- , Robert. New North ■" Bpaft, Rocky Nook. = WANTED-To Appreatico an Bn7r»tio~Ud "Fs.,"°y^ D Q^^^^fthing-Address, ■ gend'Uo.-. Blanch- ■ J:W field'sißegisfcry. Vulcan Lane. Good I Men, all kinds, waiting. u WANTED-Position 'as Clerk. Traveller,'op 'i any place of trusts-Mrs.: Clark/ Short- • land-Htreet. , Telephone, 93. -; -v.; ", ' ■ «u«iuWANTED— Section/ Devon port' preferred; TV easy:.terms.—Send- pnrticulars, etc., to 'Villa," care HERALD: Office. i.^; .■■■. WANTED—Housemaid. Nurses' j Home, Na- ■:, pier Hospital ■' 'Salary; £35 v Bs.—Apply,' Matron. References aired. , , WANTED/, by ' .Stroig Young Woioan—' ■T T„ Washing or ; i Cleaning ;•' by ; day.— Bell, ' Registry, Syr».onds«treet. ■' WANTED/— Situation ; 'i:or v sood Working .■-■' , *»' Housekeeper.: town preferred.—Apply, Mr3.:Lockley. Hig Majesty i3;Aroiade.; :;^ WANTED — Working; Jeweller, :-njusli be ■••'Tj* First-class Hand, abie to do settijns',— Address, " Jeweller," IDJSAIiD Office. WANTED - Intelligent YoUtili as Pai», .'/<■ Cadet, good home; irefereuces reauLred. : —Apply , ; by letter, ■" A,8.,*: Otahuhu. W"ANTED-SEiartßoy.'lE,yfta,t» of age (or » *Y over), for an Office. — Apply iu own band writing,: to " Q--T-," HfSRAKO Office. : '\7[/'AN , IED—House/:. 4* rooms, for cash cm- : ■ ■''' _w * ) f.tomer.'*;also Stationery Business.— : Blanchfleld and C'arbutt-, Vulcan Lane. T\?ANTED at Once, by Young Lady-Situa- : j; **?:.'.. tion/aa Help, light duties; :mustbe near; v ;;; Address. " Melba," j 'HßßAlili Office. . - ~Vi] 'ANTED—Traction F;i:.'ine Driver! May : i/Vi' : - ? aTO art interest in contract.—Apply. -. Traction " care of: B'arrijjon i arid' Gash., ANTED—Position on dairy farm by Re7** spectsibie Youßg' Man; couifortnbl* home; Waikato preferred:—Addiress, *' Clio." HERALD Office. ITS/ANTED to Buy-A Strong Pony for a : * J. light delivery cart.—Apply ;; before 10 a.m., .A. J. Graham, care of J. Everitt, Kara-i ; ngaJifyje Road. , WANTED— Employment, >. Balsur, married •- .».» man, aged. 25; bread/and lanall goods; town, or country.—Heighton ii»idCo., • Agents, 42, Queen-street. . .>' ,| TITANTED-t-Cooks, ■ Honsemaidsl, Laundress, ■ •■ TV Mother's Help., la*p ii&liijig, ■' Generals, 'i Oarchridge,—Mrs. Bell's Registry, flymondsstriiat. Telephone, 171)2. WANTED— Canvasser, ighod'address | references, new works nt cost; just landed. Charles Stuart end i3o„ W ,•-■>• ne's Sample Rooms, 38, Queerr-street. ■ "WJANTED—CapabIe "saltSmlm~nd ' Stock-.' » » ■ keeper, J:or hard-.-: ar» and engineers'' ' ' Apply.; iminsdiafe, ittittiag experience, etc> Niven and Co , Port A huriri. : • T7nANTED-A Held ■WkfterTSa first-clas* hIV;, dub in .Carter Club experience '■,"' ; essential.—Address Application, with, r copies 1 of /Credentials, - to Bos-170,' Christchurnli. ■ - "f/|7"ANTED. by Widow and Daughter— jo »* or Three Gentiernvn Boardess: good locality.; Terms ■■moderate.—AMrty, .Hxtt. C. . Browne. No. 11, Lincoln-slinwl;. ■ ( T7y.«.NTEr>-Yoniig, Bespbt^'Mii»^itoi*l6'?Wo-' ■ ■"■I mam, 'Working"HouSekecpiir for "Biash Gentleman on statio:iu able- to cook; make hatter.—Particulars, " OlEuusman.", HKIUJII) ■ : Office, ; ji_ ,'u2 . : ' s . -Tmw "P^-ANTED.—To Pareht#Comf % .•.■» j.:u for Boy just teftjschool, wages a;id % *f,P shajte'given,- Poultry Sftann. ■ Premium ire- ' ,quired.—Heighten and Co., Agtsnte. 42, Queen- t. ; F.tTfif'.t. ; 2„i__ % L^j-- -'.'.'. "WANTED—Honsekeepei',; Giubcrne; ' * 1 ■■ maid, assv.t, bar; W. Coolt, Nanfe??vMitfJ':::'. ried Couple. w;i housj.wo,:k, hublffl-na : garden,'>■■';'. etc. : W. Cooks; H'OUTO.;aaii3!i»..:Wail;re3ae(., Gene- / • i ralH, .'..mfy ile'ps: fifteful m&, VSt\., b.QUi; Vtivi - fa«i.--Mrs. CUs.rk. >>"-\\ • M'U\ • ?k'\ v " ; A.NTED. - Km? £*l£l«y£ ! ' ilia JftaJbiXy'ii ' ■- , / •: Arcade, want*—Good 1 Working Hc-UHe- ■/ keeper, 20 1, King , Conarers'; Women Codksj .: waitresses, -''joujit'sT! •■ Hiotiawnaia; - l!ss> iOoardinghodse, t<iwn; r, MarriedCoiuples; oere- ; rals,, all parts; Bs. to rl6s; ,3iady Helps, 81 1 and« Ws, no washing; two for North. Shore. ,'„ ', .. ■ \7t7ANTEE'-A Cook, 20a to £tss; YonthTsi*. _» .T•-.-. gist cook on steamer. to 40s monthUseful Farm : -Harad3it^d^|lfuto;«£or^eJ^ttM 4^ ?2s 6a; Youth, milk five cows, drive, and n«»- ■ 'ful, 12a 6d; CabinetmalMi?*s 'taprover, ■ 16s; .Farm Handii, no milking, .'3s ajidSOs; Marriija Couple,.wife general. truis?M.ud igarden, useful; Garndiggers, lor private WA. -- McLeod, Ex. change Lane. 'Pkoue, 884, " T^ANTED-^The Pnbiio to ask their Grocers ' »V and.Dairymen,'and neei thalt they.artj#V ; AJBI-C. and BELL Bra&ds of Butter. Guaran- ; teed TaraEaki Faotory.-rAUCKLANIIi BUTTER QO., 61, Shortland^ttaceet.l ———"• ■ .. ; THTANTED ;to Bay— and GentlefiWs I' »V - Mijiflts and Leffc-ofli Clothing. HJgliest i prine , iriven.—Mrs.;Brown. 62. Hobson-atreet. . :_—_»»—! ;_• . Tm';Buy--todiW. ; ah<!|]Gen«eim * V New and?;Left ; off:?aolhbig/^ Waited on at their homes HirhrErt .casln price given; -Mrs. Laurence, Hobsbu's Buildiueß, Hobsion)/..; street. .- ■. :■ ! K ■■■■■> '-': ■ '■•..,'■ .■•WANTED to Sel^-]Seauti?^l^^ldinl > •'' :■» » tions at Stanley. .North Phore, behind Calliope Dock. feTHrmg: easy.—Apply to Buttle Bros., Land Agents, No. 'J. Iwra ranee Build-; ' .ings- ," > -' .-!....< ' - ;.,. ' ANTED - Khown-The \ Tailor Shop' ' TV has a Splendid' Selection of Patterns . to: ohooes , frpm. ;:: Gent.'s ciwn ? mater mads Victoria-street Esist, near Park. ANTED' Known-J. Lindsay 67 and B. t T Victoria-street West, gives the Highest* Price for Ladies'' and Gentlemen's Iwrt-ofj; Clothing.' ''-"Letters ;wfill* receive prompt ' fttention. Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned and Repaired by Experienced Tailor. " >' •l^ANTED;.,!K'aown2.Ladjies'.' Geut.'s. Children's f Left-off and Mififll. Clothing ! Bought Letters attended to.~lxs. BotteriU, Welfe's'i'ey-gtrtet Bait, ops. Milne and' Ohovne, Tel. 1420 .-.: .;. . ; ■ . . ■ WANTED Known—rhat wu deliver Tau,»piri, Bay of Islands, and Newcastle Coal, also Firewood, to any part of the City ■ or Suburbs at lowest rat<«.—W. and G. Winstone,; Custom-street. ■ ■-. - " ; . : WANTED Known—Repairs of every degenp ' tion to Harness, .3aidles, Collars, Bags, Trunks, Leather Caws, with despatch, by experienced workmen.—J. Wiseman and Sons, Ltd.. Queen-street; WANTED Known by Architects,; Builders, *• and Carpenters-^That K.T. Co. stencilled npon Doors and Sashes signifies that the /Kauri Timber Company manufactured them..lnsist. upon having K.T. Co. Joinery. It is made from thoroughly seasoned Timber. TTnANTED Known—Tennis , Season, 1904— : s ' TT Racquets Restrung and Rvipaire* ■:/< promptly.— Wisemans and Sons, Ltd., Queenstreet, - I__:'_.'■_.:'.;:. WANTED Knovna-TJiat D. GoJdi© is pre- ■■.;. 11 pared to sell all kin of Building and ■,' o?ther Timber, including Hardwood Spokes.' Felloes, Iron 'Bark, and Bine Gum Shafts. ' Blocks, Palings, and Shinieler, at Ma Yawls, Albert-street (near tfce Docks), at the' Lowest Cash Prices. Tha timfcer, beitisr under eov«r. [is better than than purchased .elsewhera, ■; •" /. -KXT ANTED KNOWN, FOR' TEE BENEETI "** i ■ OF .PUBLIC', •I ' " That the ' • • ■ ORB IS THE:BEST COOKING RANGE Both for Cooking, Looks, Durability, and . Economy. • To be had at ' REUBEN NICHOLLS, • 426,; Qutten-street. _ _ AT HIS ORB RANGE DEPOT. ;\Xn ANTED , K -NO' W, N- . »»-« THE FRED - BROWN VENETIAN BLIND • Awarded - . I THE FIRST CERTIFICATE AND ONLY GOLD MEDAL 1 AT THE AUC£LjiN"D:EXB3BrraON. Thuy are Superb. Cheapest and Best' , Four Years':-Guarantee with Every'.-Blind;'-V: .''■.-// Factory: PONSONBY EOAD. ■■■<.- , Telephone, 914. W~~" ' -- ; A/ Kv'' T-i ii l^n^Ki N--f O K:W^I-. : tM A. L SMITH AND EONS. DENTISTS. Hohiou-street (opposite St. Matthew'* Church), Supply , UPPER: OR LOWER - SET' OF TEETH. £2 So. Teeth Extracted Without Pain by New Pro- . cess, 2s 6d? or by Qua, finBest Tseth and Materials audi Good Fit , '.. Guaranteed. , ______ ._——~ ■ ■——•' ■ r ANTED - KNOWN ■ THAT -WE ■■ HAVE' BEv/f M j. DUOTD THE PRICE OF : VENETLIJ? : BLINDS. . . ' ~ . Hv-jt Our Improved Machinery enable* JM to ; supply the vary best quality at ■ SV -f; ;•■ 6D PER FOOT NET. ;.■;;'. BLINDS, 6by 3, Ss; 6by34 Hi 6d. ' ..-. ':, ;: "•■,'■.'!:■■ -V.'-. : ; '-':■:://:".—' '. ',T?,j■'■ A*s#%'skm-'s)lM wfsSi QUAHTY GUA£A3CT«» ! '■ I. ■'■:.'.'■ ".'■■;■" •■ ■' /'.: ■/' ■':'; '■'; V'-;' ■/' ■/ '£/',"': ■""""""-""" """"■' -: •■ : - .':'j '& i\ K:/ f ipf i f!':, ivls i-; W J^ft^ ■ ■,' .:..-'': ■.-;.,.■■ !.'■.!■'■.■.'..: ■rO '■:-.■■ ■!'■■'■■:= - v.''' :.:.:-•■•.■ •.--:-:.;':- ;• •::<-.::: :V;y?+ '■■-■:' /'/-'-:-:/. :■/:■:' •■; >'■■-■ -' '■■. i• ' ■ *-• ' ■'■?-, : :---',:'- ;::-*:/£:;:/:'// S/IS^i-^;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12653, 6 September 1904, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12653, 6 September 1904, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 New Zealand Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 12653, 6 September 1904, Page 1